Download The Excretory/Urinary System

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The Excretory/Urinary
The excretory system discharges waste.
Major Functions
● The kidney collects and removes
waste from the body.
● The ureter is the tube that
carries urine from the kidney to
the bladder.
● The urinary bladder collects
urine from the kidneys.
● The urethra is an exit from the
Major Functions Continued...
● The lungs are responsible for
keeping out carbon dioxide.
● The skin protects the body from
the intake of dust that can lead to diseases.
● The liver breaks down compounds
and proteins which turns into urea.
The Nephron
● There are about 1 million nephrons
in our kidneys.
● Our nephrons clean our blood in
the Bowman’s capsule.
● The purpose of the nephron is to
remove waste before the toxic level goes up
❏ The nervous system sends signals
to the excretory system to tell when
to release the waste in your body.
❏ The circulatory system gives the
kidneys and other organs in our body
blood to function.
Teamwork Continued...
❏ The muscular system moves waste throughout the body
and provides protection for all of the organs.
❏ The skeletal system protects the excretory system and
provides red and white blood cells for all systems.
Fun Facts
1) Did you know that in the average lifespan, a normal human
being pees almost 3000 times a year?
2) Another fact is that an average adult human being can store up
to 20 ounces of urine.
3) It is estimated that the bladder of an average person takes in
7,850,000,000,000 gallons of fluid and passes it out through
the urethra in the normal person’ lifespan.
Fun Facts Continued...
1) On average, the kidneys can filter 1.3 liters of blood.
2) Unlike all the other body parts of which skin is a
component, excretory system does not have skin as a
part of it.
By: Rafael Torres and Jordan Parker