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Ronald Sutter
Ronald Sutter
Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2010 09:14
_Alle Mitarbeiter PKL
Newsletter July 2010
Diseases have a cause
Ladies and Gentlemen
Holistic medicine aims at identifying the cause of a disease in order to
cure people without risking unwanted side-effects. Thus, the holistic
approach fundamentally differs from the procedures practiced by socalled scientific medicine. This kind of medicine strictly aligns treatments
to diagnoses and thus aims for a possibly quick elimination of the same.
Usually, eliminating an effect or reaction will not affect the cause. Even if
treating the diagnosis is an appropriate and essential measure in
individual cases, it will never obviate the need for identifying the cause.
However, it will frequently not seem so important any more – until the
illness sets on again.
Finding the causes for diseases is Paracelsus Klinik Lustmühle’s area of
expertise. Our approaches are manifold. Apart from patient interviews,
they comprise physical as well as detailed energetic screening,
laboratory tests, and frequently also a basic dental examination.
Due to thorough diagnosis and medical experience and skills, there is a
high chance for successfully determining causes. In the following, these
can be specifically addressed. Of high importance for convalescence is
the patient’s personal contribution. The sickened person itself is the key
to its own recovery! Our physicians hold the power to significantly
support you with this.
With kindest regards,
Ulrich Schelling
My general practitioner could not find anything
pathological – is it all based on psychological
Numerous patients coming to Paracelsus Klinik state something like
this, and are frequently just as much at a loss as their respective
general practitioners and consulted specialists are regarding the
reported medical conditions.
If orthodox medicine is not able to diagnose anything noticeable, does
that mean ailments are based upon nothing but psychological causes
and – consequentially – are the patient’s own fault?
The fact that body, mind, and soul form a unit has been known ever
since the dawn of mankind and has been practiced by various medical
systems for thousands of years. At our clinics, we generally treat the
overall person and address the cause, not only the symptoms.
Our cause-oriented detailed diagnosis facilitates identifying the most
various influencing factors which may also drastically affect a person’s
mental condition, such as:
metabolic over-acidification
disorders of the autonomic nervous system
chronic heavy metal contamination
malnutrition (we are what we eat!)
abnormal regulation of the intestinal flora
irritations of the immune system
chronically interfering fields in maxillodental areas
lack of vitamins and trace elements
Frequently, our detailed diagnostics and subsequently applied individual
therapies, deploying the most various approaches provided by
biological-integrative medicine, enable us to bring light into the darkness
and experience with joy and enthusiasm, how our patients gain a brand
new understanding of themselves and their physical symptoms.
Many conditions are not only based on psychological but also on
physical causes and can be resolved by undergoing a target-oriented
therapy in our clinics.
In this context, the fact that we provide our patients with support and
advise them on how to pro-actively improve their health state is also of
utmost significance.
Paracelsus Klinik Lustmühle has been continuously improving this basic
concept for more than 20 years, and offers a comprehensive and
individual one-week liver-and-gall bladder-detoxification.
In distinction from therapeutic fasting, our patients will be offered highly
digestible light food in combination with the various treatments provided
by biological-integrative medicine. These are for instance hepatic
compresses, highly dosed vitamin and trace elements infusions,
neural therapy (therapeutic injections with homeopathic
medicines), purging enemata, magnetic field therapy, and cupping.
This one-week intensive therapy in a most beautiful surrounding is
usually very well tolerated, and thoroughly purifies body and mind;
accumulated slag is removed, and vital energies are enduringly
We can frequently successfully re-adjust people who suffer from high
cholesterol and are on orthodox cholesterol-reducing medication to
herbal medicines such as artichoke preparations or fish oil capsules
after undergoing the liver- gall bladder- detoxification.
The detoxification can of course also take place in other seasons, and
will result in a thorough and profound readjustment of the metabolism as
an additional treatment of numerous degenerative, inflammatory, or
metabolic diseases.
Article by Rainer Ade MD, Senior Physician
Heat makes fungi grow!
In order to prevent putrid infections of the pubic area, you should
consider the following:
change wet swim wear
avoid public toilets, as fungi particularly grow there
reduce your consumption of sugar and ice cream and prefer
water to sweetened drinks, as sugar enforces intestinal and
dermal fungal growth and weakens the immune system
occasionally apply suppositories or tampons containing lactic
acid to strengthen the genital area’s immune system
Enjoy the summer!
Article by Susanne Römer MD, Gynecologist
A brief Introduction to Kinesiology
In general, kinesiology detects disbalances existing in the
energetic field and re-harmonizes them. Kinesiology is
characterized by a respectful co-operation and mutual elaboration
of objectives on a partnership basis. It is also characterized by the
basic idea that the key to resolving an imbalance and the potential
for changing are to be found in the clients themselves.
Emotional problems or physical discomfort will reveal themselves in an
energetic imbalance. In order to gain access to this imbalance,
kinesiology deploys the muscle test which connects us to the
The muscle test enables us to gain information, deriving from the client’s
energetic system, on stressors as well as on how these may be reduced
or triggered. When performing the muscle test, any given one of the
client’s muscles is caused to contract and subsequently pressed by the
therapist without applying much power. Muscles which are sufficiently
supplied with energy can easily withstand the pressure applied in a
muscle test. However, tested muscles that slacken and cannot be held
in position indicate the response of a stressor which causes an
imbalance of the energetic system.
Also tested is the method of how to resolve this blocking. In most cases,
this will be exactly the way which best corresponds to the client and
which allows for obtaining the most efficient approach to solving the
problem. There are numerous options available to facilitate stress
reduction. In general, energetic compensation ranks first. This can be
achieved by holding acupuncture points. However, flower essences and
tuning forks may also be deployed.
Kinesiology may be applied as effective support in many different fields,
such as pain, fears, addiction, relationship problems, in difficult life
situations, in the event of learning problems, or to ease general
Kinesiology aims at re-harmonizing body, mind, and soul. By resolving
their inner conflicts, clients feel reinvigorated and relieved. This
provides us with more free energy available for self-recovery or for a
more relaxed handling of day-to-day challenges.
Monica Preising-Givotti
Graduate Kinesiologist KinWin
Anti-Cancer Diet according to Dr. Johannes Coy at
Paracelsus Clinica al Ronc
Cancer is based upon multiple causes; its formation is a dynamic
process extending over several years. For decades, medicine has not
been able to present any groundbreaking accomplishments in the
treatment of this disease, unless for some exceptions such as testicle
cancer, some kinds of lymphoma, or pediatric leukemia.
Biological-integrative medicine does not treat cancer but the overall
individual. Within this individual, the disease has formed over the years.
The individual’s mechanisms to prevent this formation have failed.
Acting differently requires thinking differently. (Dr. Thomas Rau)
Dr. Coy‘s Anti-Cancer-Diet
is based upon his own findings in cancer research.What new ideas does
it bear? Cells require sufficient energy in order to maintain their
functionality and proliferation. A cancerous cell has two possible options
to do so: combustion or fermentation. Dr. Coy was able to prove that
shifting from combustion to fermentation results in resistance against
chemo- and radiotherapy. It also leads to invasiveness and metastasis.
Anti-Cancer-Nutrition according to Dr. Coy comprises:
1. Reduction of carbohydrate consumption to max. 1g carbohydrates / 1
kg bodyweight, in order to cut off the energy supply for fermenting cells,
which benefit from a high blood sugar level.
2. Secondary phytochemicals which also serve to retard fermentation.
3. Activation of those «power stations» responsible for cellular energy
consumption – mitochondria: by ensuring an ideal ratio of omega 3 to
omega 6 fatty acids as well as by medium-chain triglycerides.
4. Deacidification by dextrorotary lactic acid in order to allow the
individual immune system to recharge.
Within the scope of our biological holistic cancer therapy at Paracelsus
Clinica al Ronc, we convey this nutrition concept to our cancer patients
in theory and practice.
Petra Wiechel, Senior Physician
Paracelsus Clinica al Ronc [], Strada cantonale 158, CH6540 Castaneda GR
Dietary Fibers
Dietary fibers (fibrous materials) are mainly indigestible food
components, mostly polysaccharides (oligosaccharides) contained in
vegetable foods. The small intestine’s enzymes are not or only partly
able to resolve them, therefore they cannot directly be incorporated via
The largest part of dietary fibers is mainly fermented and converted to
short-chain fatty acids by micro organisms in the colon. Thus, they
become incorporable and exploitable for the body. Dietary fibers which
are not being fermented in the colon will not be incorporated! Suchlike
dietary fibers absorb water as well as toxins and bile salts in the colon.
Most of all, dietary fibers stimulate gut motility (peristalsis) and thus
encourage dejection and eupepsia.
Dietary fibers already swell in the stomach and thus ensure a longlasting satiety. Carbohydrates provided in dietary fibers are absorbed
slower into the bloodstream. The result is a lower increase of the blood
sugar level and a reduced insulin production. Apart from longer-lasting
satiety, this will also encourage fat burn.
Dietary fibers are capable of absorbing up to a 100-fold of their own
weight in water. Therefore, it is essential to consume sufficient and even
more water as usual if nutrition is supplemented by the consumption of
linseed, psyllium, wheat bran etc.
If we fail to do so, feces will putrefy in the intestines and the occurrence
of constipation will be promoted.
When the common diet is adjusted to the consumption of more dietary
fibers, these may initially cause flatulence. However, this condition will
normalize when the body has re-adjusted. Therefore, dietary fibers
should first be consumed in smaller amounts.
The slower this takes places (i.e., the smaller portions of dietary fibers
are at first), the easier the intestines adjust to the new diet.
We differentiate between indissoluble dietary fibers = cellulose,
hemicellulose and soluble dietary fibers = pectin, inulin, and
Dietary fibers serve to purge and detoxify the body and strengthen the
immune system by nurturing intestinal bacteria. They encourage gut
motility with the result of faster dejection.
Thus, both indissoluble as well as soluble dietary fibers constitute an
important aspect of a sound, well-balanced diet and enhance the overall
Precious sources of dietary fibers in our foods are:
whole meal cereals and products made there from
legumes (such as lentils, peas, and beans)
fruits and vegetables
nuts and seeds (such as linseed, sunflower seeds, and
pumpkin seeds)
Maxim of the Month:
an Asian proverb says:
If the bowels are sound, there is no disease that can’t be cured.
Yours, Sonja Bacus, Nutritional Advisor
Next month’s issue: proteins
Recipe of the Month: Stinging Nettle Soup
350 g of fresh stinging nettle
1 Spanish onion
3 teaspoons of peanut oil
1 l of vegetable broth
3 large potatoes
1 dl sour cream
2 teaspoons of chopped parsley
freshly ground salt and pepper
Wash and coarsely chop stinging nettles. Lightly sauté onion in peanut
Add stinging nettles, and deglaze with broth. Peel and slice potatoes
and simmer in the soup for approx. 30 minutes.
Purée all ingredients in a blender, then strain them through a sieve.
Finally add sour cream, warm the soup back up again but do not allow it
to boil. Spice with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.
Stinging nettles can be trimmed back all summer, in order to harvest
fresh growing young leaves.
Enjoy your meal!
Yours, Eric Huber, Chef de Cuisine Restaurant Culinarium
yours, Sonja Bacus, Nutritional Advisor
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Paracelsus Klinik Lustmühle
Battenhusstrasse 12
CH-9062 Lustmühle
[email protected]
+41 71 335 71 71
+41 71 335 71 00