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8.2 The Constitution
1. the responsibility of participating in the day to day functioning of our democratic
political system in order to protect individual liberties.
2. the branch consisting of the president and his cabinet who are responsible for enforce
laws and policies.
7. congress, the branch who is responsible for making the nations laws.
10. a law added to the Constitution.
14. allowed each slave to count as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of
determining the number of representatives the slave states could have in the House of
17. powers not specifically mentioned in the Constitution.
20. governmental powers are limited to prevent abuse.
21. the government is separated into three branches to distribute the power.
22. the first document to state the rights of citizens.
23. the first document of the colonies to establish self-government.
24. this individual wanted strong state governments and insisted on a Bill of Rights in
the Constitution.
25. the proposal of a two-house legislature where the Senate gets two representatives
from each state, and the House of Representatives gets a number of representatives
dependent on each state’s population.
26. powers not named in the Constitution that are reserved for the states.
27. these are required by law as a United States citizen and include obeying the law,
paying taxes, defending the nation, and jury service.
28. rights afforded to citizens by the Bill of Rights.
1. each of the three branches of government has some control over the others.
3. the branch made up of the federal court system that interprets the nations laws.
4. even though citizens are not required to do these, they are expected of each citizen
and include voting, being educated, knowing your rights, communicating with
representatives, and respecting the rights of others.
5. the right of the Supreme Court to determine if a law violates the Constitution.
6. government by the consent of the governed; rule by the people.
8. powers shared by both the federal and state governments.
9. the first constitution of the United States that was too weak to function.
11. the first document to limit the power of a ruler.
12. this type of individual wanted a strong central government to do the things that the
Articles of Confederation couldn’t do.
13. the introduction to the Constitution stating the goals of the document.
15. to formally charge a public official, such as the president, with misconduct in
16. a governmental system of individual states that agree to be one country as a
federation, sharing powers with that federal government.
18. powers named in the Constitution and given only to the federal government.
19. people vote for representatives; representative democracy.
Articles of Confederation
Checks and Balances
Classic Liberalism
Concurrent Powers
English Bill of Rights
Enumerated Powers
Executive Branch
Implied Powers
Individual Rights
Judicial Branch
Judicial Review
Legislative Branch
Limited Government
Magna Carta
Mayflower Compact
Popular Sovereignty
Reserved Powers
Separation of Powers
The Great Compromise
Three Fifths Compromise