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Group Fitness
The majority of our classes include cardiovascular, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and stretching components. YMCA
Fitness Instructors are a combination of dedicated volunteers and staff certified as YMCA Fitness Instructors.
The majority of classes are drop-in with no advance registration required.
Members are encouraged to pre-register online for Cyclefit, BRICK, and Gravity classes at the Walker Family YMCA location as
there are a limited number of bikes and Gravity machines. Please speak to a membership staff to have your Fitness Class
online booking set up. Please click HERE to register online.
All members 16 years of age and older are invited to join classes.
Youth members 13 to 15 years of age may attend cardio-based classes after completing a Youth Fitness Orientation.
Tween members 10 to 12 years of age may attend a cardio-based class with a parent or guardian after completing a
Parent & Youth Fitness Orientation.
Group Fitness Class Descriptions:
Classes may vary at each Health, Fitness and Aquatics branch. Please refer to the program schedule for class days and times.
20/20/20 offers cardiovascular, strength and flexibility exercises. This class will offers a well-rounded workout with a variety
of exercise using a range of fitness equipment.
Athletic Hour/Interval Training is a sports conditioning class incorporates Tabatas, high intensity interval training, functional
movements, cardiovascular and strength exercises. Athletic Training is designed to help develop muscular strength,
endurance, flexibility and balance.
Beginner Classes are ideal for members new to classes and may benefits from additional instructor coaching. At different
times of the year Beginner Classes may be offered in Cycle Fit, Cardio Blast, Step, Zumba, Gravity, and more. Please check your
Health, Fitness and Aquatic branch’s program schedule.
Box Fit is aimed at shaping your shoulders, upper back, abs and legs with a series of jabs, hooks, punches and kicks in addition
to improving endurance, balance, strength and stability.
Cardio Mix is a blend of hi-low impact aerobics, step, athletic moves, Box Fit and more. This class offers a variety of
cardiovascular-based exercises, elevating your heart rate while increasing your endurance.
Group Fitness con’t.
Core Fusion is a mind-body class incorporating Yoga and Pilates inspired moves to promote core conditioning. Core Fusion
may include a variety of standing and mat based exercises that develop core strength, flexibility, and balance.
Core Training is a condensed class concentrated on sculpting the abdominal muscles focused on core stability.
Cycle Fit is a cardiovascular fitness class held on indoor stationary bikes. Each member can control his or her own intensity.
The instructor uses music and instructional cycling techniques to guide participants through all types of terrain: flat roads, hills,
rough trails, interval drills and more.
*Members please arrive at least 5 minutes early to make bike adjustments. Injury prevention and a proper workout are
dependent upon proper fitting of the bike. Be sure shoelaces are tucked into shoes and wear shorts or pants that are tight at
the ankle to prevent loose items getting caught in the bike.
Cycle Fit Advanced is a high intensity cardiovascular workout on indoor stationary bikes for experienced Cycle Fit participants
or outdoor cyclists. This class is intended to develop cardiovascular endurance over a longer class length, and includes more
advanced drills.
Family DrumFIT® [Niagara West and Niagara Falls YMCAs] is where family fun begins! DrumFit is a high-energy workout that
combines cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility with all of the fun of drumming to music. The class allows
families to be active together. This class is recommended for ages 5 and up, as some of the routines will involve sitting on an
exercise ball.
Gentle Cycle Fit is a cardiovascular class on indoor stationary bikes and is a great option for those who are new to cycling or
have joint problems. The instructor uses music and cycling techniques to guide participants through a variety of flat roads,
hills, interval drills and more, while allowing participants to stay seated on the bike.
Gentle Fit is designed to improve cardiovascular flow, range of motion, balance and strength to allow participants to complete
daily movements with confidence. This class is ideal for those new to exercise, with joint problems or limited mobility. Gentle
Fit will provide participants with a variety of exercises that can be performed while standing and does not include jumping.
Gentler Gentle Fit is similar to Gentle Fit and provides participants with a variety of exercises that can be performed while
sitting on a chair or on an exercise ball.
Gentle Stretch uses a variety of stretches, basic yoga and pilates inspired movements to develop flexibility, balance and
coordination. This class incorporates stretches that can be performed from a seated position or on an exercise mat. Light
weight fitness equipment may also be incorporated to develop muscle strength.
Group Fitness con’t.
Gravity® classes use adjustable bench based machines that use your own body weight for resistance. This class is a full-body,
intense workout without the use of any additional accessories or weights. Quick and easy transitions between exercises
facilitate a fast-paced cardiovascular and strength workout that delivers body-shaping results.
Group Power® is a weight training class that blasts your muscles with high-rep training. The class uses an adjustable barbell,
weight plates and body weight. It combines squats, lunges, presses and curls with functional integrated exercises. Dynamic
music and a motivating group atmosphere will get your heart rate up, make you sweat, and push you to a personal best.
H.I.I.T. - High Intensity Interval Training is higher intensity training that will increase both your aerobic and anaerobic
endurance, combined with strength training exercises designed to tone your full body, while burning calories.
Learn to Run programs are included in your membership and are offered in the spring and fall.
Learn to Run Level 1
This 9-week program offers members new to running the opportunity to develop running skills in a supportive group
environment. The goal is to progress participants through walk-run sequences to 30 minutes of continuous running.
Learn to Run Level 2
This 9-week program is for members who are able to run for 30 minutes continuously. Hill and speed training, goal planning,
increasing pace, race reparation and nutrition are examples of content included.
Learn to Run programs are typically held outdoors, rain or shine. There may be a few weeks of indoor track or treadmill work.
Participants will be required to complete an outdoor waiver during their first program.
On the Ball helps to increase core strength, balance and flexibility as you perform the work on an unstable base of
support. This class is based on an exercise ball, and may also incorporate work on a mat or use of hand weights or tubing.
Parent and baby is designed for moms or dads to get a great workout while bonding with their little ones. Each class provides
a full body workout combining cardio exercises, muscle endurance and core exercises. This class is recommended for babies 6
weeks of age to crawling with moms or dads at any fitness level. Please bring a lightweight, indoor stroller or a baby carrier.
Power Circuit is a dynamic circuit-based class that alternates cardiovascular with muscular endurance stations. Power Circuit
classes will provide targeted training for specific muscle groups, while getting your heart rate up through a variety of
cardiovascular exercises.
Step involves choreographed combinations on a step. The step height can be adjusted for your fitness level. Step class
promotes cardiovascular training with variety.
Strength or Express Strength classes are aimed at overall body toning and conditioning using hand weights, stability balls,
body weight, and other fitness equipment. This class focuses on muscular strength and endurance, and postural awareness.
Group Fitness con’t.
The Brick is a triathlon inspired class that focuses on indoor cycling in the studio and running on the track or treadmills. Each
week offers a different pattern of workout between the two disciplines to develop strength and endurance. At the end of this
workout, your legs will feel like bricks!
Yoga Fitness is based on traditional yoga postures and focuses on mind-body awareness, strength, flexibility, breathing and
relaxation techniques.
Zumba® is a cardiovascular workout that incorporates the excitement and energy of dance. Zumba fuses Latin rhythms and
moves to create a dynamic, dance-based class. Instructors will give physical cues to movements, and members will learn
routines and music over time and be able to anticipate upcoming moves.