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Geometry Final Exam (Semester 1) Study Guide
Sketching According to Given Info
- Sketch the following: 2 lines that intersect 2 nonintersecting planes at 1 point
Using the Definition of Between
- B is between A and C. AB = 6x, BC = 3x + 2, and AC = 38. Find AB and BC.
Finding Midpoint and Distance
- Given J (-2, 2) and K (4, 6), find the midpoint of JK .
- Given A (-2, 3) and B (8, 1), find AB.
- Give a counterexample to this conjecture:
If a good song is on, then the Beatles must be playing the song.
Drawing Conclusions
- Draw a conclusion from these conditional statements: If you live in Tacoma, you
live in Washington. If you live in Washington, you live in the USA.
Making Biconditional Statements
- Write these statements as one biconditional statement.
If you love good things, then you love kittens.
If you love kittens, then you love good things.
Lines and Angles
Identifying Types of Angles
- alternate interior, alternate exterior, corresponding, same-side interior
Lines are Parallel  Angles are Congruent/Supplementary
- 3.2 theorems, Examples 1-2
Angles are Congruent/Supplementary  Lines are Parallel
- 3.3 theorems, Examples 1-3
Perpendicular Theorems
- 3.4 theorems, Example 2
Determining If 2 lines are Parallel, Perpendicular, or Neither
- Given A(2, 5), B(6, 17), C(1, 2), and D(-1, 8), are AB and CD parallel,
perpendicular, or neither? Show work.
Identifying Types of Triangles According to Angles and Sides
- angles: acute, right, obtuse; sides: equilateral, isosceles, scalene
Triangle Sum Theorem
- 4.2, Example 1
Exterior Angle Theorem
- 4.2, Example 3
Third Angle Theorem
- 4.2, Example 4
Methods of Triangle Congruence
- 4.4: Examples 1-4; 4.5: Examples 2-4
- 4.6: Examples 2-3