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Lab 8: Stellar Classification and the H-R Diagram
Stellar Classification
As early as the beginning of the 19th century, scientists have studied absorption spectra in an effort to
classify stars. At first, spectra were divided into groups by general appearance; however, in the 1930’s and
1940’s, astronomers realized that spectral type was mainly determined by temperature instead of chemical
composition. As a result, spectral types were refined and renamed with letters, leading to the familiar “O,
B, A, F, G, K, M” system. Each spectral class is then divided into tenths, so that a B0 star follows an O9,
etc. In this scheme, our Sun would be labeled a type G2 star. The classification system we use today,
called the MK system, adds a Roman numeral to the end of the spectral type, indicating the so-called
luminosity class (ex. a I indicates a supergiant, a III a giant star, and a V a main sequence star). In this
new system, our Sun (a typical main-sequence star) becomes a G2V.
Spectral type allows astronomers to know not only the temperature of the star, but also its luminosity
and color. These properties can help in determining the distance, mass, and other physical quantities
associated with the star, its surrounding environment, and its past history, making spectral classification a
fundamental piece of our understanding of the nature and evolution of stars.
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagrams
One of the most useful tools an astronomer has for studying the evolution and age of stars is the
Hertzsprung-Russell (or H-R) Diagram, a graph of surface temperature versus luminosity, on which is
plotted characteristic values for a single star or a group of stars. A star’s luminosity (sometimes written as
absolute magnitude) and temperature (often denoted by spectral type) determine its position on the HR
diagram. The hottest, most luminous stars lie at the upper left of the diagram, and the coolest, dimmest
stars lie at the lower right. Note that the stars with lower temperatures are placed on the right-hand side
of the HR Diagram, so that temperature increases towards the left. Stars at the upper right are
extraordinarily luminous despite having low surface temperatures, and so they must have huge surface
areas. These are called red giants. Stars at the lower left of the diagram are exceptionally faint even
though they are very hot, so they must be small. They are called white dwarfs. Most stars are found along
a line running from the lower right to the upper left of the HR diagram, a region called the main sequence.
In this lab, we will explore the relationship between stellar classification and stellar properties to develop
our own H-R Diagram. We will also use a pre-existing H-R Diagram to explore the properties of the
different classes of stars.
For this lab, you may find the following formulas useful:
4 T
λmax = 500 nm
1. Open the NAAP page entitled “Stellar Classification of Stars,” and scroll down to the last simulation
on the page. There will be an image of a star, with a slider for spectral type and information about
the effective temperature at a given spectral type.
2. For each star in Table 1, set the slider to the appropriate spectral type and record the effective
temperature in Table 1. Also, record the color of the star you see in the image.
3. Using the temperatures you’ve just written down, calculate the max wavelength of the light from each
4. Copy the temperatures from Table 1 to Table 2, and use them with the radii in Table 2 to calculate
the brightness (B) and luminosity (L) of the stars in Table 2.
5. For question 2, use the data in Table 1 and Table 2 to construct your own H-R Diagram. Remember
to label your axes!
6. Close the simulation on Spectral Type and open the second link from the NAAP simulations entitled
“Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Explorer.” Click “show main sequence,” “show luminosity classes,” and
“show isoradius lines.” The x-axis scale should be set to “spectral type,” and the y-axis scale set to
“luminosity.” Answer questions 3-5 on your lab worksheet.
7. For questions 6 and 7, use the options underneath “Plotted Stars” to help identify both the stars
nearest to us and the brightest stars nearest to us.
Lab 8 Worksheet: Stellar Classification and the H-R Diagram
1. (9 points) Table 1
Spectral Class
Our Sun
Procyon A
Sirius A
Table 2
R (R/R )
Our Sun
Procyon A
Sirius A
B (B/B )
L (L/L )
2. (3 points) Using the two tables above, draw your own HR diagram using the luminosities and temperatures you’ve identified. Label each star on the diagram, and remember to label your axes!
3. Our Sun has T = 5700 K and L = 1L . Star A has T = 21, 000 K and L = 200L .
(a) (2 points) What is its radius (in units of solar radii)? Show your work.
(b) (2 points) Which star is brighter?
(c) (2 points) What is the (approximate) spectral class of Star A? Use the H-R Diagram in the simulation to help with your estimate.
(d) (2 points) Given your answers to the two questions above, how can you explain Star A’s radius
using the NAAP simulation and the trends seen on the H-R diagram?
4. Exploring the Properties of White Dwarf Stars
(a) (2 points) What is the radius, in kilometers, of a white dwarf star with T = 23, 000K and L =
0.01L ? (Hint: The radius of the sun is 7 × 105 km.)
(b) (2 points) Where does this white dwarf star lie on the H-R Diagram? Is it more or less hot than
a red dwarf star? Approximately how large is its radius compared to our sun? Use the H-R
Diagram in the simulation to help with your estimate. You may want to change the x-axis scale to
(c) (2 points) The length of the continental United States is approximately 4300 km. Compare this to
the radius of the white dwarf star in part a.
5. (2 points) Describe the temperature, radius, and luminosity of the nearest stars using the H-R diagram
simulation. Where are these stars clustered on the H-R diagram?
6. (2 points) Use the “overlap” button in the H-R Diagram simulation to view the stars that are both
nearest and brightest. Compare these stars’ luminosities, radii, and temperatures to those of our Sun.
Are they similar?
This introductory text in this lab has been edited from its original form, as published by Project CLEA. See Snyder,
Glenn, and Laurence Marschall. “HR Diagrams of Star Clusters.” Project Clea Windows Documentation. Ed. Brad Knockel.
Project CLEA: Gettysburg College, May 2015. Web. 24 Aug. 2015. See also “The Classification of Stellar Spectra.” Project
Clea Windows Documentation. Ed. Brad Knockel. Project CLEA: Gettysburg College, May 2015. Web. 24 Aug. 2015. NAAP
simulations and materials can be found at <>. Picture Credits: “Planetary System.”
Planetary System. Star Trek, n.d. Web. 25 Aug. 2015. <
htm>., and Pearson Education, 2012. Developed for the University of Delaware’s PHYS 133 class by Christiana Erba and Dr.
Stanley Owocki, last updated on October 13, 2015.