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SLO Versioning
In the original versions of eLumen, anybody could change the text of a Course or Program SLO at will. This was an error
in logic, as you could change the text of an SLO from Describe the propaganda in Shakespeare’s Henry V to Distinguish
between simile, metaphor and personification. The assessment metrics originally established when the CSLO was
Shakespeare now belongs to a completely different Student Learning Outcome regarding comparisons.
The latest version, 6.1, now uses Versioning of all SLO’s. In the above example, Shakespeare will now be replaced with
the newer simile/metaphor version. Any user can now see the prior versions of the SLO by clicking the History button.
The Assessment scores are maintained for the old Shakespeare version, and can always be accessed. Any new scores
would be applied to the simile/metaphor version.
Faculty users cannot do this Versioning. It must be done by a high-level user, usually the Coordinator. The reasoning is
that modification of Course and Program SLO’s should be a collaborative effort . . . .
In addition to New Version, Coordinator users can do the following to any SLO:
• Remove – a true delete (if there has never been an Assessment that uses it)
• Edit – usually reserved for correcting typos, or tightening up the verb, verb tense or other grammatical changes
• Deactivate – prevents any Assessments from using it (no new version created, but still exists for history)
• Initial Term – the first Term that this versioned SLO will be available for Assessing
So as a Coordinator user, you will need to collaborate with your Faculty to make changes to your Course SLO’s.
Below is the Faculty user’s limited view of a selected (click or checkbox) CSLO. Faculty cannot add or modify CSLO’s.
This is what a Coordinator sees of the same CSLO with full permissions:
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Versioning and History (continued)
The ability to Add, Edit, New Version, Remove, and Deactivate a CSLO is available to Coordinators and Data Stewards,
not to Faculty.
The SLO History button should now make sense. A
popup window will appear, listing all the prior version
history of this CSLO. If there is only one row, then the
current SLO has no versions. Note the Term
Implemented and Active Status of this CSLO – eLumen
was new in Spring 2011, so this SLO has never been
Select the SLO that you want to update, it turns green. Click New Version.
The screen changes to let you type in the new version on a white background. The buttons change to
Cancel and Submit.
Click Submit when through. But you are not done!
Many colleges require a complicated workflow to change any kind of SLO. Oxnard does not, so it has a
“Single Step” CSLO Version control. (We can change this to a multi-step procedure if necessary.)
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How to Version (continued)
You will see the text repeated, and then you asked for the Initial Term. From the dropdown, select the term that you
want the version to start in. Past terms are not available. If you cannot go to a past term, contact the eLumen support
team; we will open it up for you.
Click Create CSLO after choosing the initial term.
The algebraic CSLO now has History. Below is the popup you see when you click History.
Like CSLO’s, Program SLO’s are also Versioned in the same manner. Collaboration is encouraged!
Faculty cannot add or modify Program SLO’s.
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SLO Styling
– Adding Additional Text
When a Course or Program SLO is created, it is entirely text. Taken out of context, the text may not make sense unless it
is associated with a course, or identified as either a CSLO or PSLO. This can be a bit confusing when associating
assessments to CSLO’s.
An option to avoiding this confusion is to incorporate, into the text of the SLO, some identifying feature. For example:
A Course SLO with only text: (default)
Student can differentiate between cell mitosis and meiosis.
This lets you know it is a Course SLO by prepending with “CSLO:”
CSLO: Student can differentiate between cell mitosis and meiosis.
By adding to the front or the end the words: “BIOLR 120:” this identifies the Course it belongs to:
BIOL 120: Student can differentiate between cell mitosis and meiosis.
Student can differentiate between cell mitosis and meiosis (BIOLR 120 CSLO)
Program SLO’s can benefit too:
Apply their biological training to critically evaluate and accurately
explain scientific information.
Biology PSLO 1: Apply their biological training to critically evaluate and
accurately explain scientific information.
PSLO Biology : Apply their biological training to critically evaluate and
accurately explain scientific information
Styling your SLO’s is entirely up to the collaborators in the department. The only caveat is that you be consistent across
all SLO’s. It is also a handy way to immediately determine that you have the latest version of an SLO because you did this
stylistic work when you improved your SLO’s.