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AP World History Summer Reading:
What is the assignment?
Read and outline chapters 1-6 of Traditions and Encounters. If you have not been assigned a book, the front
office will check a book out to you. Contact me if there is a problem.
What is the purpose of the summer reading?
Chapters 1-6 in the Bentley book are what College Board defines as historical period 1 in world history.
Historical period 1 can be no more than 5% of the AP World exam. Is it important? Yes. Although it is not a
large part of the exam it sets the foundations of world history. It is very difficult to understand the concepts of
historical period 2 if you do not understand historical period 1.
The purpose of the summer reading is that I would like to decrease the amount of in class time that is spent on
the first six chapters. THERE ARE 40 CHAPTERS IN THE BOOK. Reading the first six chapters over the summer
will also allow more time to focus on the writing skills. This will result in better grades, and a better chance of
passing the AP Exam at the end of the year.
This will be easy; I will just get the answers from somebody else…right?
Here is the hardest part of the class…reading. IF YOU DO NOT READ THE BOOK, YOU WILL NOT BE SUCCESSFUL
IN THIS CLASS. Every AP world student comes to the realization at some point that they have to read the book
to do well. It is so much more beneficial to come to this realization on chapter 1 than on chapter 25. This will
be the sixth year I have taught this class and the one continuity is that students that read do well. You are
taking a college level class, I expect you to approach the class with integrity and academic maturity. Read and
outline the book.
How much time should I spend on summer reading?
Twelve hours. That’s it. The first six chapters are the shortest and easiest to understand. You should spend no
more than two hours per chapter. It is less than 150 pages total with lots of pictures and maps. Are you
starting to feel better? I suggest dividing each chapter into two parts. One hour (or less) a day for 12 days
during the summer. Get it done early, so you don’t have to worry about it the rest of the summer.
What if I don’t do the assignment?
This would be my first sign that you are not ready for this class. Which is o.k., not every high school
sophomore is ready for a college level class. A meeting will be scheduled to discuss your future in AP World
History. Please realize that earning a zero on the first day will make it difficult to earn a “B” for the first quarter
in my class, or another World History class you are transferred to.
How will you be graded?
• Each student will turn in the 1-6 outlines on the first day of school. Directions for outlining are
o Each outline is worth 20 points (120 points total).
o Typed outlines will not be accepted. Hand-write your outlines.
• On the first day of school you will take a 30 question multiple-choice test on chapters 1-6.
o Students will be able to use the outlines on the test
o There will be a 25-minute time limit on the test. It is a really good idea to review/study your
notes before the test.
o Test = 150 points
How do I make sure I get a 100% on my outlines?
There are outlines for the chapters on the internet. DO NOT USE those outlines. They suck. Yours will be
better. Why? Because you did it.
Read and outline the chapters in your own words. Make your best effort. This assignment is meant to be easy.
Don’t make it difficult. Read and outline the chapters.
By doing your summer assignment you will have an advantage. There will be more time for classroom
discussion and activities for the other 34 chapters. There will be more time to work on the writing skills you
must master to pass the AP Exam. Take advantage of this opportunity. This class is hard, but if you manage
your time in order to read this entire text book, your life will be easier, you will make better grades, your
parents will be happy, your teacher will be happy, and you will be happy.
Thank you for your efforts. I look forward to spending an excellent school year with you.
Jay Kilgore
AP World History
[email protected]