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Name: _____________________________________________ Period: ____ Date: _______________
IPS Study Guide 2 Mid-term Exam
Tips for reviewing for your exam:
1. Have your notes available and organized. We have covered all the topics below, and you should be
familiar with the location of the information that you need to study.
2. Log onto and review the missions that we covered. Look specifically at the topics highlighted
below in the guided questions. The missions may even help you answer the questions!
3. Read; don’t skim your notes and answers! You will have to recall quite a bit of information, so going
over it once is not enough!
4. Remember to include your units in your answers when you are asked to calculate. Remember, the units
identify the quantity; units show you know what you are talking about.
On separate loose-leaf paper, answer the following questions.
1. What is a force? Is force a scalar or vector quantity? Why? A force is a push or a pull. It is a vector
quantity because it gives both a numerical value (a number) and a direction.
2. Explain how forces act on matter. Do forces move objects, or stop motion, or both? A force moves
matter or causes it to stop. For example, pushing on a toy car causes it to move. Sliding to a halt across
a floor demonstrates the force of friction causing the sliding object to stop.
3. Define weight. How is weight different from mass? Weight is the pull of gravity on a mass (matter).
Mass is the number of particles that make up matter. Weight can change from planet to planet, but the
amount of matter in a substance does not change, so the mass doesn’t change.
4. Define the force of friction. Can friction ever cause an object to move? Friction is the force that
opposes motion (stops motion). Because friction only stops motion, it can never cause an object to
5. What is a net force? Create two examples of free body diagrams that demonstrate the idea of net force.
Be sure to label the forces and solve for the net force. Net force the sum of all the forces acting on an
object. For example:
25 N
30 N
10 N
FNet = 25 N – 10 N = 15 N to the
25 N
20 N
FNet = 25 N – 30 N – 20 N = 25 N to
the left.
6. What is Newton’s First Law? Give an everyday example of Newton’s First Law. An object will stay at
rest or an object will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. A person sliding down the
hallway in his/her socks will continue to slide unless the force of friction (the outside force) acts on the
Name: _____________________________________________ Period: ____ Date: _______________
7. Define inertia. Using your example from question 6, explain how inertia is related to Newton’s First
Law. Inertia describes how easy or how hard it is to move an object. For example, a mouse, that has
less mass than an elephant is easier to move or stop than the elephant. Generally, the greater the mass,
the greater the inertia.
8. What is Newton’s Second Law? F = ma Using Newton’s Second Law, explain the following:
a. If mass one is twice that of mass two, and the acceleration of both masses are the same, is the
force on mass one greater, lesser or the same as the force on mass two? By how much is it
greater or lesser? Or is it the same? The force on mass one is twice that of mass two because its
mass is twice that of mass two.
b. If the mass of two trucks are the same, but Truck A is accelerating at three times the rate of
Truck B, what is the force on Truck A as compared to Truck B? The force on Truck A is three
times that of Truck B because its acceleration is three times that of Truck B.
c. Compare the motion of a 20 N force acting on a 5 kg brick versus a 20 N force acting on a 10 kg
brick. The acceleration of the 5 kg brick is twice that of the 10 kg brick because its mass is half;
it accelerates more because it doesn’t have as much mass.
9. What is Newton’s Third Law? Give an everyday example of Newton’s Third Law. For every action
there is an equal and opposite reaction. As a person pushes on a desk to try to move it, the desk pushes
back on the person’s hands with equal but opposite force.
10. What is energy? Energy is the ability to do work.
11. Explain the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy,
while kinetic energy is energy of motion.
12. List the different types of potential energy. Give an example of each NOT from your textbook.
Potential Energy
Gravitational- rollercoaster cart ready to go down a hill
Elastic – a balloon blown up to its tightest stretch without popping
Chemical – a sandwich at lunch; wood in a fireplace
Nuclear- uranium to make submarines run
Magnetic – pieces of the hard drive in your computer; the Mag-Lev train in China
Electrostatic – the sparks stored in your fleece Snuggy
Name: _____________________________________________ Period: ____ Date: _______________
13. List the different types of kinetic energy. Give an example of each NOT from your textbook.
Kinetic Energy
Mechanical – water turning a wheel in a wheel mill
Thermal – heat from the air blowers on a cold winter’s day
Electrical – current running to your cell phone to charge the battery.
Sound – the gravity stick releasing sound when it hits the ground.
Electromagnetic – the ultraviolet waves that can give you a tan, but can also cause skin cancer;
also x-rays that can tell if you have a fractured bone.
14. Thing about your lab using the balloon, string and straw (the lab where you launched the balloon across
the room when attached to the straw threaded on the string). What happens to the balloon if you blow it
up more before you release it down the string? What type of energy is stored in the inflated balloon?
What happens to that energy when you release the balloon? If you blow the balloon up more, you store
more elastic potential energy in the balloon. When you release the balloon, the energy is transformed
from potential energy to kinetic energy. The balloon will go farther because it has more overall energy
that is being transformed into the energy of motion, kinetic energy.
15. Read page 18 of Infinite Potential. What is the difference between infrared electromagnetic energy and
ultraviolet electromagnetic energy? Which one was sunscreen developed to protect humans from
cancer? Infrared energy is heat energy that comes from the sun that is invisible to humans. It has
slightly less energy than visible light. Ultraviolet energy, also invisible to humans, has more energy that
visible light, and can be potentially harmful to humans by increasing their risk to skin cancer. Sunscreen
was developed to protect humans from ultraviolet energy.
16. We read about CME’s and how they can potentially affect the Earth. What are CME’s and how do
scientists detect CME’s? How can CME’s potentially cause damage on Earth? CME’s (Coronal Mass
Ejections) are magnetic field lines that lift off from the sun. These are often accompanied with high
energy solar flares, often seen as spikes in x-ray radiation coming from the sun. If these magnetic field
lines and high energy x-rays reach Earth, they can alter weather patterns, disrupt communication by
damaging electrical equipment, or potentially damage the power grid of our planet.
17. Review pages 20 and 21 of Infinite Potential. Describe two risks and two benefits to using high-energy
radiation. One risk of radiation is the risk of skin cancer from ultraviolet radiation. Another risk comes
from x-rays. X-rays can harm our bodies if they are given in too high a dosage, damaging tissue and
Name: _____________________________________________ Period: ____ Date: _______________
also potentially causing cancer. One benefit of high energy radiation is to diagnose health problems
using equipment such as MRI’s or CATSCANS. Another benefit of high energy radiation is sending
signals across the globe using satellites.
18. Explain the difference between energy transfers and energy transformation. Give examples of each. Be
able to identify different types of energy transfers and energy transformations. Think of the RubeGoldberg machines! Energy transfers simple move the same type of energy from one object to another.
Energy transformations change energy from one type to another. An example of an energy transfer is
the falling of dominoes in a row; each domino hits the other, transferring the energy and causing them to
fall. An example of energy transformation is when a rollercoaster runs down a high hill, the
gravitational potential energy from being high on the hill is transformed to the kinetic energy of the carts
in motion.
19. What is the Law of Conservation of Energy? Give an example of an energy transformation where
energy is totally conserved in an ideal situation (in other words, no friction, no energy loss). Energy
cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transferred or transformed. For example, a bowling ball
dropped from a desk will transform its gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy as it falls. When
it hits the ground, the kinetic energy will be transformed to the loud bang of the ball hitting the ground,
and will be transferred to its bouncing back up again.
20. Think of your Coaster Creator Lab. The top of the first hill describes the total energy of the system.
Describe in terms of potential energy, kinetic energy and energy dissipation why the roller coaster
eventually comes to a halt. The total energy of the coaster carts is at the top of the first hill. As the
coaster descends, some of its energy is transformed to kinetic energy, and some of its energy is
transformed to heat energy from friction. As the coaster goes back up the hills, the kinetic energy is
transformed back to gravitational potential energy, by energy is still being dissipated as heat energy due
to friction. The coaster finally stops when the kinetic energy is finally transformed to gravitational
potential energy and enough energy is transformed into heat, so that no more motion can occur.
21. Define the following:
a. crest The height of the wave
b. trough The depth of the wave
c. compression The most dense part of a compression wave
d. rarefaction The least dense part of a compression wave
e. wavelength The distance crest to crest or trough to trough; compression to compression or
rarefaction to rarefaction
f. amplitude The maximum height of a crest or the maximum depth of a trough
Name: _____________________________________________ Period: ____ Date: _______________
22. What is the difference between a compression wave and a transverse wave? In a compression wave, the
direction of vibration of the medium is parallel to the direction of the energy transfer. In a transverse
wave, the direction of vibration of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of the energy transfer.
23. What is a medium? How are mediums related to waves? A medium is a substance (matter, atoms,
particles) through which waves transfer energy.
24. Describe how waves travel in solids, versus liquids and gases. Why is the speed different in each state
of matter? Waves travel faster in solids than liquids and gases because the particle of the medium are
closer together.
25. Describe the energy transformations that take place when a tsunami forms.
26. The original disturbance transforms potential energy to kinetic energy; the wave transfers energy across
the ocean; as the amplitude of the wave increases, the kinetic energy is transformed into potential
energy; as the wave collapses the potential energy stored in the height of the wave is transformed into
kinetic energy.
27. Explain why astronauts cannot hear explosions in outer space? (In other words, what makes it possible
for humans to hear sound?) Because there are no particles (atoms) in outer space, there is no medium to
transfer the energy. Therefore, there is no way to transfer the energy of sound, so there is no sound in
outer space.