Download oracle bone pictograph dynastic cycle Mandate of Heaven Grade 6

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Grade 6
World History: Ancient Civilizations
Chapter 8: Ancient China
Lesson 1: Geography Shapes Life in Ancient China
Analyze the physical features, including the river system, mountain ranges, and deserts, that characterized
ancient China
Describe the development of the earliest Chinese civilization, the Shang Dynasty, and the Zhou Dynasty
oracle bone
dynastic cycle
Mandate of Heaven
Lesson Main Ideas
Lesson Summary
Lesson Review
1. How did geographic barriers affect Shang and Zhou relations with outside people?
2. Why did Shang settlements begin along the Huang He?
3. How did the Shang develop a Chinese language?
4. How would the Chinese people know that a ruler had lost the Mandate of Heaven?
5. In what ways was the settling of the Huang he Valley similar to settlements in other world regions?
Grade 6
World History: Ancient Civilizations
Chapter 8: Ancient China
Lesson 2: China's Ancient Philosophies
Analyze the philosophy of Legalism--what it was and why it came about.
Describe key details about the life of Confucius and his teachings.
Describe key details in the life of Laozi and the philosophy of Daoism.
filial piety
Lesson Main Ideas
Lesson Summary
Lesson Review
1. Which of the Chinese philosophies stressed the importance of family?
2. how did Legalists believe governments should keep peace among people?
3. What was the purpose of Confucius' five relationships?
4. What did Daoists believe about nature?
5. How did the Legalists' views of human nature contrast with those of the Confucians?
Grade 6
World History: Ancient Civilizations
Chapter 8: Ancient China
Lesson 3: The Qin and the Han
Summarize how China became unified under the Qin Dynasty.
Explore the political contributions of the Han Dynasty.
Describe daily life in Han China.
Shi Huangdi
Han Dynasty
Lesson Main Ideas
Lesson Summary
Lesson Review
1. In what ways were the Qin and Han dynasties similar?
2. What ruling style did Shi Huangdi choose, and how did it affect his rule?
3. Why was the ruler Wudi important in the achievements of the Han Dynasty?
4. How is the Chinese way of life today similar to that of Han China?
5. Why were Shi Huangdi's efforts to unify China important?
6. How were Shi Huangdi's methods of uniting his lands similar to those of Persian rulers?
Grade 6
World History: Ancient Civilizations
Chapter 8: Ancient China
Lesson 4: The Legacy of Ancient China
Explore the contributions and impact of the Silk Roads on Chinese culture and history.
Trace the influence of ideas such as Confucianism and Daoism in Chinese history.
Describe the many contributions of the ancient Chinese to our world.
Silk Roads
cultural diffusion
Lesson Main Ideas
Lesson Summary
Lesson Review
1. What ideas or goods did China give the ancient world?
2. What economic changes did the Silk Roads bring to China?
3. How did the Silk roads aid in the spread of Buddhism?
4. Why were most of the early Chinese inventions related to agriculture?
5. Why were the Silk Roads important to ancient China?
6. Why might Confucianism continue to influence life in Chinese villages?