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Quick HW Check-In: Distributing Western Lands (please complete w/a partner)
In the
of 1785, government surveyors divided the territory
into individual townships. Each township was to be square that would include a total of 36 square miles of territory.
The township would then be divided into one-square mile sections, with each section encompassing 640 acres. The
government would sell the remaining sections at public auction. The minimum bid was $640 per section
dollar for each acre of land in each section. This helped regulate
1787 chartered a government for the NW Territory,
provided a method for admitting new
the Union from the territory, & listed a bill of rights
guaranteed in the territory. Following the principles outlined
by Thomas Jefferson, the authors of the NW Ordinance
spelled out a plan that was subsequently used as the country
expanded to the Pacific. The following three principal
provisions were ordained in the document: (1) a division of
the territory into "not less than three nor more than five
States"; (2) a three-stage method for admitting a new state to
the Union—with a congressionally appointed governor,
secretary, and three
to rule in the
first phase; an elected assembly and one nonvoting delegate
to Congress to be elected when the population of the
territory reached "five thousand free male inhabitants of full
age"; and a state constitution to be drafted and membership to the Union to be requested in the third phase when
the population reached 60,000; and (3) a bill of rights protecting religious freedom, the right to a writ of habeas
corpus & the benefit of trial by jury. In addition the ordinance encouraged education and forbade
*Lands distributed by the Northwest Ordinance would become the future states of
Indiana (1816), Illinois (1818), Michigan (1837), Wisconsin (1848), and Minnesota (1851).
Aoc Review: According to the document, states would exist not as a unified country but rather in a “
(4 words). Did this create a strong/weak central government? Why?
Despite being land rich, the young American nation still faced many issues. By the end of this lesson we will be able to answer the following: Why was
it ultimately necessary to completely rework the governing system, and what should this new system of government “look” like?
Shay’s Rebellion
You are serving as a Continental Congress advisor deployed to investigate Shay’s Rebellion. As you read, take notes on
the 5W’s (who is involved, what is happening, why, where, when) and prepare a brief report to share:
During the years 1786 and 1787, a series of confrontations took place between desperate debtor-farmers and state
government authorities in western Massachusetts. The events that became known as Shays' Rebellion came to
symbolize the widespread discontent manifested throughout New England during the economic depression that
followed the American Revolution. Although burgeoning public debt threatened the nation's credit, each state was
responsible for paying its share of the staggering Revolutionary War debt. Merchants in eastern Massachusetts,
anxious to pacify their foreign creditors, urged the state legislature to raise taxes to meet the debt.
These taxes, which had to be paid in cash, were particularly burdensome to farmers, who traditionally relied on
barter to see them through hard times. Those hardest hit usually lacked the property qualifications for voting and
thus were unable to influence the government through the ballot. Many lost their farms through foreclosure for
overdue debts and delinquent taxes. Others faced debtors prison. Those debtors who were Revolutionary War
veterans felt they had been betrayed.
In August, 1786, 1500 farmers marched on Northampton to prevent the courts from hearing foreclosure
proceedings. In September, an armed force led by Revolutionary War veteran Daniel Shays of Pelham closed the
courthouse at Springfield. By January, 1787, the situation had become desperate. Daniel Shays led the main body of a
large group of armed insurgents to confiscate arms and ammunition stored in the arsenal at Springfield. They were
opposed by about 1200 militia under the command of General William Shepard. Shays advanced, expecting
reinforcements that never came. When Shays refused to halt, Shepherd opened fire with small arms and artillery.
The cannon fire routed Shays men, leaving twenty wounded and four dead.
Shays' men retreated to the Pelham Hills, where they were followed by 4 regiments of troops (raised & paid for by
Boston & eastern Massachusetts merchants) under the command of General Benjamin Lincoln. After an all-night
march through a howling snowstorm, Lincoln surprised Shays' men at Petersham, scattering the insurgents with
artillery fire. Although sporadic resistance continued, Shays Rebellion was effectively over.
PREPARE TO DEBATE! Who/what is at fault/to be blamed? What is an appropriate punishment/response?
Consider the following: In response to the rebellion, Jefferson said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to
time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Do you agree or disagree with his perspective? Why?
FINALLY: Make recommendations for the Continental Congress as they consider replacing the Articles of
Confederation. If you were to start a national government from scratch, what would it need? Which principles
would be most important for governing the nation? Please brainstorm w/a partner and be prepared to share…