Download Goal 1: Students will understand the nature of science and scientific

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Goal 1: Students will understand the nature of science and scientific investigations and
properly analyze and interpret data.
Learning Outcomes/Objectives
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of the basic assumptions of scientific
investigations and distinguish between Assessment Test
scientific and non-scientific explanations. (PAT) questions
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of the difference between a hypothesis PAT questions
and a scientific theory, and the difference
between facts and speculations.
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of the scientific method, and be able to PAT questions
identify flaws in experimental design.
Students will be able to analyze and
Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
interpret tabular and graphicallyPAT questions
displayed data.
Goal 2: Students will have a solid knowledge base in the fundamentals of biology.
Learning Outcomes/Objectives
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of the structure and function of proteins, PAT questions
lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids,
with special emphasis on enzymes.
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of the cellular anatomy and physiology of PAT questions
prokaryotes and eukaryotes,
emphasizing cellular respiration,
fermentation, and photosynthesis.
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of the processes of cellular division,
PAT questions
including binary fission, mitosis and
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of the basic structure of DNA and RNA PAT questions
along with a knowledge of the central
dogma: DNA replication, transcription
and translation.
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of mutation and how mutation can
PAT questions
change the characteristics of an
organism. Students will thus understand
the relationships between genetic
variation, disease and evolution.
Students will be able to solve problems Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
based on Mendelian and non-Mendelian PAT questions
patterns of inheritance, emphasizing sexlinkage, autosomal linkage, and genegene interactions.
Students will be able to solve problems Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
involving gene-environment interactions PAT questions
and explain the relationships between
mutations, the environment, and disease.
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of the basic principles and practices of
PAT questions
biological classification including a
knowledge of the similarities and
differences between Animalia, Plantae,
Fungi, Protista, Archaea, Bacteria and
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of the modern definition of biological
PAT questions
evolution, the forces that cause evolution,
and in particular, how natural selection
may cause change and how evolutionary
principles explain cooperation and
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of feedback regulation and its
PAT questions
relationship to homeostasis at cellular,
organismal, ecosystem and global levels.
Students will demonstrate a knowledge Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
of exponential and logistic population
PAT questions
growth, the factors that limit growth, and
how human population growth impacts
both the local and global the environment
and human health, including a knowledge
of nutrient cycling and how disruption of a
cycle may alter the environment.
Students will demonstrate an
Scores on specific
75 % correct responses
understanding of how major systems of PAT questions
the human body contribute to the survival
of the organism.
Students will demonstrate an advanced Scores on graded lab Mean score of 75 %
understanding of mammalian anatomy. practicals in Human
Anatomy and
Physiology I & II, or
Goal 3: Students will have gained the practical skills associated with earning a BS
degree in Biology.
Learning Outcomes/Objectives
Students will be able to perform searches Scores on rubricMean score of 75 %
in electronic databases for sources of
graded assignment in
information and be able to assess the
Capping course
reliability of that information.
Students will be able to use microscopy Microscopy
Mean score of 85 %
to accurately describe microscopic
assessment rubricobjects.
graded in
Microbiology Lab
Students will be able to perform
Scores on graded
Mean score of 75 %
techniques such as DNA isolation, PCR, practicals in Genetics
gel electrophoresis, etc.
Students will be able to professionally
Scores on rubricMean score of 75 %
communicate results both orally and in graded assignments
in Capping course