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EXAM REVIEW ****All tests/quizzes from this nine week period should be used to help you identify the correct answers
to the following review questions. 50 -75 questions from this review will be chosen.
What is History? Quiz
1. Define
2. Define
3. List the 4 TOOLS used by historians to help them determine the history of a group of people:
A._____________________ B.______________________C. _____________________ D.______________________
4. A ___________________ source was written or created by a person who witnessed or participated in an event; they
wrote about their own experience.
5. A ___________________ source was written or created by someone who was told about an event or experience of
another person.
Identify each of the following sources as either PRIMARY or SECONDARY – read carefully for context clues and key
words that may help you decide.
_________________________6. A scientist explaining what it was like for Buzz Aldrin to walk on the moon.
___________________________7. A radio broadcast from the day the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite.
__________________________8. A painting by Leonardo DaVinci
__________________________9. The Gettysburg Address
__________________________10. A biography entitled, “George Washington, the Man Who Would Be King.”
___________________________11. A famous artist’s painting of what cowboy life was probably like in the 1850’s.
__________________________12. An interview with Alexander Graham Bell about how he invented the telephone.
___________________________13. A short story describing Thomas Edison and Nikolia Tesla’s “electrical battle.”
___________________________14. An autobiography about the 40th President, Ronald Reagan.
___________________________15. A play showing how Benjamin Franklin flew a kite during a lightning storm.
___________________________16. Anne Frank’s diary describing her life during WW2.
____________________________17. A letter from a cowboy about his cattle drives from Texas to Kansas.
____________________________18. A YouTube video describing how the pyramids were built.
____________________________19. A textbook describing the Civil Rights Movement.
______________________________20. A news report about the opening of a power plant.
_______________________________21. A cartoon showing how Pocahontas met John Smith
Chapters 3 & 4 (Colonization)
22.Which were the New England Colonies?
23. Which were the Middle Colonies? (4) ________________________________________________________________
24.Which were the Southern Colonies?(5) ______________________________________________________________
25. Most colonists to the American Colonies came from ________________________
26.At first Native Americans in New England helped settlers ________________________________________
27. After the Europeans arrived, what did thousands of Native Americans die from? _____________________
28. Most enslaved Africans in North America lived and worked ___________________________________________
29. Settlers in these colonial regions came to the New World because they wanted to practice their own religion:
________________________________ and _________________________________
30. Settlers in these colonial regions came to the New World because they wanted to make money:
_______________________________ and _____________________________________
31. Settlers in this colonial region lived in small farming and fishing communities: __________________
32. This colonial region was almost an entirely agricultural society:
33. This colonial region was part agricultural and part industrial: ________________________
34. This colonial region had cash crops of tobacco, rice, and indigo:
35. This colonial region grew wheat and other grains (“Breadbasket Colonies”) __________________
36. The settlers of this colonial region made most of their money from trade and shipping ____________________
37. Plantations in this region were worked by enslaved labor: ___________________________
*****The French and Indian War ******
38. A group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies is called: _________________________
39. The goals of the Albany Plan of Union were to cement an alliance with Native tribes and __________________________
40. The Seven Years' War was a war between ____________________________ and ___________________________.
__41. What plan called for one general government for all the American colonies? ___________________________________
42. The Treaty of Paris marked the end of power in North America for _________________________________
43. Which man changed Britain's fortune in the war with France by becoming Prime Minister? (turning point) ____________
46. What was the small post/fort in the Ohio country established by George Washington called? ____________________
47. What document marked the end of France as a power in North America?____________________________________
48. After the treaty was signed in 1763, the North American continent was divided between which two countries?
________________________________________ & __________________________
49. The Proclamation of 1763 called for _______________________________________
50. The Albany Plan of Union was not approved by Parliament because they did not want to give the colonists any political
or military ____________________.
51. Identify which countries gained each of the following territories as a result of the peace treaty which ended the French
and Indian War:
A. Florida:_________________________
B. New Orleans:____________________
C. All French lands east of the Mississippi River (except New Orleans):_______________
D. All French lands west of the Mississippi River:___________________________
E. New France (Canada):_____________________________
***Chapter 5 ***Road to Revolution
52. The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited colonists from moving west of the ______________________
53. The British government tried to stop smuggling with the __________________________
54. Who led the Green Mountain Boys? ________________________________
55. What act taxed almost all printed material in the colonies? __________________________
56. The man who wrote the Declaration of Independence was: ______________________________
57. Who was chosen as president of the Second Continental Congress? _______________________
58. Who wrote Common Sense?___________________________________
59. To search a colonist’s house, a British customs officer presented a: _________________________
60. Which colonists did not consider unfair taxes a good reason for rebellion? ___________________
61. Which colonists wanted to fight the British for American Independence? ____________________
62. The colonists expressed their desire for peace and protection in the _______________________
63. The Declaratory Act stated that _________________________________________________
64. The colonists claimed that Parliament did not have the right to tax them because
65. Colonists objected to both writs of assistance and the Quartering Act because
66. The chief goal of the Tea Act was to: _____________________________________________
67. The battle generally associated with the phrase, “…here the embattled farmers stood, and fired the shot heard
‘round the world.” ____________________________________
68. The first major battle of the Revolutionary War was:__________________________
69. Patriot forces were _____________________in this first major battle.
70. The Declaration of Independence was adopted/signed by the Second Continental Congress on:
71. The expression “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” appears in ---- ___________________
72. Which is the fundamental principle of government expressed in the Declaration of Independence?
73. Delegates from twelve colonies gathered in Philadelphia at the ___________________________
to unite against the Intolerable Acts.
74. Members of the _________________ signed pledges against drinking tea to protest the Tea Act.
75. Sam Adams organized the first ____________________ to inform colonists about British actions.
76. Ben Franklin proposed the ________________________________ during the French and Indian War which called
for a council with representatives from each colony.
77. Delegates from all thirteen colonies gathered at the ____________________________ to appoint a military leader
and prepare for war.
78. ______________________ Act : Lowered a tax on imports of foreign molasses in order to stop colonial smuggling.
79. The _______________________ Event was used as “propaganda” to encourage colonial resistance against the
80. The ___________________________ Act allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonists.
81. The __________________________________ gave Canada, Florida and all French lands east of the Mississippi River
to Britain.
82. The _____________________________Acts were restrictions passed by Parliament to punish Boston for the Boston
Tea Party.
83. The ___________________________ taxed all printed / legal documents.
84. The __________________________ required colonists to pay for the housing and feeding of British soldiers.
85. A protest by the Sons of Liberty against a monopoly by the British East India Company was given the
86. The _________________________________ taxed imported goods of glass, lead, paper, paint and tea.
87. The ___________________________________Limited colonial westward expansion - - colonist felt this was a limit
on their freedom.