Download Jared Howes EDCP 332A 10/26/2016 World War 1 Propaganda

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Jared Howes
World War 1 Propaganda Posters
Social Studies 9
Time:​ 75 Min
Big Idea​:
1. Emerging ideas and ideologies profoundly influence societies and events.
This Lesson introduces students to propaganda posters which were used in World War 1. These
posters were made so that they could help out with wartime ideology to influence and target
certain members of Canadian society.
Curricular Competencies:
1. Use Social Studies inquiry processes and skills to ask questions; gather, interpret, and
analyze ideas; and communicate findings and decisions
2. Assess the justification for competing historical accounts after investigating points of
contention, reliability of sources, and adequacy of evidence.
This lesson will have students interpret , analyze and ask/answer questions about various
different propaganda posters. They will also be required to work in groups and then present their
findings to the class (Communicate findings). By looking at the posters, they will be analyzing
the reliability of each posters fake and intended purpose. They will answer questions on how
these primary documents were used to alter society's perception of the war.
1. Nationalism and the development of modern nation-states, including Canada
2. Local, regional, and global conflicts
This lesson will help students to develop an understanding of how propaganda posters were used
to promote British and Canadian nationalism during World War 1.
1. Students will be able to analyze historical primary sources
2. Students will be able to understand how a primary sources can be used to try and
manipulate a target audience
1. 8 World War 1 Propaganda Posters (Canadian War Musuem, 2016) - See Attachments
a. This Is Your Flag
b. Shall we Help to Crush Tyranny
c. Heroes of ST. Julien and Festubert
d. The Happy Man
e. Help the Boys
f. Fight for here
g. Soldiers of the soil
h. Canadians Must Provide
i. Once a German- Always a German
2. White Board
3. Laptop
4. Projector
5. Student Propaganda Poster Worksheet (Canadian War Musuem, 2016) - See Attachments
Introduction: 15 minutes
1. Attendance
2. Review of previous lesson
a. Teacher asks students to say what where some of the key points of the
previous lesson and to clarify any lingering questions.
3. Start by writing up on the whiteboard the word “Propaganda”
a. Ask the students what is propaganda?. Then have them write down their
thoughts about what they think this term means ​(2-3min)
b. Ask the students to share their thoughts and write them down as they say
them on the whiteboard.
c. Teaching Point​: If they have not gotten the concept of Propaganda, make
sure to explain that Propaganda is: the organized dissemination of
information to influence thoughts, beliefs,Propaganda is the organized
dissemination of information to influence thoughts and beliefs of members
of society.
Body of lesson: 40 Min
1. (10 Min​) Present the first poster “This is your Flag” to the class. Put the following
questions up on powerpoint and go through them with the class asking for students to try
and answer them.
a. Was the propaganda targeting a specific group? If so name the group and explain
b. Who created the propaganda?
What was its goal?
How is the message conveyed?
What was happening overall at that point in the war?
Do you think this piece was effective in accomplishing its goal?
2. (30 Min) ​Separate the students into 7 groups (3 -4 Students). Give each group a poster
and each student a worksheet.
a. Have the students work in their groups anylze the posters and to complete the
b. Have them hand in their worksheets when they are done.
c. Teaching Points: Walk around the class encouraging and helping out the
students when needed. If a group finishes early, have them take a look at another
Closure: 20 minutes
1. Have the students present their poster to the class, and give a brief synopsis of what their
findings and feelings are about this poster.
a. Teaching Point​: Allow other groups to comment on the poster.
1. Students will be assessed based on their contributions to group discussion and their
The teacher will assess the group discussions by walking around and sitting in
with each group. The teacher should ask questions to each of the students to see
if they are comprehending the lesson. Such questions can be as simple as “How
do you feel about this poster” or ask a question from the worksheet. Also by
having them present their poster at the end, they can
b. The worksheets can be used to see if students could properly analyze the poster
and answer the questions.
Propaganda Poster Worksheet
1.What is the primary goal of this poster?
2. Can you tell who created this poster? If so, list the organization, government or
individual. If not, provide suggestions for who you think might have created it.
3. What is the overall message of this poster?
4. Are the messages in the poster primarily visual, verbal, or both?
5. Who is the intended audience for the poster?
6. Which propaganda techniques are used? Refer to examples from your poster for any
techniques you identify.
7. What kinds of emotions are conveyed by the poster?
8. What does this message suggest about the values and beliefs of this audience?
9. Is the poster effective in conveying its message to you? Do you think that it would have
been effective during the First World War?
10. What would you change on the poster to make it more effective?
Once a German Always
a German
Fight for Her
Heroes of ST. Julien and Festubert
Shall we Help Crush Tyranny?
Fight For IT
Soldiers Of the Soil
Canadians Must Provide
The Happy Man
All Posters From (Canadian War Musuem, 2016.)
Canadian War Museum. (2016). Analyzing Propaganda Posters . Retrevied From: