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Seminar by
SSgt Channing Weinmeister
Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) refers to
turbulence caused by relatively strong vertical
or horizontal shear in speed or direction.
Although CAT generally occurs in clear air, it
is not limited to the cloud-free atmosphere.
CAT may occur in the vicinity of jetstreams,
upper air closed lows, sharp troughs, areas of
strong thermal advection, or an advancing
cirrus shield.
Turbulence is a transitory atmospheric
condition which has varying effects on aircraft
Turbulence can rip an aircraft apart in flight,
damage the air frame, and cause injury or
Turbulence is a mesoscale phenomenon
which is not readily identifiable on a synoptic
scale, although, specific synoptic patterns in
the atmosphere are associated with the
potential turbulent areas.
This seminar is designed as a tool for
forecasting CAT at the synoptic scale for
Strategic forecasters.
Thermal Patterns
Sharp troughs
Rapid Surface Cyclogenesis
Outflow Area of a Cold Digging Jet
Strong Vertical Shear Patterns
Strong Horizontal Shear Patterns
Development of Cut Off Lows
Difluent Upper Flow
Internet Products availability
Cold Air Advection. CAT frequently occurs in regions of increasing
thermal gradients, as best described by cold air advection in long and
short wave troughs.
At 300mb, there is normally an absence of cold air advection, so a
careful analysis of 200mb height and temperature fields is necessary.
The 500mb height and vorticity fields can be used to identify short
waves that are indirectly related to this advection. CAT is forecast in
the area of strongest isotherm packing just ahead of the temperature
Normally, moderate turbulence should be forecast from the height
where sufficient vertical shear associated with the cold advection is
found to 2,000 feet above the tropopause in cyclone-scale waves.
Warm Air Advection. Warm air advection can also increase horizontal
temperature gradients, though this mechanism is weaker in short waves
and may be overlooked when cold air advection is nearby. Adjacent to the
tropopause, however, the association of warm air advection with
anticyclonic accelerations and the resulting horizontal speed sheer make
an effective combination.
Studies show that CAT associated with warm air advection into an upper
level ridge is nearly symmetric about the ridge axis and the jet stream core,
shifted slightly north of the jet stream core, located on and downstream of
the ridge axis. The CAT forecast area should extend vertically 2,000 feet
above the tropopause to 6,000 feet below the tropopause.
Large horizontal wind shears found near the
base of sharp, rapidly moving troughs, where
the direction of flow changes most rapidly, are
indicative of large gradients of vertical motion.
Tightly packed isotherms are frequently found
in these areas. These conditions are
conducive to the formation of the shallow
stable layers and coincident layers of wind
shear associated with CAT.
The trailing edge of the turbulent area is often found to be at the axis of a
thermal trough somewhat to the rear of the advancing contour trough.
Forecast moderate turbulence when the wind speeds are between 50 and
120 knots with a wind shift of greater than 120 degrees. Forecast severe
turbulence when the winds exceed 120 knots with a windshift between 90
and 120 degrees. or when the winds are greater than 60 knots with a wind
shift of greater than 120 degrees. CAT associated with sharp, rapidly
moving troughs is rather short lived (3-6 hours), but quite intense.
Normally these systems become broad, or develop into cutoff lows.
During the early stages of surface
cyclogenesis, the main jet core is
usually 5 to 10 degrees latitude
north of the surface low. However,
some low centers move or
redevelop north of the main jet
core while still in the early stages
of cyclogenesis.
This results in a second jet core forming 5 to 10 degrees latitude to the left of ,
and parallel to, the main jet stream core.
When surface cyclogenesis is forecast, CAT should be forecast to occur near
the jet stream core, north and east of the surface cyclogenetic area within 300
NM upstream and downstream of the upper level ridge axis.
The extent and intensity of CAT associated with surface cyclogenesis is
directly related to the rate of cyclogenesis. Moderate CAT is usually forecast
with systems that are expected to deepen at a rate of 1 Mb/hr. In most cases,
the CAT forecast area should extend vertically from about 2,000 feet above to
6,000 feet below the tropopause in the area shown in the above diagram.
CAT will occur with a very high probability in the
outflow area of a cold digging jet stream core to
the rear of an upper trough. The outflow area
on the back side of a trough is the area between
the wind maximum and the trough line where
the instantaneous wind on a horizontal plane
decreases. Cold air advection over the warm
ridge decreases the vertical lapse rate making
the atmosphere unstable. The decrease in wind
speed along the jet core is directly proportional
to the extent and intensity of the turbulence.
Generally, at least a 40 knot decrease of wind speed within 10 degrees latitude of the
wind maximum must be forecast to justify a CAT advisory. The probability of CAT is
also directly proportional to the strength of the jet core, and is greatly increased in
mountainous regions. The CAT forecast should extend from the isotach maximum to
the base of the trough, and should be centered on the warm side of the jet core. The
vertical extent of the CAT area should extend from 2,000 feet above the tropopause to
6,000 feet below the tropopause. Significant CAT has been observed in thicker layers
(from 20,000 feet to just above the tropopause) in mountainous areas. Studies show
that moderate with occasionally severe CAT may be forecast with wind speeds greater
than 130 knots in mountainous regions.
Tilted ridges and troughs move faster in certain levels than in others so that a
station could lie underneath an upper air ridge or trough line and report winds from
different directions at different levels.
Tilted troughs usually occur when the cut-off low is
pulling out, moving northeastward. Often the trough
moves out fast at the lower levels causing the tilt.
This feature often occurs with warm air advection in
the ridge near the southern jet branch. Turbulence
occurs near the southern jet branch in both cases so
the predominant cause may be hard to pinpoint. If
turbulence is at the mid or high levels in the
southerly jet stream, warm air advection is likely the
cause. Tilted trough turbulence usually occurs at
the mid levels in the nearby col area.
Dynamic folding ridges lag at higher levels, so that the
low-level flow lies under the trough line. The highest
potential for turbulence is north of the trough from 27,000
to 40,000 feet. Moderate CAT is normally forecast for
this area, which occurs rarely.
When two confluent jet stream cores are within
300 NM of each other, there is a high probability
of CAT in the confluent zone between the two jet
cores. Because the northern jet core is
associated with colder temperature and thus a
lower altitude that the southern jet core, it will
often cut underneath the southern jet stream.
The result is an increase in static stability and strong vertical directional and
speed shears in the confluent zone. CAT is most likely to occur in the confluent
zone between the two jet stream cores, where the cores approach within 5
degrees latitude of each other to where the jets begin to diverge. Vertically, CAT
is normally forecast from 25,000 to 37,000 feet.
CAT associated with subtropical jet interaction normally occurs above 30,000
feet and is fairly difficult to forecast. Moderate CAT is forecast for most
confluent jet stream cases. However, when jet stream cores of approximately
120 knots or greater approach at an angle greater than 45 degrees, forecast
moderate with occasionally severe turbulence for the period when the 90 knot
isotach of the northern jet core passes under the southern jet stream core.
Normally this situation will persist for approximately six hours.
Studies show that CAT is likely to occur to the north of the jet stream core in the
region of strong antycyclonic horizontal shear. If a change in wind direction of at
least 15 degrees per 120 NM occurs near the jet core, or horizontal speed
shearing over 25 knots per degree latitude exists in a large-amplitude ridge, CAT
should be forecast in the region of sharpest anticyclonic curvature.
CAT associated with a sharp upper level ridge is
shifted slightly to the north of the jet core and to
the downstream side of the ridge axis.
Normally, forecast moderate CAT 2,000 feet
above the tropopause to 6,000 feet below the
tropopause when 100-140 knot winds with
horizontal shear of 25 to 50 knots per degree
latitude are expected in a sharp anticyclonic
ridge. Forecast moderate with occasionally
sever turbulence when strong winds in excess
of 140 knots and horizontal shears greater than
50 knots per degree latitude exist in a sharply
turning ridge. In any case, look for strong wind
maxima entering sharp ridges.
Areas of strong horizontal shear can be easily detected using satellite imagery and
upper level isotach analyses and forecasts. Horizontal wind shear greater than 25
knots per degree of latitude is sufficient to generate large transverse waves that are
best observed when transverse banding (herringbone cloud pattern) is noted on
satellite imagery. This concept applied south of the jet axis where strong
anticyclonic shear exists and slightly north of the jet core where strong cyclonic
shear exists. These large waves alternately expand and compress the shear zone
at the tropopause, and amplify existing turbulence.
CAT can also occur in strong troughs
where there is considerable anticyclonic
horizontal shear. CAT can be rather
intense, but is fairly short lived (around six
hours duration) and uncommon. Look for
jet maxima climbing into a strong ridge
pattern and the resulting strong
anticyclonic turning and transverse
Sharp anticyclonic subtropical jet streams
are a well known producer of CAT. These
jets are easy to analyze but practically
impossible to forecast. Using satellite
imagery, look for anticyclonically curved jet
stream cirrus shields. At times, transverse
banding will be apparent and depict exactly
where the CAT exists. Using the 300 Mb
analyses, look for deep troughs that reach
equatorward of 30 degrees. Normally it
will take 90 knots of wind and sufficient
anticyclonic curvature (greater than 15
degrees per 120 NM) to produce moderate
or greater turbulence in subtropical jet
streams. Severe turbulence associated
with sharp anticyclonic subtropical jet
streams is rare.
With the development of an upper level cutoff low, CAT often occurs in the zones of
confluent and difluent flow with converging axes of maximum wind and large wind
shear. The flow is subjected to rapid deceleration in the difluent flow and rapid
acceleration in the confluent flow. Studies show that after the cut of low forms, only
light CAT can be expected in the region just north of the low center.
CAT may also occur in the throat and base of cutoff lows.
CAT can be expected to occur along the horizontal wind
shear line separating the two opposing anticyclonically
curved flows. If the jet at the base of the trough exceeds
90 knots, moderate CAT associated with strong cyclonic
shear may exist. When the forecast wind speeds for both
the opposing jet cores exceeds 120 knots near the
potential CAT area, upgrade the forecast to moderate
with occasional severe turbulence.
CAT can occur in the formation of a difluent upper flow pattern. Studies show that
once the difluent flow pattern becomes established, the probability of CAT in the
region is low. The probability of CAT is increased if a surface frontal system is
nearby. Look for a wind maximum of greater than 90 knots approaching an area of
difluent flow.
Upper-air forecasts normally depict future difluent zones fairly well. Forecast
moderate CAT from 2,000 feet above the tropopause to 6,000 feet below the
tropopause in the zone of difluence between the northern and southern wind
maxima. If wind maxima of greater than 120 knots and considerable cyclonic and
anticyclonic horizontal shears exist in the zone of difluence, consider forecasting
moderate with occasionally severe turbulence.
There are several GOOD internet sources for helping with forecasting
and analyzing turbulence.
Water Vapor imagery is available at a number of university sites as
well as the SIDAS imagery available on AFWIN.
Several university sites also have upper level plots as well as
graphical model outputs.
NOAA has several experimental sites ranging from graphical images
of a turbulence index using either the ETA or AVN to Satellite
derived winds off of both GOES 8 and 9 satellite imagery.
UCAR’s Aviation REAL TIME WEATHER page is a good source for
current pirep data across the US.
The Aviation Weather Center has a site with graphical and text
output of current US wide and Pacific and Atlantic AIRMETS and
All of these sites are linked from the Strategic Weather Links site.
NOAA/NESDIS/ORA GOES 8/9 Satellite Derived Wind Products. This experimental
site has High Density Cloud drift and Water Vapor winds. The display can be zoomed
in to several regions and is updated every three hours.
Another NOAA site calculates a Turbulence index (TI) using horizontal
deformation at a standard pressure level, and the vertical wind shear between
two pressure levels obtained from numerical model output from the AVN and
ETA models. It calculates a risk of turbulence from 30,000 to 35,000 feet which
is the normal cruising altitude for commercial airliners.
Real Time Data/Aviation Page: This UCAR (University Corporation for
Atmospheric Research) site has a link for current pireps over the conus for up to 6
The Aviation Weather Center has graphical and text displays for both AIRMETS
and SIGMETS, as well as links to Upper Level graphic data.
Overforecasting in size and intensity is a common failure of CAT forecasters. At
times, CAT forecasters "chase" pilot reports and issue large area CAT advisories
just to cover the reports and protect themselves from any repercussions should
an aircraft file a hazard report. To avoid "crying wolf" all of the time, forecasters
will have to, at times, suffer a few isolated missed occurrences of CAT. If a CAT
report cannot be associated with a specific synoptic feature, then ignore it
unless other reports are received in the same area. In any case, the area
forecasts must be made as small as possible. CAT forecasting is still more of an
art than a science. The art of successful CAT forecasting can only be gained by
experience. A CAT forecaster must combine personal skills with the automated
aids to produce the final CAT forecast. This man-machine mix results in the best
possible forecast within the limitations of the present state of the art.
This training document will be available for Strategic Forecasters on the
workstations in the Strategic Section.
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