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June 25, 2013
Your greatest value to your casino is your
knowledge and your ability to make things
happen ...
Register today for two of the most important
conferences of 2013
Raving's Host Development Conference
Casino Marketing 2013
Paris Las Vegas
July 22-25, 2013
See the PS below for a special discount code for Raving clients!
Dear Ravers,
I'll cut to the chase. Your success at your
casino depends on your ongoing gaming
education and what you do with it. If you are
living in a silo, unmotivated, frustrated,
disconnected -- your casino and your
employees will suffer. I sincerely want you to consider registering for two industryleading conferences that are taking place next month.
Raving produces the content for both the Host Development Conference and the
Casino Marketing Conference for the BNP Media Gaming Group folks (Casino
Journal, Southern Gaming Summit, Gaming and Technology, etc.). And this year
we've raised the bar. See, it's our 10th anniversary of this high-level training event.
There is no other industry event specifically designed for casino marketers and
First, you've got the day and a half Host
Development Conference -- we've worked with
hundreds of host teams at their properties -- and this
is the next best thing to having a customized program
-- a super-condensed, strategic program to get your
player development strategies shifted and your hosts
performing like never before. In today's competitive
landscape, it is clear that not only must a gaming property offer superior service in
order to compete in the marketplace, it must also be the best at SELLING the
experience to players of high worth, if it is to win the war of market share and
player's share of wallet.
Second, the Casino Marketing Conference -- packs everything a casino
marketer and general manager needs to know into one concise program; even the
tradeshow floor is geared to marketing; every minute,
every session, every handshake is valuable. You'll be
networking with senior level executives from across the
globe. Here's a snapshot of our topics:
There's no question that digital marketing is here to
stay -- but what most marketers are missing is how to
integrate it with traditional marketing strategies. Digital is so much sexier and in
some ways instantly gratifying, right? We're tackling this in two sessions; first with
Angel Suarez, who has had huge success outside the gaming industry with brands
such as ESPN and Gatorade, and who is applying those strategies to gaming;
Nicole Barker , the queen of data analysis, will head a panel of the most
knowledgeable direct mail and electronic communications experts. Together,
through different approaches, both sessions will show the roadmap to the most
successful integrated marketing strategy.
Keynotes are called keynotes, frankly because
they get us sitting forward in our seats. Our
thought bubbles resemble "POW!" "KABOOM!"
"FRIGGIN' AWESOME!" -- and Tim Furlong and
John Acres will get all of your synapses firing on
"what could be." As executives, as adults, we
constantly try to make huge resolutions to improve
our business, our life, our relationships. But often
we fail, as those changes are just too big, too
uncomfortable, so we fall back into what we know. With Tim's inspiration, you will
leave the conference with perhaps the most valuable tool of all: how to make and
stick with several tiny changes that will have huge impacts professionally and
personally. And speaking of big impact ... There is no question that John Acres is a
soothsayer -- he's changed our industry. He founded four gaming companies -EDT, Mikohn, Acres Gaming,
and Acres 4.0 -- where he
invented player tracking,
advanced progressive jackpot
systems and bonusing. So,
make no doubt about it, you
cannot miss his session, his
vision on the new generation of
players and how to reach them.
Straight-talking -- "this makes absolute sense, why haven't we been doing
this all along?" -- topics and presenters who will change the way you look at your
business. Sometimes their
opinions and personalities are
too big even for Paris'
conference rooms, but when it
comes down to it, folks like
Mike Meczka (this year's
Lifetime Achievement Award
Winner), Randy Fine, Chris
Archunde, Steve Browne (to name a few), know that smart casino marketing isn't
rocket science, but is made up of key principles that most casinos make way too
complicated. Yup, they are the presenters who piss you off, make you laugh, and
always give you something relevant to take back to your properties. We've just
added in a new panel, sure to inspire: The Future of Casino Marketing: The
Operators' Roundtable.
New topics, new speakers, new events. In addition to the senior level, "leave
your brain gasping for air, educational seminars," this conference features a
number of outstanding networking opportunities where you can interact with and
trade tips with presenters, peers, and "best in class" exhibitors. You asked for more
opportunities to learn from each other, so we have added in a SECOND reception
on Wednesday evening. All attendees are also invited to attend the always
inspiring Casino Marketing Lifetime Achievement Award Luncheon and the Romero
Awards breakfast.
Special Raving bennies. Raving is also
an exhibitor at the conference and during
the Casino Marketing opening reception,
Tuesday, July 23, Houston Productions,
our Raving Partner for Casino
Entertainment , is bringing a couple pals along. The Chippendales will be making a
special appearance from 5-7 PM, signing autographs and taking pictures with
attendees. Exclusive industry comps to their award-winning nightly show at The
Rio will be available! Now gals, there is nothing wrong with doing a little research
for your casino and going to a show while you're in Vegas, right? You'll want to see
if this will be a good fit for your guests back home. And it just gets better!
The following night, attendees are invited to a second Cocktail Reception on
Wednesday evening, from 5-7 PM. Steve and I will be shirtless in bowties and cuffs
... nah, just kidding! We're giving away the golden geese! Raving Partner Eliot
Jacobson, Ph.D., Steve Browne and myself will have our books available while
supplies last, free and personally signed. That's right, all you need to do is stop by
our booth. If you'd like to set up a meeting ahead of time to discuss bringing a
"Raver home" to your property, call Amy Hergenrother at 775-329-7864.
If you have any questions about how this conference can help your team be more
successful, please give me a call at (775) 329-7864, or email me.
Raving is proud to produce this industry-leading event for BNP Media Gaming
Dennis Conrad
Chief Relationship Officer, Raving Consulting Company
PS -- ***We've got a special registration discount code for clients and special
friends of Raving for both the Host Development and Casino Marketing
Conference. Before you register, email or call Amy Hergenrother at (775) 3297864 for your discount code.