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Unit 1 test study guide Climate (1) •  What is the most important factor determining the climate of a region? latitude
•  Mid la<tude regions Delta •  Deltas
______ are common landforms created by rivers flowing into a larger body of water as the river waters meet the <de of the larger bodies of water. (2)
El Nino (3)
•  El Nino brings warm & wet climate conditions
This brings increase rainfall for Texas.
•  A cold current that flows from west to east across
the southern part of the Pacific Ocean turns toward
the equator along the coast of South America and
flows north along the coast of Chile and Peru.
Every 2 to 10 years, strong winds spread the warm
water over a large area resulting in droughts in
some areas and flooding in others.
Climate (5) -  Temperature ranges in areas located near oceans do not
vary much because water heats and cools more slowly.
-  Temperature ranges in-land, far away from the influence of
water temperatures will vary more. (continentality)
(7) Climate is the weather condi<ons of a par<cular loca<on over a long period of <me As with polar bears, other
bears such as black
bears, thrive better in the
higher latitudes.
Adap<ng To Our Environment (8) - What is the difference between human modification
and human adaptation of the environment?
- Give an example of human modification.
- Give an example of human adaptation.
- Give an example of humans depending on the
Answer to the question… (8)
A human modification of the environment means that
humans have actually changed some part of the physical
(building dams, canals, roads, etc.)
Human adaptation to the environment is a change in
human behavior to cope with environmental
(wearing heavy clothes in the winter or cold climates,
wearing light clothes in summer or warm climates,
heating homes, air-conditioning & insulation in
homes, & preparing for a hurricane, etc.)
Subsistence farming (6) •  Subsistence agriculture is self-­‐
sufficiency farming in which farmers grow only enough food to feed their families . In more developed areas, the building of dams
have helped improve farming and a better way of life
by providing electricity and a reservoir for irrigation.
•  Adap<ng to the environment is wearing clothes, air-­‐condi<oned buildings, insula<on. •  Modifying the environment is building: Houses, tunnels, bridges, dams. Cultures & Modifica<on / Adapta<on (16) •  Na<ve America Indians depended on the buffalo for food and clothing. However, because of the seXlers killed man of these animals, the buffalo became ex<nct. •  Na<ve Americans believed in community ownership. The English seXlers believed in private ownership. Sun Earth Rela<on (9) •  When does a hemisphere have a cold climate? When it is <lted away from the sun •  When does a hemisphere have a warm climate? When it is <lted towards the sun •  Explain the seasons of the Southern and Northern Hemispheres and how they vary. •  When its winter in the Northern Hemisphere it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Physical maps (10) Vegetation
maps are
physical maps that
show a regions
such as vegetation.
They also will show
man made features
as well.
Plate Tectonic Theory •  There general types of plate boundaries are recognized: convergent, divergent, and transform. Plates
Juan de Fuca Plate
North American Plate
South American
A n t a r c t i c
ic Ridge
Pacific Plate
Scotia Plate
P l a t e
Ring of f
3,000 miles
3,000 kilometers
Plate Carree Projection
Plate bo
Earthquakes (4)
•  Plates moving in any
direction causes
•  The worst are caused by
plates rubbing past each
other as in C
•  This happens along the
Californian coast
•  An underwater earthquake
along a subduction zone
can create a tsunami.
Sea floor spreading
•  Large continents
begin to crack and
split apart
•  The gaps fill with
•  Small seas become
•  The mid ocean ridge
continues to produce
new crust
( page 2)
•  Subduc<on – plates diving under another plate (e.g. oceanic plate diving under a con1nental plate) •  Convergent – plates colliding, or crashing into one another (creates mountains or plateaus) •  Divergent – plates spreading or moving apart from one another (create ri` valleys -­‐ The Great Ri4 Valley in east Africa) •  Transforming – plates sliding past each other (causes earthquakes along boundaries) •  Subduc<on – the oceanic plate diving under a con<nental plate •  Convergent – creates mountains or plateaus •  divergent – The Great Ri4 Valley in east Africa •  transforming – causes earthquakes along boundaries •  Earthquakes •  A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, some<mes causing great destruc<on, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic ac<on. (15) Landforms are worn away by water, wind, and ice. Water erosion creates the deepest valleys and canyons. Forms Of Erosion Chemical Weathering This is caused by
chemical reactions as a
result of interactions
between elements in the
air or water and the
minerals in the rock (water
and substances dissolved
in it) rather than by
mechanical processes.
•  Mechanical weathering is the physical that change the characteris<cs of rock on or near the earth’s surface, occurring slowly over many years. •  Landforms are worn away by water, wind, and ice. Water erosion creates the deepest valley’s and canyons. Region (12) •  an area of the earth’s surface with similar characteris<cs. Regions PAY ATTENTION! What region would you find a lot of rain swamps and marsh land?
Southeastern U.S.
Gulf coast
•  Explain how hurricanes and typhoons are created. (11)
When warm winds and water currents come together, and are effected where by the rota<on of the earth on it’s axis. This is called the : Next page Coriolis effect. •  Be able to iden<fy the various climate regions. Example: Cuba, Jamaica and Hai<. •  Urbaniza<on Absolute loca<on 14 •  La<tude/Longitude •  La<tude: place north or south of the earth's equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes •  Longitude: lines on a planet that measure distance east and west from a line designated as the "Prime Meridian •  Rela<ve loca<on is :is the loca<on of something in comparison to the loca<on of something else. For example, if I said, "My house is near the school," that's a rela<ve loca<on. I'm telling you where my house is located rela<ve to the school. 13 •  Rela<ve loca<on is giving direc<ons while la<tude and longitude give you the exact loca<on of a place. •  Movement by people from rural areas to ci<es •  Water cycle •  Movement of water from oceans to the air to the ground back to the oceans. •  Geography •  The study of the distribu<on and interac<on of physical and human features on the earth. •  Be able to explain the hydrological cycle •  It is the constant movement of the earth’s water from oceans to air to land back to oceans •  Compare and contrast the Oceans: •  The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest Ocean •  Area: total: 155.557 million sq km •  about 15 <mes the size of the US; covers about 28% of the global surface; larger than the total land area of the world • 
Atlan<c is the second largest ocean Indian is the third largest ocean Southern is the fourth largest ocean Arc<c is the smallest •  Be able to explain where most of the earth’s fresh water is found: •  Rivers and lakes. •  Explain how a map grid can help you find the loca<on of a place. •  Where la<tude and longitude intersect is the exact loca<on of a place. •  Explain the earth is divided into hemispheres •  The equator divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres •  The prime meridian divides the earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres