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Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 1 – Words with sk, sp, st
Some words have blends with two consonant sounds blended together: risk,
spider, stopped.
1. skinny
2. task
3. risk
4. spider
5. wasp
6. crisp
7. stopped
8. style
9. arrest
10. suggest
11. skeleton
12. skunk
13. brisk
14. spilled
15. spinach
16. grasp
17. stumble
18. statue
19. boast
20. adjust
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 2 – Words with ng, nk, th
Some words have consonants blended together that are pronounced as one sound:
strong, blank, north.
1. strong
2. nothing
3. everything
4. blank
5. trunk
6. Thanksgiving
7. they
8. then
9. north
10. there
11. clothing
12. among
13. sting
14. hanger
15. lightning
16. chipmunk
17. shrink
18. without
19. though
20. thought
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 3 – Words with kn, mb, gh, st
Sometimes two consonants together stand for only one sound: knew, numb,
1. knowledge
2. know
3. knew
4. numb
5. bomb
6. ghost
7. spaghetti
8. Christmas
9. listening
10. fasten
11. knead
12. knitting
13. knapsack
14. tomb
15. climber
16. plumbing
17. aghast
18. hustle
19. mistletoe
20. whistling
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 4 – Adding –s and –es
Add –s to most words, but –es to words that end with sh, ch, s, ss, or x. Change
y to I and add –es to words ending with consonant and y: companies.
1. months
2. friends
3. grades
4. cowboys
5. valleys
6. matches
7. bushes
8. passes
9. batteries
10. companies
11. donkeys
12. missiles
13. costumes
14. pictures
15. mornings
16. kisses
17. dresses
18. benches
19. speeches
20. centuries
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 5 – Adding –ed and –ing, -er, and –est
Here are 5 things to remember when adding –ed, -ing, -er, and –est:
 Some base words do not change: followed, following.
 If the base word ends with e, drop the e: cuter, cutest.
 In one syllable words that end with consonant-vowel-consonant, double the
final consonant: bigger, biggest.
 In words that end with y, the y is changed to i before adding –ed, -er, or –
est: tried, earlier, earliest.
 In words that end with y, keep the y when adding –ing: trying.
1. followed
2. following
3. tried
4. trying
5. cuter
6. cutest
7. bigger
8. biggest
9. earlier
10. earliest
11. excited
12. exciting
13. wrapped
14. wrapping
15. amused
16. amusing
17. lighter
18. lightest
19. easier
20. easiest
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
(Skip Unit 6)
Unit 7 – Using Just Enough Letters
Pronouncing a word correctly and picturing how it looks can help you avoid using too
many letters.
1. until
2. went
3. enough
4. TV
5. one
6. didn’t
7. a lot
8. want
9. doesn’t
10. always
11. necklace
12. exact
13. burglar
14. equipment
15. chimney
16. exist
17. rumbling
18. upon
19. athlete
20. examine
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 8 – Short e and Long e
Short e can be spelled ea and ai: heavy, said.
Long e can be spelled ee and ie: degree, piece.
1. heavy
2. ahead
3. measure
4. already
5. said
6. again
7. degree
8. cheese
9. goalie
10. piece
11. jealous
12. meadow
13. weapon
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 9 – Short vowels a, i, o, u
Short a is usually spelled a; and. Short i can be spelled e: before. Short o can be
spelled o: problem. Short u can be spelled u and oo: swung, blood.
1. past
2. and
3. perhaps
4. before
5. possible
6. solve
7. problem
8. swung
9. because
10. blood
11. accident
12. adventure
13. decided
14. pretend
15. belong
16. lobster
17. python
18. jungle
19. shuttle
20. flood
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 10 – Long vowels a, i, o
Long a can be spelled ai and a: brain, favorite. Long i is usually spelled
i-consonant-e: slide. Long o can be spelled ow and o-consonant-e: owner, whole.
1. brain
2. main
3. favorite
4. stranger
5. sidewalk
6. slide
7. bowling
8. owner
9. whole
10. globe
11. claim
12. complain
13. aliens
14. vacation
15. survive
16. crime
17. arrow
18. snowball
19. antelope
20. slope
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 11 – Vowel sounds in rule, use, off
The vowel sound /ü/ can be spelled oo and ew: school, threw. The vowel sound
/yü/ is spelled u in music. The vowel sound /ó/ can be spelled augh and au: taught,
1. choose
2. school
3. threw
4. crew
5. drew
6. future
7. music
8. usually
9. taught
10. laundry
11. broom
12. scoop
13. booth
14. jewel
15. humor
16. Utah
17. naughty
18. daughter
19. sausage
20. launch
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
(Skip Unit 12)
Unit 13 – Including All the Letters
Some words have more letters than you might expect. To spell these words,
pronounce each syllable carefully.
1. answer
2. minute
3. happened
4. library
5. opened
6. length
7. getting
8. when
9. finished
10. maybe
11. mystery
12. dentist
13. actually
14. width
15. caramel
16. pumpkin
17. quarter
18. sandwich
19. grabbed
20. frightening
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 14 – Consonant sounds /j/ and /k/
The consonant sound /j/ can be spelled j, dge, and g: judge, general. The
consonant sound /k/ can be spelled ch, c, and cc: character, occur.
1. judge
2. major
3. subject
4. legend
5. general
6. character
7. chorus
8. occur
9. accurate
10. occasion
11. junior
12. lodge
13. ridge
14. ledge
15. Georgia
16. orchestra
17. mechanic
18. chord
19. accuse
20. raccoon
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 15 – Contractions
In contractions an apostrophe takes the place of letters that are left out, so let
us becomes let’s.
1. can’t
2. wouldn’t
3. I’m
4. you’re
5. I’ll
6. let’s
7. that’s
8. don’t
9. there’s
10. I’ve
11. weren’t
12. what’s
13. she’s
14. they’re
15. who’s
16. we’re
17. you’ve
18. should’ve
19. could’ve
20. we’ve
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 16- Compound words
Compound words are usually made of two smaller words. Keep all the letters when
spelling compounds: some + times = sometimes.
1. mailbox
2. nearby
3. into
4. sometimes
5. sunset
6. anything
7. daylight
8. something
9. haircut
10. notebook
11. earthquake
12. hideout
13. textbook
14. volleyball
15. horseback
16. handwriting
17. kickstand
18. rattlesnake
19. fireplace
20. housework
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 17 – Irregular plurals
Sometimes plurals are formed in ways that don’t follow the rules: radios, heroes,
1. radios
2. videos
3. pianos
4. heroes
5. potatoes
6. cuffs
7. beliefs
8. themselves
9. lives
10. leaves
11. patios
12. banjos
13. echoes
14. tornadoes
15. tomatoes
16. cliffs
17. hoofs
18. roofs
19. loaves
20. halves
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
(Skip Unit 18)
Lesson 19 – Getting Letters in Correct Order
Watch for letter combinations that are hard to keep in order and pay special
attention to those parts: beautiful, their.
1. lonely
2. hundred
3. friend
4. built
5. beautiful
6. heard
7. radio
8. their
9. caught
10. bored
11. guard
12. pierce
13. shriek
14. receive
15. horrible
16. jewelry
17. tumble
18. northern
19. acre
20. museum
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 20 – Vowel Sounds in boy and out
The vowel sound /oi/ can be spelled oi and oy: choice, loyal. The vowel sound /ou/
can be spelled ow and ou: towel, our.
1. choice
2. noisy
3. loyal
4. destroy
5. powder
6. towel
7. downtown
8. amount
9. our
10. outside
11. spoil
12. poison
13. Illinois
14. annoy
15. oyster
16. voyage
17. drown
18. growl
19. couch
20. surround
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 21 – Vowel Sounds with r
The vowel sound /är/ cane be spelled ar: garbage. The vowel sound /ër/ can be
spelled ur and our: return, journal.
1. army
2. starve
3. scan
4. garbage
5. hamburger
6. return
7. purpose
8. surface
9. courage
10. journal
11. argue
12. apartment
13. guitar
14. Arkansas
15. curl
16. purse
17. furniture
18. courtesy
19. nourish
20. journey
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 22 – More Vowels with r
The vowel sound /âr/ can be spelled are and air: share, stairway. The vowel sound
/ir/ can be spelled ear and eer: dear, career.
1. aware
2. prepare
3. share
4. diary
5. stairway
6. dear
7. bread
8. appear
9. volunteer
10. career
11. declare
12. spare
13. beware
14. prairie
15. repair
16. weary
17. smear
18. cheery
19. pioneer
20. reindeer
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 23 – Homophones
A homophone is a word that sounds exactly like another word, but has a different
spelling and meaning: buy, by
1. write
2. right
3. buy
4. by
5. to
6. too
7. bored
8. board
9. it’s
10. its
11. threw
12. through
13. knead
14. need
15. main
16. mane
17. past
18. passed
19. allowed
20. aloud
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
(Skip Unit 24)
Unit 25 – Related Words
Related words often have parts that are spelled the same buy pronounced
differently: cloth, clothes.
1. please
2. pleasant
3. cloth
4. clothes
5. sign
6. signature
7. dream
8. dreamt
9. part
10. partial
11. moist
12. moisten
13. breathe
14. breath
15. create
16. creature
17. elect
18. election
19. practice
20. practical
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 26 – Prefixes dis- un- mis- preA prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change the
meaning or to make a new word. When adding dis- un- mid-, or pre-, make no
changes to the base word: mid + way = midway.
1. discovered
2. disorder
3. unsure
4. unclear
5. unable
6. midweek
7. midyear
8. midway
9. pretest
10. preschool
11. disappoint
12. disobey
13. disapprove
14. unbuckle
15. unlimited
16. midnight
17. midstream
18. precook
19. prepaid
20. prerecorded
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 27 – Suffixes –able, -ible, -ant, -ent
When suffixes – able, -ible, -ant, and –ent are added, often the base word stays
the same: comfortable. In most words that end in e, the e is dropped: sensible. In
most words that end with y, the y is changed to i: defiant.
1. comfortable
2. reasonable
3. washable
4. responsible
5. sensible
6. contestant
7. defiant
8. servant
9. student
10. resident
11. agreeable
12. valuable
13. convertible
14. flexible
15. reversible
16. observant
17. occupant
18. urgent
19. confident
20. opponent
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 28 – Suffixes –ous, -ion, -ation
When adding the suffixes –ous, -ion, and –ation, often the base word stays the
same: inform, information. For most words ending in e, drop the e: fame, famous.
For most words ending in y, change the y to i: mystery, mysterious.
1. famous
2. nervous
3. mysterious
4. dangerous
5. selection
6. education
7. information
8. organization
9. conversation
10. imagination
11. joyous
12. marvelous
13. humorous
14. instruction
15. attraction
16. rejection
17. inflation
18. decoration
19. admiration
20. preparation
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 29 – Possessives
To form possessives of singular nouns, add an apostrophe and s: Dad’s. For plural
nouns that end in s, add an apostrophe: sisters’. For plural nouns that do not end in
s, add apostrophe s: children’s.
1. friend’s
2. today’s
3. Dad’s
4. Mom’s
5. sister’s
6. sisters’
7. child’s
8. children’s
9. person’s
10. people’s
11. grandmother’s
12. grandfather’s
13. uncle’s
14. uncles’
15. doctor’s
16. doctors’
17. cousin’s
18. cousins’
19. woman’s
20. women’s
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
(Skip Unit 30)
Unit 31 – Vowels with No Sound Clues
In some words the vowel sound you hear gives no clue to its spelling: president
1. manager
2. president
3. different
4. terrible
5. finally
6. really
7. supposed
8. probably
9. California
10. especially
11. balance
12. constant
13. innocent
14. realize
15. opportunity
16. pollute
17. prisoner
18. celebrate
19. grocery
20. elevator
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 32 – Vowels in Final Syllables
Vowels in final syllables often sound alike even when they are spelled differently:
another, calendar; evil, cancel; captain, frozen.
1. either
2. another
3. calendar
4. evil
5. cancel
6. label
7. eaten
8. frozen
9. curtain
10. captain
11. computer
12. solar
13. particular
14. fossil
15. civil
16. channel
17. quarrel
18. siren
19. fountain
20. bargain
Ms. Neri
Spelling words
Unit 33 – Capitalization
Names of cities and states are always capitalized because they are proper nouns.
1. Houston
2. Alaska
3. Kentucky
4. Little Rock
5. Duluth
6. Arizona
7. Miami
8. Indiana
9. Alabama
10. South Carolina
11. Baltimore
12. Detroit
13. Los Angeles
14. Hawaii
15. Memphis
16. Virginia
17. Oregon
18. Pittsburgh
19. Syracuse
20. New York
Ms. Neri
Unit 34 – Easily Confused Words
Some words are easily confused because they have similar pronunciations and
spelling: except, accept.
1. of
2. off
3. except
4. accept
5. which
6. witch
7. where
8. were
9. weather
10. whether
11. plant
12. planet
13. bounds
14. bounce
15. desert
16. dessert
17. rise
18. raise
19. dinner
20. diner
Ms. Neri
Unit 35 – Compound Words 2
Some compound words are written as one word: everybody. Others are written as
two words: all right.
1. bookshelf
2. someone
3. everybody
4. nowhere
5. cupcake
6. home run
7. each other
8. hot dog
9. all right
10. high school
11. grandparent
12. wristwatch
13. everyone
14. blindfold
15. typewriter
16. pen pal
17. living room
18. peanut butter
19. no one
20. first aid