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The nuclear and extended mid-infrared
emission of Seyfert Galaxies
I. García-Bernete, C. Ramos Almeida, J. A. Acosta-Pulido, et al., 2016,
MNRAS, submitted
AGN: what's in a name?, Garching, 2016
The central engines of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)
Unified Model (Antonucci 1993)
The AGN type depends on orientation
Seyfert torus size ~ few pc
(Burtscher et al. 2013; García-Burillo et al. 2016)
The torus absorbs the intrinsic AGN
radiation and re-emits it in the IR,
peaking in the MIR
Credit: W. Steffen (UNAM)
The central engines of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)
Unified Model (Antonucci 1993)
The AGN type depends on orientation
Seyfert torus size ~ few pc
(Burtscher et al. 2013; García-Burillo et al. 2016)
The torus absorbs the intrinsic AGN
radiation and re-emits it in the IR,
peaking in the MIR
Credit: W. Steffen (UNAM)
The central engines of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)
Unified Model (Antonucci 1993)
The AGN type depends on orientation
Seyfert torus size ~ few pc
(Burtscher et al. 2013; García-Burillo et al. 2016)
The torus absorbs the intrinsic AGN
radiation and re-emits it in the IR,
peaking in the MIR
Credit: W. Steffen (UNAM)
The central engines of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)
Unified Model (Antonucci 1993)
The AGN type depends on orientation
Seyfert torus size ~ few pc
(Burtscher et al. 2013; García-Burillo et al. 2016)
The torus absorbs the intrinsic AGN
radiation and re-emits it in the IR,
peaking in the MIR
Black Hole
Accretion disk
Clumpy torus
Cold dust
Credit: W. Steffen (UNAM)
Mid-IR imaging: space (Spitzer/IRAC) vs. ground
(Gemini/T-ReCS) observations
Díaz-Santos (2009, PhD)
Mid-IR imaging: space (Spitzer/IRAC) vs. ground
(Gemini/T-ReCS) observations
Díaz-Santos (2009, PhD)
IRAC 8 micron
Sample selection
9 Month Swift/BAT AGN catalog
Very hard 14-195 keV band
One of the most complete to date
IRAC 8 micron
Sample selection
9 Month Swift/BAT AGN catalog
Very hard 14-195 keV band
One of the most complete to date
Seyferts and distance limit
8-10 m-class ground-based telescopes
N-band: resolution ~0.3''
DL<40 Mpc → resolution< 50 pc
IRAC 8 micron
Sample selection
9 Month Swift/BAT AGN catalog
Very hard 14-195 keV band
One of the most complete to date
Seyferts and distance limit
8-10 m-class ground-based telescopes
N-band: resolution ~0.3''
DL<40 Mpc → resolution< 50 pc
24 Seyfert galaxies
Statistically significant results
Nuclear and circumnuclear MIR emission
Nuclear & circumnuclear fluxes
Compactness factor
Nuclear fluxes (inner ~70 pc)→ PSF subtraction
(nuclear/total flux ratio)
Nuclear fluxes at 8 micron
The sample is dominated by circumnuclear MIR
emission with low surface brightness
The extended emission is ~30% of the total emission
Circumnuclear emission = total – nuclear emission
~25% Sy 1 and ~30% Sy 2
It is important to perform visual classification to take
into account this emission
Parsec-scale morphologies
MIR morphologies classification
(visual & quantitative)
subarcsecond vs
MIR morphologies on scales of ~400 pc
Visual classification (by eye)
Quantitative classification:
Compactness factor and PSF-sub residuals
75-79% of the sample show extended morphologies
arcsecond res. data
Only few galaxies have similar structures
For the majority of the galaxies, the IRAC PSF is
larger than the HR extended emission
The HR data is important to characterize the
circumnuclear MIR emission
Parsec-scale morphologies
Are the MIR morphologies related to galaxy inclination and/or luminosity?
Point-like MIR morphologies found in face-on
or moderately-inclined galaxies
Extended MIR morphologies found in galaxies
at different inclinations
We do not find a dependence of the MIR
morphologies on X-ray luminosity
Kpc-scale morphologies
Arcsecond res. data
Kpc-scale morphologies
Arcsecond res. data
Galaxies with high S/N extended
Similar structures and orientations
Origin of the heating source of the MIR
extended emission
vs subarcsecond res. data
Spitzer/IRS spectra
Kpc-scale morphologies
subarcsecond res. data
Galaxies with high S/N extended
Similar structures and orientations
Origin of the heating source of the MIR
extended emission
Spitzer/IRS spectra
AGN-dominated systems have more
compact MIR emission (300±100 pc) than
SF dominated systems (600±700 pc)
Kpc-scale morphologies
subarcsecond res. data
Galaxies with high S/N extended
Similar structures and orientations
Origin of the heating source of the MIR
extended emission
Spitzer/IRS spectra
AGN-dominated systems have more
compact MIR emission (300±100 pc) than
SF dominated systems (600±700 pc)
Comparison with normal galaxies
Using IRAC data
70 nearby normal galaxies (SINGs sample)
The total MIR luminosity of Seyfert galaxies
is higher than in normal galaxies
Subtracting the nuclear emission →
remains larger than normal galaxies
Extra-contribution of AGN-heated dust
MIR correlations with AGN and SF indicators
Circumnuclear emission
14-195 keV
2-10 keV
Nuclear emission
Nuclear and circumnuclear MIR emission: tight correlation with X-rays → AGN activity
Sy 1 and Sy 2 are consistent with each other → 8 micron nuclear fluxes are nearly isotropic
MIR correlations with AGN and SF indicators
Circumnuclear emission
[O IV]
Nuclear emission
Tight correlation with X-rays and [O IV], and weak correlation with [Ne II]SF → nuclear and
circumnuclear MIR emission are AGN-dominated
The majority of the galaxies (75-59%) show extended morphologies
This extended emission has low surface brightness → (~30% of the total)
AGN-dominated systems have more compact extended MIR emission than SF-dominated
Tight correlations with X-rays and [O IV], and weak correlation with [Ne II]SF →
8 micron nuclear fluxes (~70 pc) in our sample are AGN-dominated
Practically the same correlations with larger scatter for the circumnuclear emission →
AGN dominates the MIR emission in the inner ~ 400 pc (with some contribution of SF)
I. García-Bernete, C. Ramos Almeida, J. A. Acosta-Pulido, et al., 2016, MNRAS, submitted
Email: [email protected]
Study of the torus properties of this complete sample of Seyfert galaxies
Nuclear IR fluxes and high angular resolution MIR spectra
NGC 2992
Are the covering factors of Sy1 and Sy2 ≠ ?
García-Bernete et al. (2015)
Ramos Almeida et al. (2014)
Email: [email protected]
Nuclear MIR emission
Nuclear fluxes
Nuclear fluxes (inner ~70 pc)→ PSF subtraction
Nuclear fluxes at 8 micron
1) Match the PSF star to the galaxy peak
100 % (oversubtracted)
2) Subtract different percentages of the galaxy
peak emission
3) Find non-oversubtracted residuals
1-D profile
Subtraction residuals
Nuclear MIR emission
Nuclear fluxes
Nuclear fluxes (inner ~70 pc)→ PSF subtraction
(HR observations with ≠ filters)
Spitzer/IRS spectral
Nuclear fluxes as priors
Homogeneous nuclear fluxes at 8 micron