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 PEER REVIEW: Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) Historical Evaluation JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2850 Spafford Street Davis, CA 95618 December 17, 2015 PEER REVIEW Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) Historical Evaluation Prepared for: Robert Salisbury, Planner III County of Santa Clara Planning Office 70 W. Hedding Street, East Wing, 7th Floor San Jose, CA 95110 Prepared by: Heather Norby JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2850 Spafford Street Davis, CA 95618 December 17, 2015 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1 2. Brief Historic Context of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) ............................................ 2 3. Summary of Previous Studies ....................................................................................................... 3 3.1. Page & Turnbull Analysis – 2011 ................................................................................................... 3 3.2. Archives & Architecture Analysis – 2014 ...................................................................................... 6 4. Analysis of Significance and Integrity of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) ..................... 8 4.1. Essential Physical Features of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102)................................ 11 4.2. Integrity of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) ............................................................. 12 5. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 15 6. Preparers’ Qualifications ............................................................................................................ 16 Appendix A: Page & Turnbull 2011 Report Appendix B: Page & Turnbull 2011 Addendum Appendix C: Archives & Architecture 2014 Report PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 1.
2015 Introduction Santa Clara County has contracted with JRP Historical Consulting, LLC (JRP) to review two existing historical studies that came to differing conclusions about the eligibility of the Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102), located approximately ten miles south of downtown San Jose, for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR), and the Santa Clara County Heritage Resource Inventory, and determine whether or not Building 102 meets any of the significance criteria and retains sufficient historic integrity for listing in any of the registers. The Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102), built in 1959‐1961 and made operational in 1962, was part of the former Almaden Air Force Station (Almaden AFS), a military complex that operated at the top of Mt. Umunhum from 1958 through 1980. Mid‐Peninsula Regional Open Space District (Mid‐Pen) acquired the decommissioned station in 1986 and began demolishing the remnant buildings in 2013. The Mt. Umunhum radar tower building is the only remaining building from Almaden AFS. In preparation for demolition of the buildings at the former Almaden AFS, Mid‐Pen hired Page & Turnbull to conduct an historic evaluation of Almaden AFS, which concluded in 2011 that none of the buildings were eligible for listing in the NRHP, CRHR, or the local Santa Clara County Heritage Resource Inventory. With regard to Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102), Page & Turnbull concluded that it met NRHP Criterion A / CRHR Criterion 1 and NRHP Criterion C / CRHR Criterion 3 for significance, but that it lacked integrity to convey that significance and therefore is not eligible for listing in either register. In 2014, a local advocacy group hired another firm, Archives & Architecture, LLC, to evaluate Building 102, and that report concluded that the tower is historically significant, retains integrity, and should be placed on the Santa Clara County Heritage Resource Inventory. The Archives and Architecture report did not apply NRHP or CRHR criteria to Building 102.1 In addition to reviewing the previous evaluation studies of the former Almaden AFS site, JRP Staff Historian Heather Norby performed a site visit to Mt. Umunhum on November 24, 2015, accompanied by Meredith Manning of Mid‐Pen and Rob Salisbury of the Santa Clara County Planning Office. Ms. Norby recorded the Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) with notes and digital photographs of the building and the surrounding setting. 1
Page & Turnbull, Inc., “Historic Resource Study: Former Almaden Air Force Station, Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, CA,” prepared for Mid‐Peninsula Regional Open Space District, updated final March 9, 2011; Archives & Architecture, LLC, “Historical Evaluation: Mount Umunhum Radar Tower, Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve, Santa Clara County, California,” prepared for Santa Clara County Historical Heritage Commission, revised May 14, 2014. PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 1 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 JRP concludes in this report, as elaborated in Section 4 below, that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) is historically significant, retains historic integrity to convey its significance, and is eligible for listing in the NRHP and CRHR. It also qualifies as a landmark under the Santa Clara County Historic Preservation Ordinance and is recommended to be placed on the Santa Clara County Heritage Resource Inventory. 2.
Brief Historic Context of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) The US Air Force (USAF) established Almaden AFS in 1957 to serve as an early warning radar base to protect northern California’s airspace during the Cold War. Radar facilities were clustered at the highest point of the station atop Mt. Umunhum. The first operational radars at the station were an AN/FPS‐20 search radar and an AN/FPS‐6A height finder constructed in 1957. Another AN/FPS‐6A height finder was installed in 1958, and upgraded in 1963 to an AN/FPS‐90. In 1962 an AN/MPS‐14 was constructed to be mobile. The original radar at the site, the AN/FPS‐20, was housed in a dome‐shaped structure, but it was replaced by the massive AN/FPS‐24 that was mounted atop Building 102, the subject of this report. Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) is a massive concrete structure that was built from 1959‐
1961 to support the new radar, and it also housed a height finder shop (Photograph 1).2 The AN/FPS‐24 search radar that went online in 1962 atop the Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) was the second of twelve production models built nationwide between 1958 and 1962, and one of a series of radars in the Semi‐Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) system that allowed the military to analyze data simultaneously from many radar stations. The AN/FPS‐24 at Almaden AFS had a 250‐mile range which was farther than the 200‐mile range of some of the other models. During its years of service at Almaden AFS, 1962‐1980, the radar was rarely updated and it does not appear as though any substantive changes were made to Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) upon which the radar sail was mounted. The radar sail was removed from the building in 1980.3 2
Page & Turnbull, “Historic Resource Study,” 21‐28. Page & Turnbull, “Historic Resource Study,” 28.
PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 2 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 Photograph 1: 1962 photograph of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) excerpted from Archives & Architecture 2014 report. Note radar AN/FPS‐24 radar sail mounted on top.4 3.
Summary of Previous Studies 3.1. Page & Turnbull Analysis – 2011 Page & Turnbull concluded that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) is historically significant, but that it lacks integrity to convey its significance. The evaluation of Building 102 states: Significant to former Almaden AFS under Criterion A/1 (Events) as the most prominent and directly‐related example of radar operation at the site, and Criterion C/3 (Architecture/Design) as the only concrete radar tower at the site which was built for 4
Archives & Architecture, “Historical Evaluation,” 9. PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 3 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 one of the most high‐powered antennas in California. However, it is not individually eligible for the National Register or California Register due to lack of integrity.5 The report also notes that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) was one of three buildings clustered at the top of Mt. Umunhum that “best represent the historic function of the former Almaden Air Force Station.”6 The other two – both since demolished – were the steel tower for another radar, and the training building. In particular, Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) is called out as the “most impressive structure at the site.”7 The report included these recommendations about future uses of the building: If it were to be retained, it could potentially be used as an interpretive center that discusses the historic use of the former Almaden AFS. Interpretive signage about the site, the building, and the AN/FPS‐24 that was once located there could be installed…Conversely, the building could be fully sealed, the interior unused by visitors. In this case, the building would continue to serve as a local icon and interpretive materials could be placed on the exterior.8 Page & Turnbull concluded that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) did not retain historic integrity to convey its significance. Regarding the lack of integrity, the report states that Building 102: Lacks integrity of materials, workmanship, and association, largely because the radar unit on the roof and the other technical machinery to operate the radar has been removed. The removal of the radar and equipment prevents the building from directly conveying a connection to its historic function and design.9 Page & Turnbull’s integrity analysis of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) rests upon methodology that considers workmanship and association the most valuable aspects of integrity in the evaluation of resources at Alamden AFS. Regarding the methodology applied to integrity, the report states: For the forty‐seven resources reviewed at the former Almaden AFS, the aspects of integrity deemed to be of the highest value in the evaluation process were workmanship and association. These two aspects allowed for latitude in the evaluation of the other aspects of integrity, which may have been significantly altered. As defined previously, workmanship is the physical evidence of the crafts of a particular culture or 5
Page & Turnbull, “Historic Resource Study,” 55.
Page & Turnbull, “Historic Resource Study,” 85.
Page & Turnbull, “Historic Resource Study,” 86.
Page & Turnbull, “Historic Resource Study,” 86.
Page & Turnbull, “Historic Resource Study,” 55.
PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 4 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 people during any given period in history or prehistory, and association is the direct link between an important historic event or person and a historic property. Although workmanship is often associated with traditional crafts and construction techniques, it can be adapted to suit the evaluation of scientific and technical resources. Examples of workmanship for these types of facilities include the presence of specialized infrastructure, large‐scale cranes, vacuum spheres, and cable trays. These resources are often vital in the facility’s operational mission, and serve as the physical evidence of work conducted in a particular time and place. In many cases, equipment and technological resources function as the primary historic elements within technical facilities, and the building housing them is often treated as a shell adapted to these resources. While the character of the equipment may change or evolve over time, the function of this equipment or technology remains constant despite the changes in appearance or design. Therefore, in evaluating the workmanship of radar facilities, significant equipment that played a role in the history of Cold War military programs must be noted in the context statement and integrity evaluation. Although the structure or building may physically change and evolve over time, if the significant equipment and technological resources used in that military function still exist, even if altered, then a resource may retain integrity of workmanship. In a scientific or highly technical facility, integrity of workmanship is defined as the constant evolution of equipment and technology constructed for a specific goal. This technology often results in significant events or associations that are embodied within a place. The National Park Service defines this connection as the integrity of association – the direct link between an important historic event or person and an historic property. The National Park Service recognizes integrity of association as being subjective, and often, ephemeral in nature. The integrity of association of a scientific or highly technical facility is vital to convey its significance because some identifiable link to the significant event or person is essential. Integrity of association is not solely defined by its aesthetic attributes, which are identified as the integrity of feeling. Technical facilities often lack this integrity of feeling, due to the evolution of the physical characteristics, which would have originally defined a building, structure, or object. The integrity of association is more closely tied to the place. Therefore, integrity of association is required in order to convey a scientific or highly technical facility’s connection to a past discovery or achievement.10 Page & Turnbull prepared an addendum report in August 2011 to address the potential for any of the buildings at Almaden AFS to have local significance that could render them eligible for 10
Page & Turnbull, “Historic Resource Study,” 13‐14.
PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 5 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 listing in the NRHP or CRHR at the local level, or eligible for the Santa Clara County Heritage Resource Inventory. The addendum report examined Almaden AFS within the context of other Cold War‐era military installations in Santa Clara County. It concludes that within the context of Santa Clara County Cold War‐era military presence, the former Onizuka AFS, just outside of Sunnyvale, contains the most historically significant military buildings in the county. The report acknowledges that when placed within Santa Clara County’s Cold War military context, Almaden AFS may have been considered locally significant if it retained integrity. Page & Turnbull’s addendum report specifically addressed Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102), concluding: The buildings at the former Almaden Air Force Station, though constructed in the early years of Cold War‐era defense advancement, do not retain sufficient materials, workmanship, feeling or association to maintain their historic integrity. This includes Building 102 (the Radar Tower), which, though a large and visually identifiable structure from the base of the mountain, does not retain the radar sail or interior mechanics that associate it with its former defense function.11 In summary, Page & Turnbull concluded that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) is significant under NRHP Criteria A and C / CRHR Criteria 1 and 3, but that the loss of the radar sail and interior equipment is a fatal loss to its integrity that prevents it from conveying its historic significance. 3.2. Archives & Architecture Analysis – 2014 The analysis prepared in 2014 by Archives & Architecture evaluated Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) for eligibility for designation as a County of Santa Clara Landmark. The study did not evaluate the building or the site using NRHP or CRHP criteria. The stated intent of the Santa Clara County Historic Preservation Ordinance is “for the preservation, protection, enhancement, and perpetuation of resources of architectural, historical, and cultural merit within Santa Clara County and to benefit the social and cultural enrichment, and general welfare of the people” (Sec. C17‐1.). The ordinance lays out the following criteria whereby the Board of Supervisors may designate historic resources as landmarks. A. Fifty years or older. If less than 50 years old, sufficient time must have passed to obtain a scholarly perspective on the events or individuals associated with the historic resource and/or the historic resource is a distinctive or important example of its type or style; and 11
Page & Turnbull, Inc., “Historic Resource Study: Former Almaden Air Force Station, Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, CA,” prepared for Mid‐Peninsula Regional Open Space District, addendum August 4, 2011; 8.
PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 6 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 B. Retains historic integrity. If a historic resource was moved to prevent demolition at its former location, it may still be considered eligible if the new location is compatible with the original character of the property; and C. Meets one or more of the following criteria of significance: 1. Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of local or regional history, or the cultural heritage of California or the United States; 2. Associated with the lives of persons important to local, California or national history; 3. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of a master or possesses high artistic values; or 4. Yielded or has the potential to yield information important to the pre‐history or history of the local area, California, or the nation. These criteria generally conform to the criteria for eligibility for listing in the NRHP or CRHR. The significance criteria for evaluation designated by the ordinance mirror the NRHP and CRHR criteria with one notable exception. The ordinance adds “or the cultural heritage of California or the United States” under significance Criterion 1. The NRHP and CRHR significance criteria do not contain any references to “cultural heritage,” a phrase whose meaning is very broad and offers expansive latitude for interpretation. Archives & Architecture applied the Santa Clara County Historic Preservation Ordinance to Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) and, like Page & Turnbull, reached the conclusion that it is historically significant. The report argues that under Criterion 1 of the ordinance: The Mount Umunhum Radar Tower is individually significant at the local level within the former Almaden Air Force Station under Criterion 1 as a prominent example of radar operation at the site and within the Santa Clara County itself. Though not the first or only radar erected at the Almaden Air Force Station, it best represents the overall mission and purpose of Almaden AFS, and has served as a visual symbol of an important era in county history to the county due to its prominent perch above the valley. Of all the remaining artifacts of the Cold War era from 1959 to 1980, the Radar Tower at Mount Umunhum remains the most visual and memorable icon, easily recognizable to the entire population of Santa Clara County. It is of historic significance within the county due to its prominent, distinctive image, its important associations, and the expansive understanding of what it represents to the local population. The property meets Criterion 1 under the County’s ordinance for landmark designation.12 12
Archives & Architecture, “Historical Evaluation,” 19.
PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 7 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 And under Criterion 3 of the ordinance: The Mount Umunhum Radar Tower is individually significant locally under Criterion 3 as a unique concrete radar tower in Santa Clara County, that once supported the highest‐powered radar antenna at the now decommissioned Almaden Air Force Station site. The Radar Tower is a distinctive architectural specimen, both for its unique construction as a military radar tower during the Cold War, as well as its prominent location high about the valley floor in Santa Clara County. The radar tower is a distinguished and locally well‐known example of utilitarian military architecture. It is a distinctive local monument of this type, associated directly with an important period in military history. The property meets Criterion 3 under the County’s ordinance for landmark designation.13 Regarding historic integrity, the Archives & Architecture report concluded that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) retains sufficient integrity to a period of significance of 1959 – 1980 to be designated a landmark, stating: The Mount Umunhum Radar Tower possesses integrity of location and setting. The building has not been moved, although the surrounding buildings are in the process of being demolished at the time of the beginning of this study. Integrity of design, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association had been compromised somewhat because the radar sail and related equipment on the roof has long been removed, and technical machinery to operate the radar no longer exists. Like all decommissioned radar installations in the United States, the radar equipment was removed from the site following decommission, but the building itself retains its original appearance. The structure remains an important representation of the historic background of the former base, and has sufficient integrity to convey its history.14 4. Analysis of Significance and Integrity of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) The two previous studies of the Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) both conclude that the building has historic significance. Page & Turnbull concluded that it is historically significant under NRHP Criterion A / CRHR Criterion 1 and NRHP Criterion C / CRHR Criterion 3, and Archives and Architecture concluded that it is historically significant under Criteria 1 and 3 of the Santa Clara County Historic Preservation Ordinance, criteria that closely mirror NRHP/CRHR Criterion A/1 and NRHP/CRNR Criterion C/3. Archvies & Architecture defined the period of 13
Archives & Architecture, “Historical Evaluation,” 20.
Archives & Architecture, “Historical Evaluation,” 19.
PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 8 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 significance as from the year construction of the tower began, 1959, through decommissioning in 1980. Page & Turnbull associated this date range with the building as well; however, their report did not define a period of significance because they did not conclude that the resource is eligible. This report agrees with the findings of historic significance in both of the previous reports, and the definition of period of significance from 1959 – 1980. The question of the eligibility of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) for listing on any register hinges on whether or not it has integrity to its period of significance to convey its significance. The National Park Service provides guidance in Bulletin 15, “How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation,” about the determination of historic integrity. Bulletin 15 instructs that “only after significance is fully established can you proceed to the issue of integrity.”15 Once significance is established, Bulletin 15 lays out the following steps for determining integrity [emphasis in original]: 
Define the essential physical features that must be present for a property to represent its significance. Determine whether the essential physical features are visible enough to convey their significance. Determine whether the property needs to be compared with similar properties. And, Determine, based on the significance and essential physical features, which aspects of integrity are particularly vital to the property being nominated and if they are present.16 The two previous studies suggest through their discussions of significance – but do not explicitly define – the essential physical features necessary for Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) to convey its historic significance under the criteria for which is was found significant. Page & Turnbull considered the radar sail that was removed from the tower in 1980 to be its most important essential physical feature. Archives & Architecture noted the tower’s “prominent perch” and characterized it as a “distinctive architectural specimen” in the significance evaluation. For specific guidance related to determining essential physical features of highly technical military facilities, we turn to the statewide study, “California Historic Military Buildings and Structures Inventory,” a four‐volume study of which JRP was the primary author (hereafter “Statewide Military Context”); and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s 1991 15
US Department of the Interior, National Park Service, “National Register Bulletin 15: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation,” 1997, 45. 16
National Park Service, “National Register Bulletin 15,” 45.
PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 9 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 publication, “Balancing Historic Preservation Needs with the Operation of Highly Technical or Scientific Facilities.”17 The Statewide Military Context, adopted by the California Office of Historic Preservation as the official context for evaluation of military buildings in the state, is a comprehensive study designed to be used by all Department of Defense service branches during evaluation efforts of active and former California military installations. This study analyzes the ways in which historic buildings and structures have been evaluated to date by the various military services in California, and proposes a methodological and contextual framework to guide future work. Following the classification guidelines presented in Volume III of the Statewide Military Context (Section 8.3.3), Building 102 on Mt. Umunhum represents the property type “Major Radar Arrays.” About this Cold War‐era building type, the study emphasizes: The building was more than a foundation; in most cases, the radar screens and computers were stored in the building below…If the building is found to have supported an important radar set and the building itself retains integrity to its original appearance, the possibility exists the building could be found to qualify for the National Register.18 The ACHP’s 1991 publication discusses the issue of historic integrity of scientific facilities within the context of the fact that these facilities are frequently modified or equipment removed, which can diminish or compromise integrity. The publication advises that “most scientific equipment is not viewed as a candidate for preservation in the standard historic preservation sense. Consequently, most scientists would argue that the need to replace, modify, or remove research equipment as necessary should take precedence over historic preservation considerations.” It goes on to say that decisions about preservation of these properties should take into account ways to “enhance the public’s understanding of historic scientific and technological properties.”19 The guidance in both the Statewide Military Context and the ACHP Publication on highly technical facilities support the possibility that a building such as Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower 17
JRP Historical Consulting Services, “California Historic Military Buildings and Structures Inventory, Vols. I‐IV,” prepared for US Army Corps of Engineers, March 2000; Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, “Balancing Historic Preservation Needs with the Operation of Highly Technical or Scientific Facilities,” a report to the US House of Representatives, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands, and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, February 1991. 18
JRP Historical Consulting Services, “California Historic Military Buildings and Structures Inventory, Vol. III, Historic Context: Themes, Property Types, and Registration Requirements,” prepared for US Army Corps of Engineers, March 2000, 8‐25, 8‐26. 19
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, “Balancing Historic Preservation Needs with the Operation of Highly Technical or Scientific Facilities,” a report to the US House of Representatives, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands, and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, February 1991, 24. PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 10 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 (Building 102) could be considered to retain historic integrity in the absence of the radar equipment. Page & Turnbull’s conclusion that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) lacks historic integrity hinges on the loss of the scientific equipment. To determine whether or not the loss of equipment is a fatal loss of historic integrity, the essential physical features necessary to convey historic significance in relation to each of the criteria must be considered and defined. 4.1. Essential Physical Features of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) The previous reports both concluded that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) is historically significant, either under NRHP/CRHR Criterion A/1 and/or Santa Clara County Historic Preservation Ordinance Criterion 1, for its association with important historic events. Both reports agree that the tower best represents the overall mission and purpose of Almaden AFS, and that the former radar tower is historically significant within the context of the Cold War. Of the features that define this structure as a Cold War radar tower, first and foremost is its location perched atop a high peak. Buildings placed in remote, difficult to access places such as mountaintops tend to convey associations with particular functions that require conditions like expansive viewsheds like lookout stations, or unimpeded signals like radar towers. In addition to its location, the imposing size, utilitarian form, and substantial concrete construction of the tower are all essential features that define the identity and historic use of this building. This tower was constructed for the specific purpose of supporting the AN/FPS‐24 radar sail and its associated equipment, and the size of the tower reflects the scale and weight of the equipment it was designed to support. In summary, the essential physical features of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) that are necessary for it to convey its historically significant associations with Almaden AFS and the Cold War under NRHP/CRHR Criterion A/1 and Santa Clara County Historic Preservation Ordinance Criterion 1 are: 
Location perched atop Mt. Umunhum Size and scale Utilitarian form Concrete construction Lack of architectural embellishment The radar sail is not crucial for this building to convey its historic significance under these criteria because the essential physical features defined above all convey the function of the building in the absence of the equipment. The previous reports also concluded that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) is historically significant under NRHP/CRHR Criterion C/3 and/or Santa Clara County Historic PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 11 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 Preservation Ordinance Criterion 3 as a distinctive architectural specimen built for one of the most high‐powered antennas in California at the time. Under these criteria, this building is significant because it was designed for a specific and historically important function, and its architecture, design, and location express that function. The essential physical features necessary to convey the building’s architectural identity and function are its location atop Mt. Umunhum, which was of central importance to its functionality as a radar facility; its size and form that express that it was designed to support a massive piece of equipment; its lack of any architectural ornamentation or embellishment, reflecting its strictly utilitarian function; and its concrete materials and original industrial steel windows. These features convey the historic character and function of this building. The presence of the radar sail is not essential for the building to convey its association with radar equipment at Almaden AFS during the Cold War. In summary, the essential physical features of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) that are necessary for it to convey its historically significant associations with Almaden AFS and the Cold War under NRHP/CRHR Criterion C/3 and Santa Clara County Historic Preservation Ordinance Criterion 3 are: 
Location perched atop Mt. Umunhum location Size and scale design Utilitarian form design Concrete construction materials, workmanship Placement and materials of steel windows design, materials, workmanship Lack of architectural embellishment design, feeling 4.2. Integrity of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) As noted above, National Register Bulletin 15 instructs evaluators of historic properties to determine “which aspects of historic integrity are particularly vital” after identifying the significance of the property and the essential physical features.20 The following Table 1 identifies which of the seven aspects of integrity – location, setting, design, materials, workmanship, feeling, association – are vital to retention of integrity of each of the essential physical features of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102): 20
National Park Service, “National Register Bulletin 15,” 45. PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 12 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 Table 1: Essential Physical Features of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) and Integrity Aspects Vital to Each Feature Essential Physical Features
Integrity Aspect Location perched atop Mt. Umunhum Location; Association
Size and scale Design
Utilitarian form Design; Association; Feeling Concrete construction Materials; Workmanship Placement and materials of steel windows Design; Materials; Workmanship Lack of architectural embellishment Design; Feeling
Location: Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) retains integrity of location because it is in its original location atop Mt. Umunhum. This location is vital to the significance of the building because its high perch helps convey its historic association with its period as an active radar site. Design: The utilitarian, purpose‐designed character of this building is critical to its ability to convey its historic significance. The tower itself has not been subject to any substantive exterior modifications that diminish its integrity of design (Photograph 2). Photograph 2: Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102), November 24, 2015. PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 13 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 Materials: The heavy concrete walls and industrial steel windows are critical to the function and utility of this structure designed to support a very large and heavy piece of specialized equipment. The tower has suffered no substantial losses materials and retains integrity of materials. The loss of the radar sail would only be considered a vital loss of material integrity if the sail was determined to be an essential physical feature required to convey the historic significance of the tower. The sail is not essential for the building to convey its historic significance. Workmanship: Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) retains integrity of workmanship because it has not been substantively altered and retains its historic materials and design. The loss of the radar sail would only be considered a vital loss of integrity of workmanship if the sail was determined to be an essential physical feature required to convey the historic significance of the tower. The sail is not essential for the building to convey its historic significance. Association: This tower retains integrity of association because it retains those features that are specific to radar towers – high mountain perch, and utilitarian, functional design. Feeling: Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) retains good integrity of feeling because it retains its size, scale, and utilitarian form, and it remains at its original location that can be observed from various points throughout Santa Clara County. Integrity Considerations Not Vital to the Significance of Building 102 Setting: In this case, location is more critical to understanding the historic significance of this resource than setting. During the period of significance, 1959 – 1980, the setting of the tower included nearby buildings that supported the mission and function of Almaden AFS. These buildings, which included a training building, fire hose house, and a steel tower for one of the much smaller radars, were small in size and did not contribute to the physical support of the radar sail in the manner of Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102). These buildings are not essential to the understanding of the radar tower. Many changes have been made to the immediate setting of Building 102 including demolition of all nearby Almaden AFS buildings, and regrading at the peak of Mt. Umunhum. These changes in setting are most noticeable when viewing the tower from the mountaintop itself where it is apparent that the tower is no longer part of an active or extant Air Force installation. From a distance, however, which is how the tower has conveyed its historic significance to the broadest audience of observers throughout its history, the setting is virtually unchanged. The tower appears as it always has, an imposing bulky concrete structure atop Mt. Umunhum (Photograph 3). PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 14 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 Photograph 3: Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower (Building 102) from Bald Mountain Parking Lot. Camera facing west, November 24, 2015. 5.
Conclusion After reviewing the previous reports prepared to evaluate the merits of Almaden AFS and Building 102 in particular, performing a site visit, and consulting appropriate guidance documents, this report concludes that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower is historically significant under NRHP and CRHR Criterion A/1 and C/3 and Santa Clara County Historic Preservation Ordinance Criteria 1 and 3, and that it retains integrity to convey this historic significance. The conclusion of this study is that Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower, Building 102, is eligible for listing in the NRHP and CRHR, and qualifies as a landmark under the Santa Clara County Historic Preservation Ordinance and should be placed on the Santa Clara County Heritage Resource Inventory. PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 15 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 6.
2015 Preparers’ Qualifications Heather Norby of JRP prepared this report. Ms. Norby holds an M.A. in History from the University of California, Berkeley. Since joining JRP in 2008 Ms. Norby’s experience has encompassed a wide range of elements of general historical research and cultural resource management. She has contributed to numerous technical reports and architectural survey and evaluation projects, and has conducted research in primary and secondary source material at public and private repositories throughout California, and at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Ms. Norby has been involved in the preparation of numerous military projects, particularly for Edwards Air Force Base, where she has conducted research and performed fieldwork on multiple occasions; Nellis Air Force Base, where she led field teams and served as one of the primary authors of the compliance documentation; and Marine Corps Logistic Base, Barstow, where she performed fieldwork and prepared compliance documentation for over 200 Cold War‐era buildings and structures. Ms. Norby performed the fieldwork for this project and was the primary author of this report. Bryan Larson, a partner at JRP who has been with the company since 1998, served in an advisory capacity and edited this report. Mr. Larson holds an M.A. in Public History / History from California State University, Sacramento. He has specialized in the study of Cold War‐era military and high‐tech properties throughout California and the American West. He has undertaken an enormous amount of field recordation on historic sites owned or managed by federal agencies such as the United States Air Force, Army, Army Corps of Engineers, Navy, Marines, Bureau of Land Management, and Forest Service, and has conducted a substantial amount of research at many public and private archival repositories, libraries, and government agencies throughout California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and Washington, D.C. Based on their level of experience and education, Ms. Norby and Mr. Larson both qualify as a historian/architectural historian under the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards, as defined in 36 CFR Part 61. PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 16 JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 APPENDIX A Page & Turnbull 2011 Report PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 Historic Resource Study
Updated Final
March 9, 2011
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer,
Santa Clara County, CA
Prepared for
Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District
Los Altos, CA
Prepared by
page & turnbull, inc.
1000 Sansome Street, Ste. 200, San Francisco CA 94111
415.362.5154 /
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 2
II. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................... 6
CONTEXT .................................................................................................................................. 6
GUIDELINES FOR EVALUATION ............................................................................................. 8
INTEGRITY ............................................................................................................................... 11
DEFINITION OF PROPERTY TYPES ....................................................................................... 14
III. ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE ..................................................... 16
IV. HISTORIC CONTEXT ................................................................................................ 21
THE COLD WAR (1945 – 1991) .............................................................................................. 21
RADAR DEFENSES ................................................................................................................... 21
HISTORY OF THE ALMADEN AIR FORCE STATION ........................................................... 25
OTHER NORAD RADAR FACILITIES IN CALIFORNIA ......................................................... 37
POTENTIAL HISTORIC DISTRICT ................................................................................. 49
VII. CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 84
VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................ 85
HISTORIC INTERPRETATION (BUILDINGS 102, 108, 110).................................................. 85
POTENTIAL MROSD FACILITIES (BUILDINGS 211, 212, 884B) ........................................... 87
IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 88
PUBLISHED............................................................................................................................... 88
INTERNET ................................................................................................................................ 88
INTERVIEWS ............................................................................................................................. 89
OTHER ...................................................................................................................................... 89
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
This Historic Resource Study has been completed at the request of the Midpeninsula Regional Open
Space District. It examines the history and significance of buildings located at the former Almaden
Air Force Station (AFS) at the summits of Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, California. The station is
located approximately six miles southeast of Los Gatos and ten miles south of downtown San Jose.
This study evaluates forty-seven resources (thirty-one buildings and sixteen structures) and the site as
a whole for their eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register)
and the California Register of Historical Resources (California Register) (Figure 1). The inclusion in
this report of buildings on Mt. Thayer is an update to the original Historic Resource Study, dated 6
July 2010. See Table 1. for a list of the evaluated properties.
On February 10 – 11, 2010, Page & Turnbull surveyed and digitally photographed forty-five
buildings on Mt. Umunhum, accompanied by staff members from the Midpeninsula Regional Open
Space District (MROSD) and Northgate Environmental Management, Inc. On February 22, 2011,
Page & Turnbull surveyed the former Almaden Air Force Station Ground to Air Transmitter
Receiver (GATR) complex on Mt. Thayer, which has two remaining buildings.
Page & Turnbull staff then conducted research on the buildings in support of a historic context
statement, which addresses the evolution of the former Almaden Air Force Station and identifies
significant themes, events, and persons associated with the facility. This research was conducted in
consultation with the MROSD and local Almaden Air Force Station chroniclers, who provided
historical documentation, photographs, and other pertinent references. Due to the often technical
nature of the concepts, direct citations and excerpts from research resources are included in the
historic context statement.
The context statement frames the history and significance of the individual buildings within the
context of the larger facility, as well as other similar Air Force radar facility sites in California. It
provided the necessary background for the evaluation of the resources and their eligibility for listing
in the California Register of Historical Resources. This Historic Resource Study found none (0) of
the resources eligible for listing in the California and National Registers, based upon an assessment
of historic significance and integrity.
The determination of eligibility for the entire site as a potential Historic District is found in V.
Evaluation of the Former Almaden Air Force Station as a Potential Historic District. The
determination of individual eligibility for the forty-seven resources surveyed has been summarized in
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
VI. Property Inventory. Detailed individual evaluations are not included, and State of California
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523A (Primary Record) and 523B (Building, Structure,
Figure 1. Site Map, Former Almaden Air Force Station.
and Object Record) forms were not completed.
March 9, 2011
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
(Source: Gould Architects, Mt. Umunhum Facilities Inventory and Evaluation, 1994).
Table 1. Determination of Eligibility for Forty-seven Surveyed at the Former Almaden Air
Force Station on Mt. Umunhum. 1
Criteria for
102: Radar Tower FPS-24 (1959-1961)
A/1, C/3
105: Fallout Shelter (1961)
108: Radar Tower MPS-14 (1962)
A/1, C/3
110: Training (1957)
112: Electrical Power Station (1960)
114: Sheet, Pipe & Paint Storage (1965)
115: Security Sentry House (1964)
118: Diesel Fuel Pump (1957)
119: CE [Civil Engineering]
Maintenance Shop (1957)
120: Warehouse Supply & Equipment
200: Water Pump Station (1957)
205: Bachelor Officers’ Quarters (1957)
206: Fire Hose House (ca. 1957)
207: Squadron Headquarters Orderly
Room (1957)
211: Auto Maintenance Shop, aka
Motor Pool (1960)
212: NCO Open Mess (1957, addition
213: Dispensary (1957)
215: Fire Hose House (ca. 1957)
217: Bowling Alley (1961)
225: Airman’s Dining Hall (1957)
226: Fire Hose House (ca. 1957)
230: Commissary (1957; addition in
Resource Identifier
100: Operations (1957, addition in
1 All dates checked and/or provided via Email Correspondence with Basim Jaber, 9 March 2010. Some drawings for
buildings on file at MROSD are dated 1955 or 1956, but these drawings pre-date the establishment of the facility and actual
construction of the buildings.
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
232: Fire Hose House (ca. 1957)
233: Barracks, aka Airman’s Dormitory
and Chapel (1957)
234: Fire Hose House (ca. 1957)
245: Recreation (1957)
250: Auto Maintenance Storage (1958)
275: Swimming Pool (1957)
276: Bath House (1966)
303: Paint Storage (1958)
505: Carport (1958)
506: Fire Hose House (ca. 1957)
507: Fire Hose House (ca. 1957)
508: Fire Hose House (ca. 1957)
509: Fire Hose House (ca. 1957)
510: Fourplex Apartment (1958)
511: Fourplex Apartment (1958)
512: Fourplex Apartment (1958)
513: Fourplex Apartment (1958)
514: Fourplex Apartment (1958)
515: Triplex Apartment (1958)
516: Commander’s House (1958)
517: Triplex Apartment (1958)
700: Communications
Transmitter/Receiver (GATR
Building) (1962)
715/ 722: Security Sentry House (1966)
TELCO (1957)
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
The following section outlines the methodology used to frame the historic context of the former
Almaden Air Force Station and evaluate the resources for listing in the California Register of
Historical Resources and the National Register of Historic Places. Also included in this section is an
introduction to the historic significance criteria and integrity considerations of the California Register
and the National Register.
In July 2010, Page & Turnbull completed a Historic Resource Study of forty-five resources at the
former Almaden Air Force Station.2 This study consisted of site visits on February 10 – 11, 2010.
Page & Turnbull updated this Historic Resource Study in February and March 2011 by surveying the
Almaden Air Force Station GATR complex at Mt. Thayer, bringing the total number of surveyed
properties to forty-seven. Fieldwork focused primarily on basic documentation with field notes and
digital photography. No formal interior survey was conducted as part of this project, although the
interiors of several buildings were accessible and briefly inspected.
Page & Turnbull conducted a review of historical documents, maps, facilities records, and historic
photos. Research sources are cited in the bibliography. Historic research also included consultation
with Kirk Lenington, Senior Resource Planner at the MROSD, as well as interviews with local Santa
Clara valley residents who have amassed a wealth of information regarding the former Almaden Air
Force Station. These local sources included:
Basim Jaber, who has been very active with Almaden Air Station veterans and has provided
information regarding the Almaden Air Force Station site history and individual building
histories. This information was derived from historic documents, photographs and oral
histories, as well as correspondence with former Air Force staff.
David Schwaderer, who provided information about the Almaden Air Force Station site
Page & Turnbull staff member Christina Dikas is the primary author of this study. She meets the Secretary of the
Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards in Architectural History.
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
The evaluations in this report are confined to buildings and radar structures. Ancillary structures and
objects deemed to have no potential for historic significance were not surveyed or evaluated. These
facilities include the following:
1: Flag Pole (1957)
103: Helicopter Pad (1962)
140, 141, 142, 143: Sewage Septic Tanks (1957)
310, 311: Sewage Septic Tanks (1957)
415: Storage for Heating Fuel (1957)
420: Storage for Gasoline (1958)
421: Vehicle Fueling Station/Pump (1958)
600 Series: water pump stations, storage tanks, and three earthen dam facilities that
harvested water from nearby Lake Elsman and watershed (1957)
884B: Water Tank, Steel (1958)
Similarly, this survey determined that several buildings and facilities are no longer extant, and are
therefore not evaluated in this report. They include:
104: Paint Storage
106: Water Storage Tank
107: Radio Tower FPS-90, foundation extant
117: Diesel Storage A&B
124: Fire Hose House
126: Fire Hose House
127: Fire Hose House
128: Fire Hose House
129: Fire Hose House
130: Fire Hose House
209: Fire Hose House
711: Heating Fuel Oil Storage
712: Sewage Septic Tank
713: Water Storage Tank
884A: Water Tank, Wood (1957)
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
National Register of Historic Places
The National Register is the nation’s most comprehensive inventory of historic resources. The
National Register is administered by the National Park Service and includes buildings, structures,
sites, objects, and districts that possess historic, architectural, engineering, archaeological, or cultural
significance at the national, state, or local level. Typically, resources over fifty years of age are eligible
for listing in the National Register if they meet any one of the four criteria of significance and if the
resources retain historic integrity. However, resources under fifty years of age can be determined
eligible for listing in the National Register if it can be demonstrated that they are of “exceptional
importance,” or if they are contributors to a potential historic district. The National Register Criteria
for Evaluation are described in full in Code of Federal Regulation, Title 36, Part 60 and in National
Register Bulletin Number 15: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation. There are four
criteria under which a structure, site, building, district, or object can be considered eligible for listing
in the National Register. These criteria are:
Criterion A (Event): Properties associated with events that have made a significant
contribution to the broad patterns of our history;
Criterion B (Person): Properties associated with the lives of persons significant in our past;
Criterion C (Design/Construction): Properties that embody the distinctive characteristics of a
type, period, or method of construction, or that represent the work of a master, or that
possess high artistic values, or that represent a significant distinguishable entity whose
components lack individual distinction; and
Criterion D (Information Potential): Properties that have yielded, or may be likely to yield,
information important in prehistory or history.
California Register of Historical Resources
The California Register of Historical Resources (California Register) is an inventory of significant
architectural, archaeological, and historical resources in the State of California. Resources can be
listed in the California Register through a number of methods. State Historical Landmarks and
National Register-listed properties are automatically listed in the California Register. Properties can
also be nominated to the California Register by local governments, private organizations, or citizens.
The evaluative criteria used by the California Register for determining eligibility are closely based on
those developed by the National Park Service for the National Register of Historic Places.
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
In order for a property to be eligible for listing in the California Register, it must be found significant
under one or more of the following criteria:
Criterion 1 (Events): Resources that are associated with events that have made a
significant contribution to the broad patterns of local or regional history, or the
cultural heritage of California or the United States.
Criterion 2 (Persons): Resources that are associated with the lives of persons important
to local, California, or national history.
Criterion 3 (Architecture): Resources that embody the distinctive characteristics of a
type, period, region, or method of construction, or represent the work of a master,
or possess high artistic values.
Criterion 4 (Information Potential): Resources or sites that have yielded or have the
potential to yield information important to the prehistory or history of the local
area, California, or the nation.
Resources eligible for the National Register are automatically listed in the California
Register of Historical Resources.
The “Fifty Year Rule” and Criteria Consideration G
According to National Register evaluation criteria, resources that are less than fifty years old must
meet “Criteria Consideration G: Properties that Have Achieved Significance within the Last Fifty
Years” in order to be eligible for listing in the National Register. Criteria Consideration G states that
“[a] property achieving significance within the last fifty years is eligible if it is of exceptional
importance.”3 In order for a property to be evaluated under Criteria Consideration G, there must be
sufficient historical perspective to determine that the property is exceptionally important, as well as a
comparison among other related properties within a geographic area to determine if the property
qualifies as exceptionally important. In addition, the property must first meet one of the four
National Register significance criteria. Properties which have achieved significance within the past
fifty years can also be eligible for the National Register if they are an integral part of a qualified
As stated in the National Register Bulletin: Guidelines for Evaluating Properties that Have Achieved Significance
Within the Past Fifty Years:
National Park Service, National Register Criteria for Evaluation, p. 41.
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
The rationale or justification for exceptional importance should be an explicit part of the
statement of significance. It should not be treated as self-explanatory… The second section
should contain the justification as to why the property can be determined to be of
exceptional importance. It must discuss the context used for evaluating the property. It must
demonstrate that the context and the resources associated with it can be judged to be
“historic.” It must document the existence of sufficient research or evidence to permit a
dispassionate evaluation of the resource. Finally, it must use the background just presented
to summarize the way in which the resource is important.4
Examples of properties that have been listed according to Criteria Consideration G are the Cape
Canaveral launch pad, from which the first humans traveled to the moon, the Chrysler Building in
New York, for its significance as the epitome of “Style Moderne” architecture, and the home of
nationally prominent playwright Eugene O’Neill.5
Though the National Register of Historic Places requires that resources less than fifty years of age
show “exceptional importance,” this is not the case with the California Register. According to the
California Office of Historic Preservation:
In order to understand the historic importance of a resource, sufficient time must
have passed to obtain a scholarly perspective on the events or individuals associated
with the resource. A resource less than fifty years old may be considered for listing
in the California Register if it can be demonstrated that sufficient time has passed to
understand its historical importance.6
To date, none of the resources at the former Almaden Air Force Station have been assessed for their
historical significance. Consequently, none of these resources have been listed in or found eligible for
the California Register or the National Register.
Special Considerations in the Evaluation of Highly Technical and Scientific Facilities
The highly technical nature of the radar facilities at the former Almaden AFS presents unique issues
for determining the resources’ historical significance and level of integrity. Since the character of
highly technical and scientific facilities includes the constant evolution of technology and use, an
evaluation of historic significance and integrity must be based upon a firm understanding of a
resource’s functional history, historic context, character, and reason for the changes over time.
Marcella Sherfy and W. Ray Luce, National Register Bulletin Number 22: Guidelines for Evaluating and Nominating Properties that
Have Achieved Significance Within the Past Fifty Years (Washington D.C.: National Park Service, 1998), p. 11.
5 Ibid.
6 California Office of Historic Preservation, Technical Assistant Series No. 7, How to Nominate a Resource to the
California Register of Historic Resources (Sacramento, CA: California Office of State Publishing, 4 September 2001)
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
One of the earliest public documents to address this issue was the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation’s “Balancing Historic Preservation Needs with the Operation of Highly Technical or
Scientific Facilities,” published in 1991. This document addressed the issue of stewardship of historic
resources within scientific and technical facilities. These facilities are faced with the challenge of
balancing ongoing technical advancements—which often involve major alterations to historically
significant buildings, equipment, and spaces—with consideration of the effects of these activities on
historic properties. In terms of evaluating scientific or technical properties, questions arise regarding
the resources’ direct connection to a significant historic context and the ability of the resources to
convey this connection through their physical features. These two issues, determining the historic
context and assessing historic integrity, are the main challenges in evaluating the eligibility of the
radar facilities under review at the former Almaden Air Force Station.
Scientific and highly technical resources are often significant because of their indirect contributions
to other events or resources and larger systems and discoveries. However, this analysis can prove
overly broad because it can be argued that nearly every technical resource in a network is related to
one particular operational mission. In accordance with the methodology used by Page & Turnbull in
evaluating resources at other mid-twentieth century scientific and technical facilities, only those
properties that had a direct association with an important event can be considered significant under
California Register criteria.
In addition to qualifying for listing under at least one of the California Register criteria for historic
significance, a resource must also retain historic integrity. Integrity is defined as “the authenticity of
an historical resource’s physical identity evidenced by the survival of characteristics that existed
during the resource’s period of significance,” or more simply defined as “the ability of a property to
convey its significance.”7 The process of determining integrity is similar for both the California
Register and the National Register. The same seven variables or aspects that define integrity—
location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association—are used to evaluate a
resource’s eligibility for listing in the California Register and the National Register. According to the
National Park Service’s National Register Bulletin Number 15: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for
Evaluation, the aspects of integrity are defined as follows:
California Office of Historic Preservation, Technical Assistance Series No. 7: How to Nominate a Resource to the California Register
of Historic Resources (Sacramento, CA: California Office of State Publishing, 4 September 2001), p. 11; National Park Service,
National Register Bulletin: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation (Washington D.C.: National Park Service,
1997), p. 44.
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Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
Location is the place where the historic property was constructed.
Design is the combination of elements that create the form, plan, space, structure and
style of the property.
Setting addresses the physical environment of the historic property inclusive of the
landscape and spatial relationships of the building(s).
Materials refer to the physical elements that were combined or deposited during a
particular period of time and in a particular pattern of configuration to form the
historic property.
Workmanship is the physical evidence of the crafts of a particular culture or people
during any given period in history.
Feeling is the property’s expression of the aesthetic or historic sense of a particular
period of time.
Association is the direct link between an important historic event or person and an
historic property.
Integrity is a “yes” or “no” determination. An historic property either retains integrity or it does not.
To retain historic integrity, a property will often possess several, if not all of the aforementioned
aspects. Specific aspects of integrity may also be more important, depending on the criteria for which
it is significant.
Most of the buildings at Mt. Umunhum show deterioration due to weathering and neglect. However,
it is important to note that historic integrity is not synonymous with condition. A building or structure
can possess all or many of the seven aspects of integrity, even if the condition of the materials has
degraded. Condition becomes a more important factor when weathering or vandalism has led to the
outright loss of historic materials.
Assessing Historic Integrity
Scientific facilities or highly technical resources are often significant for the events that took place
within them, rather than for their physical characteristics, which may have been significantly altered
over time. This issue presents a challenge when evaluating the historic integrity of a scientific
property, since a resource must be found significant within an historic context and retain the physical
characteristics that best express this historical significance in order to be eligible for listing in the
California Register. According to the National Park Service’s National Register Bulletin: How to Apply the
National Register Criteria for Evaluation (which also applies to California Register criteria):
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
To retain historic integrity a property will always possess several, and usually most,
of the aspects. The retention of specific aspects of integrity is paramount for a
property to convey its significance.
All properties change over time. It is not necessary for a property to retain all its
historic physical features or characteristics. The property must retain, however, the
essential physical features that enable it to convey its historic integrity. The essential
physical features are those features that define both why a property is significant
(Applicable Criteria and Areas of Significance) and when it was significant (Periods of
For the forty-seven resources reviewed at the former Almaden AFS, the aspects of integrity deemed
to be of the highest value in the evaluation process were workmanship and association. These two
aspects allowed for latitude in the evaluation of the other aspects of integrity, which may have been
significantly altered. As defined previously, workmanship is the physical evidence of the crafts of a
particular culture or people during any given period in history or prehistory, and association is the
direct link between an important historic event or person and a historic property.
Although workmanship is often associated with traditional crafts and construction techniques, it can
be adapted to suit the evaluation of scientific and technical resources. Examples of workmanship for
these types of facilities include the presence of specialized equipment and other technological
resources, such as computer stations, specialized infrastructure, large-scale cranes, vacuum spheres,
and cable trays. These resources are often vital in the facility’s operational mission, and serve as the
physical evidence of work conducted in a particular time and place. In many cases, equipment and
technological resources function as the primary historic elements within technical facilities, and the
building housing them is often treated as a shell adapted to these resources. While the character of
the equipment may change or evolve over time, the function of this equipment or technology
remains constant despite the changes in appearance or design. Therefore, in evaluating the
workmanship of radar facilities, significant equipment that played a role in the history of Cold War
military programs must be noted in the context statement and integrity evaluation. Although the
structure or building may physically change and evolve over time, if the significant equipment and
technological resources used in that military function still exist, even if altered, then a resource may
retain integrity of workmanship.
Ibid., 44; 46.
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
Historic Resource Study
Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
In a scientific or highly technical facility, integrity of workmanship is defined as the constant
evolution of equipment and technology constructed for a specific goal. This technology often results
in significant events or associations that are embodied within a place. The National Park Service
defines this connection as the integrity of association – the direct link between an important historic
event or person and an historic property. The National Park Service recognizes integrity of
association as being subjective, and often, ephemeral in nature. The integrity of association of a
scientific or highly technical facility is vital to convey its significance because some identifiable link to
the significant event or person is essential. Integrity of association is not solely defined by its
aesthetic attributes, which are identified as the integrity of feeling. Technical facilities often lack this
integrity of feeling, due to the evolution of the physical characteristics, which would have originally
defined a building, structure or object. The integrity of association is more closely tied to the place.
Therefore, integrity of association is required in order to convey a scientific or highly technical
facility’s connection to a past discovery or achievement.
At the former Almaden Air Force Station, properties can be divided into three general uses: Special
Military Purpose (radar operation), Support (functional support to the radars and operation of the
station as a whole), and Ancillary (sheds, outbuildings, etc.). Further description of the buildings can
be found in IV. Architectural Description of the Site.
Special Military Purpose Facilities
Buildings designed as purpose-built military facilities are located in the Operations area on Mt.
Umunhum and the GATR site on Mt. Thayer. They generally include the largest building type (in
size) found at Almaden AFS. These buildings and structures housed or supported the technical
equipment directly related to performing radar military operations. The resources were constructed
with either thick reinforced concrete walls, concrete masonry unit (CMU) construction, or steel
structures. None of the buildings are rendered in a particular style; they are utilitarian in appearance
with no ornamentation and few windows.
Significance of Special Military Purpose Facilities
These facilities may be considered significant, as they contained the instruments used for radar
operation and communication with other Air Force personnel. They represent the primary purpose
of the facility. Some Special Military Purpose facilities have unique designs created specifically for
their particular functions.
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
Support and Residential Facilities
Support facilities are located in the Operations, Cantonment, and GATR areas. They include
administrative offices, cafeteria, commissary, gymnasium, and maintenance shops. Housing in the
Cantonment includes barracks and family apartments. Many of these are pre-fabricated steel
buildings, while others are of CMU or wood frame construction. Most of these buildings are
utilitarian in appearance, though the apartments are designed in a simple modern style.
Significance of Support and Residential Facilities
Support and Residential Facilities are likely not individually significant because, as their names
indicate, they provide supportive services to the Special Military Purpose Facilities. As individual
resources, they do not best represent the purpose of Almaden AFS or any important events that may
have occurred there. While several are representative examples of the Modern style, they are not
particularly unique or outstanding in their designs.
Ancillary Facilities
Ancillary buildings include sheds and outbuildings, and primarily consist of simple wood-frame fire
house shelters. The buildings lack an architectural style and are utilitarian in nature.
Significance of Ancillary Facilities
These facilities are not considered significant. They support the basic functions of the facility as a
whole, but like support facilities, they do not individually represent the primary purpose of Almaden
AFS or any important events that may have occurred there.
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
The former Almaden Air Force Station is located at the peak of Mt. Umunhum in the Santa Cruz
Mountains, approximately six miles southeast of Los Gatos, California (Figures 2 and 3). The
station is constructed at an elevation of approximately 3,400 feet, and is accessed by following an
11.5 mile winding route past Guadalupe reservoir. Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer are located
towards the southern end of the Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve, which is owned and managed by
the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District.
The primary facility on Mt. Umunhum is roughly divided into three sections: the operations area, the
cantonment area, and the family housing area. The operations area is located at the east end of the
site, and is divided into an upper and a lower section. The upper operations area, located on the
highest peak of the site, housed the radar operations facilities, including the operations building
(Building100), storage sheds, a concrete radar tower for the AN/FPS-24 (Building 102), a steel tower
structure for the AN/MPS-14 (Building 108), and a training building (Building 110). The lower
section of the operations area, located southwest of the peak, includes a supply warehouse (Building
120), the power station (Building 112), the civil engineering maintenance shop (Building 119), a
TELCO building paint storage (Building 114) and a diesel fuel pump building (Building 118).
The cantonment area is located at a lower elevation to the southwest, near the main entrance to the
site. It includes the site administration facilities and facilities that supported the service-people and
their families. The squadron headquarters/orderly room building (Building 207) and the bachelor
officers quarters (Building 205) are located on a slight hill to the east in the cantonment area. A water
pump is situated across the parking lot from these two buildings below a large metal water tank (once
the site of two water tanks). Community services are located at the center of the cantonment area,
including a dispensary (Building 213), NCO open mess (Building 212), automobile maintenance
facility (Building 211), recreation building (Building 245), swimming pool and bathhouse (Buildings
275 and 276), bowling alley (Building 217), barracks/chapel/hobby shop (Building 233), commissary
(Building 230) and airmen’s dining hall (Building 225).
Down the hill to the west is the family housing residential section, which includes a long carport
(Building 505), five fourplex apartments (Buildings 510, 511, 512, 513, 514), two triplex apartments
(Buildings 515 and 517), one single-family residence (Building 516), and several fire hose houses for
fire protection. A sewage treatment area with oxidation ponds is located northwest of the
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The GATR complex is located one mile west on Mt. Thayer. Only two buildings remain: a small
security sentry house (recorded as both Building 715 and 722) and the Communications
Transmitter/Receiver building, also known as the GATR Building (Building 700). Surrounding
Building 700 is an “antenna farm” of wood poles with anchoring cables.
Figure 2. Aerial, Almaden Air Force Station, ca. 1960s. Cantonment in the western foreground and
radars to the east (several steel barracks buildings were removed in the 1970s).
Figure 3. Aerial, former Almaden Air Force Station on Mt. Umunhum in relation to GATR facility on
Mt Thayer, ca. 2010. (Source: Microsoft Corporation,
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The buildings at the former Almaden AFS feature reinforced concrete, concrete masonry unit
(CMU), or wood frame construction. Notably, the station also includes a number of prefabricated
steel “Butler buildings,” which first came into widespread use by the military during World War II
(Figure 4). Built by the Butler Manufacturing Co., Butler buildings feature an integrated structural
steel building system with components that have been pre-engineered and fabricated based on the
designer's specifications. They are long and narrow, with concrete foundations, corrugated metal
siding, divided-light steel awning windows, and metal gable roofs. The steel Butler buildings are
located in both the operations and cantonment areas of the station. They include the Training
Building (Building 110), one section of the Operations building (Building 100), CE Maintenance
Shop (Building 119), the Squadron Headquarters/Orderly Room (Building 207), Bachelor Officers
Quarters (Building 205), Dispensary (Building 213), NCP Open Mess (Building 212), the Airmen’s
Dining Hall (Building 225), Commissary (Building 230), and Barracks/Chapel (Building 233). Five
other barracks buildings were once located in the cantonment, but only their concrete footing
foundations remain today.
Figure 4. Butler Manufacturing Co. emblem at the gable peak of the Commissary (Building 230).
(Source: Page & Turnbull, February 2010).
There is also one steel structure in the operations area—the tower for the AN/MPS-14 height finder
radar. This structure has four legs and a small metal enclosure at the top of the platform, which is
accessed by metal stairs on the east side. The radar unit is no longer located above the tower.
The concrete masonry unit (CMU) buildings are also located in both the operations and cantonment
areas, as well as at the GATR complex on Mt. Thayer. They include two sections of the Operations
Building (Building 100), Warehouse Supply and Equipment (Building 120), the Electrical Power
Station (Building 112), TELCO, Bowling Alley (Building 217), Recreation Building (Building 145),
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Paint Storage (Building 303), and the Communications Transmitter/RCVR building at GATR
(Building 700). The AN/FPS-24 tower is a behemoth of reinforced concrete construction.
Figure 5. The TELCO, Security, Diesel Fuel Pump, Figure 6. The road leading east to the
and spill containment pool at the east end of the
Operations Building and radar towers.
operations area.
(Source: Page & Turnbull, February 2010).
(Source: Page & Turnbull, February 2010).
The wood frame buildings and structures are primarily located in the family housing section and the
cantonment area, though there is a wood frame Sheet, Pipe and Paint Storage building (Building 114)
in the operations area and a wood-frame security sentry house (Building 715/722) at the GATR
The apartment buildings, single family residence, and fire hose houses are all constructed with wood
frames (Figure 7). The apartment buildings are of a typical Modern style common in California
during the 1950s and 1960s, with flush wood doors, sliding aluminum-sash windows, and open
stairwells ornamented with vertical wood slats. They appear to have been designed by the
architecture firm of Porter, Urquhart, McCreary & O’Brien.
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Figure 7. Apartments on the hill at the west end of the site.
(Source: Page & Turnbull, February 2010).
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The following section provides a center-specific discussion of the former Almaden Air Force
Station’s contribution to the U.S. Air Force’s defense efforts during the Cold War. Included in this
section is a brief history of the Cold War, an outline of the development of the Air Defense
Command (ADC) and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), and an
historic context statement specific to the former Almaden Air Force Station.9
THE COLD WAR (1945 – 1991)
With the conclusion of World War II in 1945, disagreements arose between the Allied powers over
the future political and economic direction of the conquered nations. These tensions soon developed
into the “Cold War,” so named because it was not characterized by direct armed conflict, but rather
by the buildup of nuclear and missile defense systems, spying, and economic competition. This
indirect conflict involved multiple nations, but was primarily a contest between the Soviet Union and
the United States. The Cold War was not fully resolved until the Soviet Union collapsed and was
officially dissolved in 1991.10
During the Cold War, both the Soviet Union and the United States vastly expanded their respective
weapons capabilities, first with long-range nuclear bombers, and later with the development of
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) systems capable of delivering nuclear warheads to targets
located thousands of miles away. These developments compelled both nations to devise new defense
systems, including significant investments in radar technology that could detect and help destroy
incoming threats.11
As part of its defense systems, the United States—in cooperation with Canada—built and maintained
extensive radar networks. These included the interim LASHUP and PERMANENT networks
throughout the U.S. (1951); 35 radar sites on the PINETREE line (1951) across mid-Canada; and the
Distant Early Warning System, or DEW line (1954), in northern Canada.12 The Semi-Automatic
Ground Environment (SAGE) system, established in 1958, allowed the military to locate enemy
aircraft in U.S. airspace through an automated system that could receive and analyze data from many
For a comprehensive historic context on Cold War radar defense, see: David F. Winkler, Searching the Skies: The Legacy of the
United States Cold War Defense Radar Program (Champaign, Il: United States Air Force Headquarters Air Combat Command,
June 1997).
10 “Cold War,” Wikipedia. Accessed on 2 March 2010,
11 “NORAD Fact Sheet,” Online Air Defense Radar Museum. Accessed on 23 February 2010,
12 National Park Service, Western Region. Historic American Buildings Survey: Mill Valley Air Force Station, HABS No.
CA-2615 (San Francisco, CA: National Park Service, 1995) 4.
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stations simultaneously.13 Along with other radar networks, management of the SAGE system was
incorporated within the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), inaugurated in
1958. At its height in the early 1960s, NORAD employed about 120,000 individuals and commanded
an annual budget of $1.4 billion.14 Its mission was to protect U.S. airspace from invasion, warn of
weapons entering that airspace, and intercept any attacks that were launched from the air, sea, or
Radar was originally developed by the U.S. Navy in 1940. The term is an acronym for Radio
Detection and Ranging, indicating its use of electromagnetic radio waves to detect the presence of
objects at long distances.15 Radar systems transmit radio waves and use any returns, or bounces, to
pinpoint the location of objects. By the 1950s, radar had become sufficiently advanced to allow
tracking of airborne missiles.
During the Cold War, Air Force radar stations generally operated three types of radars: a general
surveillance radar, a search radar, and a long-range height-finder radar (Figures 8 and 9). The search
radars detected potential hostile aircraft and told the range and bearing, while the height-finder radars
rocked up and down to find the altitude of objects in the airspace.16 These two types of radars
worked together to triangulate the specific location of objects. The radars each went through several
upgraded iterations as technology improved over the years. The following includes direct citations
from the Federation of American Scientists about some of the more common radars used at Cold
War era Air Force Stations:
General Surveillance Radar: AN/FPS-20, AN/FPS-66, AN/FPS-67, AN/FPS-93
Production of the AN/FPS-20 Surveillance Radar began in 1956. This dualmodulator, fixed station, general surveillance system, developed by RADC [Air
Force Rome Air Development Center] became the main surveillance radar for the
continental United States. Equipped for dual-channel operations with a klystron
transmitter, this system provided long-range surveillance capability. This Bendixbuilt radar was an AN/FPS-3 search radar with an AN/GPA-27 installed. Designed
to operate in the L-band frequencies of 1250 to 1350 MHz, the radar had a range of
over 200 miles. By the late 1950s, this radar dominated the U.S. radar defense
network, with deployment continuing into the early 1960s. In June 1959 Bendix
received a contract to provide private industry's MK-447 [the same system as the
military AN/GPA-103] and MK-448 [AN/GPA-102] antijam packages to the
radars. With the addition of these packages, the Air Force re-designated the radars
“The Mission of ADC,” Aerospace Defense Command Pamphlet 190-1, September 1963. Online Air Defense Radar
Museum. Accessed on 23 February 2010
15 “Radar,” Wikipedia. Accessed on 2 March 2010,
16 David F. Winkler, Searching the Skies: The Legacy of the United States Cold War Defense Radar Program (Champaign, Il: United
States Air Force Headquarters Air Combat Command, June 1997) 30.
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as AN/FPS-66 [AN/GPA-102] and AN/FPS-67 [AN/GPA-103]. The AN/FPS-93
search radar system is a modified AN/FPS-20 with the addition of the Diplex
Gating Unit (DGU) developed by Raytheon for use in the SAGE system.
Figure 8. AN/FPS-20, location and date unknown.
Search Radar: AN/FPS-24, AN/FPS-26, AN/FPS-27, AN/FPS-28, AN/FPS-35
The Frequency Diversity Radar program was a major radar developmental program
at RADC. Some of the prototypes developed as part of it included the AN/FPS-26,
the AN/FPS-27, the AN/FPS-28, and the AN/FPS-35, in addition to the AN/FPS24 frequency diversity radar. This equipment was designed to succeed existing SemiAutomatic Ground Environment (SAGE) radar systems, which had served as the
backbone of air defense of the CONUS, in order to provide enhanced electronic
counter countermeasures (ECCM) capability.
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Figure 9. AN/FPS-24, location and date unknown.
AN/FPS 24: General Electric built an FD search radar designed to operate in the
Very High Frequency (VHF) at 214 to 236 MHz. There were problems with this
radar at the test site at Eufaula, Alabama, in 1960. These problems required many
modifications. Additional problems occurred when deployment was attempted in
1961. When the radar finally deployed, bearing problems often occurred due to the
eighty-five ton antenna weight. Twelve systems were built between 1958 and 1962.
The AN/FPS-24 radar, utilizing a hydrostatic bearing, became operational in the
SAGE system on 30 June 1968. The development of the bearings was the work of
Goodyear Aerospace, under contract with Air Force Rome Air Development Center
AN/FPS 26: Avco Corporation built this height-finder radar that operated at a
frequency of 5400 to 5900 MHz. On 20 January 1960, after testing, RADC accepted
the AN/FPS-26 air defense radar from AVCO, the contractor, stipulating that the
contractor must correct certain component deficiencies. This radar deployed in the
Long-Range Search Radar: AN/FPS- 7
In the mid-1950s, General Electric developed a radar with a search altitude of
100,000 feet and a range of 270 miles. The AN/FPS-7 radar system was one of the
first stacked-beam systems to combine both the search and the height-finding
capabilities to perform ground-controlled intercept functions. Designed to operate
in the L-band at 1250 to 1350 MHz, the radar deployed in late 1959 and the early
1960s. The AN/FPS-7 was used for both air defense and air traffic control in New
York, Kansas City, Houston, Spokane, San Antonio, and elsewhere. In the early
1960s, a modification called AN/ECP-91 was installed to improve its electronic
countermeasure (ECM) capability. About thirty units were produced.
Long-Range Height Finder Radar: AN/FPS-6, AN/FPS-90
The AN/FPS-6 radar, developed at RADC, was the first long-range height finder
radar employed at all Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) locations.
This system had a maximum range of 200 nautical miles and a height-finding
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capacity of 75,000 feet within an angle limit of minus 2 to plus 32 degrees. The
AN/FPS-90 is a modified AN/FPS-6B.17
The highest period of tension for the United States during the Cold War was the 1962 Cuban Missile
Crisis, when it was discovered that the Soviet Union was in the process of placing nuclear missiles on
the island. Threats of nuclear war slowly diminished after that event, which was resolved without
armed conflict. Between 1963 and 1979, the United States and Canada cooperated on reducing the
size of NORAD facilities and eliminating obsolete sites, as air defense of the United States shifted
more to the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve. The Aerospace Defense Command (ADC),
the U.S.’s operating arm of NORAD, was inactivated in 1979 and replaced with the Tactical Air
Command (TAC), which consolidated air defense operations. The 1979 Joint U.S.-Canada Air
Defense Study paved the way to modernize NORAD through the development of new radar lines
and the use of Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft for improved
performance.18 The development of these new technologies made many of the older radar facilities
obsolete, and most were closed over the coming years.
With the outbreak of the Cold War, as well as the Korean War in 1950, the U.S. Army and U.S. Air
Force began reestablishing air defenses to protect the United States against manned bomber attacks
from the Soviet Union. Some air defense radar sites that were used in World War II were reactivated,
and many new sites were established. Almaden Air Force Station was a U.S. Air Force early warning
radar base that operated from 1958 to 1980. It was constructed as part of NORAD to keep watch
over Northern California’s airspace during the Cold War. In order to develop the site, the U.S. Air
Force acquired, between 1957 and 1962, 48.02 fee acres, 43.72 easement acres, and 26.62 lease acres
(total acreage of 118.36) from several private individuals and the San Jose Water Works (SHWW), a
public utility company.19
17 “Strategic Air Defense Systems,” Federation of American Scientists, Website
18 “Aerospace Defense Command,” Wikipedia. Accessed on 3 March 2010,
19 U.S. Army, “Defense Environmental Restoration Program Formerly Used Defense Sites, Findings and Determination of
Eligibility, Almaden Air Force Station (Z-96), Santa Clara, California, Site No. J09CA099900” (2 December 1991).
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Figure 10. The 682nd Radar Squadron’s emblem.
Radar Facilities and Responsibilities
The station was established on 24 July 1957, when the 682nd Aircraft Control and Warning (AC&W)
Squadron was assigned to the site (Figure 10). However, funding shortfalls at the Air Defense
Command delayed construction, and the squadron was not officially transferred until 7 October
1957.20 Almaden AFS subsequently became fully operational on 21 March 1958 as part of the San
Francisco Air Defense Sector.21 It was known as Transmitter Site M-96; AC&W Site M-96; Call
Mountain Radio Relay Annex; and Almaden Air Force Station (Z-96).22
The radar facilities were clustered at the east end of the complex on the highest point of the
mountain. These buildings included the radar towers, operations building, and generator buildings.
The first operational radars were an AN/FPS-20 search radar and AN/FPS-6A height finder that
had been constructed in 1957. The AN/FPS-6A was located immediately north of the Operations
Building (Building 100), and designated as Building 125. The radar was removed in 1963, and the
structure is no longer extant (Figure 11).23
“Almaden Air Force Station,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 16 March 2010 from:
21 682nd Radar Squadron, 2.
22 U.S. Army.
23 Email correspondence with Basim Jaber, 23 March 2010. Information drawn from accounts by veterans who completed
the upgrades and moves.
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Figure 11. Operations (Building 100) with AN/FPS-20 radome to the left, AN/MPS-14 radar to at center, and
AN/FPS-6A to the far right, ca. 1959-1960.
A second AN/FPS-6A height-finder radar was installed as Building 107 in 1958, and upgraded to an
AN/FPS-90 in the spring of 1963. An AN/MPS-14 radar (Building 108) was constructed in 1962
and came online in 1963. The AN/MPS-14 was constructed at the same as the AN/FPS-6A, but was
constructed to be mobile rather than fixed.
The AN/FPS-20 search radar was situated west of the Operations Building where the helipad is
currently located. The radar was housed in a domed structure called a radome. This radar was
replaced by a massive AN/FPS-24 search radar atop Building 102—itself an imposing five-story
concrete tower constructed between 1959 and 1961. This building also included a height finder shop
on the second floor (Figure 12). The AN/FPS-24 was deployed by the manufacturer in 1961, but
bearing problems often occurred due to the eighty-five ton weight of the antenna. In subsequent
years, the radar was rarely updated because of difficulties arising from its enormous size.24
Telephone interview with Basim Jaber, local chronicler of the former Almaden AFS, 2 March 2010.
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Figure 12. AN/FPS-24 (Building 102) at left, Building 110, and AN/FPS-90 (Building 108), ca. 1960s.
The AN/FPS-24 system at Almaden was the second of twelve production models built between
1958 and 1962. The radar became operational in 1962, and had a 250-mile range—considerably
stronger than the 200-mile range of the Air Force radars at Mill Valley and Cambria.
The AN/FPS-20 radome was removed after 1961, and the structural footings were shaved to the
ground.25 The AN/FPS-24 radar “sail” was removed in June 1980, and the radars for the AN/MPS14 and AN/FPS-90 were removed about the same time.26
The Ground to Air Transmitter Receiver (GATR), or communications function, was originally
located in Building 110 (Figures 13 and 14). The communications equipment was connected to the
Operations Building (Building 100) via cable trough. Following the construction of the AN/FPS-24
tower, the GATR function needed to be moved so that the UHF frequency of the radar would not
interfere with the transmitter communication equipment. A new GATR site was constructed in May
1962, about a mile away on Mt. Thayer. Building 110 was then converted to the D.E. supply room. 27
“D.E.” was the Air Force office symbol at the time for “Civil Engineering.” When Building 110 was
Email correspondence with Basim Jaber, 23 March 2010. Information based upon historic photographs and veterans’
26 Email correspondence with Basim Jaber, 23 March 2010. A friend moved onto the mountain in June 1980 and recalls
watching the radars being removed immediately after moving.
27 Telephone interview with Basim Jaber, local chronicler of the former Almaden AFS, 2 March 2010.
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used for GATR, the Civil Engineering Supply was located in part of Building 119, the Civil
Engineering Quarters (CEQ), also known as Station Support. When GATR moved to Mt. Thayer,
the CEQ moved the supply portion into Building 110 until the new power plant (Building 112) was
completed and the original power plant (Building 120) was converted to the D.E. warehouse/supply.
Around 1965, Building 110 was converted for training new personnel.28
Figures 13 and 14. Exterior and interior of GATR (Building 110), prior to construction of a separate GATR site, ca.
The Operations Building (Building 100) was used to process information received from the radars
(Figure 15). This included a Digital Data Processor, and an AN/FST-2B “computer” which was
installed in 1961 for the SAGE automated control system.29 The AN/FST-2B accepted all data input
from the search and height finder radars and processed them into readable data for the radar scopes.
The AN/FST-2B required a large room in the Operations Building to house all the equipment, as
well as an air-conditioning system specifically designed to cool the equipment. The AN/FST-2B was
replaced in 1973 by advanced technology in the form of an AN/FYQ-47, which took up only a
couple racks of equipment instead of an entire room.30 Building 100 also included a room for
cryptography, where encrypted messages were sent and received from NORAD and the various Air
Defense Sector “Direction Centers.” This room included crypto “typewriters” that were used to
encode messages, but the process of decoding was manual.31
Email correspondence with Basim Jaber, 23 March 2010.
Telephone interview with Basim Jaber regarding the former Almaden AFS, 2 March 2010.
30 Email communication with Basim Jaber, 23 March 2010.
31 Ibid.
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Figure 15. Operations (Building 100), the AN/FPS-90 (Building 107) and the corner of Building 102, ca. 1969.
After operating as a NORAD Ground Control Intercept site from 1958 to 1963, the 682nd Radar
Squadron reverted to a Long Range Radar Squadron in April 1966. At that time, it became part of
the 26th Air Division headquartered at the Adair AFS in Oregon, under the command of the 4th Air
Force at Hamilton Air Force Base, California. On 1 July 1968, the Squadron was incorporated into
the Backup Interceptor Control Center (BUIC) system, which provided backup capability in the
event that a regional control center was destroyed. The squadron’s mission again reverted to a Long
Range Radar in March 1969, and on 15 September 1969, the squadron fell under the operational
control of the 26th Air Division NORAD Region, headquartered at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.32
By the mid-1970s, a handout provided by the 682nd Radar Squadron stated its mission was to “equip,
administer and train all assigned personnel to provide surveillance data, height information, and
IFF/SIF responses to the Region Control Center at 26AD/NORAD Region. We also provide
ground-to-air communications and data link with aircraft in our area of responsibility.” 33
In May 1962, following construction of the AN/FPS-24 tower, the Air Force acquired land on the
neighboring peak of Mt. Thayer and moved the Ground-to-Air Transmitter-Receiver (GATR) so that
the radar would not interfere with GATR’s radio frequency signals. The primary building erected on
Mt. Thayer was the Communications Transmitter/Receiver building, also known as the GATR
Building (Building 700). Initially it contained mostly the same equipment as that used when GATR
was in Building 110, but with some improvements. Over the years, the communications equipment
682nd Radar Squadron, Welcome to 682nd Radar Squadron, Almaden AFS, California (n.d.; post-1976) 2.
682nd Radar Squadron, 3.
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
grew to include transmitters, receivers, antennae, data links, and a Klystron tube. A power line
connected the GATR site to the power plant at the Operations site. Telephone lines came from the
phone company to the demarcation point in the TELCO Building, and then local wiring was
distributed throughout the facility. Radar Operations used the GATR via the TELCO lines to
communicate to intercept and patrol aircraft.34
Other enhancements to the GATR site on Mt. Thayer included below-surface water storage and
septic tanks (Buildings 711, 712, and 713, which appear no longer extant), antenna arrays, and a small
security sentry house (Building 715/722) down the road. The sentry house was installed at the gate
in the summer of 1966, possibly as a result of heightened anti-war efforts for those opposing the
Vietnam War.35 The tall wood poles for lower-frequency antennae were placed in a mesh
arrangement and sent and received signals from intercept aircraft on patrol for intercept missions.
Another type of antenna array was the FRT-49 (no longer extant), a high power data-link transceiver
“horizontal ladder array” (Figure 16). It protruded out from the east and west sides of the east and
west sides of Building 700 and had a peak output of 20,000 watts. The FRT-49 was coupled with the
GKA-5 data link for sending data to intercept fighters for cockpit on-screen display information.
When Almaden AFS was designated as a Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) site
between January 1961 and Feb 1974, a SAGE Direction Center could communicate to the site via
secure telephone lines to Building 700 and were able to communicate with intercept fighters within
the Almaden AFS GATR transmission range remotely.36
Figure 16. GATR (Building 700) with tall poles for lower-frequency antennae and shorter FRT-49
horizontal array visible, ca. 1964-1965.
(Source: N. McKiethan via B. Jaber Archives)
Email correspondence with Basim Jaber, 2 March 2011.
Email correspondence with Basim Jaber, 4 March 2011.
36 Ibid.
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
Support Facilities and Residential Facilities
The support buildings and residential facilities at the former Almaden AFS are located at the
southwest end of the site. At its peak, Almaden AFS housed approximately 120 people including
employees and their families, and counted eighty-four buildings and structures. On average, the
facility employed approximately 30 stationed military personnel and 50 to 100 civilian personnel.37 To
support the radar installation and residential cantonment, the station included basic support facilities
for water and sewage, fire protection, administration, heating and refrigeration, and supply. It also
catered to community needs with facilities for medical and dental care, postal services, a commissary
and exchange, a chapel, and a barber shop. Recreational facilities included a bowling alley, pool and
gymnasium. Nearly all of the non-residential support buildings and the barracks were pre-fabricated
Butler buildings, while the apartment buildings for families were of wood-frame construction.
The widespread use of Butler buildings at Almaden AFS appears to be a departure from other Air
Force stations that were constructed earlier in the 1950s in California, such as Klamath AFS and Mill
Valley AFS (both established in 1951). There, the barracks, administration buildings, mess halls,
recreation facilities, and maintenance buildings were primarily of wood-frame construction and based
on standardized designs by the Chicago-based architectural firm of Holabird, Root and Burgee.38
Administration was located in Building 207, the Orderly Building (Figure 17). It housed the
commander’s office, the first sergeant, and others who handled business operations. In its earliest
years, the Almaden AFS commander lived in the Bachelor Officers’ Quarters (Building 205, also
known as the Visiting Airman Quarters or the Transient Lodging Facility). As the names suggest, this
building was mostly used as temporary housing and included four hotel-style rooms, a bar and
37“Site Survey Summary Sheet for DERP-FUDS site No. J09CA099900: Almaden Air Force Station.” Corps FUDS.
Website accessed on 4 March 2010 from:
38 National Park Service, Western Region. Historic American Buildings Survey: Mill Valley Air Force Station, HABS No.
CA-2615 (San Francisco, CA: National Park Service, 1995) 7.
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Figure 17. View east from the barracks buildings (no longer extant) to the Headquarters/Orderly Room (Building
207) and Bacherlor Officers’ Quarters (Building 205) on the hill, ca. 1959-60.
Single male enlisted personnel were housed in six steel Butler barracks. In 1974, the commander
condemned the old barracks buildings because they were leaking, moldy, and no longer habitable.
Five of the six barracks buildings were purchased by the U.S. Forest Service and dismantled. Only
their concrete footings remain today. Personnel without families moved to leased quarters off-base,
and the remaining barracks building (Building 233) became the chapel/photo lab/ceramics
The twenty-seven family housing units (Buildings 510 to 517) on site were completed in 1959
(Figures 18 and 19). Dependent children attended nearby schools in San Jose via a bus service.
According to the architectural drawings, the apartment buildings were designed by the architecture
and engineering firm of Porter, Urquhart, McCreary & O’Brien (PUMO). PUMO also designed the
Catalina Heights Neighborhood for Oxnard Air Force Base in 1958 as part of the Capehart military
housing program. The Capehart and Wherry programs were designed to ease military housing
shortages in the 1950s by allowing private sponsors to build units on or adjacent to military
installations. The apartments at the former Almaden AFS resemble other Capehart and Wherry
projects, including the 1953 Baker Beach apartments at the Presidio of San Francisco. Though not
designed by PUMO, the Baker Beach apartments feature wood-frame construction clad in stucco,
aluminum-sash windows, and open stairwells with decorative wood lattice screens. It therefore seems
a fair assumption that PUMO’s designs for the Almaden AFS apartments were influenced by other
mass-produced military housing designs of the period.
Telephone interview with Basim Jaber, chronicler of the former Almaden AFS, 2 March 2010.
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
The threat of wild fires meant that fire protection was an important aspect of living on the mountain.
Fire hose houses were located throughout the site, including sixteen fire hose houses with 1 ½ inch
and 2 ½ inch pre-connected fire houses in the Cantonment area. All of the surviving fire hose houses
are marked with an interior stencil that reads “Built by 115 CET Wisconsin ANG,” which appears to
indicate they were fabricated by the 115th Fighter Wing of the Wisconsin Air National Guard. In
addition to the hose houses, the site had a 1,500 gallon water distributor.40
Figure 18. Cantonment, ca. 1969.
Figure 19. Playground by apartments, ca. 1969.
682nd Radar Squadron, 7.
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
Medical and dental services were located within Building 213 (Figure 209). Two medical technicians
provided routine medical care, and a civilian contract doctor offered services one day a week by
appointment. An Air Force dentist visited the station for a period of thirty days every three months
to take care of military personnel. Dental care for dependents was provided by local dentists in the
San Jose area. A fully equipped ambulance was available on station 24 hours a day for emergencies.
Military patients requiring care beyond the capabilities of the station were transported to Moffett
Naval Air Station Dispensary, Letterman Hospital in San Francisco, or to Travis Air Force Base
Figure 20. Dispensary (Building 213), ca. 1959-1960.
Community services were supplied by Almaden AFS for personnel and residents. The Post Exchange
was located in the recreation hall, Building 245. Although small in size, it carried most basic
necessities and some popular items, such as cameras, radios, stereos, calculators, and a small selection
of clothing. Almaden AFS had a branch commissary supported by Travis Air Force Base. The store
maintained a supply of canned goods, dairy products, frozen foods, produce, and other foodstuffs.
The commissary was open during the weekdays, but not on weekends. Recreational facilities
consisted of a pool table, a half-court gymnasium (Building 245), weight room, ping pong tables, a
foosball table, a nine-foot swimming pool with a diving board, and a two-lane bowling alley with
automatic pin-setters (Building 217) (Figure 20). Building 245 also included a library. Hobby shops
were located in Building 233, and included a Photo Lab and a Ceramic Shop. The “Top of the Rock”
Consolidated Open Mess in Building 212 required club membership to attend squadron functions.
682nd Radar Squadron, 6.
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Figure 21. View east to the Orderly Building (Building 207) from the swimming pool, ca. 1959-1960.
Almaden AFS came under TAC jurisdiction in 1979, and the facility’s closing ceremony took place
on 29 March 1980 with a final lowering of the flag.42 The official “inactivation” date was 30 June
1980.43 On 30 September 1980, a total of 18.42 acres of leased land was disposed of by terminating
two leases (14.60 and 3.82 acres). The net remaining acreage was 48.02 fee acres, 43.72 easement
acres, and 8.20 leasehold acres for a total of 99.94 acres of land. In June 1982, control of the property
and improvements was transferred to the General Services Administration (GSA). On 21 April 1986,
the GSA quitclaimed 91.696 acres of perpetual easements and fee acres to the Midpeninsula Regional
Open Space District (MROSD). The remaining 8.20 acres of leaseholds were terminated at that
Today the site is part of the Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve. It is not open to the public because of
environmental hazards, including asbestos and lead-based paint. In addition, most of the buildings
have deteriorated due to damage from the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, as well as ongoing
vandalism and a significant amount of weather exposure which has damaged both the exteriors and
Telephone interview with Basim Jaber, 2 March 2010.
Email correspondence with Basim Jaber, 23 March 2010.
44 U.S. Army.
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
The Almaden Air Force Station was one of two hundred air defense and long-range radar facilities
that monitored the skies over the continental U.S. As such, it was one of about 23 Lashup
(temporary) and permanent radar stations in California that were constructed to protect the West
Coast from Soviet attack. The radar ranges generally reached up to 200 miles, though a couple, like
Almaden’s AN/FPS-24, reached 250 miles. The ranges overlapped for good coverage, and
removable radars were positioned in gaps.
In order to provide a comparative basis for the facilities at the former Almaden AFS, the following is
a discussion of the other nine permanent NORAD radar facilities in California (Air Force Stations—
excluding impermanent Lashup sites and Air Force Bases). It includes information about when the
installations were established, what types of radar equipment were operated, when the stations
closed, and any available information about their current state.
Mill Valley Air Force Station
The closest station north of Mt. Umunhum was the Mill Valley Air Force Station, located on a 106.4
acre site on the west peak of Mt. Tamalpais (Figure 22). The site was leased from the Marin
Municipal Water District in 1942 and returned to them in 2005. The 666th Aircraft Control and
Warning (AC&W) Squadron began operating an AN/CPS-6B radar there in late 1951. Mill Valley
AFS was designated the Master Direction Center under the manual control system of operations in
1951, meaning that it had operational tactical control over three other Ground Radar Squadrons, two
Navy picket ships, two Air Early Warning and Control Aircraft, sixteen Army Air Defense Artillery
Nike-Ajax and Nike-Hercules units in the San Francisco-Travis Air Force Base complex.45
Between 1955 and 1964, the Mill Valley AFS operated an AN/FPS-8, AN/GPS-3, AN/FPS-4
height-finder radar, AN/FPS-6 set, AN/FPS-7 search radar, AN/FPS-6B height-finder radar,
AN/FPS-26A height-finder radar, and AN/FPS-90. In January 1961, the site began feeding data into
the SAGE System. Following the station’s integration into the SAGE system, Battery Integration and
Radar Display Equipment (BIRDIE) was installed in April “to provide a tightly-knit control of Nike
defenses, unattainable prior to its development, assuring optimum target engagement in the most
efficient and economical manner.” At this time, Mill Valley AFS was designated the headquarters for
the San Francisco NORAD Control Center, composed of both Army and Air Force personnel and
equipment. The same year, the 666th squadron became host to the 40th Artillery Brigade Air Defense
Command Post, and was put in charge of the Nike-Hercules missile systems in the San Francisco45 National Park Service, Western Region. Historic American Buildings Survey: Mill Valley Air Force Station, HABS No.
CA-2615 (San Francisco, CA: National Park Service, 1995) 8.
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Travis AFB area.46 In 1966, the AN/FPS-26A was removed from SAGE duties when it was
converted to an AN/FSS-7 SLBM detection & warning radar. The U.S. Army Air Defense
Command Post also shared this radar site during the 1960s for Nike-missile control because the site
was linked with the Nike missile site at nearby Fort Barry.47
Figure 22. Former Mill Valley Air Force Station, 2010. FAA facility to the right, remaining foundations
of other buildings to the left.
(Source: Google Maps, 2010)
Mill Valley AFS came under Tactical Air Command (TAC) jurisdiction in October 1979. During the
1980s, most of the property was turned over to the National Park Service and the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA). The Air Force retained control of the height-finder radar (modified to an
AN/FPS-116) and the SLBM radar, which was deactivated circa 1980. In 1995 the FAA operated an
AN/FPS-66A search set, which was replaced in the late 1990s with an ARSR-4.
At its height, the Air Force Station contained sixty-two buildings, and radar systems were housed in
radome tower buildings. Most of the radar facilities were deactivated by 1980, but the ARSR-4
continues to function for the FAA.48 The majority of facilities have since been removed.
The site was documented in the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) in 1995, and was
determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places based on its significant role
as one of the most important radar stations in the country. According to the HABS documentation:
National Park Service: 9.
48 “Mt. Tamalpais West Peak/Mill Valley AFS,” Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from:; and “Mill Valley AFS,” Website accessed
on 9 March 2010 from:
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
At every phase of its history—as a control station in the 1950s, as a SAGE combat
division center from 1961 to 1963, as San Francisco Defense Area NORAD
Control Center from 1961 to 1974, and as one of six SLBM radar stations from
1968 to 1980— it was one of the few radar stations to hold a position of
Because it was determined eligible for listing on the National Register, the Mill Valley Air Force
Station was automatically listed on the California Register of Historical Resources. It was assigned a
California Historic Resource Status Code of “2D2,” which means “Contributor to a district
determined eligible for NR by consensus through Section 106 process. Listed in the CR.”
Point Arena Air Force Station
Further north along the coast, the Point Arena AFS operated from December 1951 to the mid1980s. The 72-acre station was manned by the 776th Radar Squadron until the unit was deactivated in
1980, and an element of the 26th Air Defense Squadron continued operations. The site included
barracks, a post exchange, recreation center, tennis courts and a pool, wastewater treatment plant,
boiler plant, and an operations building, among other structures.50 It featured two radar towers,
including an eighty-foot concrete tower, much like the one at the Almaden AFS. The Point Arena
AN/FPS-24 general surveillance radar was the first of twelve productions (Almaden’s was the
second) (Figure 23). During its operational years, the site contained an AN/TPS-1B radar,
AN/FPS-3 and AN/FPS-4, AN/FPS-8, AN-GPS-3, AN-FPS-20 and AN/FPS-6 set, AN-FPS-6B,
AN-FPS-24, AN-FPS-26A and AN-FPS-90 height-finders, AN/FPS-93A, AN-FPS-91A and
AN/FPS-116. In addition to the site’s radars, it also supplied ground-to-air (GATR) communications
to aircraft in the operating area. The GATR site was remotely located from the radar site to minimize
interference from the radars into the radio gear.51 Nearly identical to GATR at Almaden AFS, the
Point Arena GATR featured tall poles for lower-frequency antennae and a linear FRT-49 antenna
array (Figure 24).
National Park Service: 10.
“April 2004 SitRep,” Air Defense Radar Museum. Website accessed on 11 March 2010 from:
51 “Point Arena Air Force Station. Wikipedia. Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from;
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Figure 23. Point Arena AFS, AN/FPS-24 tower.
Figure 24. Aerial of the GATR site at Point Arena AFS (n.d.)
Point Arena AFS came into NORAD’s SAGE command and control system in 1960. The site came
under TAC jurisdiction in 1979. Once manned by 200 Air Force personnel, by 1982 Point Arena
AFS was operated by forty-four civilians. The site remained in use as joint FAA and civilian-manned
radar station until 1998, but is now closed.52
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Klamath Air Force Station
Klamath AFS was first established in 1951 as a temporary installation, but became part of the
permanent radar network in April 1952 when the 777th AC&W Squadron began operating AN/FPS3 and AN/FPS-4 radars. Between 1956 and 1966, the facility operated an AN/GPS-3, AN/FPS-20,
AN/FPS-6, AN/FPS-6A, AN/FPS-20A, AN/FPS-66, AN/FPS-90, AN/FPS-26 height-finder, and
an AN/FPS-27 long-range search radar. The 777th became a SAGE radar squadron in 1960, and the
site came under TAC jurisdiction beginning in 1979. In the 1980s, much of the property was turned
over to the National Park Service, and the operations area became an FAA/U.S. Air Force joint-use
facility. In 1995, the FAA operated an AN/FPS-66A search set in the old AN/FPS-27 tower. The
Klamath AFS has since been replaced by the FAA/U.S. Air Force site at Rainbow Ridge, CA.53
Red Bluff Air Force Station
Red Bluff AFS began in 1955 with the acquisition of 24.2 acres of grazing land south of Redding in
Tehama County (Figure 25). The station became operational by the end of 1956 with the 85th
AC&W Squadron as a garrisoning unit. The 858th initially operated the AN/MPS-8 height finder
radar and the AN/MPS-11 search radar, which were both mobile systems. At different times
between 1959 and 1970, the facility operated fixed AN/FPS-6, AN/FPS-6A, AN/FPS-67 fixed
search radar, AN/FPS-90 height finder radar.
The radar information began being fed into the SAGE command and control system in 1960, which
removed the Ground Control Intercept function from the station and reduced its manpower
requirements. A GATR site and two gap filler annexes were established in 1960. With the transfer of
the GATR function, the former on-site building was converted into the station’s commissary. In
1964, Red Bluff AFS came under joint control of the FAA and the ADC. The 859th Squadron was
inactivated in 1970, and the facility closed. In 1971, the GATR site and operations portion of the
main station were transferred to the FAA, who continues to operate a search radar there as part of
the Joint Surveillance System (JSS), a joint U.S. Air Force/FAA air sovereignty monitoring system.
By the end of 1972, the remainder of the station was transferred to Tehama County, which
developed the site into a county park.
53 “Klamath Air Force Station,” Wikimapia. Website accessed on 15 March 2010 from:
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Figure 25. Red Bluff Air Force Station, date unknown.
Red Bluff AFS was unique to California radar stations in that it was the only station that used metal
buildings for administration, logistical support, and housing. All of the other stations used wood
frame construction for at least some of their buildings. With closure of the station, most of the
buildings were disassembled and transferred to government agencies and non-profit organizations.54
Madera Air Force Station
Several radar Air Force Stations were situated south of Almaden. The Madera AFS was located
northeast of Fresno, and was established as a temporary emergency site. It was first occupied by the
774th AC&W Squadron in 1951, and construction began that year on several concrete and woodframe buildings to house the radar and support equipment, as well as its eight officers and 108
enlisted airmen and noncommissioned officers. The site became a permanent Air Force Station in
1952 (Figure 26). Nine family housing units were constructed in 1956, and seventeen more in 1960.
The facilities at Madera AFS also included a swimming pool, skeet range, athletic court and field,
base exchange, and a three-hole golf course, which contributed to the station’s unofficial nickname,
“Country Club of the Air Force.”55
54 “Red Bluff Air Force Station,” The California State Military Museum, Website accessed on 15 March 2010 from:
55 “Madera Air Force Station,” The California State Military Museum, Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from:
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Figure 26. Aerial of former Madera Air Force Station, 2010.
(Source: Google Maps, 2010)
Madera AFS was integrated into NORAD’s SAGE command and control system in 1960. With this
change, the 774th AC&W Squadron became the 774th Radar Squadron (SAGE). Between 1950 and
1963, the site operated an AN/TPS-1B search radar, AN/FPS-3 and height finder, AN/FPS-4 radar
sets, an AN/FPS-6A height finder radar set, an AN/FPS-20 system, an AN/FPS-66 and an
On 25 June 1966, the Madera AFS and the 774th Radar Squadron were both deactivated. In
December of that year, the U.S. Air Force issued a permit to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA),
Department of the Interior to use the site as a school and vocational training center.57 It is unclear if
any buildings remain standing at the site.
Cambria Air Force Station
The Cambria AFS was established in 1951 on the Pacific coast, about thirty miles north of San Luis
Obispo. The 34-acre site contained an AN/FPS-26A height finder, as well as AN/FPS-6 and ANFPS-107 radar towers during its period of operation (Figure 27). The radar units have since been
dismantled, but the structures remain (Figure 28 and 29).
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Figure 27. Former Cambria Air Force Station, n.d. (ca. 2000)
The AFS was nearly self-sufficient, and included a post exchange, library, mess hall, theater/bowling
alley, tennis courts, dark room, medical unit, two radar towers, six barracks, a bomb shelter, a
telephone exchange building, officers’ quarters, a pump house, automotive maintenance facility, two
gate houses, a boiler room, a sewage treatment plant, a water filtration facility, power plant building,
club/pool room, commissary, recreation building, administration building, operations buildings,
maintenance shop, and various ancillary buildings (Figure 30).58
By 1968, 180 Air Force personnel and twenty-five civilian workers were employed at Cambria AFS.
About sixty percent of the staff lived off-station, some in an Air Force housing tract in Cambria,
some in Cayucos, and others in Morro Bay.59 The AFS was closed in 1979. As of 2008, the site was
owned by a private individual, but it was still in minor use by the government to broadcast safety
notices and weather information to ships through USCG Navigational Telex.
58 “Cambria Air Force Radar Station Conversion Project Proposal,” Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from:
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Figures 28 and 29. Former Cambria AFS—the AN/FPS-26A radome in 1968, and the AN/FPS-107
radar tower in 2004.
Figure 30. Former Cambria AFS barracks in the cantonment area, July 2003.
(Source :
Santa Rosa Island and Lompoc Air Force Stations
The Santa Rosa Island AFS operated from 1952 to March 1963 on Santa Rosa, one of the Channel
Islands. At various times, the 669th AC&W Squadron operated an AN/CPS-6B, AN-FPS-10,
AN/FPS-3, AN-GPS/3, and AN/MPS-14.
The Lompoc AFS was established at Oak Mountain in Santa Barbara County in 1963, when the 669th
AC&W Squadron moved from Santa Rosa Island AFS (Figure 31). The 669th operated as part of the
SAGE network, and was administered by Vandenberg Air Force Base. A GATR facility was located
about a mile south at Sudden Ranch. Between 1963 and 1968, the Lompoc AFS operated an
AN/FPS-67, AN/FPS-6, AN-FPS/6A height-finder radar, and AN-FPS-67. The 669th was
deactivated in June 1968. The GATR site has been retained.60
“Lompoc Air Force Station,” Website accessed on 15 March 2010 from:
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Figure 31. Lompoc AFS, ca. 1964.
Boron Air Force Station
Boron AFS was established in February 1952 in the Mojave Desert, and was initially managed by
Edwards Air Force Base (Figure 32). The 750th AC&W Squadron subsequently assumed command
of the site and operated two AN/FPS-10 radars, one of which remained until 1959. Between 1958
and 1969, Boron AFS operated an AN/FPS-6 height-finder radar, AN/FPS-61 height-finder, ANFPS-10, AN/FPS-20, AN/FPS-35 FD, AN/FPS-26A and AN/FPS-90 height-finder radars, and an
AN/FPS-67 with a radome. The facility provided data for the regional SAGE center in 1961, and the
AN/FPS-6A became an operational ADC/FAA joint-use radar.
The 750th was deactivated in June 1975. Part of the site continued to be used by the FAA, while the
other section was used as a federal prison camp, which subsequently closed in April 2000.61
61 “Boron Federal Prison Camp/Boron AFS,” Wikimapia. Website accessed on 15 March 2010 from:
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Figure 32. Aerial of former Boron Air Force Station, 2010.
(Source: Google Maps, 2010)
San Clemente Air Force Station and San Pedro Hill Air Force Station/Fort MacArthur
The 670th AC&W Squadron began operations at San Clemente AFS in May 1952 with a single
AN/FPS-3 radar. A year later, an AN/FPS-4 height-finder radar joined the site. Over the years
between 1955 and 1960, the facility also operated an AN/FPS-8, AN/GPS-3, and AN/FPS-4. The
site was deactivated in 1960, and the 670th AC&W Squadron relocated to Fort MacArthur/San Pedro
Hill AFS, a joint-use Air Force/Army/FAA radar site. San Clemente Island was handed over to the
Navy. Operations at San Pedro Hill AFS/Fort MacArthur included AN/FPS-6B and AN/FPS-26A
height-finder sets in 1963, and AN/FPS-90 and AN/FPS-27 radars in 1964. The 670th Radar
Squadron was deactivated in April 1976 (Figures 33 and 34).
Figures 33 and 34. San Clemente AFS- radar in 1958; the site in recent years.
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Mt. Laguna Air Force Station
Operations at the Mt. Laguna Air Force Station, located east of San Diego, began in April 1952
(Figures 35 and 36). At that time, the 751st AC&W Squadron (later 751st Radar Squadron) operated
AN/CPS-4 and AN/FPS-3 radars. Between 1952 and 1966, the Radar Squadron also operated an
AN/FPS-8, AN/GPS-3, AN/FPS-6, AN/FPS-7C search radar and AN/FPS-6 and 6B height-finder
radars, AN/FPS-90 set; AN/FPS-26A FD height-finder radar; and AN/FSS-7 SLBM D&W radar.
The site became integrated into the SAGE system in 1961. Mt. Laguna became a joint-use
ADC/FAA facility around 1965. In 1979 the facility came under TAC jurisdiction. In the 1980s, the
FAA assumed greater control, replacing the AN/FPS-7E with an ARSR-3 search radar, leaving the
Air Force responsible only for the height-finder tower, which was removed circa 1988. In the late
1990s, the ARSR-3 was replaced by the ARSR-4.62 The other radars have since been removed, and
only the towers remain. The FAA currently uses the ARSR-4 radar for en route flight safety and air
traffic control. The site is scheduled to be dismantled in 2010 by the U.S. Forest Service with federal
stimulus funds.63
Figures 35 and 36. Former Mt. Laguna AFS, married enlisted quarters, ca. 1994 and the AN/FPS-26
height-finder radar/AN-FSS-7 SLBM radar tower with the FAA’s ARSR-4 radar behind, 2009.
62 “Mount Laguna AFS,” Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from:
63 “751st Radar Sqdn., Mount Laguna AFS, CA,” Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from:
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
The following is an evaluation of the former Almaden AFS for its potential eligibility as a historic
district. The evaluation uses the significance criteria of the California Register of Historical Resources
and the National Register of Historic Places, as well as integrity considerations that were previously
discussed at length in the Methodology section. Individual evaluations are located in VI. Inventory
and Brief Evaluation of Individual Buildings.
Criterion A/1 (Events)
The former Almaden Air Force Station does not appear eligible for listing in the National Register
under Criterion A or the California Register under Criterion 1 (Events) as a potential historic district.
Though the facility was constructed as part of NORAD’s Cold War defense system for the United
States and Canada, nine permanent Early Warning Radar Air Force Stations existed in California
during the same period. The radars at the Almaden AFS overlapped in range with the nearby
stations, and all of the radars worked in concert to detect foreign objects in airspace along the Pacific
Coast. Likewise, all these facilities were connected to the SAGE command and control system in
1960-61, and at least three other stations contained separate GATR facilities. Thus, the former
Almaden AFS does not appear singularly significant in function, nor was its equipment unique.
The facilities and operational tasks for each radar station were quite similar, and the hierarchy of
command was nearly identical—aside from those stations which served as a command post or
headquarters. For example, Mill Valley AFS functioned as a control station in the 1950s, as a SAGE
combat division center from 1961 to 1963, as San Francisco Defense Area NORAD Control Center
from 1961 to 1974, and as one of six SLBM radar stations from 1968 to 1980. Because of these
significant functions, the station was determined eligible for listing as a historic district on the
National Register in 1995, which meant that it was automatically listed in the California Register as
well. By contrast, the former Almaden AFS does not rise to the same level of significance as Mill
Valley AFS, and thus does not appear eligible for listing on the California Register or National
Almaden AFS operated from 1958 to 1980. It was the not the first Cold War-era Air Force radar
station to be established in California. In fact, it was the last station established without transferring a
radar squadron from a previous location in California (i.e. Santa Rosa AFS to Lompoc AFS and San
Clemente AFS to Fort MacArthur). The Mill Valley, Point Arena, Klamath, and Cambria Air Force
Stations were established in 1951, and Madera, Santa Rosa, Boron, San Clemente, and Mt. Laguna
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
Air Force Stations were established in 1952. The establishment of these stations may be considered
more significant than Almaden AFS because the 1951-52 system of Early Warning Radar stations
was the United States’ first major construction project as a result of Cold War hostilities.64 Other
stations also operated for longer periods than Almaden AFS, including Klamath AFS which closed in
the 1980s, Mt. Laguna which closed in the 1990s, and Point Arena which did not close until 1998.
In conclusion, the former Almaden AFS does not stand out as particularly significant compared with
other Cold War-era Air Force radar stations in California, such as those which served as local or
regional command centers. It therefore does not appear eligible for listing as a historic district on the
National Register or the California Register.
Criterion B/2 (Persons)
The former Almaden Air Force Station does not appear eligible for listing in the National Register
under Criterion B or the California Register under Criterion 2 (Persons). It was a military facility and
by definition all of the personnel worked together in support of the operational mission. Research
has failed to turn up an intimate association with a particularly prominent person or persons that
would justify its inclusion in the National Register or California Register under this criterion.
Criterion C/3 (Architecture & Design)
The former Almaden Air Force Station does not appear eligible for listing in the National Register
under Criterion C or the California Register under Criterion 3 (Architecture & Design) as a potential
historic district. The buildings at the former Almaden AFS are common amongst radar stations of
the Cold War era in terms of construction materials, style, size, massing, and use. Prefabricated steel
Butler buildings were most often used for radar support, administration, community services, and
airmen barracks. All of the stations except Red Bluff AFS used wood-frame construction for
apartments or other buildings, in addition to the use of steel buildings. The wood-frame apartments,
though modern in design, resemble other mass-produced military housing of the era, such as those
constructed for the Capehart and Wherry programs. The buildings likewise do not appear significant
in the portfolio of Porter, Urquhart, McCreary & O’Brien, who worked on larger military housing
projects elsewhere.
The radar structures used at the Almaden AFS were not unique, but rather, followed common
conventions similar to other radar installations. Height-finder radars were placed on steel structural
supports, while search radars were placed on multi-story concrete cubes. The specific types of radars
varied from station to station, and also varied over the years as technology improved. However, a
National Park Service: 1.
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Historic Resource Study
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
select number of radars were in use during a given time period. For example, all nine other stations
in California used AN/FPS-6 series height-finder radars, and seven used the AN/FPS-90. Three
used the AN/FPS-20 search radar, and Santa Rosa AFS used the AN/MPS-14. Point Arena was the
only other Early Warning Radar Station in California to operate the large AN/FPS-24. Though the
concrete tower at the former Almaden AFS is distinctive, it supported the second of twelve
production models of the AN/FPS-24—the first being at Point Arena. Furthermore, the radars
themselves have been removed from the towers at the former Almaden AFS. Based upon Page &
Turnbull’s methodology of highly technical and scientific resources, which emphasizes the need to
retain some technical equipment related to the historic function of the building, the towers
consequently do not retain integrity of workmanship and association. Thus, the historic integrity has
been lost. A rare fully intact AN-FPS-24 (the radar sail remains) is located at Camp Hero on Long
Island, New York.
The buildings and structures at the former Almaden AFS do not represent the work of a master or
possess high artistic value. They embody the characteristics of a type, period, and method of
construction, but within the broader historic context of the period, they do not stand out as a
collection of buildings that should be recognized for their design as a National Register or California
Register Historic District.
Finally, the facility’s site and layout are not unique compared to the other Cold War-era Air Force
radar stations. For example, the Mill Valley, Point Arena, Klamath, Cambria, Santa Rosa Island, San
Clemente, and Mt. Laguna Air Force Stations were all situated on elevated pieces of land—either
mountains or coastal bluffs—as these locations were advantageous for non-obstructed radar
placement. It was also not uncommon for stations to combine the radar installation with multiple
family housing and community services because the facilities were situated in relatively isolated
Criterion D/4 (Information Potential)
The analysis of the former Almaden Air Force Station for eligibility under California Register,
Criterion 4 (Information Potential), which is typically reserved for archaeological resources, is beyond
the scope of this report. However, the site will likely not have merit under this criterion from its era
as an Air Force Station.
Evaluation Conclusion
Though the entire site as a whole does not appear to possess the level of significance required for
listing on the National Register or the California Register, there are layers of importance within the
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
site. The area most relevant to the historic purpose and function of the Air Force Station was the
radar facility at the top of Mt. Umunhum. The cluster consisting of Operations (Building 100), the
concrete tower for the AN/FPS-24 (Building 102), the steel structure for the AN/MPS-14 (Building
108), and the steel Butler building (Building 110) together represent the most important function of
the site. They also exemplify typical construction methods. Though the buildings and structures lack
the historic integrity needed to qualify for eligibility as a small historic district on the California
Register, they do offer an excellent opportunity for historic interpretation of the site (see VIII.
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Historic Resource Study
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
This section includes summary information for each of the individual surveyed buildings, including
the location, date of construction, function, brief description/historic context, and a brief evaluation
utilizing the National Register and California Register criteria and assessment of integrity. The
buildings are generally separated into the following uses: Special Military Purpose (radar operation),
Support (functional support to the radars and operation of the station as a whole), Residential
(housing), and Ancillary (sheds, outbuildings, etc.). The majority of the historic background
information was provided by local Santa Clara County resident Basim Jaber.65
Regarding historic integrity, to reiterate, most of the buildings at the former Almaden AFS show
deterioration due to weathering and neglect. However, it is important to note that historic integrity is
not synonymous with condition. A building or structure can possess all or many of the seven aspects
of integrity, even if the condition of the materials has degraded. Condition becomes a more
important factor when weathering or vandalism has led to the outright loss of historic materials, such
that the resource can no longer convey a direct connection to its historic function and design.
Email correspondence with Basim Jaber, 9 March 2010.
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
100: Operations
Date of Construction: 1957; addition 1959
Property Type: Special Military Use- Radar
Historic Context Notes: Originally constructed
as two separate buildings of steel and
concrete block construction, a third section
of concrete block was built in 1959. The roof
was joined to make one building with three
separate sections inside for scopes,
cryptography, and administration.
Cryptography was later moved to the main
FPS-24 radar tower. Radiation shielding was
added in 1963.
Evaluation: The building is not of significant
design or construction. Its function was
important within the station as the control
arm of the radar facility. Thus, the building
possesses significance under Criterion A/1,
but it is not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register due
to lack of integrity.
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of setting
since the radar towers that once immediately
surrounded it are no longer extant. Lacks
integrity of workmanship, feeling and
association since the equipment inside has
been removed and it no longer functions in
any capacity related to its original use.)
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
102: Radar Tower FPS-24
Date of Construction: 1959-1961
Property Type: Special Military Use- Concrete
Radar Support Tower
Historic Context Notes: The 19,845 square foot,
five-story, cast-in-place concrete building was
constructed from 1959 to 1961, and the radar
it supported on its roof was fully operational
in 1962. The AN/FPS-24 search radar was
the second of twelve production models (the
first was located at Point Arena, whose tower
has recently been restored). The radar had a
range of 250 miles, whereas most radars had a
range up to 200 miles. The radar was
removed from the tower in June 1980.
Evaluation: Significant to former Almaden
AFS under Criterion A/1 (Events) as the
most prominent and directly-related example
of radar operation at the site, and Criterion
C/3 (Architecture/Design) as the only
concrete radar tower at the site which was
built for one of the most high-powered
antennas in California. However, it is not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register due to lack of integrity.
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
materials, workmanship, and association,
largely because the radar unit on the roof and
the other technical machinery to operate the
radar has been removed. The removal of the
radar and equipment prevents the building
from directly conveying a connection to its
historic function and design.)
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
105: Fallout Shelter
Date of Construction: 1961
Property Type: Support- Fallout Shelter
Historic Context Notes: The 1,590 square foot
fallout shelter consists of two Quonset huts
placed longitudinally adjacent to one another,
rock-lined, and lead painted. An escape hatch
and a concrete staircase next to Building 100
access it from above. Never needed, and used
as storage.
Evaluation: Not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
because design and construction is typical and
the fallout shelter was never used as such.
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
108: Radar Tower MPS-14
Date of Construction: 1962
Property Type: Special Military Use- Steel Radar
Support Tower
Historic Context Notes: This mobile heightfinder radar was the last radar constructed at
the site. The footings of the tower measure
19 feet by 19 feet, and the building is approx.
40 feet tall to the platform. The radar was
removed from the steel tower in the
spring/summer of 1980.
Evaluation: Significant within the former
Almaden AFS under Criterion A/1 (Events)
and Criterion 3/C (Architecture/Design) as
the only steel height-finder radar tower
remaining on site. Aside from Building 102, it
is the other structure to directly relate to the
station’s radar defense mission. However, it is
not individually eligible for the National
Register or California Register due to lack of
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
materials, workmanship, and association and
association, largely because the radar has been
removed. The removal of the radar and
associated equipment prevents the building
from directly conveying a connection to its
historic function and design).
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Historic Resource Study
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
110: Training
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Special Military Use - GATR,
Storage, Training
Historic Context Notes: The 1,080 square foot
building was constructed as the original
Ground to Air Transmitter Receiver (GATR)
communications building. GATR moved to
Mt. Thayer in 1962 and this building
became the D.E. (civil engineering)
warehouse before it was converted to
personnel training in 1965.
Evaluation: Significant within the site under
Criterion A/1 (Events) as the first GATR
building. Not eligible as an individual
resource on the National Register or
California Register due to lack of historic
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
workmanship, feeling, and association
because the GATR equipment and function
was removed in 1962. Without the
equipment, the shell of the building does not
convey the connection to this historic use,
and the building resembles all other steel
Butler buildings, which were used in a variety
of ways.)
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Historic Resource Study
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
112: Electrical Power Station
Date of Construction: 1960
Property Type: Support Facility—power station
Historic Context Notes: The 5,660 square foot
building was constructed with a steel frame,
concrete masonry unit (CMU) and cementasbestos board siding, and a steel roof. It was
not the original power plant at the site.
Consists of four Nordberg model #90180634 Diesel engines rated at 933 hp each.
This power plant was constructed to support
the new AN/FPS-24 radar built in 19591962. Three of the generators ran in excess of
73,000 hours, and the fourth developed
problems after 1500 hours and was then used
for parts for the other machines.
Evaluation: This building supported the
function of the radars, and is not individually
Retains Integrity: Yes
114: Sheet, Pipe & Paint Storage
Date of Construction: 1965
Property Type: Ancillary— storage
Historic Context Notes: N/A
Evaluation: Support facility, and not
individually significant. Also, not age-eligible
because it is less than fifty years old.
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of design,
materials, workmanship, feeling, and
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
115: Security Sentry House
Date of Construction: 1964
Property Type: Support Facility—security
Historic Context Notes: The 215 square foot
corrugated metal building at the entrance to
the operations area at the top of the
mountain. The building may have originally
been located at the main gate on Mt.
Umunhum Road in 1964, and moved to the
operations area shortly thereafter.
Evaluation: Support facility, and not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register. Also, not age-eligible
because it is less than fifty years old.
Retains Integrity: Yes
118: Diesel Fuel Pump
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Facility—pump house
Historic Context Notes: 250 square foot,
concrete block building. Two 80,000-gallon
diesel DF2 tanks were located below, as well
as a spill containment earthen dam. This was
the site of heavy soil contaminants that were
recently abated by the Army Corps of
Evaluation: Support facility, and not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
119: CE Maintenance Shop
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Facility—Maintenance
Historic Context Notes: The 1,920 square foot
building was also known as the Civil
Engineering Quarters (CEQ). It was
constructed with a pre-fabricated steel
structure and skin manufactured by the Butler
Manufacturing Co.
Evaluation: Support facility, and not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
120: Warehouse Supply & Equipment
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Facility— power plant,
Historic Context Notes: This 2,190 square foot
building was the original power plant used to
power the AN/FPS-20 search radar and
height finder sets. It contained three or four
Cummins Turbo-diesel generators. The
generators were removed in 1962 when the
AN/FPS-20 was decommissioned and
removed. The building was converted to
supply room at that time.
Evaluation: Support facility, and not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
materials, workmanship, and association due
to the change from its original purpose and
missing materials.)
200: Water Pump Station
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Facility—pump station
Historic Context Notes: The 240 square foot,
corrugated metal building was used to pump
water from the “upper” and “lower” pump
houses on the final route to the water tanks.
Also used for pressurization of fire hydrants
on station.
Evaluation: Support facility and not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
205: Bachelor Officers’ Quarters
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Facility- temporary
Historic Context Notes: 1,920 square foot steel
Butler building was also known as the
Visiting Airman Quarters (VAQ), the
Transient Lodging Facility (TLF), and the
Bachelor Airman Quarters (BAQ).
Evaluation: Support facility, and not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
206: Fire Hose House
Date of Construction: ca. 1957
Property Type: Ancillary—fire protection
Historic Context Notes: All fire hose houses
were built between 1957 - 1958. The
hydrants were installed first, then these
structures were built to shelter the hoses. All
of the hose houses were in place before the
station became operational in 1958, and all
show the interior stencil “Built by 115 CET
Wisconsin ANG.”
Evaluation: Not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
materials and workmanship because some of
the walls and the doors are missing)
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
207: Squadron Headquarters Orderly Room
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Building- headquarters
Historic Context Notes: The 1,920 square foot
pre-fabricated steel Butler building housed
administrative functions. It included the
Commander's Office, admin assistant to the
Commander, personnel office, mail room,
Evaluation: This building functioned in the
daily operation of the station, but was not a
part of any significant events, nor is its
architecture distinctive. It is not individually
eligible for the National Register or California
Retains Integrity: Yes
211: Auto Maintenance Shop, aka Motor Pool
Date of Construction: 1960
Property Type: Support Facility— auto shop
Historic Context Notes: This is a 1,984 squarefoot pre-engineered metal building.
Evaluation: Support facility that contributed to
the daily function of the station, and not
individually significant for the National
Register or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
212: NCO Open Mess
Date of Construction: 1957, addition in 1975
Property Type: Support Facility- dining hall
Historic Context Notes: The 1,950 square foot,
pre-fabricated steel Butler building had an
addition of 1,690 square feet constructed in
1975. It was used as a dining hall for the noncommissioned officers.
Evaluation: Not individually significant for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes
213: Dispensary
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Facility— medical
Historic Context Notes: The 1,000 square foot
building was used to provide medical and
dental care for Air Force personnel.
Evaluation: A support facility for resident
personnel, and not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
215: Fire Hose House
Date of Construction: ca. 1957
Property Type: Ancillary—fire protection
Historic Context Notes: All fire hose houses
were built between 1957 - 1958. The
hydrants were installed first, then these
structures were built to shelter the hoses. All
of the hose houses were in place before the
station became operational in 1958, and all
show the interior stencil “Built by 115 CET
Wisconsin ANG.”
Evaluation: Not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
materials and workmanship because much of
the walls and the doors are missing)
217: Bowling Alley
Date of Construction: 1961
Property Type: Support Facility- recreation
Historic Context Notes: This 1,740 square foot
concrete masonry building contained two
lanes with pinsetters, one ball-return machine,
a frame-counter, frame reset console,
operator booth, and men’s/women’s
restrooms inside.
Evaluation: A recreational facility for resident
personnel, and not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register. Also,
not age-eligible because it is less than fifty
years old.
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
225: Airman’s Dining Hall
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Facility—dining
Historic Context Notes: The 4,640 square foot,
pre-engineered steel building functioned as
the dining hall for commissioned personnel.
Evaluation: Support facility for the station, and
not individually eligible for the National
Register or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
226: Fire Hose House
Date of Construction: ca. 1957
Property Type: Ancillary—fire protection
Historic Context Notes: All fire hose houses
were built between 1957 - 1958. The
hydrants were installed first, then these
structures were built to shelter the hoses. All
of the hose houses were in place before the
station became operational in 1958, and all
show the interior stencil “Built by 115 CET
Wisconsin ANG.”
Evaluation: Not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes (All three walls and the
roof are intact, as well as the fire hydrant and
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
230: Commissary
Date of Construction: 1957; addition in 1967
Property Type: Support Facility—store
Historic Context Notes: Originally a 1,000
square foot prefabricated steel Butler
building; a wood-frame addition of 535
square feet was constructed in 1967. The
building functioned as a store for groceries
and other items.
Evaluation: Support facility for the personnel
who lived on site. Not individually eligible for
the National Register or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
232: Fire Hose House
Date of Construction: ca. 1957
Property Type: Ancillary—fire protection
Historic Context Notes: All fire hose houses
were built between 1957 - 1958. The
hydrants were installed first, then these
structures were built to shelter the hoses. All
of the hose houses were in place before the
station became operational in 1958, and all
show the interior stencil “Built by 115 CET
Wisconsin ANG.”
Evaluation: Not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of design,
materials, and workmanship because the roof
and doors are missing.)
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
233: Barracks, aka Airman’s Dormitory and
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Residential- barracks
Historic Context Notes: This 2,920 square foot
building was once one of six pre-fabricated
steel Butler buildings originally used for
barracks. The others were removed in the
1970s due to substandard conditions, and
personnel without families moved to rented
apartments at the bottom of the mountain.
This building was converted to a chapel and
hobby rooms for photography and ceramics.
Evaluation: Support facility for personnel
living on site, and not individually eligible for
the National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes
234: Fire Hose House
Date of Construction: ca. 1957
Property Type: Ancillary—fire protection
Historic Context Notes: All fire hose houses
were built between 1957 - 1958. The hydrants
were installed first, then these structures were
built to shelter the hoses. All of the hose
houses were in place before the station
became operational in 1958, and all show the
interior stencil “Built by 115 CET Wisconsin
Evaluation: Not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes (All three walls and the
roof are intact).
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
245: Recreation
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Facility—recreation
Historic Context Notes: The 4,660 square foot
concrete masonry building contained a BX
(base exchange), gymnasium with half-court
basketball court, library, billiard room,
weight/workout room, barber shop, and
projectionist booth for movies.
Evaluation: Support facility for recreation. Not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
250: Auto Maintenance Storage
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Ancillary—storage
Historic Context Notes: The 360 square foot
building is a pre-engineered metal Butler
Manufacturing Co. building.
Evaluation: Ancillary building, and not
individually significant for the National
Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
275: Swimming Pool
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Facility—recreation
Historic Context Notes: The pool was
constructed at the same time as the adjacent
gymnasium. It is nine feet deep at one end,
and featured a diving board, spiral slide, and
filtration system.
Evaluation: Recreational facility for personnel
on site, and not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
276: Bath House
Date of Construction: 1966
Property Type: Support Facility- recreation
Historic Context Notes: The 400 square foot
concrete masonry building contained men’s
and women’s showers, sinks, urinals, and
toilets, with a closet/plumbing room in the
Evaluation: Recreation facility for personnel
on site, and not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register. Also,
not age eligible because it is less than fifty
years old.
Retains Integrity: Yes
303: Paint Storage
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Ancillary—storage
Historic Context Notes: This concrete masonry
unit (CMU) building is located next to the
sewage treatment ponds at the west end of
the facility.
Evaluation: Ancillary building, and not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
505: Carport
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Residential—carport
Historic Context Notes: The 4,870 square foot
building was constructed adjacent to the
family apartments in the cantonment area at
the west end of the facility. The two end walls
are of stone, and the back wall is concrete.
Evaluation: Support facility for the personnel
who lived on site, and not individually eligible
for the National Register or California
Retains Integrity: Yes
506: Fire Hose House
Date of Construction: ca. 1957
Property Type: Ancillary—fire protection
Historic Context Notes: All fire hose houses
were built between 1957 - 1958. The hydrants
were installed first, then these structures were
built to shelter the hoses. All of the hose
houses were in place before the station
became operational in 1958, and all show the
interior stencil “Built by 115 CET Wisconsin
Evaluation: Not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
507: Fire Hose House
Date of Construction: ca. 1957
Property Type: Ancillary—fire protection
Historic Context Notes: All fire hose houses
were built between 1957 - 1958. The hydrants
were installed first, then these structures were
built to shelter the hoses. All of the hose
houses were in place before the station
became operational in 1958, and all show the
interior stencil “Built by 115 CET Wisconsin
Evaluation: Not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of design,
materials, workmanship, and feeling because
it has partially collapsed—the roof and doors
are missing.)
508: Fire Hose House
Date of Construction: ca. 1957
Property Type: Ancillary—fire protection
Historic Context Notes: All fire hose houses
were built between 1957 - 1958. The hydrants
were installed first, then these structures were
built to shelter the hoses. All of the hose
houses were in place before the station
became operational in 1958, and all show the
interior stencil “Built by 115 CET Wisconsin
Evaluation: Not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
materials and workmanship because the roof
and doors is missing)
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
509: Fire Hose House
Date of Construction: ca. 1957
Property Type: Ancillary—fire protection
Historic Context Notes: All fire hose houses
were built between 1957 - 1958. The hydrants
were installed first, then these structures were
built to shelter the hoses. All of the hose
houses were in place before the station
became operational in 1958, and all show the
interior stencil “Built by 115 CET Wisconsin
Evaluation: Not individually eligible for the
National Register or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
510: Fourplex Apartment
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Residential—multiple family
Historic Context Notes: This 4,880 square foot,
two-story wood-frame building was
constructed as a residence for Air Force
families, while personnel without families
lived in steel barracks buildings.
Evaluation: One of five identical fourplex
apartment buildings that provided on-site
housing for personnel and their dependents.
Not individually eligible for the National
Register or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
511: Fourplex Apartment
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Residential—multiple family
Historic Context Notes: This 4,880 square foot,
two-story wood-frame building was
constructed as a residence for Air Force
families, while personnel without families
lived in steel barracks buildings.
Evaluation: One of five identical fourplex
apartment buildings that provided on-site
housing for personnel and their dependents.
Not individually eligible for the National
Register or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
512: Fourplex Apartment
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Residential—multiple family
Historic Context Notes: This 4,880 square foot,
two-story wood-frame building was
constructed as a residence for Air Force
families, while personnel without families
lived in steel barracks buildings.
Evaluation: One of five identical fourplex
apartment buildings that provided on-site
housing for personnel and their dependents.
Not individually eligible for the National
Register or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
513: Fourplex Apartment
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Residential—multiple family
Historic Context Notes: This 4,880 square foot,
two-story wood-frame building was
constructed as a residence for Air Force
families, while personnel without families
lived in steel barracks buildings.
Evaluation: One of five identical fourplex
apartment buildings that provided on-site
housing for personnel and their dependents.
Not individually eligible for the National
Register or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
514: Fourplex Apartment
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Residential—multiple family
Historic Context Notes: This 4,880 square foot,
two-story wood-frame building was
constructed as a residence for Air Force
families, while personnel without families
lived in steel barracks buildings.
Evaluation: One of five identical fourplex
apartment buildings that provided on-site
housing for personnel and their dependents.
Not individually eligible for the National
Register or California Register.
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
515: Triplex Apartment
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Residential—multiple family
Historic Context Notes: This 3,870 square foot,
two-story wood-frame building was
constructed as a residence for Air Force
families, while personnel without families
lived in steel barracks buildings.
Evaluation: One of two identical triplex
apartment buildings with integral carports
that provided on-site housing for personnel
and their dependents. Not individually eligible
for the National Register or California
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
materials and workmanship due to severe
damage caused by weathering that has
removed a large amount of interior materials).
516: Commander’s House
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Residential—single family
Historic Context Notes: This 1,527 square foot,
one-story wood-frame building provided
housing for the commander of the station. In
later years, after the base closed, it was used
by the caretaker for the site.
Evaluation: Housing for personnel, and not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register
Retains Integrity: Yes
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
517: Triplex Apartment
Date of Construction: 1958
Property Type: Residential—multiple family
Historic Context Notes: This 3,870 square foot,
two-story wood-frame building was
constructed as a residence for Air Force
families, while personnel without families
lived in steel barracks buildings.
Evaluation: One of two identical triplex
apartment buildings with integral carports
that provided on-site housing for personnel
and their dependents. Not individually eligible
for the National Register or California
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
materials and workmanship due to severe
damage caused by weathering that has
removed a large amount of interior materials.)
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
700: Communications Transmitter/Receiver
(GATR Building)
Date of Construction: 1962
Property Type: Special Military Use - GATR
Historic Context Notes: The building was
constructed as the second Ground to Air
Transmitter Receiver (GATR)
communications building. GATR moved to
Mt. Thayer in 1962 when the AN/FPS-24
radar was constructed on Mt. Umunhum, so
that radio signals would be interfere.
Evaluation: The building is not of significant
design or construction. Its function was
important within the station as the
communication building that relayed
information from the radars to Air Force
pilots, but it was not the first GATR building
at Almaden AFS. Furthermore, it is not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register due to lack of integrity.
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
workmanship, feeling, and association
because the GATR equipment was removed.
Without the equipment, the shell of the
building does not convey the connection to
this historic use, and the building resembles
other CMU buildings at the facility, which
were used in a variety of ways.)
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
715/722: Security Sentry House
Date of Construction: 1966
Property Type: Support Facility—security
Historic Context Notes: The small wood-frame
building is located down the road from the
GATR facility on Mt. Thayer. It has been
recorded in documents as numbering either
Building 715 or 722.
Evaluation: Support facility, and not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register. Also, not age-eligible
because it is less than fifty years old.
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
materials and workmanship due to missing
door and windows.)
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
Date of Construction: 1957
Property Type: Support Facility—telephone
company building
Historic Context Notes: Concrete Masonry Unit
(CMU) construction. Telephone lines came in
from the phone company, and the TELCO
building acted as a demarcation point, where
local lines extended throughout the facility.
Evaluation: Support facility, and not
individually eligible for the National Register
or California Register
Retains Integrity: No (Lacks integrity of
materials and association as all telecom
equipment has been removed).
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
The former Almaden Air Force Station contributed to NORAD’s Early Warning Radar system along
the Pacific Coast from 1958 to 1980. Its radars worked in conjunction with those at nine other Air
Force stations in California, and all were connected to the SAGE network—the automated control
system for tracking and intercepting enemy bomber aircraft from about 1960 through the 1980s.
The station functioned much like the others in California, and its built resources were very similar.
The other sites also contained concrete and steel radar towers, pre-engineered steel Butler buildings,
and wood frame residential buildings in similar styles. The types of radars used at the former
Almaden AFS were also used at the other stations. Consequently, the former Almaden AFS does not
stand out as particularly significant compared to other radar stations in California, nor did it have
enhanced responsibilities as a command center. It therefore does not appear eligible as a historic
district on the National Register of Historic Places or the California Register of Historical Resources.
Of the forty-seven resources examined at the former Almaden Air Force Station on Mt. Umunhum
and Mt. Thayer, none of the properties were found individually eligible for listing on the National
Register or the California Register by Page & Turnbull, whether at the local, state, or national level.
Most are support facilities or residences that are not significant architecturally and did not have an
important function individually within the station. The four extant buildings that were most
important to the station include Building 100 (the Operations Building); Building 102 (the concrete
tower for the AN/FPS-24 radar); Building 108 (the steel tower for the AN/MPS-14 radar); and
Building 110 (the original GATR building). However, these are not eligible due to lack of historic
integrity. The concrete radar tower at Point Arena may better represent the AN/FPS-24 radar within
the state, as it was the first of its type to be built and the building has already had complete exterior
hazmat abatement. A rare fully intact AN-FPS-24 (the radar sail remains) is located at Camp Hero on
Long Island, New York. A summary table of the report’s conclusions is found in I. Introduction
(See Table 1).
In conclusion, no buildings or structures at the former Almaden Air Force Station were determined
eligible for listing, either as a historic district or individually, on the National Register of Historic
Places or the California Register of Historical Resources.
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
Although none of the buildings, nor the site, qualify for the National Register of Historic Places or
the California Register of Historical Resources, some of the structures are in good condition and are
important representations of the historic background of the former base. Page & Turnbull was asked
to provide recommendations for buildings that would be appropriate for re-use, should the District’s
site planning efforts determine that retaining one or more buildings is a viable option. Several
individual buildings were found to be important, but they lacked sufficient integrity to be eligible for
the National Register or California Register. However, because of their historic function or
continuing potential for usefulness, these facilities could provide excellent opportunities for
interpretation and/or reuse.
As previously discussed, the buildings that best represent the historic function of the former
Almaden Air Force Station are all clustered at the top of the mountain. They include the concrete
radar tower for the AN/FPS-24 (Building 102); the steel tower for the AN/MPS-14 (Building 108);
and the Training Building (Building 110). It may be fair to say that nearly all the other buildings
present at the former Almaden AFS were designed solely to support the functions of these facilities
(Figure 35). These buildings also exemplify typical construction methods, such as reinforced
concrete construction and the prevalent use of pre-engineered steel Butler buildings. Thus, they are
excellent candidates for interpretation.
Figure 35. Buildings 102, 108, and 110 in about 1969.
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
Building 102 is the most impressive structure at the site. If it were to be retained, it could potentially
be used as an interpretive center that discusses the historic use of the former Almaden AFS.
Interpretive signage about the site, the building, and the AN/FPS-24 that was once located there
could be installed. Any option for re-use of building 102 would require structural upgrades. If the
interior space is utilized, additional code upgrades would be required and hazardous openings would
need to be closed with appropriate screens or glazing. Conversely, the building could be fully sealed,
the interior unused by visitors. In this case, the building would continue to serve as a local icon, and
interpretive materials could be placed on the exterior.
Figure 36. Building 108 and 110, ca. 1969.
Figure 37. Buildings 108 and 110, 2010.
(Source : Page & Turnbull, February 2010).
Building 108 is a steel structure that is not likely to be reused. However, its distinctive design makes it
attractive for interpretation, and signage discussing its historic function could be placed at the base.
Building 110 is a good example of a typical steel Butler building, and it also housed an important
communication function in the early days of the AFS (Figures 36 and 37). This building could be
used for interpretation or another function.
Access to this cluster of buildings is an important consideration. If vehicular access is anticipated,
parking areas are already in place adjacent to Buildings 102 and 110. However, because the site
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
presents a spectacular natural viewpoint, the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District may choose
to restrict vehicle access to this area in order to eliminate soundscape intrusions from traffic, car
stereos, slamming doors, etc. In this case, a parking area could be established lower down the
mountain and visitors would walk up to the peak. However, access for the disabled would need to be
provided to the top.
In addition to historic interpretation, there are also several buildings at the site that present good
opportunities for reuse in support of day-to-day Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
operations, should such facilities be required. These include the Automotive Maintenance Facility
(Building 211), which could be reused as a service/storage area for MROSD vehicles. Likewise, the
adjacent Building 212 could provide storage facilities and a small office area for the MROSD. This
Butler building is particularly attractive because it is screened behind a small slope and thus does not
interrupt views in the area.
Fire protection remains an important consideration for the MROSD, and thus the Water Tower
(884B) located approximately 200 yards upslope from the Auto Maintenance Shop might be retained.
It appears to be in good condition and is generally screened by vegetation.
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
California Office of Historic Preservation, Technical Assistance Series No. 7: How to Nominate a Resource to
the California Register of Historic Resources. Sacramento, CA: California Office of State Publishing, 4
September 2001.
National Park Service. National Register Bulletin: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation.
Washington D.C.: National Park Service, 1997.
National Park Service, Western Region. Historic American Buildings Survey: Mill Valley Air Force
Station, HABS No. CA-2615. San Francisco, CA: National Park Service, 1995.
Winkler, David F. Searching the Skies: The Legacy of the United States Cold War Defense Radar Program.
Champaign, Il: United States Air Force Headquarters Air Combat Command, June 1997.
“751st Radar Sqdn., Mount Laguna AFS, CA,” Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from:
“Aerospace Defense Command,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 3 March 2010,
“Almaden Air Force Station,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 16 March 2010 from:
“April 2004 SitRep,” Air Defense Radar Museum. Website accessed on 11 March 2010 from:
“Boron Federal Prison Camp/Boron AFS,” Wikimapia. Website accessed on 15 March 2010 from:
“Cambria Air Force Radar Station Conversion Project Proposal,” Website accessed on 9 March 2010
“Cold War,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 2 March 2010,
“Klamath Air Force Station,” Wikimapia. Website accessed on 15 March 2010 from:
“Lompoc Air Force Station,” Website accessed on 15 March 2010 from:
“Madera Air Force Station,” The California State Military Museum, Website accessed on 9 March
2010 from:
“Mill Valley AFS,” Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from:
March 9, 2011
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Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
“Mount Laguna AFS,” Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from:
“Mt. Tamalpais West Peak/Mill Valley AFS,” Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from:
“NORAD Fact Sheet,” Online Air Defense Radar Museum. Accessed on 23 February 2010,
“North American Aerospace Defense Command,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 2 March 2010,
“Point Arena Air Force Station.” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 9 March 2010 from;
“Potsdam Conference,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 2 March 2010,
“Radar,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 2 March 2010,
“Red Bluff Air Force Station,” The California State Military Museum, Website accessed on 15 March
2010 from:
Site Survey Summary Sheet for DERP-FUDS site No. J09CA099900: Almaden Air Force Station.”
Corps FUDS. Website accessed on 4 March 2010 from:
“Strategic Air Defense Systems,” Federation of American Scientists, Website accessed from:
“The Mission of ADC,” Aerospace Defense Command Pamphlet 190-1, September 1963. Website
accessed on 23 February 2010 from:
Email correspondence with Basim Jaber, 9 March 2010.
____, 23 March 2010.
____, 2 March 2011.
____, 4 March 2011.
Telephone interview with Basim Jaber, local resident and chronicler of information about the former
Almaden AFS, 2 March 2010.
Telephone interview with David Schwaderer, local chronicler of the former Almaden AFS, 1 March
March 9, 2011
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Final Draft with Update
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
682nd Radar Squadron, Welcome to 682nd Radar Squadron, Almaden AFS, California (n.d.; post-1976) 2.
Gould Architects, Mt. Umunhum Facilities Inventory and Evaluation, 1994.
U.S. Army, “Defense Environmental Restoration Program Formerly Used Defense Sites, Findings
and Determination of Eligibility, Almaden Air Force Station (Z-96), Santa Clara, California, Site
No. J09CA099900” (2 December 1991).
March 9, 2011
Page & Turnbull, Inc.
JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 APPENDIX B Page & Turnbull 2011 Addendum PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 Historic Resource Study
August 4, 2011
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer,
Santa Clara County, CA
Prepared for
Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District
Los Altos, CA
Prepared by
page & turnbull, inc.
1000 Sansome Street, Ste. 200, San Francisco CA 94111
415.362.5154 /
Historic Resource Study Addendum
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... 1
I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 2
1991) ................................................................................................................................... 2
MOFFETT FEDERAL AIRFIELD.................................................................................................. 2
ONIZUKA AIR FORCE STATION.............................................................................................. 3
III. EVALUATION DISCUSSION....................................................................................... 8
LOCAL DESIGNATION ............................................................................................................. 8
IV. CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................. 9
V. BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................... 10
August 4, 2011
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Historic Resource Study Addendum
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
This Historic Resource Study Addendum has been completed at the request of the Midpeninsula
Regional Open Space District. It develops upon Page & Turnbull’s “Historic Resource Study:
Former Almaden Air Force Station” (9 March 2011), which primarily discusses the context of the
Cold War in the U.S. and the statewide network of Cold War-era U.S. Air Force radar stations in
California. This addendum examines more closely the local historic context and potential local
significance of buildings at the former Almaden Air Force Station (AFS), which is situated at the
summits of Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer in Santa Clara County, California.
The following section provides a discussion of other military installations that operated during the
Cold War in Santa Clara County. There is also a discussion of microwave, missile, satellite, and
computer industries that received government funding to develop military technology. This Historic
Context section has been provided in order to evaluate the former Almaden Air Force Station for
local significance in the National Register of Historic Places, the California Register of Historical
Resources, and the Santa Clara County Historic Resources Inventory.
Moffett Federal Airfield, originally called the Sunnyvale Naval Air Station, was first constructed in
1931. More commonly called Moffett Field, the facility is located in northern Mountain View on the
east side of U.S. Route 101. From World War II through the Cold War, Moffett Field was the
primary military presence in Silicon Valley. It is perhaps best known as the home of Hangar One,
which was constructed to contain a dirigible called the USS Macon. During World War II, the base
was home for many non-rigid blimps and air balloons.
In the post-war years, Moffett Field became a major Naval Air Transport Service Squadron Center.
The base moved into the jet age, extending Moffett Field’s landing strips and modifying its hangars.
During the Korean Conflict in 1950, Moffett Field housed the first night jet fighter in the service.
More support buildings and landing facilities were built during this time period, and the base became
popular for testing new aircraft and jet operations. In 1963, Moffett Field became the home of the
Navy’s first land-based anti-submarine patrol aircraft, the Orion Hunter. These planes operated out
of Moffett Field for the next 30 years. During the 1970s, the base became the headquarters of the
Commander Patrol Wings, U.S. Pacific Fleet, responsible for patrolling 93 million square miles of
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Historic Resource Study Addendum
Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
ocean from Alaska to Hawaii. Operations continued until the Navy officially closed Moffett Field in
July 1, 1994, and use of the base was transferred to NASA Ames Research Center.1
Figure 1. Bird’s eye view of Moffett Field, looking northwest. 15 October 2008.
In February 1994, the United States Naval Air Station, Sunnyvale was listed as a National Register
Historic District by the National Park Service. It is significant at the national level for its association
with the expanding coastal defense capabilities of the U.S. Navy and airship technology during the
era between 1932 and 1945.2 Hangar One was determined eligible for nomination to the National
Register of Historic Places circa 2001 by the U.S. Navy, in consultation with the California State
Historic Preservation Officer. Hangar One was inducted as a Naval Historical Landmark in the early
1950s and as a California Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the San Francisco Section,
American Society of Civil Engineers in May 1975. It is also listed in the Santa Clara County Heritage
Resource Inventory.3 Military contributions during Cold War are outside Moffett Field’s defined
period of significance.
Onizuka Air Force Station (AFS) is a former United States Air Force installation in Santa Clara
County, just outside the city limits of Sunnyvale. The station was developed on land immediately
1 “Moffett Field History Tour,” NASA Ames Research Center Historic Preservation Office. Website accessed on 13 July
2011 from:
2 “Hangar One (Mountain View, California),” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 13 July 2011 from:,_California%29
3 Page & Turnbull, “Hangar One, Moffett Field, California: Re-Use Guidelines,” Prepared for NASA/Ames Research
Center (24 August 2001) 7-8, 13.
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
south of Moffett Field. The main building, known locally as the “Blue Cube,” is large, pale blue, and
windowless. It is surrounded by an array of parabolic dish antennas used for communication with
remote tracking stations that control military satellites. Built in 1960 on land purchased from
Lockheed, the station was originally known as the Air Force Satellite Test Center. It was later
renamed the Air Force Satellite Control Facility and Sunnyvale Air Force Station. In 1986, the base
was renamed Onizuka Air Force Base in honor of Lt. Col. Ellison Onizuka, USAF, one of the
astronauts who died in the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster on 28 January 1986. On 26 January 1994,
Onizuka Air Force Base was renamed Onizuka Air Force Station.4
Figure . The “Blue Cube” at Onizuka Air Force Station
Onizuka AFS was operated by the 21st Space Operations Squadron, a geographically separated unit
(GSU) of the 50th Space Wing. The facility contained Detachment 2 of the Space and Missile
Systems Center and a branch of the National Reconnaissance Office.5 The latter was a classified
operation that was created in September 1961 in response to the Soviet launch of Sputnik. Its
purpose was overseeing “all satellite and overflight reconnaissance projects whether overt or
covert.”6 It operated at Onizuka AFS from 1961 to 2007. In general, between 1960 and 1970,
Onizuka AFS was the exclusive satellite control center for all military satellites, international
communications, space operations, space shuttle, and NASA communications. It was the primary
4 “Onizuka Air Force Station,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 15 July 2011 from:
5 Ibid.
6 “The NRO,” National Reconnaissance Office, Website accessed on 15 July 2011 from:
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military communications facility in the U.S., with no other comparable backup facility for 30 years.7
The AFS closed on 28 July 2010, and operations were moved to the new Ellison Onizuka Satellite
Operations Facility at Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Based on its significance as a “mid-century scientific site associated with important geo-political
developments during the Cold War,” the former Onizuka AFS was found by historic architecture
consultant Frederick Knapp in 2008 to be potentially eligible for the local (City of Sunnyvale)
register. The buildings were not age-eligible for listing in the California Register and National
Register at the time of evaluation, but were found to possibly qualify under Criterion Consideration
G: Properties that have Achieved Significance Within the Past Fifty Years.8
Missile, Satellite, and Microwave Technology
During the Cold War and the arms race, the Korean conflict, and the space program, the
Department of Defense (DOD) ordered numerous high-technology products from armament
factories in California. Many companies established Research and Development (R&D) departments
and production facilities in Santa Clara County, where Stanford University provided bright engineers
and scientists. These burgeoning companies were largely supported by the DOD’s demand for
electronic products.9
Examples of such firms are FMC (formerly Food Machinery Corporation), GTE Corporation
(formerly General Telephone & Electronics Corporation), Varian Associates, Westinghouse
Electronic Corporation, and Lockheed. During the 1960s, FMC built the M113 Armored Personnel
Carrier (APC), the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, and the XR311 prototype military vehicle at its former
facility in Santa Clara, California.10 Automatic Electric, a subsidiary of GTE, supplied electronic
switching equipment for the DOD’s global communications systems, and GT&E International,
another subsidiary of GTE, produced earth-based stations for both foreign and domestic markets.
Though GTE had offices in Palo Alto, it also operated offices throughout the country and it is
unclear through basic research which production departments were located in Palo Alto. Varian
Associates was founded in Palo Alto in 1948, following the invention of a microwave device called
7 “City of Sunnyvale Report: Heritage Preservation Commission,” City of Sunnyvale (6 August 2008): 3-4. Website accessed
on 15 July 2011 from:
8 Ibid: 10.
9 Martin Groger, “Importance of Military Funding,” The Silicon Valley Story. Website accessed on 14 July 2011 from:
10 “FMC Corporation,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 14 July 2011 from:
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
the klystron at Stanford University by Russell and Sigurd Varian. During the Cold War period, Varian
Associates developed vacuum electron tubes, power amplifiers, power supplies, microwave
components, electromagnets for satellite communications, and radar and electronic warfare
applications.11 Westinghouse had a plant in Sunnyvale that manufactured launch tubes for Trident
submarines beginning ca. 1968. Lockheed opened its R&D department in the Stanford Research
Park in 1956 and started Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (LMSC) in Sunnyvale. Between
1959 and 1978, the company manufactured the U.S. Navy’s submarine-launched ballistic missiles
called UGM-27 Polaris and UCM-73 Poseidon.12
Despite using military funding during the Cold War, these technological developments likely took
place in various corporations’ offices and manufacturing plants, where non-military development and
production also occurred. It does not appear that any buildings have been identified in the past as
historically significant in relation to this Cold War-era context. Based on this preliminary research, no
particular buildings stand out as being significant primarily for this context.
Government-Sponsored Computer Technology Development
According to the National Park Service’s “Santa Clara County: California’s Historic Silicon Valley: A
National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary,”
America’s defense spending during the Cold War Era, when research and
development strove to keep abreast of the Soviet Union, helped [develop the hi-tech
corridor of Silicon Valley]. After the Soviets launched the first man-made satellite,
Sputnik, in 1957, President Eisenhower created the Advance[d] Research Projects
Agency, which was part of the Department of Defense, in 1958. After launching the
first successful U.S. Satellite, the Advance Research Projects Agency turned its
attention to the potential of computers.13
The role of federal involvement in computer development is further explained by the Breakthrough
Institute’s Case Studies in American Innovation: A New Look at Government Involvement in Technological
From the beginnings of the computer industry, federal and military agencies
promoted vital basic research into computing hardware and deployed early
computers throughout the government. As economist Vernon Ruttan writes, “The
role of the military in driving the development of computer, semiconductor and
software technologies cannot be overemphasized. These technologies were, until
well into the 1960s, nourished by markets that were almost completely dependent
11 “Company Information, History,” CPI: Communications & Power Industries. Website accessed on 14 July 2011 from:
12 Andreas Parsch, “Lockheed UCM-73 Poseidon,” Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles, Website accessed on 14
July 2011 from:
13 “Economic History,” Santa Clara County: California’s Historic Silicon Valley. National Park Service. Website accessed on
13 July 2011 from:
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Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
on the defense, energy and space industries.” In fact, the ENIAC, the first electronic
computer, was built in 1945 to crunch numbers for the Army Ballistics Research
Laboratory. In the 1950s, the Army Signal Corps funded research into
semiconductors, and weapons labs at the Atomic Energy Commission were the first
purchasers of supercomputers, the ancestors of today's desktop PCs. NASA, the
Department of Defense, the National Center for Atmosphere Research, and the
U.S. Weather Bureau commissioned their own supercomputers soon after. Perhaps
most importantly, the Air Force’s SAGE air defense project generated numerous
innovations in computing design and production during the early 1950s, including
cheap manufacturing of computer memory, communication between computers,
and the use of keyboard terminals.
The government was also heavily involved in the development of computer
software. Defense agencies funded the basic R&D that led to early computer
programs and programming languages. During the 1970s, in fact, defense spending
fueled over half of all academic computing research, and grants from the military's
Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) established the first university
computer science programs at MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon and elsewhere. The
defense establishment took computing seriously. In 1962, ARPA’s computer
research budget exceeded that of all other countries combined; by 1970, its funding
had increased fourfold. The Department of Defense was the single largest purchaser
of software well into the 1980s, ensuring the consistent market demand that fueled
an ever-growing industry.
In addition to producing major computing advances through research funding and
direct acquisition, the federal government also cultivated the innovators and
engineers of the modern computer industry. Many of the minds behind the
groundbreaking work at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), the famous
computer research center, and at corporations like Microsoft and Apple came
straight from government agencies…
No less important, however, were the innumerable programmers, system designers,
and computer theorists who cut their teeth and honed their skills at ARPA. So many
veterans of ARPA and ARPA-supported university programs came to work at
Xerox PARC that insiders there jokingly referred to an “ARPA Army.” These
numerous veterans of government-funded programs helped Xerox PARC develop
the graphical user interface and the Alto, the world's first modern PC, and later
scattered to run startup firms like Apple, Microsoft, and Adobe.
Popular myths about the rise of the PC make little mention of the government, but
in reality, public funding built the foundations of personal computing. The
government’s prescient investments in computer research, hardware and software
deployment, and computer science education unleashed a transformative technology
and helped build a massive industry from the ground up.14
In Santa Clara County, Stanford University and the Stanford Research Institute were provided
government funding to develop computer technology through ARPA. The Palo Alto Research
The Breakthrough Institute, Case Studies in American Innovation: A New Look at Government Involvement in Technological
Innovation (April 2009). Website accessed on 13 July 2011 from:
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
Center (PARC), Microsoft, Apple, and Adobe were staffed by early computer engineers who may
have originated from government positions. These historic developments likely took place on the
Stanford campus and in various fledgling companies’ offices, where non-military development also
occurred.. It does not appear that any buildings have been identified in the past as historically
significant in relation to Cold War-era development. Based on this preliminary research, no particular
buildings stand out as being significant primarily for this context.
The Department of Defense (DOD) created a military presence in Silicon Valley and was influential
in the development of the high-tech industry. Based on the historic context described above, the
former Onizuka AFS appears to contain the most significant and presumably intact buildings (at the
time of historic evaluation) that represent the Cold War era in Santa Clara County, as it had extremely
important and highly unique military responsibilities during its period of operation.
The former Almaden Air Force Station operated within this climate of defense spending and
technological development. The facility may have been considered locally significant under National
Register Criterion A/California Register Criterion 1 (associated with significant events) as the only
Cold War-era military radar facility in Santa Clara County. Nevertheless, the historic context of U.S.
military influence in Santa Clara County does not alter the fact that the Almaden AFS facility no
longer retains integrity. To be considered historic resources eligible for local, state, or national listing,
properties must be both historically significant and retain sufficient integrity to represent that
significance. The buildings at the former Almaden Air Force Station, though constructed in the early
years of Cold War-era defense advancement, do not retain sufficient materials, workmanship, feeling,
or association to maintain their historic integrity. This includes Building 102 (the Radar Tower),
which, though a large and visually identifiable structure from the base of the mountain, does not
retain the radar sail or interior mechanics that associate it with its former defense function.
The Santa Clara County Municipal Code’s “Article II. Landmark Designation” describes the criteria
for listing a property in the local inventory:
Sec. C17-5. Designation criteria.
For the purposes of this chapter, the Board of Supervisors may designate those
historic resources as “landmarks” which meet the following designation criteria:
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
A. Fifty years or older. If less than 50 years old, sufficient time must have passed to
obtain a scholarly perspective on the events or individuals associated with the
historic resource and/or the historic resource is a distinctive or important example
of its type or style; and
B. Retains historic integrity. If a historic resource was moved to prevent demolition
at its former location, it may still be considered eligible if the new location is
compatible with the original character of the property; and
C. Meets one or more of the following criteria of significance:
1. Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad
patterns of local or regional history, or the cultural heritage of California or the
United States;
2. Associated with the lives of persons important to local, California or national
3. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of
construction, or represents the work of a master or possesses high artistic values; or
4. Yielded or has the potential to yield information important to the pre-history or
history of the local area, California, or the nation.
(Ord. No. NS-1100.96, 10-17-06)15
Because historic integrity is a crucial component to designation at the local level, the former Almaden
Air Force Station was not found eligible for listing in the Santa Clara County Heritage Resource
Page & Turnbull’s “Historic Resource Study: Former Almaden Air Force Station” (9 March 2011)
evaluated the former Almaden Air Force Station for eligibility for listing in the National Register of
Historic Places and the California Register of Historical Resources at the national and state-wide level
of significance. Because the property did not contain unique facilities or functions within the
California network of Cold War-era radar Air Force Stations, it was not found to be historically
significant. Other facilities have more intact examples of radars or held a more significant role in the
network. Furthermore, due to degradation and alterations to numerous buildings on the property, the
Alamden Air Force Station as a whole does not retain integrity as a potential historic district.
Likewise, the individual buildings either do not possess individual significance or do not retain
sufficient integrity to convey their potential significance.
15 “Article II. Landmark Designation,” Santa Clara County Code, Santa Clara County Government. Website accessed on 14
July 2011 from:
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
Based on the local historic context above, the former Onizuka AFS appears to best represent
significant military responsibilities in Santa Clara County during the Cold War. Furthermore, the
evaluation discussion emphasizes the requirements of significance and integrity at the local level.
Neither the former Almaden Air Force Station, nor any of the individual buildings on the property,
were found eligible for listing in the National Register or California Register for local significance.
The facility and its buildings are also not eligible for local listing in the Santa Clara County Heritage
Resource Inventory.
“Article II. Landmark Designation,” Santa Clara County Code, Santa Clara County Government.
Website accessed on 14 July 2011 from:
“City of Sunnyvale Report: Heritage Preservation Commission,” City of Sunnyvale (6 August 2008).
Website accessed on 15 July 2011 from:
“Company Information, History,” CPI: Communications & Power Industries. Website accessed on
14 July 2011 from:
“Economic History,” Santa Clara County: California’s Historic Silicon Valley. National Park Service.
Website accessed on 13 July 2011 from:
“FMC Corporation,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 14 July 2011 from:
Groger, Martin. “Importance of Military Funding,” The Silicon Valley Story. Website accessed on 14
July 2011 from:
“Hangar One (Mountain View, California),” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 13 July 2011 from:,_California%29
“Moffett Field History Tour,” NASA Ames Research Center Historic Preservation Office. Website
accessed on 13 July 2011 from:
Page & Turnbull, “Hangar One, Moffett Field, California: Re-Use Guidelines,” Prepared for
NASA/Ames Research Center (24 August 2001).
Parsch, Andreas. “Lockheed UCM-73 Poseidon,” Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles.
Website accessed on 14 July 2011 from:
August 4, 2011
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Former Almaden Air Force Station
Mt. Umunhum and Mt. Thayer, Santa Clara County, California
“Onizuka Air Force Station,” Wikipedia. Website accessed on 15 July 2011 from:
The Breakthrough Institute, Case Studies in American Innovation: A New Look at Government Involvement in
Technological Innovation (April 2009). Website accessed on 13 July 2011 from:
“The NRO,” National Reconnaissance Office. Website accessed on 15 July 2011 from:
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JRP Historical Consulting, LLC 2015 APPENDIX C Archives & Architecture 2014 Report PEER REVIEW – MT UMUNHUM RADAR TOWER, BUILDING 102 A R C H I V E S
A R C H I T E C T U R E ,
PO Box 1332
San Jose CA 95109-1332
1.408.297.2684 OFFICE
1.408.228.0762 FAX
April Halberstadt, Chair Santa Clara County Historical Heritage Commission C/o Michele Napier, Clerk County of Santa Clara 70 West Hedding Street, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 Re: Mount Umunhum Radar Tower Honorable Chair and Members of the Commission: ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE, LLC is pleased to have had the opportunity to investigate the possibility of designating the Radar Tower at Mount Umunhum as a Santa Clara County Landmark. Attached to this letter is a narrative report documenting our findings, and DPR523 series recording forms that detail the physical aspects of the AN/FPS‐24 Radar Tower sitting at the crest of Mount Umunhum in the Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve. ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE, LLC is a local Cultural Resources Management firm with a long history of serving the citizens of Santa Clara County and its public agencies. Founded in 1989 by the late Glory Anne Laffey, the firm’s principals today include Franklin Maggi, Architectural Historian, Leslie A.G. Dill, Historic Architect, and Charlene Duval, Public Historian. Our firm is well versed in the evaluation of local historic resources. About 10 years ago, we assisted the County Planning Office in updating to current standards nearly 200 listed properties on the Santa Clara County Heritage Resources Inventory, and preparing the County’s first Historic Context Statement. Many of the inventoried properties are now designated landmarks. Since then we have also prepared County landmark nominations for Rhoades Ranch near Morgan Hill and the Bacigalupi House near Los Gatos. Concurrently during this same time period, within Santa Clara County we prepared National Register nominations for the Donner‐Houghton House and Earnest Renzel House in San Jose, Seven Springs Ranch in Cupertino, and the John Colpitts Ainsley House in Campbell. In San Jose and other local cities, we have prepared local landmark nominations for over 50 individual properties during the last decade, while providing documentation through survey work for more than 150 eligible properties, many now so designated. As part of this investigation, Basim Jaber made available to us his extensive collection of resource material on the former Almaden Air Force Station. He also put us into contact with some of the preeminent military historians knowledgeable about Cold War military efforts and related technology. These included Mark Morgan, Phil Gioia, and David B. Leeson. Beth Wyman, Historian, provided peer review of our draft report and evaluation. Beth previously served on the County’s Historical Heritage Commission, and her valued input stems from a detailed knowledge of County history, including her work in updating the County’s Heritage Resources Inventory in the late 1990s. We have worked on a number of projects with strong public interest similar to that of the Radar Tower at Mount Umunhum. We approach our work in two steps: intensive background, and thorough investigation into the history and character of objects/structures/building/and places, necessary to adequately conduct proper evaluations for historical significance. Additionally, significance evaluations must bring into consideration an understanding of local values, as are often defined in General Plans and preservation ordinances. Heritage Commissions are an important step in ensuring that the work is inclusive, as they bring the broad areas of community interests and cultural values to the process of determining significance. Many would have us bury and forget the aspects of our collective past that represent the darker areas in American History. As a teenager growing up in Santa Clara Valley during the era of the Cold War, I have only now begun to truly understand the gravity of this conflict, and the risk to the continued existence of mankind that unfolded during the Cuban Missile Crisis and other critical moments during this period. Mount Umunhum and the Radar Tower is the most vivid reminder of that era, and today remains a beacon to local history, serving a purpose that has continued uninterrupted since the AN/FPS‐24 and its radar sail was decommissioned in 1980. It is my professional opinion as an Architectural Historian that the Mount Umunhum Radar Tower qualifies as a Santa Clara County Landmark, and as a life‐long resident and prior member of the Santa Clara County Historical Heritage Commission, I encourage the Commission to forward a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors that the structure be designated a Landmark under Ordinance NS‐1100.96. Franklin Maggi, Architectural Historian May 14, 2014 A
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve
Santa Clara County, California
(APN #562-08-003)
Prepared for:
Santa Clara County Historical Heritage Commission C/o Michele Napier, Clerk County of Santa Clara 70 West Hedding Street, 7th Floor San José, CA 95110 Revised: 05.14.2014
PO Box 1332
San José, CA 95109-1332
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .............................................................................................................. 2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3 Summary of Findings..................................................................................................... 5 Historical Information ........................................................................................................ 8 Cold War Context – Santa Clara County ........................................................................ 13 Evaluation for Significance .............................................................................................. 17 Policy and Regulatory Context .................................................................................... 17 Evaluation .................................................................................................................... 18 Qualifications of the Consultants..................................................................................... 20 Sources of Information .................................................................................................... 22 Attachments .................................................................................................................... 27 Cover image: Radar Tower, September 2013
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
At an elevation of 3,486 feet, Mount Umunhum is the fourth‐highest peak in the California Santa Cruz Mountains. Mount Umunhum is situated in Santa Clara County, southeast of the Town of Los Gatos and south of the City of San José. Today, the peak is recognized in Santa Clara Valley and beyond by the five‐story concrete radar tower building that sits atop the summit. The summit of Mount Umunhum is the site of the former Almaden Air Force Station, an early‐warning radar station built beginning in 1957, which operated from 1958 to 1980 during the Cold War. The mountain is also the site of the Bay Area’s NEXRAD Doppler weather radar (not located on the old Air Force Station property). Most of the mountain is now within the Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve, which is owned and managed by Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. The de‐commissioned station was acquired in 1986 by Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District and today is abandoned and off‐limits to the general public. Public access is still in the planning stages. A project to demolish most of the buildings and structures (with the exception of the Radar Tower) began in 2013 and most of the buildings and structures have now been removed from the site as of Spring 2014. The location of Almaden Air Force Station (AFS) at the summit of Mount Umunhum was by design. Perched between Mill Valley AFS atop Mt. Tamalpais to the north, and Cambria AFS to the south, it filled an important gap in the Air Defense Command early warning and air defense coverage of the California coast. It also effectively doubled the Air Force radar coverage of the approaches to one of the predominant regions of the Pacific Rim, the San Francisco Bay Area complex of financial, governmental, military, industrial, and transportation centers. Figure 1 Radar Tower from Almaden Quicksilver County Park (2006) Archives & Architecture photo ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Almaden AFS was officially established on July 24, 1957, when the 682nd Aircraft Control and Warning (AC&W) Squadron was assigned to the site.1 Almaden AFS became fully operational on March 21, 1958 as part of the San Francisco Air Defense Sector. It was known as Transmitter Site M‐96; AC&W Site M‐96; Call Mountain Radio Relay Annex; and eventually Almaden Air Force Station SAGE site Z‐96. When Almaden AFS became operational, it was equipped with an AN/FPS‐20 General Surveillance radar (built by Bendix beginning in 1956 for long‐range surveillance of up to 200 miles) and twin AN/FPS‐6 radars (built by General Electric beginning in the early 1950s as a long‐range height‐finding radar). The first AN/FPS‐6 radar was installed in 1957, and the second AN/FPS‐6 radar was installed as Building 107 in 1958 just prior to station operational status. The radar facilities were clustered at the east end of the complex on the highest point of the mountain immediately adjacent to the main Operations building 100. Building 100 contained the scope consoles, computer system, and all personnel related to the daily operations of the stations general surveillance. Building 102, the five‐story concrete tower that is the subject of this study, was under construction in 1959. An AN/FPS‐24 radar was installed in the building in 1961 and became operational later that year. Figure 2 ‐ Almaden Air Force Station crew (Jaber collection)
See attachments for a detailed History and Context of 682nd Radar Squadron, prepared for this study by Mark Morgan, DAF. 1
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Summary of Findings
Air Force facilities such as Almaden AFS were an essential aspect of the Cold War effort by the military in the 1950s and 1960s. Many residents of Santa Clara County played a pivotal role in national security during the Cold War, and Building 102, atop Mt. Umunhum at the now de‐commissioned Almaden AFS, remains today as an important and significant reminder of this effort. The contributions made by the local community help tell the story of modern Santa Clara County, and those who have lived in the valley these last 50 years continue to reflect upon this troubling period in national and local history. Many of the residents of the valley were employed by defense‐contractor corporations in the Bay Area (Santa Clara County, specifically), which all thrived under the security of a blanket of defense provided by Almaden AFS. While local residents who had a direct relationship with the operation can recall its legacy in detail, to the larger community, the Radar Tower known as Building 102 remains today as a reminder of the threat to their security brought on by the Cold War, and as such is the only means to physically convey this memory in the context of the county at large. When Almaden AFS closed, the remote nature of the site and lack of access caused the closure to go relatively unnoticed by the general public. One visible reminder remained, however‐‐the Radar Tower, which has now loomed over the valley for over half a century. Most locals can identify this peak as Mount Umunhum due to the presence of the tower, and can likely remind you that the word Umunhum derives from the Ohlone Indian name for “resting place of the hummingbird.” Figure 3 – Aerial view of Mount Umunhum (San Jose Mercury News)
With a continuous strong visual presence, the tower continues to serve as a regional historic landmark and a cultural icon in Santa Clara County, and as such the tower qualifies for designation as a Santa Clara County Landmark pursuant to criteria defined under Division C17 of the Santa Clara County Code. ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Area Map and Aerial
USGS Los Gatos Quadrangle 7.5‐minute 1980 photo revised (partial) UTM: 10S 600847 4113038 Lat/Long: 37.15831 ‐121.86423 ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Historical Information
Shortly after the end of World War II, it became apparent that tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union could not be contained, and they quickly spilled over into an all‐out global conflict. With the outbreak of the Cold War in the late 1940s, and then the Korean War in 1950, the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force quickly began reestablishing air defenses to protect the United States against manned bomber attacks from the Soviet Union and other enemies. Some air defense radar sites that were used in World War II were reactivated, and many new sites were established, creating a network of bases and warning systems along the United States borders. The west coast was no exception to this, and California, more specifically the Bay Area, was a part of this network of defense. One of 28 stations built as part of the second segment of the Air Defense Command permanent radar network, Mount Umunhum’s Almaden Air Force Station was a U.S. Air Force early warning radar base that operated from 1958 to 1980. The base was constructed as part of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to keep watch over Northern California’s airspace during the Cold War. To develop the site, the U.S. Air Force acquired, between 1957 and 1962, a total of 118.36 acres from several private individuals and the San Jose Water Works (SJWW), a local public utility company. The flag‐raising ceremony held by personnel of the 682nd Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron on July 24, 1957 marked the initial operating capability of the air force station; the entire squadron formally transferred operations from Hamilton Air Force Base (AFB) in San Rafael to Almaden AFS on October 7, 1957. Initially equipped with the AN/FPS‐20 search radar built by Bendix, and AN/FPS‐6 height‐finder radars, the station quickly became operational in the manual air defense network, reporting to the 28th Air Division (Defense) at Hamilton AFB. The radar facilities were clustered at the east end of the complex on the highest point of the mountain. These buildings included the radar towers, operations building, underground bomb shelter, and power production generator buildings. ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Figure 4 ‐ 1964 Radar Tower with airman in foreground (Jaber collection) 8
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
As part of the conversion to the Semi‐Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) network, the site subsequently gained an upgraded height‐finder radar, an AN/FPS‐90, as well as an upgraded Ground‐Air Transmit‐Receive (GATR) facility, in 1958 and 1962 respectively. The conversion to SAGE resulted in the squadron’s reassignment to the San Francisco Air Defense Sector, which operated from SAGE Direction Center DC‐18 at Beale AFB, California, which is located 40 miles north of Sacramento. The AN/FPS‐20 radar was replaced by a massive 85.5 ton AN/FPS‐24 search radar (manufactured by General Electric) atop Building 102, the five‐story concrete tower constructed between 1959 and 1961, visible from the valley floor, known today simply as the Mount Umunhum Radar Tower. The site served as the second production AN/FPS‐24 in Air Defense Command, following a similar installation at Point Arena AFS (located 150 miles north of San Francisco near California’s coastline), and was one of seven constructed of masonry and reinforced concrete. It functioned as a frequency diverse (FD) long‐
range search radar designed to Figure 5 ‐ 1962; AN/FPS‐24 radar and tower (Jaber collection)
operate in the Very High Frequency (VHF) and was the second of only 12 production models built between 1958 and 1962. The AN/FPS‐24 radars at Point Arena AFS and Almaden AFS were constructed at nearly the same time, but due to the funding cutbacks, Almaden’s was completed later. Due to the remote location of the initial production AN/FPS‐24 at Point Arena AFS, the Air Force (in conjunction with General Electric) decided to use the Almaden AFS FPS‐24 radar for the initial 1,000‐hour test run. This initial testing was vital to the benchmarking of the elaborate AN/FPS‐24 radar to be used for all subsequent installations, and effectively rendered the Almaden AN/FPS‐24 radar as the “gold standard” for this model. The AN/FPS‐24 radar had a 250‐mile range designed to detect incoming hostile aircraft, and was considerably stronger than the 200‐mile range of the Air Force radars at Mill ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Valley and Cambria. Manned by personnel of the 682nd Squadron, the big radar maintained a constant, unblinking watch on the western and southwestern approaches to San Francisco Bay for over two decades. Building 102 was designed and engineered by the firm of Burns and Roe and the site was engineered by Indenco Engineers of San Leandro, California.2 For detailed information on contents of each floor of the AN/FPS‐24 radar tower, see the attachments section of this report. Previously, the station operated a Ground‐to‐Air Transmitter‐Receiver (GATR) atop the summit of Mount Umunhum until the completion of the AN/FPS‐24 radar. To eliminate radio frequency interference from the AN/FPS‐24 radar, the GATR was then moved one mile west to the summit of nearby Mount Thayer (elevation 3,483 feet). In 1961, Almaden AFS joined the SAGE system, feeding computer data to a data center at Beale AFB, California. The SAGE Direction Center at Beale AFB was known as DC‐18. After joining SAGE, the squadron was re‐designated as the ʺ682nd Radar Squadron (SAGE).ʺ In 1963, the SAGE site information was switched to DC‐17 at Norton AFB, located near San Bernardino. That same year on July 31, 1963, the Mount Umunhum site was re‐designated as NORAD ID Z‐96. Figure 6 ‐ 1978 Bicentennial logo and Squadron welcome message on Operations Building (Jaber collection) The engineering firm of Burns and Roe was first founded in New York in 1932 by Ralph C. Roe and Allen E. Burns. By the mid‐1950s, Burns and Roe was heavily involved with the defense industry in the United States as the Cold War progressed. The firm was at the forefront of the design of the developing missile defense system, and the government installations that supported it. Burns and Roe became experts in defense systems, and worked on several projects during this period, including the Nike‐Zeus Missile Tracking Radar Project, the “Bull Goose” Missile Shelter Project, and the Semi‐Automated Ground Environment (SAGE) Systems of Air Defense Network. 2
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
In 1968, as the result of defense budget cuts and a reduction in the Department of Defense’s emphasis on protection of the country against Soviet‐manned bombers, Air Defense Command (ADC) started deactivating its remaining long‐range radar sites in the interior of the country. In the general vicinity of California, the stations included the 658th Radar Squadron (SAGE), Winnemucca AFS, Nevada, and the 821st RADS (SAGE), Figure 7 ‐ 1979 birdʹs eye view of Mount Umunhum summit Baker AFS, Oregon. On June 18, 1968, one of the California coastal sites shut down: the 666th RADS (SAGE) at Lompoc AFS. By this point, Air Defense Command had also deactivated several interior SAGE direction centers, including the San Francisco ADC at Beale, which was deactivated on August 1, 1963. Directed by the Department of Defense partly in recognition of the increased Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile threat and partly due to their proximity to major target areas, the decision to deactivate selected Defense Commands resulted in the loss of six centers at locations around the country. In their stead, the Air Force developed the Back‐Up Interceptor Control system (BUIC), with widely‐separated long‐range radar sites serving as alternate direction centers in the event of an attack on the continental United States. As noted by historian Dr. Karen Weitze, “ADC command and control centers were important targets for a Soviet strike: the more of them there were, and the more widely they were dispersed, the more likely that the air defense system could function if partially destroyed.” BUIC I, deployed during the early 1960s, was the manual system; BUIC II was the first of two SAGE‐capable systems which went operational in 1966 at 14 locations, including Almaden AFS. As part of the conversion, the long‐range radar operations building at the station was enlarged to accommodate additional computers and display equipment as well as a command and control room. The buildings also received additional radio frequency and blast hardening in the form of a two‐foot‐thick outer shell of reinforced concrete with embedded radio frequency (RF) shields. As a BUIC II site, Almaden backstopped the 26th Air Division Air Defense Control Center (ADCC) at Adair AFS near Corvallis, Oregon. After suspension of BUIC II operations in 1968, the improved BUIC III sites at Mount Laguna AFS (east of San Diego, 751st Air Defense Group), Fallon AFS, Nevada (858th ADG) and Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Oregon (827th ADG) assumed backup command and control responsibilities for the West Coast, and Almaden reverted to an air defense detection and surveillance mission. In 1979, Almaden AFS came under Tactical Air Command (TAC) jurisdiction with the inactivation of Aerospace Defense Command and the creation of Air Defense‐Tactical Air Command (ADTAC). On June 30, 1980, the 682nd Radar Squadron was rendered inactive at Almaden AFS. Its “retirement” left ADTAC with only four Air Force‐manned and operated long‐range radar stations guarding the Pacific Coast. From the north, they were the 758th RADS, Makah AFS, Washington; 777th RADS, Klamath AFS, California; 666th RADS, Mill Valley AFS, California; and 775th RADS, Cambria AFS, California. Air Force personnel manned height‐finder radar detachments at several Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) radar sites up and down the coast. The AN/FPS‐24 radar antenna “sail” was removed in June 1980 with the height‐finder radars at Almaden AFS removed about the same time. Figure 8 ‐ 1980 removal of sail (Jaber collection)
Cold War Context – Santa Clara County
Following World War II, the United States Air Defense Command (ADC) began dismantling the existing air defense radar, filter (fighter direction) centers and HF/DF (high‐frequency/direction finder) sites around the perimeter of the country network that had been put in place during the war. This deactivation, however, was short‐lived. As the U.S.S.R. consolidated its control over the states of the Eastern Bloc, the United States began a strategy of global containment to challenge Soviet power, extending military and financial aid to the countries of Western Europe and creating the NATO alliance. In response to increasingly heightened international tensionschief among them a Soviet coup in Czechoslovakia in February 1948, followed by the Berlin Blockade in April of that same yearthe newly independent U.S. Air Force directed ADC to reverse the shutdown of the radar and command and control sites and to start manning them again. ADC immediately responded to this order on both the west and the east coasts of the country. Almaden Air Force Station was the last of Air Defense Command’s long‐
range radar sites to go “on watch” in California and would serve as one of last Air Force‐manned and operated radar sites in the Golden State. The radar sites located along the United States west coast provided peace and security to the American population at a time in history when life was anything but peaceful. It is difficult for those who did not live through the Cold War to understand the immense psychological effect the constant threat of possible nuclear attack had on all aspects of society, from the economy, to politics, and especially to the technological development that occurred in the United States during this time period. Until the development and deployment of reliable intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and submarine‐
launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), the main threat of foreign attack on the United States was from the air, particularly by long‐range Soviet aircraft carrying nuclear weapons. This made the early‐detection radar systems crucial to the nation’s defense strategy. Silicon Valley’s initial development beginning in the early part of the twentieth century is a legacy that comes from a combination of defense‐funded companies and a university that focused on early radio and then radar technology during two world wars and the Cold War conflicts. Historians trace the Valley’s roots back over 100 years, to the first decade of the twentieth century, when the electrification of California was in full swing and radio communications technology, controlled by Marconi patents, was in its infancy. The shipping fleets and navies of the world were among the first to fund radio communications. Since the San Francisco Bay Area was home to major Pacific shipping companies, the need for affordable and independent radio systems sparked the founding of local radio manufacturers. Radio and vacuum tubes, and then the defense radar of the World War II and Cold War eras, set the stage for the emergence of Stanford ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
University, the venture capital business and the successive waves of semiconductor, computer, network, cell‐phone and software companies to form a ground zero for technological development unmatched anywhere else in the world. The Bay Area has long been a major site of military research and technology, originating with the U.S. Navy at the turn of the century. In 1909, Charles Herrold started the first radio station in the United States with regularly scheduled programming in San José. Later that year, Stanford University graduate Cyril Elwell purchased the U.S. patents for Poulsen arc radio transmission technology and founded the Federal Telegraph Corporation (FTC) in Palo Alto. Over the next decade, the FTC created the worldʹs first global radio communication system, and signed a contract with the Navy in 1912. In 1933, Air Base Sunnyvale, California, was commissioned by the United States Government for use as a Naval Air Station (NAS) to house the airship USS Macon in Hangar One. The station was renamed NAS Moffett Field, and between 1933 and 1947, U.S. Navy blimps were based there. A number of technology firms had set up shop in the area around Moffett Field to serve the Navy. When the Navy gave up its airship ambitions and moved most of its west coast operations to San Diego, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA, forerunner of NASA) took over portions of Moffett Field for aeronautics research. Many of the original companies stayed, while new ones moved in. The immediate area was soon filled with aerospace firms, such as Lockheed. Lee de Forest, an American inventor with over 180 patents to his credit and the self‐
proclaimed ʺFather of Radioʺ, invented the Audion in 1906, the first triode vacuum tube and the first electrical device that could amplify a weak electrical signal and make it stronger. The Audion, and vacuum tubes developed from it, founded the field of electronics and dominated it for 40 years, making radio broadcasting, television, and long‐distance telephone service possible, among many other applications. For this reason De Forest has been credited as one of the founders of the ʺelectronic age.ʺ He is also credited with one of the principal inventions that brought sound to motion pictures. De Forest came to San Francisco in 1910, and worked for the Federal Telegraph Company, which began developing the first global radio communications system in 1912. California Historical Landmark No. 836 is a bronze plaque at the eastern corner of Channing Street and Emerson Avenue in Palo Alto, California, which memorializes the Electronics Research Laboratory at that location and De Forest for the invention of the three‐element radio vacuum tube. Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, its affiliates, and its graduates have played a major role in the development of military research and technology. From its founding in the 1890s, Stanford Universityʹs leaders saw its mission as service to the West and shaped the school accordingly. During the 1940s and 1950s, Frederick Terman (often called the “father of Silicon Valley”), Stanfordʹs Dean of Engineering and Provost, encouraged faculty and graduates ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
to start their own companies. Terman is credited with nurturing companies like Hewlett‐Packard, Varian Associates, and other high‐tech firms, until what would become Silicon Valley grew up around the Stanford campus. After World War II, universities were experiencing enormous demand due to returning students. To address the financial demands of Stanfordʹs growth requirements, and to provide local employment opportunities for graduating students, Terman proposed the leasing of Stanfordʹs lands for use as an office park, named the Stanford Industrial Park (later Stanford Research Park). Leases were limited to high technology companies. The Park’s first tenant was Varian Associates, founded by Stanford alumni in the 1930s to build military radar components. Between 1955 and 1988, solid state technology research and development at Stanford University followed three waves of industrial innovation made possible by support from private corporations, mainly Bell Telephone Laboratories, Shockley Semiconductor, Fairchild Semiconductor, and Xerox PARC. In 1964, Terman had brought William Shockley to Palo Alto to form a commercial venture in semiconductors. Unlike many other researchers who used germanium as the semiconductor material, Shockley believed that silicon was the better material for making transistors. Shockley intended to replace the current transistor with a new three‐element design (today known as the Shockley diode), but the design was considerably more difficult to build than the ʺsimpleʺ transistor. In 1957, Shockley decided to end research on the silicon transistor. Eight engineers left the company to form Fairchild Semiconductor; two of the original employees of Fairchild Semiconductor, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, would go on to found Intel. In 1957, Dean Watkins and R. H. Johnson had co‐founded Watkins‐Johnson, with a venture capital investment from Tommy Davis at Kern County Land Development Corporation. Watkins had been a research leader at Stanford University’s Electronic Laboratory, while Johnson was the head of Hughes Aircraft’s microwave tube department. Watkins‐Johnson was the first defense‐oriented venture capital investment, and set the bar for many more to follow, as technology corporations with defense contracts became the basis for the Bay Area’s burgeoning aerospace‐defense sector during the Cold War era. The growing list of other defense firms in the Valley included Eitel‐McCullough, Varian, and Litton Industries. Others would soon join them. By the early 1960s, one‐third of the nation’s defense microwave business was located in the Santa Clara Valley. Watkins‐Johnson became the cornerstone for the immense network of venture capital, human intellectual potential, and entrepreneurial drive that later become known as Silicon Valley (even though the firm was based on microwave technology). The growth of the venture capital industry was fueled by the emergence of the independent investment firms on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California, beginning with Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital in 1972. These and other venture capital firms would have access to the many semiconductor companies based in ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
the Santa Clara Valley as well as early computer firms using their devices and programming and service companies. In the 1970s and 1980s, the majority of technology and products developed by firms in Silicon Valley were incorporated in some form or another into defense systems designed to protect the United States from the Soviet threat. The protected environment located in the shadow of Mout Umunhum, made possible by Almaden Air Force Station, in which this development and growth could take place, was a critical necessity to the development of Silicon Valley. Figure 9 1968 view of Mt. Umunhum from Almaden Valley (Alexander Dewey) ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Evaluation for Significance
Policy and Regulatory Context
County of Santa Clara
The County of Santa Clara, through its General Plan, considers heritage resources as those particular types of resources, both natural and man‐made, which due to their vulnerability or irreplaceable nature deserve special protection if they are to be preserved for current and future generations. Heritage resources are considered important for a variety of reasons, including potential scientific value, cultural and historical value, and “place” value, in addition to their irreplaceability. Knowledge of the natural world, understanding of cultural origins, continuity with the past, and the sense of place that defines us and distinguishes Santa Clara County from all other places are all enhanced through heritage resource preservation. In the face of increasing homogenization, urbanization, and anonymity of American culture and places, resources unique to each region and locality become even more significant. More than curiosities, landmarks by which to navigate, or tourist attractions, heritage resources should be considered the birthright of successive generations of residents. If preserved and integrated with the new, our historic buildings, groves of trees, and other resources immeasurably enrich the experience of urban and rural landscapes. Rehabilitation and restoration for new uses or for commemoration, especially within older, central urban communities can also help revitalize economies and reverse urban decline in ways urban “renewal” programs of the recent past often failed to do. Cultural heritage resource protection consists of three basic strategies in the County of Santa Clara General Plan; Inventory and Evaluate Heritage Resources, Prevent or Minimize Adverse Impacts on Heritage Resources, and Restore, Enhance and Commemorate Resources. In keeping with the General Plan policies on cultural resources, the County of Santa Clara has adopted a Historical Preservation Ordinance (Division C17 of the Santa Clara County Code, ordinance No. NS‐1100.96, 10‐17‐06). The purpose of the ordinance is for the preservation, protection, enhancement, and perpetuation of resources of architectural, historical, and cultural merit within Santa Clara County and to benefit the social and cultural enrichment, and general welfare of the people. The County mains a Heritage Resource Inventory and list of designated Landmarks. Historic resources are evaluated according to criteria in Article II of the Division C17, Chapter 3.50 of the Zoning Ordinance, or division C16 of the County Code. The Board of Supervisors has the authority to designate as Landmarks, properties which meet the following criteria: A. Fifty years or older. If less than 50 years old, sufficient time must have passed to obtain a scholarly perspective on the events or individuals associated with the historic resource and/or the historic resource is a distinctive or important example of its type or style; and ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
B. Retains historic integrity. California Code of Regulations Section 4852(c) addresses the issue of “integrity” which is necessary for eligibility for the California Register. Integrity is defined as “the authenticity of an historical resource’s physical identity evidenced by the survival of characteristics that existed during the resource’s period of significance.” Section 4852(c) provides that historical resources eligible for listing in the California Register must meet one of the criteria for significance defined by 4852(b)(1 through 4), and retain enough of their historic character of appearance to be recognizable as historical resources and to convey the reasons for their significance. Integrity is evaluated with regard to the retention of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association. It must also be judged with reference to the particular criteria under which a resource is proposed for eligibility. Alterations over time to a resource or historic changes in its use may themselves have historical, cultural, or architectural significance; and C. Meets one or more of the following criteria of significance: 1. Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of local or regional history, or the cultural heritage of California or the United States; 2. Associated with the lives of persons important to local, California or national history; 3. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of a master or possesses high artistic values; or 4. Yielded or has the potential to yield information important to the pre‐history or history of the local area, California, or the nation. Evaluation
The intent of this evaluation is to determine the eligibility of the Mount Umunhum tower for designation as a County of Santa Clara Landmark. Under Division C17 of the Santa Clara County Code, the Board of Supervisors has adopted a Historic Preservation Ordinance that regulates the identification, designation, and treatment of historic properties. The Ordinance is for the preservation, protection, enhancement, and perpetuation of resources of architectural, historical, and cultural merit within Santa Clara County and to benefit the social and cultural enrichment, and general welfare of the people. The Board of Supervisors may designate those historic resources as ʺlandmarksʺ which meet the following designation criteria: A. Fifty years or older. If less than 50 years old, sufficient time must have passed to obtain a scholarly perspective on the events or individuals associated with the historic resource and/or ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
the historic resource is a distinctive or important example of its type or style; and of the local area, California, or the nation. The Mt. Umunhum Radar Tower was constructed beginning in 1959, and meets the minimum 50 years requirement. B. Retains historic integrity. If a historic resource was moved to prevent demolition at its former location, it may still be considered eligible if the new location is compatible with the original character of the property; The Mount Umunhum Radar Tower possesses integrity of location and setting. The building has not been moved, although the surrounding buildings are in the process of being demolished at the time of the beginning of this study. Integrity of design, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association had been compromised somewhat because the radar sail and related equipment on the roof has long been removed, and technical machinery to operate the radar no longer exists. Like all decommissioned radar installations in the United States, the radar equipment was removed from the site following decommission, but the building itself retains its original appearance. The structure remains an important representation of the historic background of the former base, and has sufficient integrity to convey its history. Meets one or more of the following criteria of significance: 1. Associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of local or regional history, or the cultural heritage of California or the United States; The Mount Umunhum Radar Tower is individually significant at the local level within the former Almaden Air Force Station under Criterion 1 as a prominent example of radar operation at the site and within the Santa Clara County itself. Though not the first or only radar erected at the Almaden Air Force Station, it best represents the overall mission and purpose of Almaden AFS, and has served as a visual symbol of an important era in county history to the county due to its prominent perch above the valley. Of all the remaining artifacts of the Cold War era from 1959 to 1980, the Radar Tower at Mount Umunhum remains the most visual and memorable icon, easily recognizable to the entire population of Santa Clara County. It is of historic significance within the county due to its prominent, distinctive image, its important associations, and the expansive understanding of what it represents to the local population. The property meets Criterion 1 under the County’s ordinance for landmark designation. 2. Associated with the lives of persons important to local, California or national history; The Mount Umunhum Radar Tower is not individually significant under Criterion 2 because it is not associated with the lives of individual persons significant in our past. No individuals were identified as being instrumental to the function of the ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
radar system at Almaden AFS. The property does not meet Criterion 2 under the County’s ordinance for landmark designation. 3. Embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of a master or possesses high artistic values; The Mount Umunhum Radar Tower is individually significant locally under Criterion 3 as a unique concrete radar tower in Santa Clara County, that once supported the highest‐powered radar antenna at the now decommissioned Almaden Air Force Station site. The Radar Tower is a distinctive architectural specimen, both for its unique construction as a military radar tower during the Cold War, as well as its prominent location high about the valley floor in Santa Clara County. The radar tower is a distinguished and locally well‐known example of utilitarian military architecture. It is a distinctive local monument of this type, associated directly with an important period in military history. The property meets Criterion 3 under the County’s ordinance for landmark designation. 4. Yielded or has the potential to yield information important to the pre‐history or history. The pre‐history of the site was not investigated for its potential to yield important information. The site of the Mount Umunhum Radar Tower was subject to a different process for eligibility under National Register Criterion D (Information Potential) under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, and is not a part of this evaluation. The evaluation of potential archeological resources is beyond the scope of this report. Qualifications of the Consultants
Franklin Maggi, Architectural Historian
Franklin Maggi is the Managing Partner for ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE. As a preservation planner and historian, he has prepared intensive‐level project assessments involving historic resources for a large and diverse range of properties in the region. His early experience as an urban planner provided him with a background in regulatory procedures and entitlements. As the lead historian on the Santa Clara County Inventory Update project in 2004, prepared by Archives & Architecture for the County Planning Office, he updated and re‐evaluated a broad range of historic resources in the unincorporated areas of the county, and was the key author on the Santa Clara Historic Context Statement, adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2012. In the 1990s, Franklin Maggi served the County as a Historical Heritage Commissioner, as well as full‐filling two terms on the San Jose Historic Landmarks Commission. He presently is a board member of the Sourisseau Academy for State and Local History, SJSU. ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Franklin Maggi has a professional degree in Architecture with an area of concentration in Architectural History from the University of California, Berkeley. He is listed with California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) as Architectural Historian, and meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards within his profession. Sarah Winder, Historian
Sarah Winder is a staff historian for ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE. Working with the firm since graduating from San Jose State University, she has prepared local landmark and National Register nominations such as the large multi‐thematic cultural landscape known as Rhoades Ranch, and prepared historical reports for properties within most of the cities in Santa Clara County. She prepared the historical narrative for the 3,000 acre Kaiser Permanente Quarry, and has conducted research for a number of projects for special purpose agencies such as Caltrans and the Santa Clara Valley Water District. Sarah Winder has a Master of Arts in History from San Jose State University and a Bachelor of Arts in History and Anthropology from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Her coursework focused on Modern European history and the Cold War. She is listed with CHRIS as Historian, and meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards within her profession. In addition to the two staff members of Archives & Architecture, LLC, Mark Morgan, Phil Gioia, David Leeson, and Basim Jaber contributed to the content of this report. Mark Morgan’s biography is not included, but he is currently a civilian Air Force historian and aviation writer with 30+ years experience who recently published Rings of Supersonic Steel: An Introduction & Site Guide Air Defenses of the United States Army 1950‐
1979, 2010. He was formally a historian for the Western Air Defense Sector, whose operational area incorporates California. Phil Gioia, Military Historian
Contributing to this report was Phil Gioia, General Partner of Pathfinder Partners LLC. Gioia served ten years active military service as a Regular Army officer in Infantry, Airborne, Ranger, and Pathfinder, including two combat Infantry command tours in Vietnam in the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment of 82d Airborne Division, and 5th Cavalry Regiment of First Cavalry Division (Airmobile). Following Vietnam, Mr. Gioia took the Advanced Course at the Armor School and graduate work at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, and served within the Sixth Army General Staff at the Presidio of San Francisco. Following graduate work at the Stanford University School of Business, he spent thirty‐three years in technology investment, management, and entrepreneurship, in and around Silicon Valley. He is founder and CEO of two technology companies, and is co‐founder and Partner of Pathfinder Partners at the Presidio of San Francisco, California, providing directed advisory services to clients in the defense and national security sectors. Phil Gioia is a noted Military Historian; a frequent commentator on the History and Military Channels, and a writer on topics of military history. ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Dave Leeson
David B. Leeson has been Professor of Electrical Engineering of Stanford University, Palo Alto, California since 1994. He holds a Bachelor of Science from California Institute of Technology, a Master of Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (NSF Fellow) and Ph.D. from Stanford University (Hughes Fellow). He served as Chief Executive Officer and Founding Chairman of California Microwave, Inc. from1968 to 1993, and currently serves as Executive Officer of Leeson Foundation while also owning a communications tower business. His Specific Research Interests include satellite and microwave communications, ionospheric propagation, personal wireless communications, organizational life cycles and the dependence of success upon nonlinear and second‐order phenomena. Corporate directorships include that of Morphics Technology Inc., Stanford Telecommunications, Inc., Advanced Radio Cells, Inc. and Reflectivity, Inc. Public service positions have included being a member of IEEE 802.11 (wireless data networking standards), Governor of Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA/TIA), and Director of American Electronics Association (AEA). He has served as Founding Chairman of WINForum (personal wireless industry association) since 1993, and is an IEEE Life Fellow, receiving the IEEE Cady Award, Stanford Graduate School of Business Entrepreneur of the Year, and MIT Distinguished Alumnus Award. Dave Leeson is author of IEEE papers on nonlinear frequency multipliers, radar, oscillator stability (“Leesonʹs model of oscillator noise“), and a book on Yagi antennas. Basim Jaber
A lifelong South Bay native and freelance photographer, Basim Jaber has researched the history and geography of Mt. Umunhum and the Almaden Air Force Station since 2006. He has organized and hosted several veteransʹ reunions for the USAF 682nd Radar Squadron who manned the radar station atop Mt. Umunhum between 1957 and 1980. He continues to archive historic images and artifacts from Almaden Air Force Station to help preserve the memories and history of this Bay Area Cold War relic. His relationship with over 200 veterans and dependents who lived and served on the site has earned him status as their official historian and archivist. Basim has assisted several media agencies in producing newspaper, TV, and web media coverage of the site and its fascinating past. These include CBS‐5 KPIX ʺEye on the Bayʺ, NBC KRON‐4 News, San Jose Mercury News, online, KQED ʺQUESTʺ TV, and Almaden Times Weekly. His photo documentary work of the entire site has proven invaluable to preserving the history and memories of Almaden Air Force Station (see ). Basim also serves as a board director on the Umunhum Conservancy, a non‐profit organization with a mission to save and preserve the iconic radar tower atop Mt. Umunhum (see ). ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Figure 11 ‐ 2008 Reunion (Jaber collection)
Sources of Information
Archives & Architecture, LLC. County of Santa Clara Historic Context Statement. County of Santa Clara, Department of Planning and Development, 2012. California (State of), Public Resources Code, Section 21000, et. seq. and The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, California Administrative Code, Section 15000, et. seq., 1970 (as amended). California (State of), Department of Parks and Recreation, Office of Historic Preservation (CAL/OHP). California Points of Historical Interest. Sacramento: California Department of Parks and Recreation, 1992. ‐‐‐‐‐. Instructions for Recording Historic Resources, 1995. ‐‐‐‐‐. Title 14 Chapter 11.5. Regulations for California Register of Historical Resources, 1997. ‐‐‐‐‐. Directory of Properties (Santa Clara County) in the Historic Property Data File, 2013. (Includes National Register of Historic Places status codes, California Historical Landmarks and California Points of Historical Interest listings, etc.) ‐‐‐‐‐. Technical Assistance Series #6: California Register and National Register: A Comparison (for purposes of determining eligibility for the California Register), 2002. ‐‐‐‐‐. Title 14 Chapter 11.5. Regulations for California Register of Historical Resources. Effective January 1, 1998. Cornett, Lloyd H., Jr. and Mildred W. Johnson. A Handbook of Aerospace Defense Organization, 1946‐1980. Peterson AFB, Colorado: Office of History, Aerospace Defense Center, 1980. Department of Defense. Coming in from the Cold: Military Heritage in the Cold War, Report on f the Department of Defense Legacy Cold War Project. Washington D.C. publisher GPO, 1994. Hylkema, Mark G. Negative Archaeological Survey Report (NASR): A Finding of No Effect to Archaeological Resources, Mount Umunhum Restoration and Public Access Project. Mid‐
Peninsula Regional Open Space District, 2011. Gregory, Carrie, and Martyn Tagg. Recording the Cold War: Identifying and Collecting Cold War Resource Data on Military Installations. Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Project No. 07‐285, 2008. ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Gudde, Erwin G. California Place Names: The Origin and Etymology of Current Geographical Names. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1965. Jackson, J. B. The Necessity for Ruins and Other Topics. Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 1980. Leeson, David. “The Role of Defense Funding in the Making of Silicon Valley.” Palo Alto: David Leeson, 2014. Leslie, Stuart W. “How the West Was Won: The Military and the Making of Silicon Valley,” in Technological Competitiveness and Historical Perspectives on the Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Industries, edited by William Aspray. New York: IEEE Press, 1993. Lewis, Karen, and Paul Boyer, Joseph S. Murphy, Lori E. Rhodes, and Katherine J. Roxlau. A Systematic Study of Air Combat Command Cold War Material Culture. Volume I: Historic Context and Methodology for Assessment. Mariah Associates, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, 1995. Page & Turnbull, Inc. Final Historic Resource Study of Former Almaden Air Force Station, Mt. Umunhum, Santa Clara County, CA. Mid‐Peninsula Regional Open Space District, 2010. Including DPR523 recording of Building 102: Radar Tower FPS‐24, 9/011. Salmon, John S. Protecting America: Cold War Defensive Sites, A National Historic Landmark Theme Study. National Historic Landmarks Program, Cultural Resources, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington D.C., 2011. Shiman, Philip. Forging the Sword: Defense Production in the Cold War. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Research Laboratory, Special Report 97/77, sponsored by U.S. Air Force Air Combat Command and the Department of Defense Legacy Program, 1995. United States Air Force. Interim Guidance: Treatment of Cold War Historic Properties of U.S. Air Force Installations. On file at Department of Defense Legacy Program Office, Washington, D.C., 1993. Williams, James C. The Rise of Silicon Valley. Cupertino: California History Center Foundation, 1993. Winkler, David F. Searching the Skies: The Legacy of the United States Cold War Defense Radar Program. Champaign, IL: United States Air Force Headquarters Air Combat Command, 1997. ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
Mark, Morgan. Telephone interview with Franklin Maggi and Basim Jaber, August 22, 2013. Websites‐fps‐24.htm (website accessed on October 30, 2013)‐24.html (website accessed on October 30, 2013)‐20.html (website accessed on November 4, 2013)‐fps‐20.htm (website accessed on October 30, 2013)‐6.html (website accessed on November 4, 2013)‐fps‐6.htm (website accessed on October 30, 2013) (website accessed on November 4, 2013) (website accessed on October 20, 2013) Figure 12 ‐ ʺRadar Sentinel Mount Umunhum overlooking Santa Clara Valley (1967 Pacific Telephone Directory)
History and Context of 682nd Radar Squadron, Mark Morgan, DAF. The Role of Defense Funding in the Making of Silicon Valley, D.B. Leeson DPR523 recording forms, including photographs. AN/FPS‐24 by Steve Weatherly posted on:‐24.html&type=equip_html (This website contains extensive technical information on the AN/FPS‐24. For the purposes of this report, the information is referenced as an attachment, but must be viewed online by clicking the above hyperlink). ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
682nd Radar Squadron
The following History and Context of the 682nd Radar Squadron was provided by Mark Morgan,
DAF, for use with this report. It is followed by his timeline for the Geiger Field/Kirtland
AFB/Hamilton AFB/Almaden AFS (M-96/Z-96).Both have been reformatted for this evaluation.
On 5 March 1946, former British Prime Minister Winston Spencer Churchill gave a speech at
Westminster College in Fulton, Mo. During the course of his presentation he stated, “From Stettin
in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.” His
use of the phrase “Iron Curtain” in describing the political and military situation in Europe marked
the beginning of the Cold War.
However, in the United States the Army Air Forces and War Department remained in their postWorld War II stand-down mode. Millions of men had demobilized at the end of the war and
returned to their civilian lives while aircraft either went into storage, were scrapped or, in the case
of the US Navy, were literally dumped over the sides of ships. Air defense? Not important; the
United States had a monopoly on nuclear weapons and could handle all comers.
On 21 March 1946, roughly two weeks after Churchill‘s speech at the small college town in
America‘s heartland, the Army Air Forces established Strategic Air Command and tasked it with
developing the nation‘s nuclear deterrent using a few groups of B-29 bombers. Concurrently,
Tactical Air Command stood up at Langley Field, VA; six days later, Air Defense Command
activated at Mitchel Field, Long Island, NY.
Despite its “air defense” title, ADC‘s initial efforts revolved around closing down, packing and
shipping out the remaining World War II-era radar, filter (fighter direction) centers and HF/DF
(high-frequency/direction finder) sites around the perimeter of the country. In the Bay Area, these
sites included WWII-era installations in Berkeley, Carmel, Half Moon Bay (two facilities), Mill
Valley, Point Reyes, Olema, Gualala, Birds Landing and Point Montara.
Along the same lines, upon activation ADC inherited operational responsibility for five numbered
air forces. While First Air Force at Mitchel Field and Fourth Air Force in San Francisco for the
most part continued their World War II mission of continental air defense, the others – Tenth AF,
Brooks Field, Texas; Eleventh AF, Olmstead Field, Pa.; and Fourteenth AF, Orlando Army Air
Base, Fla. – wholly busied themselves with training and administration of the air reserve
components, including National Guard aviation.
On 21 May 1947, Fourth Air Force activated the 636th Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron at
Hamilton Field in Marine County, under assignment to the 505th Aircraft Control & Warning
Group at McChord Field, Washington. The activation and assignment were described as
temporary duty for “…the duration of time necessary to deactivate the former radar sites of the
old San Francisco Control Group…” The squadron quickly closed out the remaining operations
and equipment at Point Sur, Half Moon Bay, Point Reyes, Gualala and Birds Landing. On 21
December 1947, the squadron moved to Half Moon Bay Early Warning Station; by 31 March
1948, it had completed the dismantling of Olema, Gualala and Carmel.
However, the circumstances driving Air Defense Command’s dismantling of the existing air
defense network changed in March 1948. In response to heightened international tensions – chief
among them a Soviet coup in Czechoslovakia in February, followed by the Berlin Blockade in
April – the newly independent US Air Force directed Air Defense Command to reverse the shutdown of the radar and command and control sites and start manning them again. ADC
immediately responded at the opposite ends of the country.
At McChord Field, the 505th Aircraft Control & Warning Group (AC&WG) – the only air defense
command and control organization in the entire western United States – received orders from
Fourth Air Force to go on 24-hour operations with the intention of providing an “air defense radar
net” in the Pacific Northwest (in other words, protect the Hanford Works). The group responded
quickly with the personnel it had and within a few days the 505th operated a limited surveillance
capability from sites in Neah Bay, Spokane, Pasco, Seaside, Walla Walla and Portland manned
by personnel of the 634th Air Control Squadron and 635th Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron.
Concurrently the 505th AC&WG’s 636th and 637th Aircraft Control & Warning Squadrons took
similar actions to guard the San Francisco Bay area and Los Angeles, respectively.
By 2 August 1948, the regional Air Defense Direction Center at Silver Lake (Everett), Wash. was
up and operating, with responsibility for operations along the entire Pacific coast. However, at the
end of the year a major reorganization of air defense duties took place with the 1 December
establishment of Continental Air Command (CONAC), which assumed jurisdiction of Air Defense
Command’s air sovereignty and air reserve training missions.
The detonation of the Soviet Union’s first atomic bomb on 29 August 1949 precipitated a massive
expansion of US early warning and air defense infrastructure. The reorganization of the West
Coast defensive laydown included the 1 December 1949 activation of the Western Air Defense
Force (WADF) at Hamilton AFB, followed a week later by the activation of the 28th Air Division
(Defense) and 542nd Aircraft Control and Warning Group at Hamilton AFB. The latter
organization, tasked with both the command and control and early warning missions, assumed
operational control of the newly activated 668th Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron at the Half
Moon Bay Air Defense Control Center as well as the LASHUP program radar sites at Half Moon
Bay and Mather AFB.
Briefly, LASHUP, the first truly operational postwar air defense radar system, replaced the
arguably stillborn SUPREMACY radar program of 1947. The program called for the emplacement
of 300 radar sites around the 48 United States, employing a mix of older AN/CPS-1 early warning
and CPS-5 search radars as well as more modern CPS-6B (combined search and height finder
functions) and FPS-3 search radars. Due to technical difficulties, siting issues and budget
restrictions, the Air Force downgraded the planned SUPREMACY deployment to 61 radars and
then halted deployment at 13 sets.
The PERMANENT network served as the planned follow-on to SUPREMACY; planning and site
surveys commenced in December 1949. The initial plans involved 75 sites equipped with the
CPS-5, with emphasis on coverage of the population and industrial centers of the northeast and
west, followed by emplacement in the southeastern and central sections of the United States.
The Air Force planned 10 centers for command and control purposes with an operational date no
later than 1 July 1951.
However, while development of the PERMANENT network continued, the Air Force decided to
get an interim air defense radar system up and operating with the equipment on hand, deploying
AN/CPS-5s under the designation LASHUP (for many analysts, “lashup” served as the perfect
description as it brought images of an obsolescent radar lashed with frayed rope to the top of an
old pole). Imagery aside, deployment occurred through three phases: Phase I, with initial
emergency deployment around high-value locations primarily in the northeast, northwest and in
the vicinity of the US’s nuclear development centers; Phase II, the northeastern United States;
and Phase III, the Pacific extension south into California. By the end of 1950, 43 LASHUP radar
sites were operational. Whatever its limitations, LASHUP at least constituted an initial radar
network for the defense of the United States and the timing proved fortunate, as developmental
problems pushed the PERMANENT deployment until early 1952.
Concurrent with PERMANENT, the Air Force initiated research and development of the follow-on
system, designated the MOBILE network. Planned for installation at 44 additional locations
including a growing number of Strategic Air Command bases, the MOBILE network incorporated
the AN/MPS-7 search, AN/MPS-11 search and AN/MPS-14 height-finder radars. They were in
fact mobile radars, developed from fixed radar designs; in advance of the development of the new
network, Headquarters US Air Force decreed that all radars would indeed by mobile, mounted on
trailers or similar and ready for immediate deployment elsewhere in the world in the event of an
emergency. Air defense commanders fought this edict and won out, receiving permission to
mount the mobile radars on fixed towers at the desired locations.
By June 1951, Air Defense Command teams completed site surveys for 44 (now) SEMI MOBILE
program sites (designated M) nationwide. The Air Force subsequently approved a second phase
of construction at 35 locations (sites designated SM), followed by a third and final laydown of 29
radars (designated TM).
In California, the PERMANENT network started taking form in October 1950, when the 668th
AC&WS received orders to establish detachments on top of Marin County’s Mount Tamalpais and
at Point Arena, between San Francisco and Crescent City. On 5 May 1950, at the south end of
the Golden State, the Air Force activated the following aircraft control and warning squadrons for
manning and operation of PERMANENT program long-range radar sites:
669th AC&WS – Fort MacArthur, LASHUP site L-43, moved to Santa Rosa Island
(PERMANENT site P-15) in February 1952
670th AC&WS – Camp Cooke, site L-41, moved to San Clemente Island (P-39) in
August 1951
750th AC&WS – Edwards AFB, site L-40, moved to Atolia (P-59) in January 1952
751st AC&WS – NCBC Port Hueneme, site L-42, moved to Mount Laguna (P-76) in
February 1952
Up north, the PERMANENT program sites started operations towards the end of the year,
continuing into the spring of 1951. The first to occupy its site was the 668th AC&WS, which had
transferred to the Mather AFB LASHUP facility (L-37) in March 1950; it began operating Mather’s
replacement PERMANENT radar site (P-58) in October 1951. Elsewhere, four squadrons stood
up on 27 November 1950:
666th AC&WS – Mount Tamalpais (P-38)
774th AC&WS – Hamilton AFB, moved to Madera (P-74) in March 1951
776th AC&WS – Hamilton AFB, moved to Point Arena (P-37) almost immediately
777th AC&WS – Klamath (P-33)
The activation of the 775th Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron at Cambria (P-2) on 7 March
1951 concluded the PERMANENT program deployment in California.
Air Defense Command subsequently manned and equipped two additional long-range radar sites
as inland backups to the coastal. In mid-1956 the 856th AC&WS (activated at Hamilton AFB on 8
September 1955) occupied the state’s only SEMI MOBILE Phase II installation at Red Bluff Air
Force Station (site designation SM-157). Roughly a year later, the 682nd AC&WS fully manned
California’s only Phase I site at Almaden AFS (M-96). Almaden was the last of Air Defense
Command’s long-range radar sites to go “on watch” in California and, as fate would have it, would
serve as one of last Air Force-manned and operated radar sites in the Golden State. ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
682nd Radar Squadron
Geiger Field/Kirtland AFB/Hamilton AFB/
Almaden AFS (M-96/Z-96)
1 Dec 53 – 682nd Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron activated at Geiger Field, WA, with the
equipment and some of the personnel of the Alabama ANG 115th AC&WS. Upon
activation the squadron came under assignment of the 4702nd Defense Wing (Geiger
Jan 54 – The 682nd AC&WS transferred to Kirtland AFB, NM for reassignment to the 34th Air
Division (Defense)
13 Jul 54 – The 682nd AC&WS was reassigned to the 28th Air Division (Defense) (Hamilton AFB)
1 Aug 54 – The 682nd AC&WS transferred to Hamilton AFB, CA.
24 Jul 57 – Initial operating capability of the 682nd AC&WS at Almaden AFS
31 Sept 57 – The 682nd AC&WS formally transferred to Almaden AFS, CA, station M-96 in the
Manual Radar Program (M-96/Z-96)
21 Mar 58 – The 682nd assumed full operational capability at Almaden with AN/FPS-20 search
and AN/MPS-14 height finder radars
1 Jul 60 – The 682nd AC&WS was reassigned to the San Francisco Air Defense Sector (Beale
15 Jan 61 – The 682nd redesignated as a radar squadron (SAGE)
1 Aug 63 – The 682nd RADS(SAGE) was reassigned to the Los Angeles ADS (Norton AFB, CA)
1 Apr 66 – The 682nd was reassigned to the 26th Air Division (Adair AFS, OR)
30 Sept 69 – The 682nd was reassigned to the 27th Air Division (Luke AFB, AZ)
10 Nov 69 – The 682nd was reassigned to the 26th Air Division (Luke AFB, AZ)
1 Feb 74 – The 682nd redesignated as a radar squadron
30 Jun 1980 – The 682nd deactivated at Almaden AFS. ARCHIVES & ARCHITECTURE
The Role of Defense Funding in the
Making of Silicon Valley
D. B. Leeson
Abstract—Silicon Valley today is seen as the modern paragon of
technology-based economic success, based on venture-backed
startups that have brought successive waves of semiconductor,
computer, networking and software products to an eager public.
But Silicon Valley is not a new phenomenon; its initial
development from the early 1900's can be seen as the legacy of
defense funding of companies and a university that focused on
radio, and then radar technology during two world wars and the
Cold War conflicts.
ilicon Valley is rightly hailed as one of the economic and
technologic miracles of our time. The progress from the
early days of radio to the latest Internet, mobile and software
products can lead one to think that consumers have always
been principal customers of Silicon Valley startups and
successful companies.
But scholarly authors espouse the consensus that Silicon
Valley is not a new phenomenon. They trace its roots back
over 100 years to the first decade of the Twentieth Century,
when the electrification of California was in full swing and
radio communications technology, controlled by Marconi
patents, was in its infancy. The shipping fleets and navies of
the world were among the first to fund radio communications.
The San Francisco area was home to major Pacific shipping
companies whose needs for affordable and independent radio
systems sparked the founding of local radio manufacturers.
Radio and vacuum tubes, and then the defense radar of
WWII and especially the Cold War, set the stage for the
emergence of Stanford University, the venture capital
business and the successive waves of semiconductor,
computer, network, cell-phone and software companies that
employ our local population. A close examination reveals the
essential role of defense and other government funding that
ultimately made possible the emergence of today's worldfamous companies and local universities. We will see that the
most vigorous elements of modern technology economy
ultimately trace their existence to defense funding, the aim of
which was to strengthen our nation during two world wars
and the Cold War conflicts.
In 1909, funded by faculty and San Francisco investors,
Stanford graduate Cyril Elwell founded the company that
became the Federal Telegraph Corporation, with a license in
the arc transmitter of the Danish inventor Poulsen as a
technological edge to win contracts from the US Navy. The
US effort in World War I employed radio equipment from
Federal, and the company grew to prominence. Oakland's
Magnavox and other startups were spin-offs of Federal.
When WWI ended, foreign-owned radio companies
operating in the US, such as Marconi and Telefunken, were
appropriated at the insistence of the Navy into a new
corporation, Radio Corporation of America (RCA). As a side
effect, this created monopoly patent pools in radio (RCA) and
telephony (AT&T). Key among the patents were those for the
DeForest vacuum tube, which underlay the next advances in
electronics. The next stage of the development of Western
technology companies centered on devising new vacuumtube designs that could circumvent patent litigation.
Ralph Heintz, a 1919 Stanford graduate, founded a
company that became Heintz & Kaufman to manufacture
vacuum tubes of a novel design using Tantalum electrodes in
a non-infringing geometry. These were used in radio systems
to equip the fleet of his sponsor, Dollar Steamship Company
of San Francisco. Out of caution for exposure to patent
litigation, Dollar discouraged Heintz from other markets.
Two of his young employees, William Eitel and Jack
McCullough, radio amateurs like Heintz, had adapted the
Heintz tube for the amateur use. But with the disinterest of
Dollar in that market, in 1934 in the depths of the Great
Depression, they left to found their own company, EitelMcCullough (Eimac). Their tubes exhibited durability
superior to others, and soon became the de facto standard for
high-power amateur radio. This brought Eimac to the
attention of Army and Navy engineers (many of whom were
also radio amateurs) who were designing the first military
radars. Their insistence on Eimac-design tubes elevated the
company to the position of one of the principal suppliers of
vacuum tubes in World War II.
The Depression also impacted Federal Electric, which was
acquired by ITT and moved to New Jersey. A key vacuumtube engineer, Stanford graduate Charles Litton, was
determined to stay in California. He founded his own
company, Litton Engineering Laboratories, to make improved
glass lathes and vacuum pumps of his own design for
vacuum-tube manufacturing. Litton, also a generous member
of the amateur radio community, was personally supportive
of Eitel and McCullough as well fostering a vacuum-tube
laboratory for another radio amateur, Stanford's Prof. Fred
Terman, also a consultant to his former classmate Heintz.
During this same period, Sigurd Varian, a Pan American
pilot, foresaw the need for a radio means of landing safely
through night, cloud and fog, and even for detecting airplanes
for defense. His elder brother, Stanford physicist Russell
Varian, was aware that very short wavelengths would permit
the highly directive antennas required for such a system. But
he also recognized that the vacuum tubes of the time were
© 2014 D. B. Leeson – may be quoted with attribution
limited in their ability to generate sufficient power at short
enough wavelengths to do the job.
At Stanford, Russell Varian had been a roommate, and later
shared an office with, William Hansen. In 1935, spurred by
his interest in accelerating electrons, Prof. Hansen, after
extensive discussions with Varian, had invented the
microwave cavity resonator. Devoted to invention and
schooled in patents, Varian advised Hansen to secure what
would become a valuable patent.
The Varian brothers were determined to create a
microwave source that would meet their needs. They returned
to their central California home and, with a third brother Eric,
set up a laboratory for the project. By 1937 the Varians
needed the support of an established physics laboratory and
Hansen's expertise, and in May Russell returned to Stanford
to share Hansen's office again, bringing Sigurd, an excellent
machinist. They became unpaid research assistants with a
$100 budget for materials, and by July the three men had
conceived the idea for the klystron, which was demonstrated
in October. The resulting patent was to be one of the most
valuable properties of the University, yielding royalties and
recognition. It would also make possible the development of
microwave radar, which would prove to be one of the
decisive technologies of the coming war.
Stanford was then still a regional college, and was also
experiencing the financial difficulties of the Depression. It
welcomed the offer of multi-year research funding and
ongoing royalties from the Sperry Gyroscope Company of
New York, a manufacturer with defense experience in aircraft
instruments. In 1940, when WWII appeared inevitable,
Hansen, the three Varian brothers and Hansen’s protégé
students Edward Ginzton and John Woodyard moved to Long
Island to continue their radar work at Sperry for the duration.
Charles Litton had been generous in his mentoring of
Stanford's vacuum tube work, and would make one additional
contribution that would have lasting effect. In connection
with its funding of Stanford's klystron development, Sperry
paid an additional $1,000 for the rights to a patentable idea
that Litton had donated to Stanford. In the hands of Prof.
Terman, now the head of the Electrical Engineering
Department, this money played a key role in the founding of
the company that would become a flagship of the area, the
Hewlett-Packard Company.
David Packard, yet another of the radio amateurs educated
at Stanford, graduated in 1934 and, finding work scarce in
those Depression days, departed east for an engineering job at
General Electric in New York. His good friend William
Hewlett also graduated at the same time, but was able to
afford to continue his education at M.I.T. and then again at
Stanford. Terman had taken Packard and Hewlett to visit
local companies, and the three had talked about forming a
company. But without funding, and with Packard just
married, the GE job was precious in the Depression and the
prospects for a return to California did not look bright.
But in 1938, with the Sperry money in hand, Terman was
able to bring Packard back for a paid research assistantship.
Having become a capable vacuum-tube researcher at GE,
Packard was put to work on the Litton concept, spending
mornings in class, afternoons in the lab under the tutelage of
Varian and evenings working with Litton at his company. A
patent application was filed naming Varian and Packard as
During this time, at Terman's suggestion, Hewlett was
exploring a unique audio oscillator instrument for his
Engineer's thesis. Hewlett made a breakthrough in July 1938
and had a working instrument to show by August. Because he
had worked without University funding, the resulting patent
was in Hewlett's name. This became the foundation on which
Hewlett and Packard built their company, which became a
legendary success. Although it was not a defense contractor,
its instruments were largely bought by companies that were,
and by the time of the Korean War, Hewlett-Packard had
grown to be a major company.
In late 1940, the government's Radiation Laboratory was
established at M.I.T. to develop microwave radar for the
coming war. The secret RadLab was staffed with academic
cyclotron physicists. Hansen, already recognized as the
founder of microwave electronics, was asked to educate them
in the practice of microwave radar. A year later, Terman was
called to head the secret Radio Research Laboratory at
Harvard, tasked with developing countermeasures against
enemy radars. Along with the atom-bomb project, these were
major government investments in defense science and
As WWII came to a close, Terman foresaw that this
funding could be continued at Stanford if he assembled
suitable research staff. Stanford set up a Microwave
Laboratory for the returning Hansen, and an Electronics
Laboratory was staffed by returning RRL scientists to
continue their work on countermeasures. His strategy for
distinction focused on attracting scientific talent in key areas
– "Steeples of Excellence" – capable of winning federal
funding. Over the next two decades, the majority of funding
received by these two labs and their progeny came from the
government, and even in recent times Stanford was raising
some 90% of its research budget from federal sources.
In the same period, the returning Hansen-Varian group
founded the company Varian Associates, which quickly
found its early business in defense applications of the
klystron. The success of Varian Associates and Eimac
encouraged the creation of other local companies in the
microwave tube business, largely funded by the defense
imperatives of the Cold War. At the same time, the work in
countermeasures led to the founding nearby to Stanford of a
number of successful defense contractors in the applications
of that technology. Hansen's development of the linear
accelerator, coupled with the realization of high-power
klystrons in his laboratory, led directly to the accomplish–
ments of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC).
This, then, was the environment of the 1960's, when
Terman was able to attract the beginnings of the
semiconductor industry to the area. The realization that
startup companies could be remarkably rewarding
investments had been amply demonstrated by the companies
that had relied largely on government customers, and the
success of Terman's strategy for Stanford had elevated it to
the level of an international research university.
The transistor, a solid-state replacement for many of the
functions of the vacuum tube without many of its drawbacks,
was invented at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1947.
This development flowed directly from WWII work on
Silicon radar diodes.
In 1964, Terman brought William Shockley to Palo Alto to
form a commercial venture in semiconductors. Shockley
recruited a cadre of scientists who subsequently left to found
Fairchild Semiconductor, and then the gamut of later
semiconductor companies that gave rise to the name "Silicon
Valley" in 1971.
The invention of the planar process and then the integrated
circuit created new possibilities for miniaturization that soon
found application in ever-smaller and more powerful
computers. Initially, only the government could afford the
premium cost of these products, and the first years of the
semiconductor business were largely a partnership among the
device manufacturers, Cold-War funded defense contractors
and the government itself. Fairchild, National Semiconductor
and Intel were all dependent on this defense spending to
launch their later commercial successes.
connection with the Linear Accelerator, has come from
government sources. The successes of the defense companies
that arose from Stanford's developments gave encouragement
to the rise of venture capital. The area continues to benefit
today from the legacy of the government's role as the initial
sponsor of new and high-risk technology.
Stuart W. Leslie, The Cold War and American Science: The MilitaryIndustrial-Academic Complex at MIT and Stanford, Columbia University
Press, 1993; see also S. W. Leslie and B. Hevly, “Steeple Building at
Stanford: Electrical Engineering, Physics, and Microwave Research,” Proc.
IEEE, vol. 73, No. 7, July 1985, pg. 1169-80.
The subsequent stages of the Silicon Valley story have
progressed through the introduction of personal computers,
the creation of the Internet (itself initially a defense-funded
concept), mobile devices and the software for the use of that
infrastructure for news, research and social networking. The
rise of businesses such as Apple, Google and Facebook has
created vast fortunes, as well as a frenzy of imitators.
At the same time, the ability to compress millions of
devices into a single integrated circuit has given rise to great
successes in cellular telephony, WiFi, Bluetooth and
satellites, all wireless technologies that owe their very
existence to the radio and radar developments of the previous
All of these advances can be traced back to defense-funded
initiatives of the two world wars, but particularly to the
expansion of government technology investments during the
Cold War. The contribution of this funding to the emergence
of Silicon Valley should be appreciated.
Steve Blank, “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Secret History of Silicon Valley,”
Robert Buderi, The Invention that Changed the World: How a Small Group
of Radar Pioneers Won The Second World War, Simon & Schuster, 1996.
C. Stewart Gillmor, Fred Terman at Stanford: Building a Discipline, a
University, and Silicon Valley, Stanford University Press, 2004
E. L. Ginzton, " The $100 Idea: How Russell and Sigurd Varian, With the
Help of William Hansen and a $100 Appropriation, Invented the Klystron,"
IEEE Spectrum, Vol. 12, No. 2, February 1975, pg. 30-39; also see Dorothy
Varian, “The Klystron Invention,” Ch. 13 in The Inventor and the Pilot:
Russell and Sigurd Varian, Pacific Books, 1983.
Christophe Lécuyer, Making Silicon Valley: Innovation and the Growth of
High Tech, 1930-1970, MIT Press, 2005.
Timothy Lenoir, "Myths about Stanford's Interaction with Industry,"
Rebecca S. Lowen, Creating the Cold War University: The Transformation
of Stanford, University of California Press, 1997.
Jane Morgan, Electronics in the West: The First Fifty Years, National Press
Books, 1967
Arthur L. Norberg, "The Origins of the Electronics Industry on the Pacific
Coast," Proc. IEEE, Vol. 64, No. 9, September 1976, pg. 1314-1322.
Norman Pond, The Tube Guys, Russ Cochran Publisher, 2008.
Arun Rao, "Partners: Bill Hewlett, Dave Packard and Fred Terman at HP and
Stanford (1930-1970)" in Arun Rao and Piero Scaruffi, A History of Silicon
Valley: The Greatest Creation of Wealth in the History of the Planet,
Omniware 2011
Timothy Sturgeon, "How Silicon Valley Came to Be," in Martin Kenney
(ed.), Understanding Silicon Valley: The Anatomy of an Entrepreneurial
Region, Stanford University Press, 2000.
The entrepreneurial spirit of Silicon Valley developed over
an extended period, facilitated by the concentration in the San
Francisco Bay Area of requirements, visionary technologists,
a responsive university and ready capital. The unique
attitudes of mutual support and cooperation arose early in the
close-knit radio community, and have served the industry
well even with the recent rise of the more heated competition.
The great expansion of government funding, particularly
significant during the period of the Cold War, was key to the
emergence of Silicon Valley. Since before WWII the
majority of research funding at Stanford, especially in
From 1968-1993, David B. Leeson was the founding CEO and
Chairman of California Microwave, Inc. Since 1994 he has been a
Consulting Professor at Stanford University.
State of California – The Resources Agency
Primary #
NRHP Status Code
Other Listings
Review Code
P1. Other Identifier:
*Resource Name or #: (Assigned by recorder)
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Almaden Air Force Station (closed)/ Building 102: Radar Tower AN/FPS-24
*P2. Location:
Not for Publication
*a. County Santa Clara
and (P2b and P2c or P2d. Attach a Location Map as necessary.)
*b. USGS 7.5’ Quad Los Gatos
Date 1980 photorevised T.9S. ; R.1E.; Mount Diablo B.M.
c. Address none (former Almaden Air Force Station, Mount Umunhum City Los Gatos Zip 94033
d. UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear resources) Zone 10S; 600847 mE/ 4113038mN
e. Other Locational Data: (e.g., parcel #, directions to resource, elevation, etc., as appropriate)
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 562-08-003
*P3a Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries)
Located on the flat peak of Mount Umunhum in the Santa Cruz Mountains, the 5 story concrete
radar tower that once operated at Almaden Air Force Station remains a prominent structure at
the edge of Santa Clara County. Built within a large complex of buildings and structures that
constituted this manned radar surveillance site during the Cold War, the iconic nature of the
structure has instills a sense of time and place to valley residents who lived their lives
during the emergence of Silicon Valley as a major military and technological innovation
center during the latter part of the twentieth century.
The mountain top, now devoid of most of the physical remainders of the station following
demolition of the complex of buildings in 2013, is today a significant physical reminder of
an important period in Santa Clara County history.
(Continued on page 2, DPR523L)
*P3b. Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes)
HP34. Military Property
*P4 Resources Present:
Element of District
Other (Isolates, etc.)
P5b. Description of Photo: (View, date,
accession #)
View facing northwest,
Sept. 2013
*P6. Date Constructed/Age & Sources:
1959-1961/53+ years old.
*P7. Owner and Address:
Midpeninsula Regional Open
Space District
330 Distel Circle
Los Altos, CA 94022-1404
*P8. Recorded by: (Name, affiliation, and
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Archives & Architecture
PO Box 1332
San Jose CA 95109-1332
*P9. Date Recorded: May 9, 2014
*P10. Survey Type: (Describe)
*P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey report and other sources, or enter “none”.)
Archives & Architecture, LLC, Historical Evaluation, Mount Umunhum Radar Tower, Sierra Azul Open Space
Preserve, Santa Clara County, California, 2014.
Location Map
Sketch Map
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DPR 523A
* Required information
State of California – The Resources Agency
*Recorded by
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*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
(Continued from page 1, DPR523a, P3a Description)
Building 102 is about 65 feet square and about 19,845 square feet in size. It was designed as
a utilitarian structure and consists of poured-in-place concrete walls and floors with an
integral vertical structural frame of concrete, visible at the exterior where they break the
surface profile into three sections. The parapet at the top provides a base for metal
railings. The roof contains the original base for the FPS-24 and sail.
View of Mount Umunhum summit prior to removal of structures (Basim Jaber)
Upon approach from Mount Umunhum Road, the building as a wide entry at the ground level at
the center of the façade containing steel doors within a projecting vestibule. Similar but
smaller entries (3) exist at the opposite side of the building, all protected by concrete
block enclosures and having varying glazed, vented, and flush surfaces. Additional openings
are located above the entry of the main façade, the lower containing an original door, and
those above currently open and unprotected. Other wall penetrations exist throughout the
structure for fenestration and ventilation.
Within the interior are large rooms previous utilized for equipment and other supporting
purposes. Large concrete columns evenly spaced within the interiors provided interior support
for the rooftop equipment and sail. Space dividers composed of concrete blocks still exist,
while those constructed of drywall were removed as a part of asbestos abatement. The exterior
walls remain unfinished, painted, pour-in-place concrete. The ceilings are a waffle-like grid
of concrete showing the exposed grid of structural system designed to support heavy equipment
loading. Within the structure are the remains of mechanical and electrical systems including
light fixtures, air handlers, plumbing, and equipment platforms.
The building is in fair condition and shows exterior deterioration due to removal of the
exterior coating and some unrepaired structural distress. Hazardous materials appear to have
been remediated.
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State of California – The Resources Agency
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*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Typical third floor interior as shown at Mt Hebo AFS, from Steve Weatherly’s The
angled console is the control console, and to the rear is the Transmitter.
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Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
*Map Name: USGS/AMBAG/DigitalGlobe/USDA Farm Service Agency (via Google)
*Date of Map:
Current aerial showing Mount Umunhum summit with Almaden Air Force Station structures removed (excepting Radar Tower)
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*NRHP Status Code
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
B1. Historic Name:
Building 102, Almaden Air Force Station
B2. Common Name:
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
B3. Original use:
Radar Tower
B4. Present Use:
*B5. Architectural Style:
*B6. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations)
Constructed 1959-1961. Radar sail and radar equipment removed in June 1980. Hazardous
materials abatement in 2011.
*B7. Moved?
*B8. Related Features:
Unknown Date:
Original Location:
Almaden Air Force Station buildings (no longer extant).
B9a Architect:
Burns & Roe
b. Builder:
Indenco Engineers
*B10. Significance:
Cold War Military
Area Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve
Period of Significance
Property Type Military
Applicable Criteria
1 and 3
(Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.)
Shortly after the end of World War II, it became apparent that tensions between the United
States and the Soviet Union could not be contained, and they quickly spilled over into an
all-out global conflict. With the outbreak of the Cold War in the late 1940s, and then the
Korean War in 1950, the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force quickly began reestablishing air
defenses to protect the United States against manned bomber attacks from the Soviet Union
and other enemies. Some air defense radar sites that were used in World War II were
reactivated, and many new sites were established, creating a network of bases and warning
systems along the United States borders.
California, more specifically the Bay Area, was a part of this network of defense. One of 28
stations built as part of the second segment of the Air Defense Command permanent radar
network, Mount Umunhum’s Almaden Air Force Station was a U.S. Air Force early warning radar
base that operated from 1958 to 1980.
The base was constructed as part of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to
keep watch over Northern California’s airspace during the Cold War.
(Continued on next page, DPR523L)
B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes)
HP11. Engineering Structure
*B12. References:
(See related report bibliography)
B13. Remarks:
Proposed landmark nomination
*B14. Evaluator:
*Date of Evaluation:
Franklin Maggi
(This space reserved for official comments.)
From Page & Turnbull, 2011.
DPR 523B
* Required information
State of California – The Resources Agency
*Recorded by
Primary #
*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
(Continued from previous page, DPR523b, B10 Significance)
As part of the conversion to the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) network, the site
subsequently gained an upgraded height-finder radar, an AN/FPS-90, as well as an upgraded
Ground-Air Transmit-Receive (GATR) facility, in 1958 and 1962 respectively. The conversion
to SAGE resulted in the squadron’s reassignment to the San Francisco Air Defense Sector,
which operated from SAGE Direction Center DC-18 at Beale AFB, California, which is located
40 miles north of Sacramento.
The AN/FPS-20 radar was replaced by a massive 85.5 ton AN/FPS-24 search radar (manufactured
by General Electric) atop Building 102, the five-story concrete tower constructed between
1959 and 1961, visible from the valley floor, known today simply as the Mount Umunhum Radar
Tower. The site served as the second production AN/FPS-24 in Air Defense Command, following
a similar installation at Point Arena AFS (located 150 miles north of San Francisco near
California’s coastline), and was one of seven constructed of masonry and reinforced
concrete. It functioned as a frequency diverse (FD) long-range search radar designed to
operate in the Very High Frequency (VHF) and was the second of only 12 production models
built between 1958 and 1962.
In 1961, Almaden AFS joined the SAGE system, feeding computer data to a data center at Beale
AFB, California. The SAGE Direction Center at Beale AFB was known as DC-18. After joining
SAGE, the squadron was re-designated as the "682nd Radar Squadron (SAGE)." In 1963, the SAGE
site information was switched to DC-17 at Norton AFB, located near San Bernardino. That same
year on July 31, 1963, the Mount Umunhum site was re-designated as NORAD ID Z-96.
In 1968, as the result of defense budget cuts and a reduction in the Department of Defense’s
emphasis on protection of the country against Soviet-manned bombers, Air Defense Command
(ADC) started deactivating its remaining long-range radar sites in the interior of the
country. Directed by the Department of Defense partly in recognition of the increased Soviet
intercontinental ballistic missile threat and partly due to their proximity to major target
areas, the decision to deactivate selected Defense Commands resulted in the loss of six
centers at locations around the country.
In their stead, the Air Force developed the Back-Up Interceptor Control system (BUIC), with
widely-separated long-range radar sites serving as alternate direction centers in the event
of an attack on the continental United States. BUIC I, deployed during the early 1960s, was
the manual system; BUIC II was the first of two SAGE-capable systems which went operational
in 1966 at 14 locations, including Almaden AFS. As part of the conversion, the long-range
radar operations building at the station was enlarged to accommodate additional computers
and display equipment as well as a command and control room. The buildings also received
additional radio frequency and blast hardening in the form of a two-foot-thick outer shell
of reinforced concrete with embedded radio frequency (RF) shields.
As a BUIC II site, Almaden backstopped the 26th Air Division Air Defense Control Center
(ADCC) at Adair AFS near Corvallis, Oregon. After suspension of BUIC II operations in 1968,
the improved BUIC III sites at Mount Laguna AFS (east of San Diego, 751st Air Defense
Group), Fallon AFS, Nevada (858th ADG) and Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, Oregon (827th ADG)
assumed backup command and control responsibilities for the West Coast, and Almaden reverted
to an air defense detection and surveillance mission.
In 1979, Almaden AFS came under Tactical Air Command (TAC) jurisdiction with the
inactivation of Aerospace Defense Command and the creation of Air Defense-Tactical Air
Command (ADTAC). On June 30, 1980, the 682nd Radar Squadron was rendered inactive at
Almaden AFS. Its “retirement” left ADTAC with only four Air Force-manned and operated longrange radar stations guarding the Pacific Coast. From the north, they were the 758th RADS,
Makah AFS, Washington; 777th RADS, Klamath AFS, California; 666th RADS, Mill Valley AFS,
California; and 775th RADS, Cambria AFS, California. The AN/FPS-24 radar antenna “sail” was
removed in June 1980 with the height-finder radars at Almaden AFS removed about the same
(Continued on next page)
DPR 523L
* Required information
State of California – The Resources Agency
*Recorded by
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*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
(Continued from previous page)
The Mount Umunhum Radar Tower is individually significant at the local level within the
former Almaden Air Force Station under Criterion 1 as a prominent and pertinent example of
radar operation at the site and within the Santa Clara County itself. Though not the first or
only radar erected at the Almaden Air Force Station, it best represents the overall mission
and purpose of the Almaden Air Force Station, and has served as a visual symbol of an
important era in county history to the county due to its prominent perch above the valley.
The Radar Tower remains the most visual and memorable icon, easily recognizable to the entire
population of Santa Clara County. It is of historic significance within the county due to its
prominent, distinctive image, its important associations, and the expansive understanding of
what it represents to the local population.
The Mount Umunhum Radar Tower is individually significant locally under Criterion 3 as a
unique concrete structure in Santa Clara County that once supported the highest-powered radar
antenna at the now decommissioned Almaden Air Force Station site. The Radar Tower is a
distinctive architectural specimen for its unique construction as a military radar tower
during the Cold War. The radar tower is a distinguished and locally well-known example of
utilitarian military architecture. It is a distinctive local monument of this type,
associated directly with an important period in military history.
The Mount Umunhum Radar Tower possesses integrity of location and setting. The building has
not been moved, although the surrounding buildings are in the process of being demolished at
the time of the beginning of this study. Integrity of design, materials, workmanship,
feeling, and association had been compromised somewhat because the radar sail and related
equipment on the roof has long been removed, and technical machinery to operate the radar no
longer exists. Like all decommissioned radar installations in the United States, the radar
equipment was removed from the site following decommission, but the building itself retains
its original appearance.
JRP Historical Consulting Services’ California Historic Military Buildings and Structures
Inventory, Volume III: Historic Context: Property Types and Registration Requirements (2000)
includes a theme of “Early Warning Systems and Electronic Warfare” and a property type of
“Major Radar Arrays.” Registration requirements for this property type state that “If the
building is found to have supported an important radar set and the building itself retains
integrity to its original appearance, the possibility exists that the building could be found
to qualify for the National Register.” Nevertheless, the report suggests that “it is unlikely
that a major radar [structure] would be intact, including the radar unit itself.”
According to the Page and Turnbull Final Historic Resource Study of Former Almaden Air Force
Station, Mt. Umunhum (2010), Building 102 (the extant radar tower) was one of three buildings
that were determined to best represent the historic function of the former Almaden Air Force
Station. It was also determined to be the most impressive structure on the site. Page &
Turnbull found the tower historically significant under National Register in a DPR523
recording dated September 2011, but indicated that it lacked sufficient integrity to be
listed. The reasons presented failed to address local context, or the fact that it was
unlikely that in any situation the radar sail and equipment for this type of facility would
be intact, and that the building itself could adequately convey the reason for significance,
as it does in Santa Clara County.
The structure remains an important representation of the historic background of the former
base, and has sufficient integrity to convey its history. DPR 523L
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State of California – The Resources Agency
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*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
View of south and east façades of Mount Umunhum Radar Tower, facing northwest.
View of south elevation, facing north.
DPR 523L
* Required information
State of California – The Resources Agency
*Recorded by
Primary #
*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
View of west elevation from Mount Umunhum Road, facing east.
Detailed view of door openings with block wrap-arounds, located on north elevation.
DPR 523L
* Required information
State of California – The Resources Agency
*Recorded by
Primary #
*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Detailed view of north elevation, facing east.
Upwards view of tower from ground.
DPR 523L
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State of California – The Resources Agency
*Recorded by
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*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Interior view of boiler equipment – ground floor of radar tower.
Interior view of view of electrical panels – ground floor of radar tower.
DPR 523L
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State of California – The Resources Agency
*Recorded by
Primary #
*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Aerial view of Almaden Air Force Station, ca. 1970s.
Bird’s eye view of Almaden Air Force Station, 1979.
DPR 523L
* Required information
State of California – The Resources Agency
*Recorded by
Primary #
*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
View of FPS-24 radar sail, 1975. Photo courtesy of John Beach.
Maintenance being performed on FPS-24 radar sail, 1975. Photo courtesy of John Beach.
DPR 523L
* Required information
State of California – The Resources Agency
*Recorded by
Primary #
*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
View of radar tower and FPS-24 radar in operation, ca. 1970s.
DPR 523L
* Required information
State of California – The Resources Agency
*Recorded by
Primary #
*Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder)
Franklin Maggi & Sarah Winder
Mount Umunhum Radar Tower
Front and back cover of brochure for the 682d Radar Squadron operating out of Almaden Air
Force Station. Front cover features sketch of the radar tower and FPS-24, back cover features
the emblem of the United States Air Force Air Defense Command (1946-1968).
DPR 523L
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