* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
miM (Lesson 17) (I don't think it's that cold.) Objectives in this lesson are to learn: * "^^^f"(Ithink that...) * expressions for uncertainty & probability Mr Koyama and Mr Yokoi are waiting for their wives on the beach. ^-f£5 : (TA/^) *9:t (&o) < Ml (Mr) Ufifc : Z (OS6) fcV^Li 5 ($5^) (^3 j;) -ffcho : gcrt (^^V^ tch. ^ (t) frirft : ^ 5 -vtp-o ?! v^^•r^o i:'r(fr) o : %.?io -kLfrLfcb. (^x.) Ut^A, £0 5^1-i:o %51~<^(<) 5o U Cd?#(^) Li 50 Mike is in a Japanese language class. (it/^VV), 4-B (# i 5)^b^(^) <^tL (LotlV^) UT^V^V^1~^o ^:^ti:V^: H 5 Ltc/v^irfro -rj? : 51 (fefc^) (V^fe) ^/w^to l&M (^^) : S (feo) ^ -r-Y ^ ; ^fctf 0^) LTV^^-f^^0 ZflK. ^-7]^ ^"Xf-SA/"Xf"f'o : ^nD^jM^LJ:5o 1?%^ fiC^) (t; i 5 t) ¦ ^(t) ^o^T<fc^V\ ; frfrVitLtCo ^LL^-To 94 Vocabulary to feel good, (#%^> = feeling) 7j< water t clause conjunction M (&i>) v^^1- Masu Form of % 5, to think G&J:) ^ tch Te Form of ^3 j; <", to swim wives might ^ L/c ^ possibly ^ (^>1") tii>(D%:LX Te Form of CD^i"-5, to leave something my, our %5-rc soon TrLJ; 5 probably % 5^(1"-) b a little more head (Wc) v^ sore, ache (T-adjective) M (^^) flu, cold (sickness) ^ (^ao) fever, temperature ff(^) oT Te Form of to measure Te Form of ^ i "t'-S, to feel drowsy irbT #7X C^^^-f) to have a runny nose ^ (#) Te Form of ^ to be careful 95 Grammar 17,1 <t? (I think that...) expressing ideas & opinions " — t expresses your ideas. "<Jf 5 asks for your opinion. The Plain Form of verbs, "i"-adjectives, "na"-adjectives or nouns 4- "fc" comes before the particle "t", a quotation marker. Plain Form of the verb Plain Form of "i"-adjective "Na"-adjective + fc Noun -4= fc eg. I don't think Mr Tanaka will come to the party. (lit. I think that Mr Tanaka will not come to the party.) ^ 1 ^ Ih, I think that this coffee is delicious. £ L i riVu& Lirfrfc & ^ ^ 1^, I think that it is quiet in the library. £ T % Is ^1% . J I think that it is a nice car. NB: "^6 % o "C indicates a third person's opinion. eg. John thinks that Japanese (language) is easy. 96 17.2 i, Lfr " (might...) conjecture 1 " — ^ expresses conjecture, probability or uncertainty. The Plain Form of the verb, "i"-adjectives, "na"-adjectives or nouns come directly before eg. VERB: ^ 0 It might rain tomorrow. T-ADJ: 0 » ^ It might be cold tomorrow. "NA"-ADJ: hfi fc/otc/w The next exam might be easy. NOUN: &<DXtt 0^A He might be Japanese 17. 3 "— ^ Ls £ 9 " (will be...) conjecture 2 " — L J: 5 " is another expression indicating conjecture, probability or uncertainty when pronounced with falling ( i ) intonation. " — Tr b i 5 " contains a higher degree of certainty than " — The Plain Form of the verb or "i"adjective comes before " — L J; 5 "Na"-adjectives and nouns do not require '7c" before " — "Tf L J; 5 ". eg. VERB: 0^0^ £&<&£ (i) It will be cold tomorrow. T'-ADJ: BJ 0 « ^ V^ ^ L Jfe 5. ( i ) It will be cold tomorrow. "NA"-ADJ: (Dv-7. h\t fr/wfc/u ^ L Jfc 5 = ( 4 ) The next test will be easy. NOUN: ^ 0 M (i) It will rain tomorrow. 97 Furthermore, " — "T? b J: 5" requests a confirmation, when pronounced with rising (t) intonation. eg. VERB: /v (CO) You are coming to the party, aren't you? T-ADJ: This book is interesting, isn't it? "NA"-ADJ: This test is easy, isn't it? NOUN: 4* B (t J; 5) & ^ ({f o) j: 5 0 (t/) ^ L & 5 = (t) It's Monday today, isn't it? 17.4 "—TrLJ: 5 fc" & " — fcS 5 " — VL J: 5 fr" is the interrogative form of " — "T? L J; 5 "• This is"more polite than " — and contains a degree of wondering on the part of the speaker. eg. Is the teacher here? L J; 5 fco I wonder if the teacher is here? " — fc -5 5 i ® %) is a combination of " — fcS 5" and " — i"'." — fcS 5Plain Form of" — 1? L J: 5expresses conjecture. " — fc^bo h has a slightly lower degree of certainty than " — "T? L i 5 eg. A: mB (& LTc) Ot) HZ B; tc&Asm (fefe) 5 t^tto 98 Coffee break t'Vt "if-5 " names of body parts fcfcs T>fcV^ m/ 99 A: £ 5 fcfc* B: M^V^-Tri-o Sl^V\ (¦fo5) :(-S»<o5) 1-3 MIS cfs^A-) ^ «>&«) (ow ^TV^3, (tao) (T>5P) additional expressions. rm (if 19) -rz iwt'-rz m (frto # 02*1) The above drawings are copied, from the original ones in E to tasuku de manabu Nihongo, Murano, M. Tanido and A. Murano, Bonjinsha, 1988, Tokyo, p. 28. 100 Coffee break BJIBfctttiZ'VL J: 5<> It'll probably be fine tomorrow. 5^^ j: {S 5 weather forecast (a weather map) }ttl fine occasionally later < % ^ (< % ^)) cloudy i/ttl €>% M V-' / V/ *> —fflii 9 f rain *9 ^ -5) thunder (4o ^ H^ {hT j£ ^ ^ o (What's the temperature?) 5^) o (It's 30 degrees/C.) (degree/C =-fro b_ V^LJi5 H+^ (+^±) z:+E^^H+^ +^^z:+Ejg n r v>:^ 101 H m Activities 1.1 Drill Link" — iriiE (^o%) to the following verbs. present tense past tense (+) (+) eg. go (-) come watch do there is 1.2 Drill Link to the following adjectives and nouns. present tense past tense interesting difficult fine fresh my text book your pen r . 1.3 Drill Create questions, using the words provided below, eg. 0^ ^ (or (iloV^T) if 0^(0 i 5) jr-xhyVTtDiif^-g^ y (fiv^<) V® d—jv F^1—^ h©# c o 102 1.4 Drill Ask your classmates their opinions on the topics introduced in 1. 3 Drill. Then, report their opinions to the class, using "— Topic Name eg. */ 3 y Opinion (O 1. 5 Drill Answer the following questions as shown in the example. eg. J: 5 (no) AytD^ytsi-fro (yes) tev\ (1) 10 ^ ^ a y ^ (/cV^^ <) (t) t. Ltcti\ (yes) (2) ^ (-^r^V^ ^^^7^ (yes) (3) (^^) (no) (4) M (fefe) te^fc^oTV^-f^o (no) (5) s^yyj V^ttc/uV^t.irfro (yes) (6) (yes) (7) ^^0'7-70o^^!9¦Tr1-K (no) (8) (-^t/c) (yes) 103 1. 6 Drill Link " — to the following verbs and adjectives. present tense eg. go (+) LtvSiiX (-) (-) come there is watch rain eat ring -cvuxt-s difficult expensive easy noisy busy crowded interesting troublesome /tVWi, past tense (+) t boring Japanese movies 104 1. 7 Drill Forecast of tomorrow's weather for the following cities. /N-yUi h it TT^-Kte / F-V'fyit trryxn t v 7>^7°y yf^fc 105 2. 1 Translation practice Translate the following sentences into Japanese, using " —- 1? L J: 5" (or other conjectures). (1) The price of petrol will rise again soon. (2) More Japanese tourists will come to the Gold Coast next year. (3) More people will use computers in the future. (4) More students will come to Bond Uni. from overseas in the future. 2. 2 Translation practice Translate the following sentences into Japanese, using " — ^ (CO) TLi 5" (for confirmation). (1) You will be home tonight, won't you? (2) You will come to uni. tomorrow, won't you? (3) You don't play golf, do you? (4) You have already had lunch, haven't you? (5) It's cold in winter in Japan, isn't it? (6) Japanese food is difficult to eat, isn't it? (7) Studying at uni. is hard, isn't it? (8) Natalie is not Japanese, is she? 3. Drill Change the following sentences to " — Tf L i 5 &"¦ (1) (S>Lfc)M(&fe)^^^1-^o (2) ^ Chib) (3) (O <v Ut^itrf^Lvv-el-^o (4) (tctefr) (t) 106 (5) L-^ (6) B&V X 5 (tcfr) VMrf^o (7) (8) 7'!; L^<V^1-^o 4. Situation practice Express the following concerns, using " — L- <t 5 ^"• (1) You are worried if the next exam is difficult. $ (2) You will go on a picnic tomorrow and are worried that it might rain. (3) There has been an earthquake in Japan. You are worried about your coming trip there. (4) You are just about to visit your teacher. You are wondering if he is there. (5) You have to buy a textbook. You are wondering if it is still sold at the bookshop. 107 5. Drill Link" — /c -5 5 <^1U^ to the following verbs and adjectives. present tense eg. go past tense (+) (-) (+) ffofcy-c5 5 5 (-) use go shopping eat a meal do homework cook read a book go on a business trip happy alright 6. Pair work. Pair up and develop a conversation on the following topics. (1) tomorrow's weather (2) next Japanese examination (3) life on the Gold Coast (4) facilities of Bond University (5) studying in Australia (6) cost of living (^o^) in Australia 108 5