Download Word Definition 1 chordate the phylum of animals with a notochord

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the phylum of animals with a notochord, nerve cord, and slits in their throats at
1 chordate
some point in their lives
2 notochord
a flexible rod that supports a chordate's back
3 cartilaginous/cartilage a tissue that is more flexible than bone
4 vertebra/vertebrae
the bones that make up the backbone of an animal
body system responsible for protecting internal organs, providing support for the
organism, and functioning as attachment points for muscles. Includes all bones and
5 skeletal system
6 ectotherm
an animal whose body does not produce much internal heat
an animal whose body controls and regulates its temperature by controlling how
7 endotherm
much internal heat it creates
8 fish
a vertebrate that lives in the water and has fins
the body system that contains the heart, blood, and blood vessels, and that carries
9 cardiovascular system needed substances to the cells and wastes away from the cells
an ectothermic vertebrate that spends early life in water an adulthood on land,
10 amphibians
returning to water to reproduce
an ectothermic vertebrate with lungs an scaly skin with eggs that are tough, leather
11 reptile
body system responsible for elimination of waste; includes sweat glands, liver,
12 excretory system
lungs, kidneys
an endothermic vertebrate that has feathers and a four-chambered heart, and lays
13 bird
14 digestive system
body system responsible for breaking down food for use by the animal's cells
endothermic vertebrate with a four-chambered heart, skin covered with fur or hair,
15 mammal
and have young fed with milk from a mother's body
16 mammary gland
the organs that produce milk that a mammal uses to feed their young
the network of nerve cells and fibers that transmits nerve impulses between parts of
17 nervous system
the body.
18 monotreme
a mammal that lays eggs
skeletal rod
cold blooded
warm blooded
3 kinds
circulatory system
frog, newt
snake, turtle
penguin, ostrich
human, lion
brain signals
platypus, echidna
19 marsupial
20 gestation period
21 placental mammal
a mammal whose young are born alive at an early stage of development and
continue to develop in the mother's pouch
the length of time between fertilization and birth
a mammal that develops inside its mother's body until its body systems can
function independently
koala, kangaroo
fetus development
nutrient/waste sac