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Also called excretory, genitourinary (GU) or urogenital system
Main functions:
Filters substances from the blood –
Eliminates fluid body wastes –
Urology :is the medical and surgical specialty that focuses on the
urinary tracts of males and females, and on the reproductive system of
ur/o: Relating to urine –
Specialties and practitioners –
Urologist: A physician who deals with the study and treatment of –
disorders of the urinary tract in women and the urogenital system in
Nephrology (kidney = nephro –
Nephrologist : is a doctor who specializes in kidney health and kidney
Anatomy & Physiology
Consists of •
Two kidney –
Two ureters –
One bladder –
One urethra –
Ending of tract – external urinary meatus
(Opening for passage of urine)
Located just above the waist •
Retroperitoneal area (retro = behind) –
On either side of spinal column –
Bean-shaped –
Outer cortex •
Inner medulla
Attached to the ureter that drains urine into the
Composed of millions of nephrons –
Microscopic, basic units
Muscular tubes, contract to move urine –
Transport urine from kidneys to bladder –
Urethra •
Conveys urine to the outside, via urinary meatus –
Male – urine and semen –
Cyst/o, cyst/i, vesic/o •
Muscular, membranous sac •
Serves as reservoir for urine •
Holds approximately 300 - 400 mL –
Expands and contracts –
Two sphincters seal off bladder and hold urine
Sensory nerve receptors signal when full –
Urine excretion terms •
Urination, voiding, micturition –
Consists of 95% water, 5% solid substances •
Void about 1000 - 1500 mL/day •
3 Processes: •
Filtration:All diffusable materials pass from the blood into the
Reabsorption:Substances moved out of nephons into
surrounding capillaries (blood)
Secretion:Substances move from capillaries into the urine –
Urination problems: •
Dysuria – pain or difficulty •
Anuria – inability to produce urine •
Hematuria – blood in urine •
Nocturia – excessive urination at night •
Oliguria – scant amount of urine produced •
Polyuria - Increased production of urine •
Pyuria – pus in urine •
Glycosuria – presence of sugar in urine •
Horseshoe kidney •
Congenital anomaly, kidneys attached •
Glomerulonephritis •
Acute kidney infection •
Poststreptococcal infection •
Nephrotic syndrome (nephrosis);May occur after glomerulonephritis
Proteinuria( protein in the urine) •
Albuminuria( albumin in the urine) •
Can become chronic, leading to kidney failure •
Urinary tract infections (UTI): More common in girls •
Causes dysuria, fever, frequency, urgency, chills, pyuria •
Pyelonephritis (pyel/o = urinary pelvis) •
Inflammation of internal structures:May result from UTIs •
Enuresis: Bedwetting •
Wilm ‘s tumor:Malignancy of kidney :Usually found in infancy
Sytemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) •
Commonly called lupus (wolf = lupus) •
Autoimmune disorder,Most often seen in teenage girls •
Often begins with nephritis, Hematuria,Proteinuria •
it is an Inflammatory connective tissue disease in many body areas
Calculus or nephrolith:Stone(s) in the kidney •
Nephrolithiasis: condition of having kidney stones •
VERY painful •
Renal colic – pain in abdomen •
Flank pain – kidney area of back •
Treatment: •
Drink lots of water – wait for stone to pass •
Shock wave lithotripsy: breaking up stones in kidney or ureter using •
4- OLD AGE •
Problems often due to weakened bladder muscles •
Incontinence:Inability to hold urine •
Cystocele: Space or cavity = cele •
Hernia of bladder that pushes it into the vagina •
Vesicoureteral reflux:: Flow of urine backward from bladder into ureter •
General urine examination:Lab study of urine
Valuable diagnostic tool •
Can detect: •
1- Blood – renal disease, trauma •
2- Bacteria –infection •
3- Protein – sign of renal disease
4- Glucose – diabetes •
5- Bilirubin –liver disease •
PH = acidic •
Blood tests: •
Creatinine clearance level •
Measures how blood is being filtered by kidney
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) •
Measures level of urea •
Indication of kidney function
Imaging tests •
KUB (kidneys, ureters, bladder) :For simple screening •
Renal scan:Uses a radioactive substance to view kidneys •
Cystoscopy:Cystoscope inserted up through meatus to view urethra •
and bladder .
Intravenous pyelogram (IVP):Dye injected into vein •
To view kidneys and surrounding structures •
DIALYSIS: Accessing the blood to clear it of waste products through •
artificial means
Kidney unable to do this (kidney failure) •
Two types •
Hemodialysis:Machine used as an artificial kidney •
Machine contains a membrane acting as a filter, and fluid bath •
Usually 2 - 3 times/week •
Peritoneal (PD) •
Special fluid into peritoneal cavity •
Nephrectomy:Total removal of a kidney •
Cystectomy:Removal of all/part of bladder •
Nephrostomy:To create an opening from the kidney to the outside, so •
urine can drain
Stoma on abdominal wall •
Continuous drainage of urine − bag •
Diuretics:Promote urination – •
Antibiotics:Treat UTIs •
Analgesics: Relieve urinary pain •