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Grade 3 CCSS Edition– Unit 6
*** Students will need templates.
Part A – I am expected to demonstrate a proficient understanding of these
learning targets.
6a. I can recognize and draw parallel and intersecting line segments.
1. Write a P for parallel or an I for intersecting:
2. Draw line segment MB
intersecting line segment DF.
3. Draw line segment BH parallel
to line segment KM.
© Math Matters LLC, 2008 (Goals and some images/examples from Everyday Mathematics- UCSMP/Wright Group, 07&12)  G3U6  5/12  Pg. 1 of 6
6b. I can identify and draw a right angle.
4. Circle the right angles.
What makes an angle a right angle?
6c. I can recognize and identify quadrilaterals.
5. Use your template. Draw 3 shapes with different names that are
NOT quadrilaterals.
6. Use your template. Draw 3 shapes that are quadrilaterals.
Why are these shapes quadrilaterals?
© Math Matters LLC, 2008 (Goals and some images/examples from Everyday Mathematics- UCSMP/Wright Group, 07&12)  G3U6  5/12  Pg. 2 of 6
7. Find the best match for each quadrilateral. Write the letter below.
rhombus, but not a square
parallelogram, but not a rectangle, square, or rhombus
rectangle, but not a square
6d. I can identify the attributes of quadrilaterals and explain how quadrilaterals
are similar or different.
8. Compare the shapes. Circle True or False.
They both are quadrilaterals.
T or F
They both are polygons.
T or F
They both have all right angles.
T or F
They both are rectangles.
T or F
They both have all sides that are the same length.
T or F
They both are parallelograms.
T or F
They both have only 1 pair of parallel sides.
T or F
© Math Matters LLC, 2008 (Goals and some images/examples from Everyday Mathematics- UCSMP/Wright Group, 07&12)  G3U6  5/12  Pg. 3 of 6
9. Compare the shapes. Circle True or False.
They both are parallelograms.
T or F
They both have all sides that are the same length.
T or F
They both are polygons.
T or F
They both are rhombuses (rhombi).
T or F
They both have all angles that are the same size.
T or F
They both have only 1 pair of parallel sides.
T or F
They both are quadrilaterals.
T or F
10. Circle the 5 ways that this shape can be named:
© Math Matters LLC, 2008 (Goals and some images/examples from Everyday Mathematics- UCSMP/Wright Group, 07&12)  G3U6  5/12  Pg. 4 of 6
11. Use your template. Draw all the quadrilaterals where the opposite
sides are NOT parallel.
12. Use your template. Draw all the quadrilaterals that have no 90°
6e. I can tell time to the nearest minute.
13. Write the time.
_____ : _____
_____ : _____
_____ : _____
© Math Matters LLC, 2008 (Goals and some images/examples from Everyday Mathematics- UCSMP/Wright Group, 07&12)  G3U6  5/12  Pg. 5 of 6
Part B – I am continuing to develop a proficient understanding of these skills.
14. Write 0.55, 0.2, and 0.08 in order from smallest to largest:
15. Draw as many lines of symmetry as you can.
This shape has _____ line(s)
This shape has _____ line(s)
of symmetry.
of symmetry.
16. Draw the other half to make a
symmetrical shape.
 Draw as many lines of symmetry
as you can.
© Math Matters LLC, 2008 (Goals and some images/examples from Everyday Mathematics- UCSMP/Wright Group, 07&12)  G3U6  5/12  Pg. 6 of 6