Download OHS PROJECT STATUS – SUMMARY (DRAFT) It is our intention to

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It is our intention to briefly summarize the three critical factors regarding this project:
1) Abatement/renovation vs. new construction (BOS), Timeline (OHBC) and Budget (OHBC).
Pre-Building Committee Decision:
The Board of Selectman’s unanimous decision of (01/02/2103) in favor of abatement and
then renovate Osborn Hill School’s existing gymnasium as oppose to knocking it down
and then rebuilding a new gymnasium, the BOS members at that time (Michael Tetreau,
Kevin Kiley and Cristin McCarthy Vahey) saved the Town of Fairfield almost $1 Million
(estimate: $4,694,250.00 - $ 3,711,840.00 = $982,410.00).
Scheme 1: Proposed Windows / Door Replacement and Renovated Gym
Total projected cost (as of 2013)
5% escalation cost (2014)
5% escalation cost (2015)
Total adjusted projected cost
$ 3,374,400.00
$ 168,720.00
$ 168,720.00
$ 3,711,840.00
Scheme 2: Proposed Windows / Door Replacement and New Gym
Total projected cost (as of 2013)
5% escalation cost (2014)
5% escalation cost (2015)
Total adjusted projected cost
$ 4,267,500.00
$ 213,375.00
$ 213,375.00
$ 4,694,250.00
Scheme 3: Proposed Windows / Door Replacement and New Gym (Expanded)
Total projected cost (as of 2013)
5% escalation cost (2014)
5% escalation cost (2015)
Total adjusted projected cost
$ 6,235,000.00
$ 311,750.00
$ 311,750.00
$ 6,858,500.00
(*) The adjusted projected cost(s) are based on the Osborn Hill Elementary
School Conceptual Study Proposed 2013 Plan provided by
Silver/Petrucelli+Associates dated December 21, 2012, specifically
pages 15 – 17, which includes the following footnote:
Estimate based on 2013 costs – Escalated 5% for every year thereafter.
The adjusted projected cost(s) are the projected are construction cost only,
and not the total OHS Building Project cost of $4,195,013.00 (original) or the
currently $4,535,646.00 (Original + Additional Funding of $340,633.00), both of
which contain the BOE Emergency Funding portion of the project.
The contractual deadlines for the completion of the OHS Project: Part A - Abatement and
windows and Part C - Replacement of remaining doors and windows were both
completed on time and prior to the start of school years 2014 and 2015 respectfully (Part
A - August 28, 2014, Part C - September 3, 2015). Part B - Abatement and Gymnasium
of the project was not completed by the contractual date of January 8, 2015, due to
several factors as detail in the meeting minutes. The Gymnasium was however reopened on May 18, 2015, the first time since being closed June 2012. Although, the
construction firm - Gennarini did miss the deadline for Part B, the other three companies
offering bids for the project proposed by comparison had contractual deadlines as
follows: Bismarck (288 days: March 27, 2015), Holzner Electric (365 days: June 11,
2015) and Tomlinson Hawley Patterson (180 days: December 8, 2014), all of these firms
provided total project bids greater than Gennarini.
As of the September 2015, the OHS Building Committee estimates that it has an actual
estimated Funds Remaining of $323,810.48. The Committee had requested and received
an additional $340,633.00 earlier this year (February 23, 2015). The current difference
between the two figures puts the project over the 2013 OHS Conceptual Study budget by
$16,822.52, which doesn’t include the Conceptual Study’s appropriation for an addalternative: enclosed walkway of $70,000.00.
As with the Pre-Building Committee Decision it is important to note that these figures are
comparing 2013 dollars vs. 2015 dollars. Adjusting to 2015 dollars would increase the
OHS Building Project “projected” construction budget by $337,440.00, less the current
difference would result in the project being under budget by $320,617.48, again with a
solution for the enclosed walkway as yet to be determined.