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Fad Diets
Don’t Be Fooled!
Everyone is looking for a weight loss solution. Recently, ‘The Atkins’, ‘The Zone’, ‘The Blood Type’
and ‘The Carbohydrate Addicts’ diet(s) have been given a lot of publicity.
These diets claim that they make you lose weight fast!
The theory behind this claim is:
Reducing carbohydrate (e.g. bread, breakfast cereals, potato, rice, pasta, fruit, milk and yoghurt)
consumption to less than 100 grams per day will result in a rapid weight loss, as this forces the
body to burn its fat stores quickly.
It is not that simple!
Fad diets can be dangerous,
particularly if you have diabetes.
Restricting carbohydrate foods leads to health problems:
• Your kidneys can be put under extra strain from the higher protein intake.
• Fad diets can affect blood fats and cholesterol levels.
• You will have reduced energy levels from the lack of carbohydrate and you can often feel more
• The lack of fibre from these diets can result in constipation and/or bowel disorders.
• Weight lost is often regained quickly.
With fad diets, it is the reduction in total calories that is the main contributor
to weight loss, not the reduction in carbohydrate!
SO the experts say “Don’t be fooled by ‘fads’, follow a healthy eating pattern.”
Healthy eating includes eating a wide variety of foods from the four main food groups:
• Breads and Cereals (6 serves per day)
• Fruit (3-4 serves/day) + Vegetables (3-4 serves per day)
• Milk and Milk Products (2-3 serves per day- preferably low-fat)
• Meat and Alternatives (1-2 serves per day)
Healthy eating, combined with regular physical activity, achieves
long-term success with weight loss
Don’t be fooled by fad diets!
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Copyright  August 2012 – Ownership of this material is vested with Dietitians New Zealand Diabetes Dietitian Special Interest Group. Reproduction of the whole or any
part of this material for any purpose without written consent of the joint copyright owners is prohibited.
August 2012 – August 2015