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How to describe an angiosperm flower Dr MAHESH P.U Dept of Dravya guna Govt ayurveda college Tripunithura Flower The most colour full part of a plant Consist of Calyx Corolla Andrecioum Gynocioum FLOWER AMATOMY Description in general 1,Pedicellate or sessile 2,Bracteate or Ebracteate 3,Actinomorphic or Zygomorphic 4,Unisexual or Bisexual 5,Complete or Incomplete 6,Regular or irregular 7,Hypogynous or Perigynous or Epigynous 8,Colour of flowers 1,Pedicellate or sessile Pedicellate Pedicel-stalk of flower eg. Mustard Cont.. Sessile without pedicel Eg.Achyranthes 2, Bracteate or Ebracteate Bracteate Having bract (modified leaf in whose axil flower arise) Eg. Adathoda vesica Cont.. Ebracteate With out bract eg. solanum 3,Actinomorphic or Zygomorphic Actinomorphic (Regular) Radialy symetrical can devide into two equal halves along more than one longitudnal plane eg. Vinca rosae Cont.. Zygomorphic ( irregular) Bilateraly symetrical one plane of symmetry Eg. Pisum sativum 4,Uni or bi sexual Unisexual Only male or female Reproductive organ in a flower eg. morus Cont.. Bisexual Both male & female Rep.organs in same eg. Brassica 5,Complete or incomplete Complete Present all 4 whorls Calyx,corolla androecium gynocieum eg. Hibiscus Cont.. Incomplete Flower lacking any one four of whorls eg. Luffa 6,Hypo, Peri ,Epi Gynous Hypogynous Other whorls below gynoecium ovary superior Eg. Solanum Cont… Perigynous sepals,petals,stamens round gynoecium ovary half superior eg. Prunus(apple) Cont… Epigynous all whorls joined to ovary , inferior ovary Eg.Coriandrum 7, Acyclic or Cyclic Acyclic flowers with floral leaves arranged in spiral Eg.Ranunculus Cont.. Cyclic Parts of flower arranged in whorls eg.solanum 8, Colour Calyx Outer whorl of flower (sepals) Unit - Sepal Calyx 1, Number of sepals 2, Polysepalous or Gamosepalous If polysepalous- Nature and form Cruciform 2,Poly or Gamo sepalous Polysepalous Free distinct sepals eg. mustard Cont.. Gamosepalous with united sepals eg. Pea,hibiscus 3, Aestivation Aestivation- mode of sepal arrangrment in flower bud a, Valvate Sepals united not overlap at edges eg.solanum Cont… Induplicate Sepals folded inward eg. Ipomea Cont.. Convolute one sepal over lap another with one margin Cont.. Imbricate sepals overlap each other one sepal completely internal one completely external . Cont.. Quincuncial arrangement of 5 sepals two exterior two interior 4.Caducous or persistant Caducous Sepals fall of early Eg.pepaver Cont.. Persistant remain attached till matuaration eg . solanum 5.Petaloid Petaloid sepals Sepals enlarged like petals Eg.mussanda Corolla Whorl of petals 1.No. of petals with colour 2.Poly or Gamo petalous Polypetalous With free petals eg.Brassica, Rose Polypetalous A, cruciform Four free petals arranged in cross. Each petals differentiated In to a curve(Claw) and limb Eg.Brassica Polypetalous B, Caryophyllaceous Five free petals with curve(claw) limb at right angle to the claw Eg.Dianthus Polypetalous C, Rosaceous five or more petals No distinguish limp & Calw Eg. Rose Gamopetalous Gamopetalous United petals Eg,Ipomea Gamopetalous a, Campanulate Bell shaped fused petals Eg.Cuscuta Gamopetalous B,infundibuliform Funnel shaped fused corolla eg.ipomea Gamopetalous c,Hypor crateriform Fused corolla with limb - long tube Gamopetalous D, Rotate wheel (disc) shaped fused corolla Eg.solanum Gamopetalous E, Papilionaceous Butterfly like, zygomorphic Corolla – 1 large standerd,2 lateral wings, 2 inner small keel Eg.Pisum sativum Gamopetalous F, Bilabiate Two lipped, zygomorphic fused corolla Eg.ocimum, Antirrhinum Gamopetalous G, Tubular tube like fused petals eg. helianthus Aestivation arrangement of corolla in bud A, Valvate Corolla touch each other at margins not overlap Aestivation B, valvate induplicate Valvate –margins of petal folded inward Aestivation c, Twisted (convolute) One margin overlap other Aestivation D, imbricate One petal completely out side One completely inside One margin in for 3 Aestivation E, Quincuncial 5 petals 2 exterior, 2 interior,1 one margin exterior other interior Aestivation F, vexillary 5 petals Posterior largest Two lateral petals two small anterior petals(keels) Spl features a, SPUR Sac like projection of Petal Eg viola,tropaeolum Spl feature B, nectary nectar secreating glands in petals eg.salvia Spl feature c, Corona Appendages in between Corolla and stamens or on corolla Eg. Calotropis Cont… d,sepaloid petal Petals like sepals Androecium collective term for all stamens & staminoides Stamen- bear pollen 1, No.of stemens 1-10 or indefinite With colour of anther 2,Polyandrous or adelphous Polyandrous Free stamens Eg. peppaver Polyandrous a, Didynamous Four stamens in two pairs one pair shorter than the other Eg. ocimum Polyandrous b, Tetradynamous Four long and two short stamens eg.brassica Polyandrous obdiplostemonous stamens in two alternating whorls outer whorl opp to petals eg. murraya Adelphous AdelphousUnited stamens A, Monadelphous united in one bundle by filaments Eg.Hibiscus Adelphous B, Diadelphous stamens arranged in two bundles eg. pappilonaceae Adelphous C, Polyadelphous Stamens united in many bundles eg. Citrus 3,Syngenesious, epipetalous Gynandrous or synandrous syngenesious anther cohering in a ring eg.Helianthus Cont.. Epipetalous Stamens born on Corolla (petals) Eg.ipomea, convolvulus Cont.. Gynandrous stamen adhering to carpels (which bear ovules) eg.calotropis Cont… Synandrous Stamens fuse to From one Eg cuccurbita, colacasia 4,Filaments A, long filament B,short filament C,Flat filament 5,Fixation of anthers a, Basifixed Anther Fixed to filament at base eg.Brassica,pepaver Cont.. B,Dorsifixed Filament attached to dorsal side of anther eg.Bauhinia Cont… c,Versetile anther can move in any way eg. graminae Cont… D, Adenate Fusion of anther and filaments eg. Michelia champaka 5,Anthers. Mono or di Monothecous Single celled (lobe) anther eg. hibiscus Cont… Dithecous two celled(lobe) anther eg. pepaver 6,Dehisence of anther a,introse anther facing inwards eg.solanum, hibiscus Cont.. b,Extrose anther facing out ward from center of flower eg. argimome Cont.. C,Inserted Stamens shorter than the corolla tube Eg.ixora, mussanda Cont… D, Exerted Stamens projecting beyond petals eg. Passion flower Staminode Staminode Stamen which do not Bear fertile pollen Eg.stellaria Gynoecium ovary ovule style stigma Ovule-minute body in ovary which after fertilization-- seed 1,Apo or syn carpous Apocarpous Carpels free from each other eg.nigella,ranunculus Cont… Syncarpous carpels united compound ovary eg. citrus 2,Ovary position Superior ovary Ovary above Calyx corolla .ect eg.brassica Cont.. Inferior ovary Ovary below calyx corolla ect Eg. coriandrum Cont … semi inferior Ovary in intermediate position Eg. pea 3,Carpels number with ovule number bicarpellary Eg. brassica Cont… Tricarpellery eg.lilliaceae Cont… Tetracarpellary eg. Dathura Pentacarpellery Eg melia Cont… Poly carpellery pepaver ,lotous 4 Nature of style a,short style B long style C, Divided style Cont… D, Terminal style style lying in same line with ovary Eg hibiscus E, gynobasic style style arises from depression in center of ovary Eg. Ocimum,salvia 5,Nature of stigma A, Simple B, Capitate Cont.. C, divided Stigma divided into lobes Cont… d, Feathery Eg.gramenae Cont… E, Bearded like beard COnt.. F, Curved PLACENTATION arrangement of ovules in syncarpous ovary A,Parietal Carpels fused to one ovules attach at int Margin of ovary Eg. Brassica,argimone Cont… B, Axile- carpels fuse together in center of ovary to from single central placenta Eg. Hibiscus Cont… C, free centralPlacenta as central up growth from ovary base eg Stellaria Cont… D, Marginal – placenta devolope at junction of two carpels Eg, Pea Cont.. E, basal- ovules at base of ovary ovules solitery filling the cavity eg.Compositae Cont… F.superficialCarpels numerous placentae devolope all round the innerpartition wall ovary multilocular Eg.Nymphae THANK YOU