Download What is it? External Text Feature Its Purpose 1. table of contents 2

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What is it?
A list of the chapters/sections and the
pages on which the chapters begin
External Text Feature
1. table of contents
Its Purpose
Shows us what is included in the source, where the
chapters begin, and how the source is organized
A list of the specific items found in a text
and the pages where each item is located
2. index
Helps us to find the exact page of a specific piece of
A list of the important words and their
definitions that are found in a text
3. glossary
Helps us to know what the important vocabulary
words mean
The general name of a book, article,
chapter, or section
4. title
Tells us the topic
The name of a specific section within an
article or chapter
5. heading and
Tells us the main idea of the section
A word written with darker print, colored
print, or a slanted font
6. boldfaced type,
colored type, or italics
Helps us to recognize the important vocabulary
An alternative spelling that shows how
the word sounds
7. pronunciation
Shows us how to say difficult words
A picture, chart, map, timeline, or graph
8. graphic
(photograph, illustration, chart,
diagram, graph)
Words that are right next to, above, or
below a graphic
9. caption
(1. )Helps us to visualize what the words say
(2.) It may show us additional information using
Helps us understand a graphic by explaining what
we are looking at
A small box that holds information
related to the text
10. sidebar
Gives extra information to expand on what we have
read and learned
A list of questions at the end of a chapter
or section
11. questions
Lets us check if we understood what we just read
Text that is pushed in
12. indentation
Shows us that there is something different about a
part of the text
A line drawn underneath a word or group
of words
13. underlining
Helps us to recognize the important vocabulary