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Answer each of the following questions to help match the concepts to the appropriate space within the Venn diagram
 What is “Fascism”?
 What country did Mussolini control?
 How did Mussolini use propaganda to attract the masses?
 What was Mussolini’s style of government?
 What was Mussolini’s attitude toward democracy?
 How did Mussolini appeal to the masses?
 What promises did Mussolini make?
 How did Mussolini come to power?
 What was Mussolini’s style of leadership and control?
Using the Venn-Diagram below,
compare Hitler and Mussolini’s
Answer each aspect in one of the following spaces:
 Use propaganda to attract the masses
 Style of government
 Attitude toward democracy
 How they appealed to the masses
 What promises they made
 Whether or not they legally assumed power
 Their methods of leadership
 Was their country influenced by their efforts? How?
Compare & Contrast Hitler to Mussolini