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Cell Cycle TGT Unit Review
What is the cell cycle?
Explain the connection between mitosis and cancer.
Define chromatin.
What takes place in the S stage of interphase? Hint: the S stands for synthesis!
Give at list two reasons for why a person would need to be able to make more somatic
6. Mitosis or Meiosis? Includes only a single interphase prior to cell division.
7. Define cytokinesis.
8. Why must DNA be replicated prior to cell division?
9. Which cell division process is used to produce diploid somatic cells?
10.Which cell division process is used to produce haploid gametes?
11.Describe a cell in Metaphase of Mitosis.
12.Name all three major events that take place in Interphase prior to cell division.
13.Mitosis or Meiosis? Takes place only in reproductive organs.
14.What is apoptosis? Why might a cell utilize this process?
15.Give at least two major events that take place during Telophase of Mitosis.
16.During which stage of the cell cycle does a cell spend a majority of its time?
17.True or False: Mitosis is considered a form of asexual cell reproduction.
18.Give at least two major events that take place during Prophase of Mitosis.
19.Mitosis or Meiosis? Includes the pairing up and crossing over of homologous
20.Describe the structure of a chromosome. You must include: chromosome, chromatid,
21.How is cytokinesis different in plant and animal cells?
22.Mitosis or Meiosis? Asexual cell reproduction, cell divides once, produces somatic cells,
two daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cell.
23.Mitosis or Meiosis? Necessary for sexual reproduction, cell divides twice, produces
gametes, crossing over of chromosomes, four genetically different daughter cells.
24.How are Metaphase I and Metaphase II of Meiosis different from one another?
25.How are Anaphase I and Anaphase II of Meiosis different from one another?
26.Mitosis or Meiosis? Involves two cell/nucleus divisions.
27.During which stage of the Meiosis cell cycle do homologous chromosomes line up IN
28.During which stage of the Meiosis cell cycle do chromosomes line up SINGLE FILE?
29.Which meiosis division is more similar to mitosis division – Meiosis I or Meiosis II?
30.Prophase I of Meiosis is perhaps the most important stage of Meiosis. List at least three
things which take place in this very important stage.
31.What takes place in Prophase I of Meiosis that does NOT take place in Prophase of
Mitosis? Hint: it produces genetic variation!
32.Mitosis or Meiosis? Begins with a diploid parent cell.
33.Describe crossing over. Why is it so important?
34.When does crossing over take place in Meiosis?
35.True or False: Crossing over, the way chromosomes align during metaphase, and the
combination of egg and sperm all lead to genetic variation within a species.
36.Meiosis is necessary for asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, or both?
37.Mitosis or Meiosis? Takes place all over the body.
38.If a parent cell has 80 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will the daughter cells
have following MITOSIS?
39.If a parent cell has 80 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will the daughter cells
have following MEIOSIS?
40.Why is meiosis also known as “reduction division?”
41.Mitosis or Meiosis? The process involved in the growth and repair of cells.
42.Define gametes.
43.Following meiosis, when is the chromosome number restored to being diploid?
44.What is a zygote?
45.A zygote is the very first ____________ cell and will then begin producing new cells by
mitosis in order to become a baby!
46.How many daughter cells are produced as a result of meiosis?
47.Why can’t an error in mitosis be passed on to future generations?
48.How can meiosis lead to genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome?
49.In Mitosis, DNA is duplicated ________ and the cell divides ______, producing _____
diploid daughter cells.
50.In Meiosis, DNA is duplicated _______ and the cell divides _______, producing ____
haploid daughter cells.
Cell Cycle TGT Unit Review
1. An orderly series of steps that allows cells to grow, carry out normal cell functions,
replicate DNA, and produce new cells.
2. Cancer is uncontrolled mitosis due to errors in cell regulators.
3. The long winding form of DNA (DNA is usually in this form).
4. DNA is replicated (copied).
5. To keep the cell from becoming too large, for growth of the organism, for injury repair,
replacement of dead cells, etc.
6. Both Mitosis AND Meiosis!
7. The cutting of the cytoplasm – the final step of the cell cycle that produces new
daughter cells!
8. To ensure that each new cell receives a full set of chromosomes (genetic information).
9. Mitosis
11.Chromosomes line up (single file) in the middle of the cell.
12.The cell grows and carries out normal function, the DNA is duplicated/copied, the cell
performs final checkpoints and prepares for cell division.
14.Apoptosis = programmed cell death. A cell does this if a mistake has occurred prior to or
during cell division.
15.Chromosomes unwind, spindle fibers break down, nucleus reforms, cell membrane
starts to pinch in (animals).
18.The nucleus disappears, chromosomes condense/form, spindle fibers form, centrioles
head to poles.
20.A chromosome is condensed genetic material made up of two sister chromatids held
together by a centromere.
21.In animal cells, a cleavage furrow forms when the cell membrane pinches in. In plant
cells, a cell plate forms between the cells – this will become the cell wall.
24.In Metaphase I of Meiosis, chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell IN PAIRS. In
Metaphase II of Meiosis, chromsomes line up in the middle of the cell SINGLE FILE.
25.In Anaphase I of Meiosis, full chromosomes are being pulled to the poles. In Anaphase II
of Meiosis, chromatids are being pulled to the poles.
27.Metaphase I
28.Metaphase II
29.Meiosis II
30.Nucleus disappears, chromosomes form/condense, homologous chromosomes pair up,
crossing over takes place, centrioles head towards the poles.
31.The pairing up and CROSSING OVER of homologous chromosomes.
32.Both Mitosis AND Meiosis!
33.Crossing over is an exchange of genetic information between two chromosomes.
Produces genetic variation.
34.Prophase I
36.Sexual reproduction
38.80 (remember, mitosis produces cells identical to the parent cell!)
39.40 (remember, meiosis produces haploid cells…cells with half the number of
40.It reduces the chromosome number from diploid (2n) to haploid (n).
42.Sex cells (sperm in males, eggs in females)
44.A fertilized egg
46.4 daughter cells
47.Mitosis is the division of somatic cells. Somatic cells are normal body cells. The only cells
given to future generations are gametes – sex cells!
48.If chromosomes don’t move correctly into daughter cells, then there can be too many or
too few chromosomes in the gametes (sex cells). Down syndrome results when a single
gamete is given two 21st chromosomes. If this gamete gets fertilized, the zygote will
have THREE 21st chromosomes (one too many!).
49.Once ; Once ; Two
50.Once ; Twice ; Four