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Download Advanced Geometry Placement Exam Topic List 1. Two
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Advanced Geometry Placement Exam Topic List 1. Two-column proof (including median or altitude) 2. Conditional statement, converse, inverse, and contrapositive 3. Proving triangles congruent (including overlapping triangles) 4. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division properties of segments and angles 5. Complementary and supplementary angles and their theorems 6. Indirect proof 7. Parallel lines and slope 8. Properties of special quadrilaterals 9. Properties relating to planes, parallel planes, and skew lines 10. Regular polygons and the measures of their associated interior and exterior angles 11. Ratio, proportion, geometric mean 12. Similar triangles 13. Pythagorean Theorem and distance formula 14. Radicals and quadratic equations 15. Trig ratios and special right triangles (30-60-90/ 45-45-90) 16. Pythagorean Theorem in space 17. Area of polygons and circles 18. Circles (radius, diameter, arcs, chords, angle-arc theorems, etc.) 19. Surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders 20. Triangle Inequality Theorem / Exterior-Angle Inequality Theorem FCPS Dec. 2007