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Harvard Kennedy School
79 JFK St. Box 114
Cambridge, MA 02138
(434) 409-5284
[email protected]
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bucknell
University, Fall 2014-.
Saguaro Seminar Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School, 2012-2014. PI:
Robert Putnam.
American Sociological Association and National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow,
Department of Sociology, Harvard University, 2010-2012. PI: Bruce Western.
Ph.D., University of Virginia, Sociology, 2010.
“The Hidden Injuries of Risk: Coming of Age in the Midst of Social and Economic
Uncertainty.” Dissertation Committee: Sarah Corse (Chair), Allison Pugh, and Milton
Comprehensive Exams: Culture (2006) and Gender (2007): Both Passed with Distinction
M.A., University of Virginia, Sociology, 2006.
B.A., magna cum laude, Wellesley College, 2004.
 2013. Coming Up Short: Working-Class Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty. Oxford University Press.
Articles in Refereed Journals
 2012. “Constructing Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty.” American Sociological Review 78(4):
505-522 (lead article).
2010. “Beyond the Depleting Model of Parenting: Narratives of Childrearing and Change”
(with Allison Pugh). Sociological Inquiry 80(4): 605-627.
2008. “‘A New Generation of Women’? How Female ROTC Cadets Negotiate the Tension
between Masculine Military Culture and Traditional Femininity.” Social Forces 87(2): 937-960.
o Reprinted in Gender and Higher Education, edited by Barbara Bank.
Book Chapter
 “Intimate Inequalities: Love and Work in the Postindustrial Landscape” (with Sarah Corse).
Forthcoming in Beyond the Cubicle: Postindustrial Culture and the Flexible Self, edited by Allison J.
Pugh. Oxford University Press.
Translations (French to English):
 2011. Bloch, Marc. “Memoire Collective, Tradition et Coutume: A propos d'un Livre Recent.”
Pp. 150-155 in The Collective Memory Reader. Edited by Jeffrey K. Olick, Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi
and Daniel Levy. Oxford University Press.
2011. Blondel, Charles. “Revue Critique: M. Halbwachs Les Cadres Sociaux de la Memoire.”
P.156 in The Collective Memory Reader. Edited by Jeffrey K. Olick, Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi and
Daniel Levy. Oxford University Press.
Book Review:
 2013. Rutherford, Markella B. Adult Supervision Required: Private Freedom and Public Constraints for
Parents and Children. Forthcoming in Social Forces.
Op Ed:
 2013. “Young and Isolated.” The New York Times, June 23.
“The Privatization of Savvy” (with Kaisa Snellman and Carl Frederick).
“Class Mobility and the Construction of the Agentic Self” (with Sarah Corse).
“Making Sense of Conservatism: Distrust, Betrayal, and Politics among the American Working
“Understanding the Boundary between Researcher and Participant in a World of Social Media.”
“Making a Meaningful Life: Gender, Class, and Narrative Resources” (with Sarah Corse).
Certificate of Teaching Excellence, Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard
University, 2012.
Postdoctoral Award for Professional Development, Harvard University, 2012.
Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Humanities & Social Sciences, University of
Virginia, 2010.
Woodrow Wilson Women’s Studies Dissertation Fellowship, 2009-2010.
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of Virginia,
Dissertation Award, Department of Sociology, University of Virginia, 2009.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Teaching Resource Center, University of Virginia,
Bierstedt Prize for Best Graduate Paper in Sociology, University of Virginia, 2007.
Lecturer, Harvard University, Sociology Department: Coming of Age in the 21st Century
(Spring 2012).
Senior Thesis Adviser, Harvard University, Sociology Department (Fall 2011-Spring 2012).
o Student Keri Hartman was the winner of a Hoopes Prize, Harvard’s highest honor for
undergraduate writing.
Instructor, University of Virginia, Sociology Department: Introduction to Sociology (Summer
2007, 2009).
Teaching Assistant, University of Virginia, Sociology Department: Popular Culture (Fall 2004),
Criminology (Spring 2005), Introduction to Social Statistics (Fall 2005/Spring 2006),
Introduction to Sociology (Fall 2006/Spring 2007), Sociology of the Family (Fall 2007),
Research Methods (Spring 2008).
Research Assistant for Allison Pugh, University of Virginia, 2007-2008.
“Intimacy and Family Relations in 21st Century America” (with Sarah Corse). Presented at the
Sociologists for Women in Society Winter Meeting, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, 2013.
“Trapped: How Risk and Uncertainty are Endangering the Futures of American Working-Class
Youth.” Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, ASA/NSF
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Special Session (Causes and Consequences of the Great
Recession: Micro Impacts), Denver, CO, 2012.
“The Predominance of the Family Past: Narratives of Suffering and Redemption among the
Postindustrial Working Class.” Presented at the Work and Family Researchers Network
Meeting, New York, June 2012.
“The Hyper-Symbolism of the Family Past: Narratives of Suffering and Self-Transformation
among the Postindustrial Working Class.” Presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual
Meeting (Presidential Session), New York, February 2012.
“Prisoners of the Past.” Presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual
Meeting, Montreal, November 2011.
“Working-Class Subjectivity in an Age of Economic Uncertainty and Neoliberal Ideology.”
Presented at the Politics of Inequality Network International Meeting, Sciences Po, Paris, May
“The New Requirements of Coming of Age: Constructing Adulthood in an Age of
Uncertainty.” Presented at the Harvard Culture and Social Analysis Workshop, Harvard
University, March 2011.
“The Hidden Injuries of Risk.” Invited Lecture, Wellesley College Sociology Department,
October 2010.
“The Hidden Injuries of Risk.” Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual
Meeting, Atlanta, GA, August 2010.
“Slight Expectations: Coming of Age in the Midst of Economic Uncertainty.” Presented at the
Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, March 2010.
“The Effect of Care on Caregivers.” Presented at the Carework Network 6th International
Carework Conference, San Francisco, CA, August 2009.
“Reproduction, Resistance, and the Cultural Logic of Femininity.” Presented at the American
Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, August 2007.
“Body Counts: Gender, Militarization, and the Construction of Identity.” Presented at the
Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, February 2006.
Introduction to Sociology; Stratification; Race, Class, and Gender; Family; Research Methods;
Culture; Qualitative Methods; Sociology of the Self; Transitions to Adulthood
Associate Trustee, Concord Carlisle Scholarship Fund, 2013-present.
Consultant, Diversity and Inclusion Training Program, US Department of Veterans Affairs,
Reviewer for American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Gender & Society, Sociological Perspectives,
Journal of Youth Studies, and Qualitative Sociology.
Member of the American Sociological Association, Eastern Sociological Society, Work and
Family Researchers Network, and Sociologists for Women in Society.
Bruce Western
Professor of Sociology
Harvard University
33 Kirkland Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 495-3879
[email protected]
Robert Putnam
Professor of Public Policy
Harvard University
79 JFK Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 495-0539
[email protected]
Sarah Corse
Associate Professor of Sociology
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400766, 317 Dynamics
Charlottesville, VA 22904
(434) 924-6515
[email protected]
Allison J. Pugh
Associate Professor of Sociology
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400766, 304 Dynamics
Charlottesville, VA 22904
(434) 924-6510
[email protected]