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Conceptual Questions
1) The potential difference between the terminals of a battery, when no current flows to an
external circuit, is referred to as the
A) emf.
B) terminal voltage.
2) The potential difference between the terminals of a battery, when current flows to an external
circuit, is referred to as the
A) emf.
B) terminal voltage.
3) When two or more resistors are connected in series to a battery
A) the total voltage across the combination is the algebraic sum of the voltages across the
individual resistors.
B) the same current flows through each resistor.
C) the equivalent resistance of the combination is equal to the sum of the resistances of each
D) all of the given answers
4) When resistors are connected in series,
A) the same power is dissipated in each one.
B) the potential difference across each is the same.
C) the current flowing in each is the same.
D) More than one of the given answers is true.
5) Three identical resistors are connected in series to a battery. If the current of 12 A flows from
the battery, how much current flows through any one of the resistors?
A) 12 A
B) 4 A
C) 36 A
D) zero
6) Three identical resistors are connected in series to a 12-V battery. What is the voltage across
any one of the resistors?
A) 36 V
B) 12 V
C) 4 V
D) zero
7) You obtain a 100-W light bulb and a 50-W light bulb. Instead of connecting them in the
normal way, you devise a circuit that places them in series across normal household voltage.
Which statement is correct?
A) Both bulbs glow at the same reduced brightness.
B) Both bulbs glow at the same increased brightness.
C) The 100-W bulb glows brighter than the 50-W bulb.
D) The 50-W bulb glows more brightly than the 100-W bulb.
8) As more resistors are added in series to a constant voltage source, the power supplied by the
A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) does not change.
D) increases for a time and then starts to decrease.
9) When two or more resistors are connected in parallel to a battery,
A) the voltage across each resistor is the same.
B) the total current flowing from the battery equals the sum of the currents flowing through each
C) the equivalent resistance of the combination is less than the resistance of any one of the
D) all of the given answers
10) When resistors are connected in parallel, we can be certain that
A) the same current flows in each one.
B) the potential difference across each is the same.
C) the power dissipated in each is the same.
D) their equivalent resistance is greater than the resistance of any one of the individual
11) Three identical resistors are connected in parallel to a 12-V battery. What is the voltage of
any one of the resistors?
A) 36 V
B) 12 V
C) 4 V
D) zero
12) Three identical resistors are connected in parallel to a battery. If the current of 12 A flows
from the battery, how much current flows through any one of the resistors?
A) 12 A
B) 4 A
C) 36 A
D) zero
13) The lamps in a string of Christmas tree lights are connected in parallel. What happens if one
lamp burns out? (Assume negligible resistance in the wires leading to the lamps.)
A) The brightness of the lamps will not change appreciably.
B) The other lamps get brighter equally.
C) The other lamps get brighter, but some get brighter than others.
D) The other lamps get dimmer equally.
E) The other lamps get dimmer, but some get dimmer than others.
14) As more resistors are added in parallel to a constant voltage source, the power supplied by
the source
A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) does not change.
D) increases for a time and then starts to decrease.
15) Consider three identical resistors, each of resistance R. The maximum power each can
dissipate is P. Two of the resistors are connected in series, and a third is connected in parallel
with these two. What is the maximum power this network can dissipate?
A) 2P/3
B) 3P/2
C) 2P
D) 3P
16) State Kirchhoff's junction rule.
17) State Kirchhoff's loop rule.
18) Kirchhoff's loop rule is an example of
A) conservation of energy.
B) conservation of charge.
C) conservation of momentum.
D) none of the given answers
19) Kirchhoff's junction rule is an example of
A) conservation of energy.
B) conservation of charge.
C) conservation of momentum.
D) none of the given answers
20) Which of the equations here is valid for the circuit shown?
A) 2 - I1 - 2I2 = 0
B) 2 - 2I1 - 2I2 - 4I3 = 0
C) 4 - I1 + 4I3 = 0
D) -2 - I1 - 2I2 = 0
E) 6 - I1 - 2I2 = 0
21) If you connect two identical storage batteries together in series ("+" to "-" to "+" to "-"), and
place them in a circuit, the combination will provide
A) zero volts.
B) twice the voltage, and different currents will flow through each.
C) twice the voltage, and the same current will flow through each.
D) the same voltage, and different currents will flow through each.
22) If you connect two identical storage batteries together in series ("+" to "-" to "-" to "+"), and
place them in a circuit, the combination will provide
A) zero volts.
B) twice the voltage, and different currents will flow through each.
C) twice the voltage, and the same current will flow through each.
D) the same voltage, and different currents will flow through each.
23) If you connect two identical storage batteries together in parallel, and place them in a circuit,
the combination will provide
A) twice the voltage and twice the total charge that one battery would.
B) twice the voltage and the same total charge that one battery would.
C) the same voltage and twice the total charge that one battery would.
D) half the voltage and half the total charge that one battery would.
24) When two or more capacitors are connected in series to a battery,
A) the total voltage across the combination is the algebraic sum of the voltages across the
individual capacitors.
B) each capacitor carries the same amount of charge.
C) the equivalent capacitance of the combination is less than the capacitance of any of the
D) all of the given answers
25) As more and more capacitors are connected in series, the equivalent capacitance of the
combination increases.
A) always true
B) Sometimes true; it depends on the voltage of the battery to which the combination is
C) Sometimes true; it goes up only if the next capacitor is larger than the average of the existing
D) never true
26) Three identical capacitors are connected in series to a battery. If a total charge of Q flows
from the battery, how much charge does each capacitor carry?
A) 3Q
B) Q
C) Q/3
D) Q/9
27) When two or more capacitors are connected in parallel to a battery,
A) the voltage across each capacitor is the same.
B) each capacitor carries the same amount of charge.
C) the equivalent capacitance of the combination is less than the capacitance of any one of the
D) all of the given answers
28) As more and more capacitors are connected in parallel, the equivalent capacitance of the
combination increases.
A) always true
B) Sometimes true; it depends on the voltage of the battery to which the combination is
C) Sometimes true; it goes up only if the next capacitor is larger than the average of the existing
D) never true
29) Three identical capacitors are connected in parallel to a battery. If a total charge of Q flows
from the battery, how much charge does each capacitor carry?
A) 3Q
B) Q
C) Q/3
D) Q/9
30) A current reading is obtained by properly placing an ammeter in a circuit consisting of one
resistor and one battery. As a result,
A) the voltage drop across the resistor increases.
B) the current flowing in the circuit increases.
C) the current flowing in the circuit decreases.
D) the current flowing in the circuit does not change.
31) A voltage reading is obtained by placing a voltmeter across a resistor. What happens to the
total current flowing in the circuit as a result of this action?
A) The current increases.
B) The current decreases.
C) The current does not change.
D) The current increases if the meter's internal resistance is less than the original resistance in the
circuit and decreases if its internal resistance is greater than the circuit's original resistance.
Quantitative Problems
1) Four 20-Ω resistors are connected in series. What is the equivalent resistance?
A) 80 Ω
B) 20 Ω
C) 10 Ω
D) 5.0 Ω
2) Four resistors of 12, 3.0, 5.0, and 4.0 Ω are connected in series. A 12-V battery is connected
to the combination. What is the current through the battery?
A) 0.50 A
B) 1.0 A
C) 1.5 A
D) 2.0 A
3) Three resistors of 12, 12, and 6.0 Ω are connected in series. A 12-V battery is connected to
the combination. What is the current through the battery?
A) 0.10 A
B) 0.20 A
C) 0.30 A
D) 0.40 A
4) Three resistors of 12, 12, and 6.0 Ω are connected in parallel. A 12-V battery is connected to
the combination. What is the current through the 6.0-Ω resistor?
A) 1.0 A
B) 2.0 A
C) 3.0 A
D) 4.0 A
5) A 14-A current flows into a series combination of a 3.0-Ω and a 4.0-Ω resistor. What is the
voltage drop across the 4.0-Ω resistor?
A) 38 V
B) 42 V
C) 56 V
D) 98 V
6) A 14-A current flows into a series combination of a 3.0-Ω and a 4.0-Ω resistor. What is the
voltage drop across the 3.0-Ω resistor?
A) 42 V
B) 56 V
C) 98 V
D) 38 V
7) A 22-A current flows into a parallel combination of 4.0 Ω, 6.0 Ω, and 12 Ω resistors. What
current flows through the 12-Ω resistor?
A) 18 A
B) 11 A
C) 7.3 A
D) 3.7 A
8) A 22-A current flows into a parallel combination of a 4.0-Ω, 6.0-Ω, and 12-Ω resistors. What
current flows through the 6.0-Ω resistor?
A) 18 A
B) 11 A
C) 7.3 A
D) 3.7 A
9) A 22-A current flows into a parallel combination of a 4.0-Ω, 6.0-Ω, and 12-Ω resistor. What
current flows through the 4.0-Ω resistor?
A) 18 A
B) 11 A
C) 7.3 A
D) 3.7 A
10) A 6.0-Ω and a 12-Ω resistor are connected in parallel to a 36-V battery. What power is
dissipated by the 6.0-Ω resistor?
A) 220 W
B) 48 W
C) 490 W
D) 24 W
11) The following three appliances are connected to a 120-V circuit: 1200-W toaster, 650-W
coffee pot, and 600-W microwave. If all were operated at the same time what total current
would they draw?
A) 4.0 A
B) 5.0 A
C) 10 A
D) 20 A
12) What is the maximum number of 100-W light bulbs you can connect in parallel in a 120-V
circuit without tripping a 20-A circuit breaker?
A) 11
B) 17
C) 24
D) 27
13) A combination of 2.0 Ω in series with 4.0 Ω is connected in parallel with 3.0 Ω. What is the
equivalent resistance?
A) 2.0 Ω
B) 3.0 Ω
C) 4.0 Ω
D) 9.0 Ω
14) Two 4.0-Ω resistors are connected in parallel, and this combination is connected in series
with 3.0 Ω. What is the effective resistance of this combination?
A) 1.2 Ω
B) 5.0 Ω
C) 7.0 Ω
D) 11 Ω
15) A 2.0-Ω resistor is in series with a parallel combination of 4.0 Ω, 6.0 Ω, and 12 Ω. What is
the equivalent resistance of this combination?
A) 24 Ω
B) 4.0 Ω
C) 1.8 Ω
D) 2.7 Ω
16) Two resistors of 15 and 30 Ω are connected in parallel. If the combination is connected in
series with a 9.0-V battery and a 20-Ω resistor, what is the current through the 15-Ω resistor?
A) 0.10 A
B) 0.13 A
C) 0.20 A
D) 0.26 A
17) Three resistors of 4.0, 6.0, and 10.0 Ω are connected in parallel. If the combination is
connected in series with a 12.0-V battery and a 2.0-Ω resistor, what is the current through the
10.0-Ω resistor?
A) 0.59 A
B) 2.7 A
C) 11.2 A
D) 16.0 A
18) Two resistors of 5.0 and 9.0 Ω are connected in parallel. A 4.0-Ω resistor is then connected
in series with the parallel combination. A 6.0-V battery is then connected to the series-parallel
combination. What is the current through the 4.0-Ω resistor?
A) zero
B) 0.53 A
C) 0.83 A
D) 0.30 A
19) Two resistors of 5.0 and 9.0 Ω are connected in parallel. A 4.0-Ω resistor is then connected
in series with the parallel combination. A 6.0-V battery is then connected to the series-parallel
combination. What is the current through the 5.0-Ω resistor?
A) zero
B) 0.53 A
C) 0.83 A
D) 0.30 A
20) Two resistors of 5.0 and 9.0 Ω are connected in parallel. A 4.0-Ω resistor is then connected
in series with the parallel combination. A 6.0-V battery is then connected to the series-parallel
combination. What is the current through the 9.0-Ω resistor?
A) zero
B) 0.53 A
C) 0.83 A
D) 0.30 A
21) A 3.0-Ω resistor is connected in parallel with a 6.0-Ω resistor. This combination is
connected in series with a 4.0-Ω resistor. The resistors are connected to a 12-volt battery. How
much power is dissipated in the 3.0-Ω resistor?
A) 2.7 W
B) 5.3 W
C) 6.0 W
D) 12 W
22) What is the total resistance of the circuit in Fig. 19-2?
A) 80 Ω
B) 55 Ω
C) 50 Ω
D) 35 Ω
23) If E = 40 V, what is the voltage on R1 in Fig. 19-2?
A) 6.7 V
B) 8.0 V
C) 10 V
D) 20 V
24) If E = 20 V, what is the current through R3 in Fig. 19-2?
A) 0.050 A
B) 0.20 A
C) 1.0 A
D) 4.0 A
25) If 1.5 A flows through R2, what is E in Fig. 19-2?
A) 150 V
B) 75 V
C) 60 V
D) 30 V
26) What is the total resistance of the circuit in Fig. 19-3?
A) 950 Ω
B) 450 Ω
C) 392 Ω
D) 257 Ω
27) If E = 100 V, what is the voltage across R5 in Fig. 19-3?
A) 19 V
B) 40 V
C) 75 V
D) 77 V
28) If E = 4.0 V, what is the current through R6 in Fig. 19-3?
A) 0.0077 A
B) 0.017 A
C) 0.040 A
D) 4.0 A
29) Determine the current in the 7-Ω resistor in Fig. 19-6.
A) 0.28 A
B) 1.3 A
C) 1.6 A
D) 2.1 A
30) Determine the current in the 8-Ω resistor in Fig. 19-6.
A) 0.28 A
B) 1.3 A
C) 1.6 A
D) 2.1 A
31) Determine the current in the 4-Ω resistor in Fig. 19-6.
A) 0.28 A
B) 1.3 A
C) 1.6 A
D) 2.1 A
32) Four 16 μF capacitors are connected in series. The equivalent capacitance of this
combination is
A) 64 μF.
B) 16 μF.
C) 8.0 μF.
D) 4.0 μF.
33) 5.00 μF, 10.0 μF, and 50.0 μF capacitors are connected in series across a 12.0-V battery.
How much charge is stored in the 5.00-μF capacitor?
A) 12.5 μC
B) 25.0 μC
C) 37.5 μC
D) 50.0 μC
34) 5.00 μF, 10.0 μF, and 50.0 μF capacitors are connected in series across a 12.0-V battery.
What is the potential difference across the 10.0-μF capacitor?
A) 1.25 V
B) 2.50 V
C) 3.75 V
D) 5.00 V
35) A 1.0-μF and a 2.0-μF capacitor are connected in series across a 3.0-V battery. What is the
voltage across the 1.0-μF capacitor?
A) 3.0 V
B) 2.0 V
C) 1.0 V
D) zero
36) A 1.0-μF and a 2.0-μF capacitor are connected in series across a 3.0-V battery. What is the
voltage across the 2.0-μF capacitor?
A) 3.0 V
B) 2.0 V
C) 1.0 V
D) zero
37) 1.0 μF, 2.0 μF, and 3.0 μF capacitors are connected in parallel across a 24-V battery. How
much energy is stored in this combination when the capacitors are fully charged?
A) 1.7 mJ
B) 2.1 mJ
C) 4.8 mJ
D) 7.1 mJ
38) Capacitances of 10 μF and 20 μF are connected in parallel, and this pair is then connected in
series with a 30-μF capacitor. What is the equivalent capacitance of this arrangement?
A) 10 μF
B) 15 μF
C) 25 μF
D) 60 μF
39) Two capacitors of 6.00 μF and 8.00 μF are connected in parallel. The combination is then
connected in series with a 12.0-V battery and a 14.0-μF capacitor. What is the equivalent
A) 6.00 μF
B) 7.00 μF
C) 8.00 μF
D) 14.0 μF
40) Two capacitors of 6.00 μF and 8.00 μF are connected in parallel. The combination is then
connected in series with a 12.0-V battery and a 14.0-μF capacitor. What is the charge on the
6.00-μF capacitor?
A) 12.0 μC
B) 36.0 μC
C) 48.0 μC
D) 84.0 μC
41) Two capacitors of 6.00 μF and 8.00 μF are connected in parallel. The combination is then
connected in series with a 12.0-V battery and a 14.0-μF capacitor. What is the voltage across the
6.00-μF capacitor?
A) 4.00 V
B) 5.00 V
C) 6.00 V
D) 12.0 V