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Discourse of nationalism in Iran
Parviz Nikravesh
Department of political science, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah,
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Edris Beheshti Nia
Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch, Kermanshah,
This article tries to develop the discourse of nationalism in Iran; in this article we're not studying the
history of political and social developments in Iran, despite the importance that we attach to them.
But our aim in this section is to mention the historical and genealogical considerations to the
formation and articulation elements in Iran's traditional discourse. And thereby pave the way for
better understanding of the content in next section, the confrontation between the traditional
discourse and the old order; we have to deal with modernity and its elements. The second article of
this chapter draws on historical and analytical seek to show that how the discourse of modernity in
the 19th century entered into political thought and practice of Iranians, and finally, the confrontation
between traditional and modern discourse leads to the collapse of the old order and the
establishment of constitutional discourse in contemporary Iran. In this era (Constitutional Era)
intellectuals, clerics, businessmen and merchants fought for something that can be named different
formulation of the traditional discourse but finally the constitution will be discussed that cannot
overcome completely the traditional discourse to several reasons and restlessness of discourse of
constitutional power leads to the formation of new dialogue (Pahlavism), in which nationalism had a
certain sparkle so in summary, we in this essay, will study the characteristics of the traditional
discourse of Iran And then in the second speech the reform efforts are briefly explained that are the
Iranian understanding of the backward and unfavorable situation in the world, in the next article of
this section in order to follow up, in third speech, the discourse of nationalism in the vote and the
opinions of intellectuals, who were the carriers of nationalist discourse in contemporary Iran, on the
eve of the constitutional revolution.
Keywords: Discourse, nationalism, old order, Iran.
Page 997
Concept and meaning of nationalism
The word "nation" that was common since the thirteenth century onwards - derived from the
Latin word of Nasci means to born. The word on the Natio, refers to a group of people that
linked with each other based on ancestry or place of birth. Thus, the word nation in the initial
application had no political significance. It was only in the late eighteenth century that the word
political time was found, for they are individuals and groups start being classified as
"nationalists". The term nationalism is first in the printing industry in 1789 was used against the
Jacobins by French priest Augustin Barruel. In the mid-nineteenth century, nationalism was
widely recognized as an important element in the revolutions that swept across Europe in 1848.
In many ways, nationalism has become the most successful and most interesting political faith
and in the formation and recurrence of history in many parts of the world was effective for more
than two hundred years. (Heywood, 2008: 270). Hans Kohn said in the definition of nationalism:
"Nationalism is the emergence of self-awareness and self-reliance of communities to mature in
order to move towards the phenomenon of" nation-building ". In these circumstances, maturity,
mental mode dominates the majority of a society in which "nation-state" as a favorable form of
political organization recognized "nationality" is the only source of cultural and economic wellbeing as they considered the creative force »(Kohn, 1967 , p76)
According to Kohn, the idea of the nation-state in nationalism theory, is considered not only
for the natural form of political organization, but also as a framework for all activities in social,
cultural and economic aspects. (Asif, 2005, 79). L. T. Sargent in a definition retrieved from
"Doob" nationalism considers ideology arises from a sense of patriotism that the community is
shared and all the people are involved. Almost the sense of patriotism is an "individual" belief in
which the welfare and happiness of individuals and groups affiliated with them depends on the
preservation or development of power and culture. The nationalist ideology is easily justified;
people have to sacrifice their government for purposes of private interests and promote the
fulfillment or non-fulfillment of these goals both of the likelihood. (L. T. Sargent, 1978, 26).
Leon Baradat knows the political entity "nationalism" more than a mere description of politics.
According to him, the nationalism is a mirror in which they see their people and their
definition;" it is a charter by which people see, evaluate and respond to events and other people.
Nationalism has certain immaterial qualities led to the perception of history, determination is in
his followers. (Baradat, 1997, p78). There are numerous definitions about nationalism in the
writers and thinkers’ works in this field that followings are some of our references and finally,
will define our preferred offer of this political phenomenon. Nationalism is:
1) Ideological commitment to unity, independence and interests of the people themselves is
considered as a community.
2) Consciousness of individuals or groups belonging to a nation, or tends to improve strength,
freedom or prosperity of a nation or its people or nation.
3) A state of mind in which loyalty to the national government would take precedence over all
other loyalties and pride of nationality and belief in the inherent superiority and its mission.
(Doob, 1969, p4)
The first definition indicates a sense of loyalty to a particular nation and patriotism implies a
second definition of "national unity" is stressed the third definition of extreme nationalism and
so on.
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As mentioned above, nationalism is defined in different ways, but most of these definitions
are common and often overlapping themes main theme of most of these definitions,
extraordinary attachment to the nation. It can be said that the nationalism ideology or political
phenomenon that puts people at the center of his interests and Following its well-being. But
such a definition of nationalism is vague and it is necessary to go beyond the basic objectives of
this separate and identify the following nationalism seeks to improve the well-being of the
nation. These include:
Independence or national autonomy, national unity and national identity
According to the nationalists: a nation cannot survive without determining all three items,
based on the following definition by Professor Anthony Smith of nationalism, we try to offer
this definition also of nationalism in this treatise:
"Nationalism is an ideological movement to achieve and maintain independence and identity
of its members to actual and potential constitution of a nation of people" (Smith, 2004, 18). Any
accepted definition of nationalism and any offer, concluded that most definitions of nationalism
include the basic propositions that those statements can be presented as follows.
1) The world of nations, each is shared with specificity, its own history and destiny.
2) Nation is the only source of political power.
3) Loyalty to the nation is eclipsed all other loyalties.
4) Every person to be free should belong to the nation.
5) Every nation is in need of complete independence and assertiveness.
6) World peace requires justice, there is a world of independent nations.
We can this doctrine "doctrine and the doctrine of" nationalism call the original look of the
doctrine in the context of the global nationalist and common elements of the views of the
founding fathers of nationalism Rousseau, Herder, Zimmerman, Burke, Jefferson, Fichte and
Mazzini and the that embodies their contemporary followers. (Smith, 2004: 38).
Now, after a brief discussion about the definition and design concept nationalism and
historical trends evolved in a direction of the political phenomenon in the context of policies
seeking to break west.
Course development and evolution of nationalism in the West
Historically, man has expressed allegiance to time in the centers of political, clan and tribe and
people naturally focus of loyalty were the same centers, ever, nations and tribes within the political
empire was in its place, and the time is also within the new political system of the country. For this
reason, the West has been the development of a new system will try here to briefly explain the
evolutionary history and its emergence in the West.
Centers that existed in the West as the center of political loyalty include:
Government - cities of ancient Greece, Roman Empire, the countries after the contract
Westphalia (1648), as well as national governments that are indeed out by recent political
developments - are social Europe after the French Revolution in 1789. The modern concept of
nationalism means the purpose, a sense of belonging to a particular land area and the sense of
belonging to a state – nation that has a close linkage with concept of national government. This
also became more crystallized after the French Revolution and the formation of a national
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government owes the French Revolution. The basis of this principle is the emergence of the nationstate:
"People in particular land who have common features, will have the sovereignty over their
own destiny."
At the time of 'State - Cities "of ancient Greece, people were living in the self-rule. Thus, each
of the cities of ancient Greece has a system of government which was independent and that city
residents were involved in political decision-making, but the differences in the state - national
governments were cities, one was that the number of citizens had the right to participate in
political decision-making with the advent of Alexander the Macedonian, setup state - Greek
cities was lifted, was the rule of the empire. Stoics also thought that people were invited to the
home of Alexander and thereby serves the plans of governments of the Roman Empire. It is
noteworthy that in the vast area of the Roman Empire, various ethnic groups live together in the
same way; the empire tried to promote the ideas of the Stoics and provided the unity of the
human essence of all human beings as members of a unified international community. Stoics
were approved by the Christian beliefs and "Christ knows the concept of human society, the
community means that it is top of cities and nations and empires and all humans learn to cover
their followers [...] and since then, those who believed that the Christianity must accept the idea
that humans are all children of God and of one essence and soul and racial and ethnic
differences in family status and so on, harm the unity of the human essence is not rewarding
them "(Enayat, 1972, 117). So we can say that claims universality and cosmopolitanism of the
Stoics, and Christian ideas were aligned. With the adoption of Christianity by the Roman
Empire, the Empire was a Christian empire and until the collapse of the rule of Charlemagne
(814-742) continued the life.
But it is noteworthy that before Charlemagne unite the empire again, the Empire was divided
into two parts, eastern and western, eastern or Byzantine includes (Greece, parts of the Balkans,
Asia Minor and Istanbul) and the western part of the Western Roman includes (France, Italy,
Germany and Southern Europe). But with the fall of Rome after Charlemagne particular social
system gradually emerged in Europe that was called "feudalism".
Feudalism is a social system where political power is divided between large landowners and
any landowner or landlord gain with a group subjects or under in lieu of army service or other
services, owning the land or land use (thiol or Fife) from the master (Enayat, 1998, 24)
According to this definition, it can be said that feudalism is afforded at least four elements:
1) Distribution of political power
2) The landowner or landlord
3) Serf
4) Thiol: that is, ground service to someone in exchange for granted. (Ibid. 25).
From the perspective of the present discussion, the distribution of political power is the most
important feature of feudalism. In Western Europe and in feudal times every boss in the land
which became his property, relatively was his autonomous government and a certain set of rights
and duties, feudal relations with the king on one side and a serf on the other hand, the regulation
was to be the king of feudal land ownership and feudal in turn recognized the obligation that the
violation of its contractual and customary norms specific to each of the parties, was very difficult
and probably yielded important results. Sometimes the king's tribute was demanded more of
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feudal and thereby he handed them under pressure, and in other cases, the feudal lords joined
together and forced the King to respect the laws and regulations and/or tried by new rules
restrict his powers. For example, feudal conflicts King of the United Kingdom noted that
following these conflicts and other political developments in socio – England finally, the
Charter of the "Magna Carta" was compiled and this would limit the power of the king.
(Zibakalam, 1998: 68). The institution of religion and the church had a special status in the
Middle Ages, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the late fourth
century AD. One of the characteristics of "ancient societies of Greece and Rome, comprehensive
state power, the government was involved in material life and spiritual life and divine rights and
public law subjects had the same concept, Christ religion separated from the state, and each of
them (Given, 1972: 117).
The problem was that nearly a thousand years of the Church and the political power were
disputed and the issue of "conflict of church and state" is mentioned. Several scholars, including
Saint Ambrosias, Saint Augustine and Aquinas voted the obedience to the Church's supremacy
of the Pope's political rulers. In practice, the first battle of church and state led to the supremacy
of the Church and the Pope but finally, after several changes were at the political and social
scene of Europe nation states overcame the Church, so it should be said that the domestic
political units hegemony in the Middle Ages were facing with the church and centrifugal force of
feudal lords, in terms of foreign relations, political independence and sovereignty of this unit are
inadequate and Foreign Relations were also present under the control of the Roman Empire and
the Pope. This way: the distribution of political power, restrict the power of kings and lack of
independence and feudal states of the church and the elementary school are considered the most
important features of feudal times and the Middle Ages.
Social – economic and cultural changes have caused widespread decline of feudalism and the
political system - provide social and medieval social order on its ruins - old political, political
structure - which is far more centralized and founded a new organized society. Two major
developments that each of them dealt a severe blow to the body of the old system were
Renaissance and Reformation.
There was a Renaissance to provide the city-states of ancient Greece in a friendly home feeling,
alive and well through the creation of Protestant Reformation for the creation of nation-states.
Movement of the Protestant supported the translation of the Bible into different languages and
nations and thus improves the local languages (Mosca and Bhutto, 1991: 405)
When the Bible was translated into local languages, Latin was the official language and the
Holy Roman Empire had an important role in solidarity of the empire, lost its importance and local
languages were replaced by the sacred language. Protestanism made some problems for politicalsocial system of Middle Age in other ways, and provided the conditions to establish the modern
states. And it was that by emergence of the new religion, as it caused some changes in Christianity,
Christianity was crack, the gap between Protestants and Catholics created the great war that ended
with the treaty of Westphalia in 1648, so the idea of a state of war that has countries regardless of
religious interference in their affairs .
The movement of religious reform, political power cannot be controlled by the dominion of
religion and the church, the indisputable authority of the Church was questioned and rebelled
against the government one after the other European monarchs, in fact, without secularism and
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separation of religion from politics, the emergence of new states was not possible. Eshtin Rekan
"From the beginning Protestant helped to merge church in the state bureaucracy worldly. New
church government became the agents of cultural integration and national sentiments became
publisher. “(Bertrand Badie, 1997: 105)
In this way, by the movement of religious reform, the church was removed as the biggest rival
to the state and the king from the political scene and mostly was limited to the realm of personal
life. By Westphalia deal also the new government, at least legally came into existence in
international relations, as well as other functions of the contract was to increase the power and
prestige of European monarchs inside and outside their borders and finally recover their
sovereignty (Behzadi, 1973: 254).
Another development which is a devastating blow to the medieval body of feudal system and
socio-political system was the emergence of cities. With the entry of cities into politics of
sovereignty of feudal land, the ruling was in favor of changing the political system and its
components have intensified their activities in a broader arena, the emergence of new urban
"bourgeois" was the result of two major transformation of the mode of production and population
growth, demographic changes, particularly in Europe, Europe's population, by moving the
political center of gravity from the countryside to the city, determined its identity and its
objective. The objective identity of the main pillars of the formation of the modern state and the
political arena gradually created national sovereignty (Afzali, 2007: 28)
As a result of numerous developments in several areas of social and political life in the West
that is beyond the scope of this article, we mentioned some of these developments. A new form
of government was formed in the West was the main underlying cause of modern political
construction of national unity and nationalism, the formation of a new government with a focus
on Europe and military administrative tools was in the hands of the king, "Max Weber" believes
that everywhere in the development of the new government with the expropriation of all those
in addition to the political elite had appeared with administrative and military power, in other
words, everyone who the military and economic means or any asset management tool were
expropriation (Which could be used in political affairs) (Weber, 1989: 112). The centralization
process was followed by severe internal wars and the wars thereby were increasing concentration
of power in the hands of political rulers, they would provide more authority. On the one hand,
financing the war became regular and created a powerful bureaucracy in the service of the king
and on the other hand, could lead to the emergence of standing armies and new, provided that
unlike the armies of feudal vassals were not based on power but on the power of the monarchy.
In view of political sociology states that as a result of developments were formed in the West
and feudal world, were called the "absolute state". Accurate order of the monarchy and the kind
of government was in the transition from feudal to a primary capitalist society played the major
role and to this end, considerable economic, administrative, bureaucratic and financial reforms
were done, and the political power and administrative resources focus was created. Many writers
like Max Weber and Alexis de Tocqueville considered the development as a beginning of the
absolutist state, some authors interpreted even the same onset foundations of the modern state
absolutist state with the rise of the modern state. In the history of Europe, the period between
1649 (England Revolution) and in 1789 (French Revolution) are called as read periods of the
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absolutist state. Naturally, under the absolutist state forms more or less similar in other parts of
the world after the penetration of capitalist relations and undermines the economic infrastructure
and local communities began from the late nineteenth century. The most important features of
the absolutist state in Europe was the concentration and monopoly of resources and instruments
of state power, the centralization of the means of running society in the hands of national
governments, the emergence of a new army, nationalism and emphasis on the interests of the
national government (BASHIRIYEH, 2007: 301). In fact, the absolute states were "dynastic
states" that paid no more attention to the will of people, and mostly were concerned with
interests and nobility ruling dynasty and nobility. The government of the people sprang
sovereignty, but rather divine origin and supernatural, and the king did not responsive to the
people. The share of people in this government did not have much political power and "serf"
account were not "citizens".
Although the absolute governments the King are based on personal power base and political
rights and social benefits are small, but played a significant role in the process of "nationbuilding". Ziegler called the process of formation of nations in Europe, based on what he called
"Political Constlation". He believes that in Middle Ages, the pope and the imperial power
configured the political feudalism in the country in the form of institutional core. Gradually
universality of Christian gave legitimacy to feudal system, the rule of the dynasty that gave
legitimacy to the king in the new political configuration was declined, not only Christian
universality was not followed by the appearance of nation, but also dynastic states everywhere
turned to centralization and the centralized dynastic states paved areas of the global credit for the
'nation'. In any case, these states are considered a critical period of development and the
development of nationalism in the West (Tibi, 1990: 30). The states helped to shape the nation
and national identity, on one hand, with the involvement of ethnic identities and groups, and on
the other hand, they linked people with the state and political power. For example, we can name
Germany that its unity was possible only when the Bismarck was able to bring a strong central
government and multiple and various regional states and nations will unite Prussia (Ansari, Bita.
Among all segments of society at the time, the absolutist state was supported by the new class
of bourgeoisie, the aim of bourgeoisie to support the absolute government was to provide
security to facilitate the economic activities of this class. Prior to this government, the feudal
system has created restrictions for the bourgeois class activities and this would support the
bourgeoisie of the absolutist state that with the advent of such a centralized State, the nucleus of
the emergence of nation-states were formed for this reason it can be considered as the cradle of
Europe "nationalism" (Vincent, 1992: 51).
In France which is first considered the origin of modern nationalism. With the advent of the
absolutist monarchy, political power was concentrated in the hands of the king and the Crown,
clergy and nobility were among those in power in comparison with the masses enjoyed a lot of
social and political rights and privileges, the clerics which in fact were at the top the social
pyramid, at least 10 percent of the land was owned by the French, in addition to real estate, another
important source of income was for the clergy, which was the main income and it was "dry" or
religious tax on agricultural products and earning a tenth of that belonged to other segments of
society and the clergy did not pay tax, the second floor of the nobility, and almost all court officials
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and public were considered among the nobility and the third floor or Commons is also comprised
of different social groups, including the financial bourgeoisie, industrial, commercial, workers,
small farmers, doctors, writers and craftsmen were the only thing that held together the different
layers of the class, will oppose the privileges of the nobility and request they were true equality in
civil rights (Sheykhavandi, 1990: 303-295). In fact, the third floor of the French Revolution
uprising against the absolute power of the king and the nobles and clergy were numerous
concessions. In this time of individual rights and a dignified social revolution that the masses
were deprived to achieve "liberty, have rebelled for their equality and fraternity". Although the
French Revolution had a lot of ups and downs in the short term and led to the dictatorship of
Napoleon. But, theoretically, in particular, it played a significant role in the development of
nationalism. And its basic ideas were gradually reflected in practice. King's absolute power was
limited to the French Revolution and the rule of the king "nation" was transferred pursuant to
Article III of the Declaration of Human Rights and of the Citizen " and essentially, the nation is
the root of any rule, any delegation or individual can exercise authority that is not caused by
people "(Ghazi, 1994: 195).
So who is born with the French Revolution was the result of the socio-economic and political
developments before his multiple intellectual, cultural and full description of these developments
is outside the scope of our discussion, a very strong connection was established between "state"
and "nation", the justification theoretical and philosophical social contract theory was long ago,
the policy before the king was in power and sum up "national", people and nation although the
gained high status and became sacred concepts. So it was that "serfs of King" were changed to
"citizens" of France. After the French Revolution, waves of it spread quickly throughout Europe,
one of the most important factors that had spread the nationalistic ideas of the French
Revolution, were the Napoleonic Wars. During the war (1792-1815) many countries were
invaded by Napoleon and this caused the resentment towards France that was occupied Europe
several sections.
Apart from negative feelings towards was created the French in the occupied countries, these
countries and states were familiar with the ideas of the French Revolution, some of these ideas was
the idea of sovereignty of the people, the right to national self-determination, freedom, equality,
fraternity and .. ., after a final inspection, it must be said that the conflicts and wars of the French
Revolution and the rise of national identity turn has had a very positive impact on nation-building
process in Europe. In Italy and Germany, which long before had been divided into a series of
states, they helped capture the French experience for the first time, a sense of awareness of national
identity was created. This sense of nationalism has been manifested in the new language, which
was inherited from France. Also in the early nineteenth century nationalist ideas spread to Latin
America and the wave of independence was in that area. Wave of nationalism led to redraw the
map of Europe in the nineteenth century. The authoritarian and multinational empires Ottoman,
Austrian and Russian liberal and nationalist pressures were beginning to disintegrate (Heywood,
2008: 271).
The first wave led to nationalist revolutions of 1848 in Europe known as the "people uprising"
that despite the failure of the revolution, the main achievement of the unity of Germany and Italy
and the promotion of Hungary in the Habsburg Empire was to follow the developments of the
late nineteenth century nationalism for a genuinely popular movement revenues by increasing
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flags, national anthems, patriotic poems and literature, national and cultural general procedure. In
this era of nationalism and income for most of the growth in macroeconomic policy language
primary education, literacy was possible at the macro level and an increase in popular
newspapers. The second wave of nationalism in Eastern & Northern Europe (Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Romania, Belgium, Lithuania, Finland and Norway, etc.) took off with small
nationalisms outside of Europe (Meiji era Japan, India, Armenia and Egypt) (Smith, 2004: 37).
Nationalist waves in the First World War (1918- 1914) were so powerful that it even affected
workers into the international calls-oriented and nationalism also can be noted that was an
important factor in the establishment of World Wars I and II. And after the Second World War,
we are witnessed the eruption of nationalism in colonial countries emotions. Not only factor to
the prevalence of anti-colonial nationalism in the countries of Western-style independence but
also created new forms of nationalism and nationalism.
Despite the fact that some believed that the age of nationalism was ended and the concept (of
nationalism) is mainly associated with nineteenth-century European nation-building and anticolonialism after World War II Developments in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union once
again created a wave of Nationalism and multiple nationalisms that these comments will be
challenged and showed that Nationalism is a political phenomenon. There is always a decisive
role in political and social developments in different societies.
In a brief summary of the discussion was about the development of nationalism in the West, we
can say that at the end of the Middle Ages in various socio-political, economic and cultural reasons,
Feudalism was overthrown and the appearance of absolute states, political power was centralized
unlike weak states and half-baked medieval, absolutist state with having a military and
administrative tools necessary have tried to create convergence and political integration in the
society, took the first step in the formation of national identity.
However, because of autocratic monarch and other authorities, faced with the rise of the masses in
the form of bourgeois-democratic revolutions and fell one after the other. The nationalist movement
that was born of such developments from the eighteenth century, would provide onwards deep and
broad relationship factors between "nations" and "state" and enabled participation of the masses in
West political power. It should be said that nationalism, new build political power in the form of
"nation-state" created a theoretical foundation and basis in fact, nationalism constitutes legitimate
national government in the West.
Concepts of nationalism in the West
This part of the thesis is to clarify the funds and Nationalism angles and showing its
relationship with other related concepts have tried to define the nationalist attention in the West.
These concepts include: nation, national governments, national identity and patriotism, and
patriotism. In defining the concepts of nation and especially in the definition of two words of
nation and governments are our epistle addressed, we try to define based on the French
Revolution provided that these definitions are as follows.
The word nation is derived from the Latin word (Nasci) means to born and Natio means to
belong cross the "birth and birthplace". It has roots in English words like Natal, the birthplace
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and Nature in the sense of nature. The primary means for people in terms of common Natio
"home birth" is used to specify the birthplace of the foundation that brought people together and
provides natural form.( Vincent, 2000: 331).
Among the topics discussed in the forward elements of the nation are defining this term. If a
consensus cannot be achieved in defining the nation elements, the difference, on one hand,
resulted from the nation-building process is different in different countries and different social
and historical trends of countries on the other hand. This leads to differences in the components
of the nation. Elements defining the nation based solely on language, land, religion, traditions,
values and common history. Politically dismiss a nation that served as a new concept of nation.
The nation cannot be reduced merely to politicize it. According to both cultural and political
factors, the nation can be defined as:
"Human body is linked to each other based on common cultural factors in a single landmass
and aware of it and to attempt in the way of achieving their common goal and attempts to have
the rights and interests and sovereignty over their own to constitute a nation." Different
perceptions of the Nation has led to the formation of different nationalisms, if French nationalism
was raised differently than in Germany and by people such as: Herder, Fichte, Schelling, and the
Germans, with emphasis on national virtues, were the source of cultural nationalism in while the
French revolution, the French were less stressed these factors, because they were, unlike the
Germans, achieved to national unity.
The problem of the people of France in the French Revolution was to achieve the rights and
interests of citizens while Germany until the nineteenth century did not achieve still to political
unity and the common elements were linking agent and differentiation from other nations.
However, what this article is about the concept of nation that it was introduced in the French
Revolution and the emphasis was on the rights and benefits to all residents of France and
Supporters of the new interpretation were the nation's "third class" of France. This class also tried
to recognize their rights. According to the intellectual tradition of the French Revolution, "the
main characteristic of the nation is not unity of language, or ethnic but political unity in the
organization, one of the revolutionaries in France said that "The nation is the people who live
under the rule of law." Therefore, the development of Nation, requires the development of the
state and the concept of government and political organizations takes precedence logically and
historically on the Nation. The premiere series of the tribe who live in the political order as a
result of the existence of such an order are called nation, therefore, the convenience and a sense
of duty and loyalty shaped between them jointly to that order (BASHIRIYEH, 2003: 28).
2. Nation state
The government is the highest form of political organization in nationalism, this type of state,
is considered "not only as usual and ideal form of political organization, but as an essential
framework for all social, cultural and economic activities". The formation of a national
government become common in accordance with the views during the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries Europe became popular and democratic nature. In this form of the modern
state, the nation, is the pillar and foundation of government and the legitimacy of the government
depends only on the will of the nation, manifestation of this belief can be seen in Article III of
the Declaration of Human Rights and of the Citizen of the French Revolution:
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"Principle of domination of the nation and of any committee or individual can exercise power
unless he is expressly authorized by the people" (Ghazi, 1994: 195).
This kind of state that has become the main focus of loyalty and belonging to Nation vary
from traditional states, in terms of scope and enforcement powers Governance and the
relationship with the governed and is:
1) Traditional territory governments do not always ill-defined, and the degree of control that
was exercised by the central government, was quite poor. The concept of the rule stating that rule
the region with fixed boundaries, and within the limits of its authority, considered higher power,
did not implement in the traditional government. On the contrary, all national governments,
governments with high control on their boundaries.
2) Most of the population in traditional states were under the rule of the king or emperor were
those who ruled over them knew much more prosperous and usually only the dominant classes or
groups a sense of belonging to a global community of people who were under which the ruler
had. In contrast, national governments, most people who live within the boundaries of the
political system, are the citizens who have rights and duties shared by the people who had
himself seen as part of a Nation.
3) National governments are associated with the rise of nationalism ... nationalism expressed
in them with a great social as for independent and verifiable. (Giddens, 2002: 326).
3. National identity
There is the question of the nature of national identity, the question of what and who is being.
The question concerns to the different types of natures, the identity of the individual, group and
mass. So but their identity can be limited to a certain time of human history, as a variety of
individual and collective identities can (Family / ethnic / tribal) be observed during human
history. The most common existing identity, national identity is a kind of collective identities in
a clear definition of national identity should be noted that:
"The most comprehensive collective identity is called as national (community) identity and a
sense of commitment, attachment to a deliberately national community (general) is part of one's
existence (Razazifar, 2000: 103). National identity, at least in the West, is the product of a new
era with the formation of the nation and its difference has been made from other nations,
belonging, attachment, and loyalty to the national community. This identity is in connection with
the national government and a sense of belonging and loyalty to the memory of belonging and
identity and other surround it. Like "nation" in the concept of "national identity" a general
consensus cannot be reached and it absolutely as components, such as race, language, religion,
and historical roots and attributed and there are so many opinions on this subject.
The idea of nationalism Fatherland is located in a specified location that has a political
dimension. As a result, this country is not limited to local hometown as urban and rural areas,
Fatherland territory and safeguarding the nation that loyalty and devotion to the needs
and because of boundaries separate and distinct from other lands and all residents are aware of
their countrymen in the national territory, one of our national productive, its scope (people) and a
set of common heritage within it.
Page 1007
Patriotism is love and attachment to the Fatherland, such an interest in the historical epochs
existed in the individual and nation. The interest in Homeland, protecting it against aliens and
interest in the common heritage of the land is not something that belongs to a new era. Patriotism
as such a plan (program) do not change, although the patriotism becomes nationalism, but
nationalism is usually synonymous.
Therefore, the patriotism is a part of nationalism, but not against it, patriotism is an emotion,
an emotional attachment to their nation, a love of their country, the words nationalism
(nationalism) and patriotism are often confused with each other, nationalism has a nature school
and embodies the belief that the nation is a core principle of political organization. It does not
provide a basis to believe patriotism efficient and therefore underlie all forms of nationalism. It is
hard to imagine that a national group, for example, political independence, or at least had no
loyalty patriotic national consciousness. However, all patriots who are not nationalists, all those
who know or even one with his nation love, people do not consider it as a means by which we
can explain the political demands of the (Heywood, 2008: 291).
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