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ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts 163 Cornea biomechanics and keratoprosthesis Sunday, May 03, 2015 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Exhibit Hall Poster Session Program #/Board # Range: 1099–1140/D0001–D0042 Organizing Section: Cornea Program Number: 1099 Poster Board Number: D0001 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM An Engineering-based Methodology to Characterize the In Vivo Nonlinear Biomechanical Properties of the Cornea with Application to Glaucoma Subjects Michael J. Girard1, 2, David Tan1, Marcus Ang2, Jod S. Mehta2, Liang Zhang1, Cheuk Wang Chung1, Baskaran Mani2, Tin A. Tun2, Tin Aung2. 1Biomedical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore; 2Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore, Singapore. Purpose: To characterize the in-vivo nonlinear biomechanical properties of normal and glaucoma corneas using a robust inverse finite element approach. Methods: The corneas of 12 subjects (3 normal, 3 ocular hypertensive, 2 angle-closure, and 4 open-angle glaucoma; IOP=14.9±3.1 mmHg; Age=61±16 years; CCT=560±42 μm) were deformed (air jet) and their transverse cross-sections simultaneously imaged using the Corvis ST Tonometer (Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany). Since the Corvis cannot directly derive ‘true-engineering’ biomechanical properties, we propose a novel methodology that uses Corvis images. Briefly, the corneal geometry of each subject was digitally reconstructed and meshed using 8-node hexahedrons. A Veronda-Westmann constitutive model that incorporated stretchinduced stiffening of the collagen fibrils was introduced. Stiffness parameters were varied until model corneal displacements (affected by IOP and air jet loading) matched those derived experimentally. This was performed using an inverse finite element approach driven by a global optimization algorithm (differential evolution). Such a methodology was able to derive stress & strain (air jet induced), and a unique set of biomechanical properties for each subject’s cornea. Results: In all cases, our models matched the Corvis data well (Figure). On average, corneas exhibited 9.05±2.29% maximum effective strain and 65.5±10.9 kPa maximum effective stress as a result of air jet loading. Corneas had an average initial stiffness of 0.08 MPa (95th percentile: 0.11 MPa) that increased to 0.31 MPa (95th percentile: 1.02 MPa) at 5% strain, indicating nonlinear stiffening behavior. Corneal bulk moduli were on average 5.49 MPa (95th percentile: 17.6 MPa). No differences in mechanical properties between groups could be reported due to the small sample size. Conclusions: Our novel methodology can estimate ‘true’ in-vivo corneal biomechanical properties that are likely more relevant than surrogate parameters provided either by the Corvis or the Ocular Response Analyzer. Our ultimate goal is to identify whether corneal biomechanics could serve as a biomarker for glaucoma. Commercial Relationships: Michael J. Girard, None; David Tan, None; Marcus Ang, None; Jod S. Mehta, None; Liang Zhang, None; Cheuk Wang Chung, None; Baskaran Mani, None; Tin A. Tun, None; Tin Aung, None Support: NUS Young Investigator Award (NUSYIA_FY13_P03, Girard); NMRC STAR GRANT (NMRC/STaR/0023/2014; Aung) Program Number: 1100 Poster Board Number: D0002 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Corneal strains induced by ocular pulse and larger IOP elevations Elias Pavlatos1, Hong Chen1, Xueliang Pan2, Jun Liu1, 3. 1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2 Center For Biostatistics, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 3 Department of Ophthalmology, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Purpose: To compare corneal strains induced by an ocular pulse of a few mmHg with those during inflation from 5 to 30 mmHg in the same eye to evaluate whether the ocular pulse associated strains could predict the outcome of a standard mechanical testing, i.e., inflation. Methods: Seventeen porcine globes were tested within 48 hours postmortem. Whole globes were secured using a custom-built holder and immersed in 0.9% saline. A 20G needle was inserted into the anterior chamber and connected to a pressure sensor (P75, Harvard Apparatus) to monitor the intraocular pressure (IOP). Another 20G needle was connected to a programmable syringe pump (PHD Ultra, Harvard Apparatus) to control IOP. The globes were preconditioned with 5 pressure cycles from 5 to 30 mmHg and then equilibrated at 16.5 mmHg for 15 minutes. The ocular pulse was simulated by oscillating IOP between 15 and 18 mmHg at 1 Hz for 25 cycles, and ultrasonic scans (radiofrequency data) were saved for the last 5 cycles. After equilibration at 5 mmHg for 15 minutes, the globe was inflated from 5 to 30 mmHg with 0.5 mmHg steps every 15 seconds. Ultrasonic scans were performed at each step. Corneal radial strains were determined using an ultrasound speckle tracking technique (Tang & Liu, J Biomech Eng 2012, 134(9)). For both the ocular pulse and inflation tests, a stiffness index “b” was calculated by fitting the nonlinear relationship between IOP and strain. Results: For all seventeen globes, the average peak radial strain induced by ocular pulse was 0.13 ± 0.03%. The average radial strain at 30 mmHg in the inflation tests was 3.10 ± 0.72%. The correlation between these peak strains was significant (R=0.671, p=0.003; Figure 1). A representative strain map obtained from ocular pulse is ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts shown in Figure 2. The b-values, more representative of the overall nonlinear relationship, were also significantly correlated (R=0.570, p=0.017). Conclusions: The strong positive correlation in maximum strain magnitudes and b-values between ocular pulse and inflation tests suggested that these two methods generated correlative biomechanical evaluation of the cornea. While the inflation across a large range of IOPs is difficult to implement in vivo, the naturally occurring ocular pulse could be a feasible alternative to evaluate corneal biomechanics in vivo. Fig 1. Comparison of inflation and ocular pulse maximum strains. Fig 2. Corneal strain map at peak pressure of ocular pulse. Commercial Relationships: Elias Pavlatos, None; Hong Chen, Ohio State University (P); Xueliang Pan, None; Jun Liu, Ohio State University (P) Support: NEI Grant RO1EY020929 Program Number: 1101 Poster Board Number: D0003 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM The Role of Iron II (Fe+2) as a Cross-linking Enhancer in CXL Sarah Peterson, Pavel Kamaev, William A. Eddington, Marc D. Friedman, David Muller. Avedro, Inc., Waltham, MA. Purpose: Riboflavin (Rf) is used as a primary photosensitizer for Corneal Collagen Cross-linking (CXL). Understanding the underlying photochemical mechanisms provides insight into the addition of additives for enhancement of cross-linking efficiency. H2O2 is a byproduct of the Type I reaction in CXL. We investigated the addition of transitional metals such as Fe+2 to drive H2O2 to OH through a Fenton-like reaction in a porcine eye model. Methods: Fresh whole globe porcine eyes were obtained <24 hours postmortem in saline on ice from Sioux-preme (Sioux City, IA). Eyes were cleaned and de-epithelialized with a dull blade, then soaked for 20 minutes in an incubator set at 37°C by using a rubber ring to hold solutions (A) 0.1% Rf in distilled water or (B) 0.1% Rf with 0.5mM Iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate (Sigma Aldrich) in distilled water on the corneal surface. Eyes were placed in a beaker with a light oxygen stream for 2 minutes, and pan-corneally irradiated for 8 minutes at 30mW/cm2 pulsed 1 second on: 1 second off, measured with a power meter (Ophir, Inc.) at the corneal surface. Cross sections of cornea were first measured using biaxial extensiometry (Eddington W, et al. IOVS 2013;54:ARVO E-Abstract 1619), then analyzed using papain digestion (Rood-Ojalvo S, et al. IOVS 2013;54:ARVO E-Abstract 5280). Results: The results of extensiometry show Rf + Fe+2 obtained markedly increased stiffness over Rf alone. This was corroborated by the increase of fluorescence in corneal flaps digested with papain by approximately 45% compared to Rf alone. Conclusions: The addition of Fe+2 to Rf increases the efficiency of corneal collagen cross-linking in a porcine eye model. The presence of iron catalyzes the formation of highly reactive OH radicals from H2O2. This makes more OH radicals available to further increase collagen crosslinking per equivalent UV dose. Fe+2may be used as an enhancer in riboflavin CXL. Commercial Relationships: Sarah Peterson, Avedro, Inc. (E); Pavel Kamaev, Avedro, Inc. (E); William A. Eddington, Avedro, Inc. (E); Marc D. Friedman, Avedro, Inc. (E); David Muller, Avedro, Inc. (E) Program Number: 1102 Poster Board Number: D0004 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Confocal Brillouin spectrometer for measuring corneal biomechanics Michael Bukshtab, Amit Paranjape, Marc D. Friedman, David Muller. Avedro, Waltham, MA. Purpose: Current methods for in-vivo measurement of corneal biomechanics are inadequate. This presents an impediment to diagnosis and treatment of corneal conditions such as keratoconus. Brillouin spectroscopy provides a non-contact, objective method to measure mechanical properties. This study developed a non-contact, confocal Brillouin spectrometer, capable of millisecond signal acquisition times, for measurement of corneal biomechanics. Methods: A highly-sensitive confocal microscope-spectrometer was built to detect Brillouin signal shifts. The system utilizes an eye-safe, highly coherent, single-frequency, fiber-coupled laser at 780 nm wavelength, stabilized at the Rubidium D2 absorption line. A polarization-extinction scheme and confocal fiber optic system were used to collect Brillouin shifted light scatter. This system in conjunction with a rubidium filtering cell (to reduce Rayleigh scattering and stray-light of the excitation wavelength) analyzes the Brillouin signal with an enhanced VIPA spectrometer and low-noise EMCCD camera. The system was tested by measuring fresh porcine corneas with and without cross-linking. Crosslinking was performed at UVA doses of 0 to 20 J/cm2 with irradiances of 3 to 30 mW/cm2 using 0.12% riboflavin solution. Results: Microsecond acquisition-time sensitivity for corneal biomechanics was demonstrated via Brillouin spectroscopy measurements. Brillouin spectral shifts ranging from 7.8 to 8.7 GHz were observed for porcine specimens, with cross-linked eyes showing linear increase as a function of CXL dose as compared to non-crosslinked eyes. Conclusions: A non-contact, confocal Brillouin scanning microscope-spectrometer is demonstrated. This device allows measurement of the biomechanical, spatial distribution of corneal ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts tissue and is able to differentiate CXL treated tissue. This system holds future promise as a tool to enhance corneal diagnostics and corneal cross-linking treatments. Commercial Relationships: Michael Bukshtab, Avedro (E); Amit Paranjape, Avedro (E); Marc D. Friedman, Avedro (E); David Muller, Avedro (E) Program Number: 1103 Poster Board Number: D0005 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Investigating the association between ocular biometry and corneal biomechanics in healthy human Daniela Oehring1, Christine Purslow1, 2, Phillip J. Buckhurst1, Hetal Buckhurst1. 1Optometry, Plymouth University, Plymouth, United Kingdom; 2School of Optometry & Vision Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom. Purpose: The CorvisST (Oculus) and Reicherts Ocular Response analyzer (ORA) provide in vivo measures of corneal biomechanics. It is likely that the structure of the ocular globe affects the biomechanics. The study assesses the association between corneal biomechanics using CorvisST and ORA and theirs with axial length (AL), refractive error and central corneal thickness (CCT) in healthy eyes Methods: Corneal biomechanics was assessed in 43 healthy adults (18-40 yrs (25.2±7.0); 81% female, 19% male) with CorvisST and ORA. The biomechanics of both eyes were evaluated randomized. Measures of length (L), time (T) of the applanation point 1 (A1) and 2 (A2) and the highest concavity (HC) were determined with CorvisST. The ORA provided measures of corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF). Refractive error [MSE (D)] and AL were measured using cycloplegic autorefraction and the Haag Streit LenStar. CCT was determined with Pentacam (Oculus). Subjects were grouped according to MSE (D): myopic (<-0.50) -2.96+/-1.99, AL 24.82+/-1.05mm, n=18; non-myopic (≥-0.50) +0.80+/-1.23, AL 23.27+/-0.90mm, n=23. To evaluate the relationship between MSE, AL and biomechanics a multivariate variance analysis was conducted, using CCT and age as covariates. Correlation coefficient was calculated CCT and age-adjusted Results: Mean CCT was 559+/-37mm, CRF 13.0+/-11.6, CH 13.6+/12.7, A1T 7.12+/-0.25sec, A1L 1.79+/-0.04mm, A2T 21.98+/1.49sec, A2L 1.70+/-0.35mm and HC 16.71+/-0.61mm. Significant correlation was found between MSE and AL (r=-0.826, p<0.001). No significant effect of MSE was found for CorvisST and ORA metrics. When assessing the groups separately, no significant (p>0.05) correlation was found between corneal biomechanics and MSE and AL (p>0.05) for the myopics. In the non-myopic group a positive association was identified between AL and CRF (r=0.458, p=0.049), CH (r=0.457, p=0.049) and A1L (r=0.456, p=0.013) whilst AL and HC were found to be negatively correlated (r=-0.487, p=0.036) Conclusions: The study demonstrates significant correspondence between corneal biomechanics parameters derived from CorvisST and ORA and AL in non-myopics. The results have interesting implications on the role of corneal biomechanics in MSE development. Further investigation into the relationship between biometric and corneal biomechanical properties in keratoconus, refractive surgery and juvenile myopia is required. Commercial Relationships: Daniela Oehring, None; Christine Purslow, None; Phillip J. Buckhurst, None; Hetal Buckhurst, None Support: - Program Number: 1104 Poster Board Number: D0006 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Biomechanical Evaluation of Response to Treatment with Human Decorin Core Protein in Ex-Vivo Human and Porcine Corneas Cynthia J. Roberts1, 2, Kimberly M. Metzler2, 1, Ashraf M. Mahmoud1, 2 , Jun Liu2, 1. 1Ophthalmology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Purpose: To investigate changes in corneal biomechanical responses after crosslinking with decorin core protein. Decorin is a small, naturally occurring proteoglycan that bridges collagen fibrils, organizing and stabilizing lamellar collagen architecture. Methods: A paired eye study design was utilized to investigate corneal biomechanical changes in 5 human donor pairs (10 eyes) and in 4 porcine pairs (8 eyes) after one random eye was treated (tx) with human decorin core protein (Galacorin), and the untreated fellow eye served as control (c). Epithelium remained intact in all eyes. An eye cup was used for instillation of pretreatment (45-60 sec), followed by the penetration enhancer (45-60sec), followed immediately by decorin core protein (45-60sec) with rinsing in between the last 2 steps. Total treatment time was less than 4 minutes per eye. Human eyes were secured in a custom tripod mount and dynamic Scheimpflug deformation analysis was performed using the CorVis ST at 15, 20, 30, 40, and 50mmHg of intraocular pressure (IOP). Elastic modulus (E) of the cornea was calculated at each pressure level in the human eyes, using equations of applanation and parameters derived from Scheimpflug images. ANOVA was performed with independent variables of treatment and IOP. Porcine corneas were investigated using uniaxial tensile testing with a Rheometrics Systems Analyzer. Paired t tests were then performed. Results: One human eye pair was excluded based on initial pachymetry greater than 850mm. ANOVA of the included 4 pairs demonstrated a significant treatment effect (p < 0.05) in deformation amplitude, 1st applanation velocity, initial curvature, and pachymetry, with all lower in the Tx group, consistent with stiffening and crosslinking. E demonstrated a significant treatment effect with a higher E in the Tx group. A significant IOP effect was present in most deformation parameters, as well as E, and the interaction term was not significant in any parameter. In porcine eye pairs, secant modulus at both 5% (tx: 1.71± 1.20MPa; c: .85±.62MPa) and 6% (tx: 2.30 ±1.33MPa; c: 1.33±.88MPa) strain was significantly higher in the treated than the untreated corneas (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Treatment with decorin core protein appeared to produce higher modulus and stiffer biomechanical behavior in both human and porcine corneas. This result will be confirmed in future studies with a larger sample size. Commercial Relationships: Cynthia J. Roberts, Carl Zeiss Meditec (F), Euclid Systems Corporation (R), Oculus Optikger√§te GmbH (C), Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG (C); Kimberly M. Metzler, None; Ashraf M. Mahmoud, None; Jun Liu, None Support: Euclid Systems Corporation supplied pre-treatment, penetration enhancer and Galacorin. The Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank supplied human cadaver eyes. The Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation sponsored K. Metzler with the Norbert Peiker Fellowship. ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts Program Number: 1105 Poster Board Number: D0007 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Quantification of corneal biomechanical properties by optical coherence elastography and a Lamb wave model Zhaolong Han1, Salavat R. Aglyamov2, Jiasong Li1, Manmohan Singh1, Shang Wang3, Srilatha Vantipalli4, Chen Wu1, Chih-hao Liu1, Michael D. Twa5, Kirill Larin1. 1Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX; 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX; 3Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 4College of Optometry, University of Houston, Houston, Houston, TX; 5School of Optometry, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL. Purpose: To quantitatively assesse the corneal viscoelasticity by using optical coherence elastography (OCE) and a Lamb wave model. Methods: Air-pulse OCE experiments were conducted on porcine corneas to obtain the elastic displacement distributions which behaved as an elastic wave. Phase velocities of the air-pulse induced elastic waves were extracted by spectral analysis and used for calculating the Young’s moduli of the samples using the RayleighLamb frequency equation (RLFE). For cornea, the RLFE was modified to consider the effect of the aqueous humor. Experiments were performed on 2% agar phantoms (n=3) and then applied to porcine corneas (n=3) in situ. Results: Validation experiments were performed on 2% agar phantoms (Figure a) and compared with uniaxial compressional tests (Figure b), which demonstrated the accuracy and feasibility of the RLFE method to reconstruct sample’s mechanical properties. Figure c demonstrates results from RLFE application to process OCE data from porcine corneas: the Young’s moduli were estimated to be ~60 kPa with a shear viscosity ~0.33 Pas. Conclusions: OCE combining RLFE is a promising method for noninvasive quantification of the corneal biomechanical properties and may potentially be useful for clinical ophthalmological applications. Commercial Relationships: Zhaolong Han, None; Salavat R. Aglyamov, None; Jiasong Li, None; Manmohan Singh, None; Shang Wang, None; Srilatha Vantipalli, None; Chen Wu, None; Chih-hao Liu, None; Michael D. Twa, None; Kirill Larin, None Program Number: 1106 Poster Board Number: D0008 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM A reduced whole eye model to estimate in vivo biomechanical properties of the human cornea Mathew Kurian Kummelil1, Rohit Shetty1, Abhijit Sinha Roy2. 1 Cataract and Refractive surgery, Narayana Nethralaya, Bangalore, India, Bangalore, India; 2Imaging and Biomechanics, Narayana Nethralaya, Bangalore, India. Purpose: To develop a reduced whole eye model for inverse estimation of corneal biomechanical properties Methods: Figure 1 shows a cross-section of the model. The corneal limbus was supported by a parallel network of spring (Kz, Kx) and dashpot (μ) to account for globe, muscles and fat viscoelasticity. The cornea itself was modeled as a fiber dependent, hyperelastic and incompressible material. Depth dependent properties were incorporated to model shear resistance (Petsche et al., 2013). Corneal deformation from Corvis-ST (OCULUS Optikgerate Gmbh, Germany) was used in the inverse finite element (iFE) method. Transient air-puff pressure and a constant intraocular pressure (IOP) were applied as loads. 10 eyes of 10 normal subjects were measured. The optimized function was defined as the difference between the displacement of the anterior edge of the cornea estimated by iFE and obtained after image processing of Corvis-ST images. The iFE was solved using Abaqus v.6.12 (Simulia Inc., USA) and custom python scripting. Further IOP was varied from a normal of 15 mmHg to 13 and 17 mmHg to assess sensitivity of property parameters to measured IOP. Results: Figure 2 shows the apical rise of the corneas vs. simulated increase in pressure applied to the posterior surface using the estimated biomechanical properties. The non-linear response of the cornea was evident and the regression was excellent (R2=0.98). Figure 3 shows the regressed data for IOP=13, 15 and 17 mmHg for all the 10 corneas averaged together for each IOP. The average difference in estimated apical rise was ~5% at 15±2 mmHg. The mean biomechanical properties of the cellular matrix were 73±22.8 kPa and 4.81±9.97MPa at IOP=15 mmHg. Similarly, the mean properties of collagen network were 0.39±0.05 kPa and 308±76 at IOP=15 mmHg. Conclusions: A novel reduced whole eye model was developed which significantly reduced the computation time from the previous whole eye model developed by the authors. The model also incorporated depth dependent shear properties and demonstrated its application to estimate in vivo properties. Validation experiments were performed on 2% agar phantoms (Figure a) and compared with uniaxial compressional tests (Figure b). Figure c demonstrates results for porcine corneas: the Young’s moduli were estimated to be ~60 kPa with a shear viscosity ~0.33 Pas. ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts Figure 1 shows a cross-section of the model Figure 2 shows the apical rise of the corneas vs. simulated increase in pressure applied to the posterior surface using the estimated biomechanical properties Figure 3 shows the regressed data for IOP=13, 15 and 17 mmHg for all the 10 corneas averaged together for each IOP Commercial Relationships: Mathew Kurian Kummelil, None; Rohit Shetty, None; Abhijit Sinha Roy, Avedro (C), Carl Zeiss (C), Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute (P), Topcon (C) Program Number: 1107 Poster Board Number: D0009 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Sensitivity analysis of corneal biomechanical and optical behavior to material and geometrical parameters Mengchen Xu1, 4, Ashutosh Richhariya2, Amy L. Lerner1, 3, Geunyoung Yoon4, 3. 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; 2L V Prasad Eye Institute, Kallam Anji Reddy Campus, Hyderabad, India; 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; 4Flaum Eye Institute, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. Purpose: To quantify the relative contribution of different material and geometrical parameters to apical displacement and optical aberrations using finite element method and a statistical approach. Methods: A 3D anisotropic corneal model (Pandolfi, 2006) with collagen fibril distribution was generated in FEM software (ABAQUS). The sensitivity analyses were performed in two groups of parameters (1) geometrical parameters: central and peripheral corneal thickness, apical rise (H) and base diameter (2Ri), (2) radius of curvature (R) and material parameters: matrix stiffness (C10), fiber dispersion (k) denoting the degree of anisotropy, fiber stiffness and nonlinearity. Ranges of the parameters were chosen from previously reported data. Outcome measures included apical displacement and changes in refractive power and spherical aberration (SA) calculated for 6 mm corneal diameter using an optical ray-tracing software at multiple intraocular pressures (IOP). Sixteen combinations of the parameters in each group were designed based on Taguchi style 16TC Factorial Array (Funkenbusch, 2004). The relative contribution of each factor to the variance in results was represented by percentage of total sum of squares (%TSS) and quantified through ANOM and ANOVA analyses. Results: Among geometrical parameters, 2Ri influenced apical displacement most (85.6%TSS) while H was the most important factor influencing refractive power change (90.4%TSS). Change in SA was sensitive to both 2Ri and H (37.1 and 57%TSS). In the second group, k, R and C10 were found to be significantly important (P<0.01) for apical displacement (80.9%TSS total at 20mmHg IOP). The significance of k was increased with higher IOP, demonstrating that fiber dispersion dominated corneal behavior. For optical behavior, k was the most contributing factor. Varying the degree of anisotropy due to fiber dispersion from highly oriented to fully isotropic induced positive SA up to 0.78mm and myopic refractive power up to 9.9D at 20mmHg IOP. In addition, the interactions of k with R or C10 also had a significant impact. Conclusions: Apical rise and base diameter were the two critical geometrical parameters while fiber dispersion was the most important material parameter contributing to corneal biomechanical and optical behavior. These parameters need to be well characterized in individualized cornea modeling in order to reliably predict surgical outcomes. Commercial Relationships: Mengchen Xu, None; Ashutosh Richhariya, None; Amy L. Lerner, None; Geunyoung Yoon, None Support: NIH EY014999 Program Number: 1108 Poster Board Number: D0010 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Depth-Dependent Mechanical Properties of the Human Cornea under Compression Stephen R. Sloan1, Manuel A. Ramirez Garcia1, Yousuf Khalifa2, Mark R. Buckley1. 1Biomedical Engineering, University of Rochester, Pittsford, NY; 2Ophthalmology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Purpose: Characterize the depth-dependent compressive modulus of central and peripheral human corneas. ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts Methods: Unpaired central (n=3) and peripheral (n=3) corneal buttons 3 mm in diameter were punched from donor human corneas, then stained in acridine orange (a nuclear dye) to enable straintracking. Specimens were subjected to a stress relaxation test in an Optisol-GS bath with a microscope-mounted mechanical testing device (TDIS; Sloan et al., IOVS, 2014) under fluorescence imaging. A loading rate of 1 um/sec was applied until a peak force of 2.9 N was reached, then the specimens were allowed to relax for 30 minutes. Two-dimensional digital image correlation software (Jones, Exp. Mech., 2014) was utilized to calculate the location-dependent Lagrangian compressive strain. Force measurements at the equilibrium state (taken to be at the 30 minute mark) were divided by the cross-sectional area to calculate stress. Compressive modulus was calculated by dividing stress over strain. Results: In general, the compressive modulus varied continuously with depth for both locations and was highest at d/T ~ 0.6, where d is depth from the anterior surface and T is the tissue thickness. In the central specimens, a peak compressive modulus of 66 +/- 11 kPa was found at 60% depth, while the peripheral specimens exhibited a peak compressive modulus of 55 kPa at 40% depth. At the equilibrium state, central specimens measured a relaxation thickness of 472 +/- 14 um, while peripheral specimens were 569 +/- 44 um (mean +/- SEM). Conclusions: Compared to our previously reported corneal shear modulus profiles that peaked at d/T ~ 0.25, the compressive modulus peaks substantially closer to the central stroma. These differences likely reflect distinct structural components of the cornea that contribute to different modes of mechanical loading. Compressive Modulus as a function of normalized thickness. Mean +/- SEM Commercial Relationships: Stephen R. Sloan, None; Manuel A. Ramirez Garcia, None; Yousuf Khalifa, None; Mark R. Buckley, None Program Number: 1109 Poster Board Number: D0011 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM A computational model for collagen-swelling interaction in the in vivo human cornea Xi Cheng, Steven J. Petsche, Peter M. Pinsky. Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Purpose: The mechanical behavior and stability of the in vivo cornea depends on the 3-D organization of stromal lamellae, on the stromal hydration, and on the interaction between collagen and swelling forces. A computational biomechanical model for the in vivo cornea, based on the full 3-D lamella organization and osmotic pressure- based swelling, is used to investigate: (i) the role of the specific collagen architecture in corneal biomechanical behavior, including depth-dependent lamella inclination and interweaving, and (ii) collagen-swelling interaction in normal and diseased cornea. Methods: A continuum mechanics-based 3-D model of corneal behavior has been developed with two principal modeling inputs: (i) the elasticity of the stroma, and (ii) the swelling behavior. The elasticity is based on averaging with lamella orientation distributions at every point in the cornea, and where the orientation distributions are derived from a synthesis of X-ray diffraction data and second harmonic-generated image processing. The swelling behavior is modeled using equilibrium thermodynamics for osmotic pressure and accounting for active endothelial ion transport which modifies stromal ionic concentrations. The coupled models are embedded in a general 3-D finite element framework and used to simulate corneal biomechanical performance in the normal and swollen state. Results: Depth-dependence of lamella inclination was found to significantly affect mechanical and in vivo swelling behavior. Shear stiffness is predicted to be greater in the anterior cornea, which was confirmed by direct experimental measurement. Modeling of swollen corneas (Fuch’s dystrophy) predicts predominant swelling in the posterior stroma and the role of lamella inclination is clarified by synthetically varying inclination. Adapted to ex vivo conditions, the model accurately predicts swelling pressure experimental measurements. Conclusions: The model quantifies both lamella-lamella and lamellaswelling structural interactions and predicts a relatively rigid anterior stromal region. In vivo swelling simulations reproduce observed primary swelling in the posterior stroma and little change in anterior surface curvature. The model can predict swelling due to reduction in active endothelial ion transport. The proposed model is a significant improvement over existing pure elasticity approaches which cannot address swelling. Commercial Relationships: Xi Cheng, None; Steven J. Petsche, None; Peter M. Pinsky, None Support: Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Research Initiative II Program Number: 1110 Poster Board Number: D0012 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM BIOMECHANICAL COMPARISON OF CONTRALATERAL FLAP-BASED AND NO-FLAP FEMTOSECOND LENTICULE EXTRACTION PROCEDURES USING INVERSE FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Ibrahim Seven1, Ali Vahdati1, Cynthia J. Roberts3, Iben B. Pedersen2, Jesper Hjortdal2, William J. Dupps1. 1Ophthalmic Research, Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland, OH; 2Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; 3The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Purpose: No-flap lenticule extraction procedure has been introduced in order to conserve anterior stromal collagen fibers (RELEX SMILE Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany). Prior studies using clinical corneal stiffness measurement devices were limited to differentiate the biomechanical impact of this procedure comparing to flap based procedures. This contralateral study aims at predicting the amount of weakening in collagen fibril elasticity induced by flap-based versus no flap lenticule extraction methods. Methods: Patient specific tomography data were meshed using a custom meshing software consisting epithelium, flap/cap, wound and residual stromal bed. A hyperelastic, anisotropic, incompressible and depth dependent material formulation was utilized for the stroma. Inverse FE analyses were performed using Abaqus 6.11 and Matlab 7.8.0 with 15mmHg intraocular pressure followed by a forward analysis using 30mmHg IOP to better demonstrate the mechanical ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts impact of each procedure. Two cases, one myopic and one myopic astigmatism,who received flap-based and no-flap treatments contralaterally were simulated with their clinical treatment settings. Percentage weakening in the fiber stiffness within the flap region compared to the no-flap procedure was found by preforming inverse finite element (FE) study. Results: Flap based procedure demonstrated 68%, 71% surgically induced weakening within flap region for patient1 and patient2 respectively. Lower stress and deformation within the residual stromal bed were noted in the no-flap procedures as opposed to the flap-based procedures. Simulated refractive outcomes closely matched the 6month clinical follow-up topographies. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, the no-flap procedure demonstrated higher biomechanical stability following the surgery as opposed to the flap-based procedure when the same preoperative material properties were assigned to each contralateral eye. Surgically induced deformation within residual stromal bed from a single case. Comparing two procedures at two IOP levels Surgically induced von-mises stresses within residual stromal bed from a single case. Comparing two procedures at two IOP levels Commercial Relationships: Ibrahim Seven, Optoquest (C); Ali Vahdati, None; Cynthia J. Roberts, Zeiss (C), Zeiss (F); Iben B. Pedersen, None; Jesper Hjortdal, Zeiss (C); William J. Dupps, Cleveland Clinic Innovations (P), Zeiss (F) Support: NIH/NEI R01 EY023381 Program Number: 1111 Poster Board Number: D0013 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Computational Modeling of Unilateral Ectasia after LASIK and PRK William J. Dupps1, 2, Ali Vahdati1, Naveen Mysore1, Ibrahim Seven1, Ronald R. Krueger1, J. Bradley Randleman3. 1Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; 2Biomedical Engineering, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; 3 Ophthalmology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Purpose: A priori prediction of post-refractive surgery ectasia risk remains a challenge. Current clinical screening paradigms rely on incomplete corneal shape characterizations and surrogate surgical risk factors. We present the first patient-specific computational analyses of clinically documented post-PRK and post-LASIK ectasia cases and assess differences in load-induced stress/strain in affected and unaffected eyes. Methods: Preoperative and postoperative tomography data from ectatic and unaffected contralateral eyes were imported into custom finite element meshing software. Epithelium, flap, wound and residual stromal bed (RSB) layers were each defined in the LASIK models. The PRK model consisted only of epithelium and RSB layers. Stress/strain distributions were obtained using an iterative method. Munnerlyn ablation algorithms were implemented in simulations. The cornea was modeled as a fiber-reinforced material with homogenous solid matrix. At each integration point within the model, splay of fibers was modeled and angularly integrated. Each fiber was represented by a 3D helical spring in order to capture crimping behavior of collagen fibrils. In addition to actual preop, actual postop and simulated postop simulations, additional simulations modeled focal reductions in fiber or matrix modulus. All simulations were performed with 15mmHg and 30 mmHg loads. Results: In the eye that developed post-LASIK ectasia, maximum principal strain was 10% higher and more asymmetrically distributed than the stable eye. Simulated LASIK procedures closely matched actual postop geometries and produced 10% higher von Mises stresses in the ectatic eye with a more asymmetric, eccentric distribution than the stable eye. For the PRK case, similar but smaller differences in strains and von Mises stresses were observed in the ectatic eye with shifts in von Mises stress toward the inferiortemporal cornea where the ectatic region manifested clinically. Similar shifts were observed in models based on actual postoperative geometry. In both cases, when corneal shear modulus was reduced, the cornea thinned slightly and the steep feature shifted peripherally. Conclusions: Structural simulations using patient-specific geometry and a microstructurally motivated fiber-reinforced model reveal potential disease-predisposing differences in case-specific mechanical behavior that may be useful for prediction of post-refractive surgery ectasia. Commercial Relationships: William J. Dupps, Cleveland Clinic/ OptoQuest (P); Ali Vahdati, None; Naveen Mysore, None; Ibrahim Seven, Cleveland Clinic/OptoQuest (C); Ronald R. Krueger, Alcon (C), Cleveland Clinic/OptoQuest (C); J. Bradley Randleman, Cleveland Clinic/OptoQuest (C) Support: NIH Grant R01 EY023381, Innovation Platform Award from the State of Ohio Third Frontier Commission, and Unrestricted Grant from Research to Prevent Blindness. WJD is a recipient of a Research to Prevent Blindness Career Development Award. Program Number: 1112 Poster Board Number: D0014 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Interlamellar cohesion after collagenase type II exposure in rabbit cornea XIAOMING YAN1, JING QIAO1, Wenjing Song1, Yun Tang1, Haili Li1, Bei Rong1, Songlin Yang1, Yaqi Yin2, Yuan Wu1. 1Department of Ophthalmology, Peking University First Hospital; Key Laboratory of Vision Loss and Restoration, Ministry of Education., Beijing, China; 2 Institute of mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; the State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics., Beijing, China. Purpose: Collagenase could be considered as a method for generating animal model of keratoconus. The authors aimed to evaluate the impact of collagenase on the interlamellar cohesive force of rabbit corneas. Methods: 20 post mortem New Zealand white rabbit corneas were divided into 4 groups: group 1(15 mg/ml collagenase type II with 15% dextran, N=5), group 2(10 mg/ml collagenase type II with 15% dextran, N=5),group 3(5 mg/ml collagenase type II with 15% dextran, N=5) and group 4(the control group,15% dextran, N=5). After removing epithelium and measuring the corneal thickness, 9*4mm corneal strips were incised and interlamellar cohesive force at 50% depth of stroma was measured with a microcomputer-controlled biomaterial testing machine. Results: The mean interlamellar cohesive force of group 1group 2,group 3 and group 4 was 0.225 N/mm,0.217 N/mm,0.199 N/ ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts mm,and 0.211 N/mm respectively; without statistically significant differences. Light microscopy showed stromal tissue became less tight after collagenase exposure. Conclusions: Collagenase exposure does not decrease the interlamellar cohesive force in rabbit corneas, indicating that there is no significant effect of collagenase on interlamellar cohesion. Histopathology revealed less tight stroma after collagenase exposure due to its collagen digestion effect. Commercial Relationships: XIAOMING YAN, None; JING QIAO, None; Wenjing Song, None; Yun Tang, None; Haili Li, None; Bei Rong, None; Songlin Yang, None; Yaqi Yin, None; Yuan Wu, None Support: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11372011 ), Beijing Natural Science Foundation(Grant No. 7142159 ) Program Number: 1113 Poster Board Number: D0015 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM A pilot study of creating keratoconus model by collagenase type II JING QIAO1, XIAOMING YAN1, Wenjing Song1, Yun Tang1, Bei Rong1, Haili Li1, Songlin Yang1, Yaqi Yin2, Yuan Wu1. 1Department of Ophthalmology, Peking University First Hospital; Key Laboratory of Vision Loss and Restoration, Ministry of Education, Beijing, China; 2 Institute of mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; the State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Beijing, China. Purpose: To set up an experimental animal model of keratoconus using collagenase type II and evaluate corneal curvature changes. Methods: 20 mortem New Zealand white rabbit corneas were divided into 4 groups: group 1(15 mg/ml collagenase type II with 15% dextran, N=5), group 2(10 mg/ml collagenase type II with 15% dextran, N=5), group 3(5 mg/ml collagenase type II with 15% dextran, N=5) and group 4(the control group,15% dextran, N=5). After epithelial debridement, corneas were mounted and pressured on artificial anterior chambers,then different kinds of solution was applied to corneas for 1 hour. Corneal curvature was measured before and after collagenase exposure at different intraocular pressure levels(15mmHg, 30mmHg,45mmHg). The results were analyzed statistically. Results: After exposure, changes of Kmean in group 1,group 2,group 3 and group 4 were 6.33±4.05D, 0.93±1.13D, 0.67±1.66D and -0.26±0.77D respectively at 15mmHg; 5.36±2.39D, 1.49±1.70D, 1.37±2.07D and -0.77±1.11D respectively at 30mmHg; 7.29±3.39D, 2.41±2.37D, 1.47±2.63D and -0.56±1.35D respectively at 45mmHg. Compared to group 4, a statistically significant increase in Kmean across all the intraocular pressure levels was seen in group 1 (p<0.05).However, group 2, group3 and group 4 were not significantly different from group 4(p0.05). Conclusions: 15 mg/ml collagenase type II could induce significant increase in corneal curvature, which might be considered as a method of building the rabbit model of keratoconus. Commercial Relationships: JING QIAO, None; XIAOMING YAN, None; Wenjing Song, None; Yun Tang, None; Bei Rong, None; Haili Li, None; Songlin Yang, None; Yaqi Yin, None; Yuan Wu, None Support: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11372011 )Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant No.7142159) Program Number: 1114 Poster Board Number: D0016 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Synthetic media for replacement of serum based conventional organ culture corneal preservation system Mohit Parekh1, 3, Gianni Salvalaio1, Stefano Ferrari1, Alessandro Ruzza1, Marie-Claude Amoureux2, Denis Fortier2, Diego Ponzin1. 1 International Center for Ocular Physiopathology, The Veneto Eye Bank Foundation, Zelarino, Italy; 2Eurobio, Paris, France; 3 Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padova, Padova, Italy. Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of a new synthetic medium (Cornea Syn, Eurobio, France) and compare it with conventional organ culture medium (Cornea Max, Eurobio, France). Methods: Cornea Syn is Iscove based, serum free and completed with recombinant factors needed for maintaining cornea healthy in organ culture. Seven pairs of human donor corneas were evaluated using Cornea Syn against the traditional serum based Cornea Max. Each cornea from the same donor was preserved in Cornea Cold or Cornea Prep II for 48 hours at RT [phase I], transferred and preserved in Cornea Syn or Cornea Max for 28 days at 31oC [phase II] followed by preservation in Cornea Trans or Cornea Jet for 4 days at RT [phase III]. Parameters such as thickness, transparency, viable endothelial cell density (VECD), morphology and overall quality were used to determine the quality of the cornea. Trypan blue for cell mortality; Lactic acid production in the media; Alizarin red for hexagonality; ZO-1, p63 and alpha SMA immunostaining for tight junctions, limbal and smooth muscle actin in the stroma respectively on histological sections; Hematoxylin Eosin staining for corneal integrity and TdT dNTP kit for cell apoptosis, were used for analytical study. Results: Thickness, transparency and overall quality showed statistical significance (p<0.05) showing better results with Cornea Syn at phase I however, none of the other parameters showed any significance at any stage. Cornea Syn showed statistically significantly lower (p<0.05) production of lactic acid as compared to Cornea Max however, no statistical significance was observed in other phases. Alizarin red showed partial preservation of hexagonality as the morphology deteriorated to some extent in both series. Immunostaining showed expression of tight junctions of the endothelium, preservation of the limbal region of the epithelium and muscle fibres in the stroma. Hematoxylin Eosin staining showed presence of all the corneal layers. No apoptosis was observed in any preserved corneas. Conclusions: Cornea Synthetic series is comparable to the conventional serum based media which helps to preserve the corneal integrity and metabolism active. Cornea Syn is a safe and reliable media for preservation of human donor corneal tissues at 31oC and has an advantage of having no animal or animal derived components. Commercial Relationships: Mohit Parekh, None; Gianni Salvalaio, None; Stefano Ferrari, None; Alessandro Ruzza, None; Marie-Claude Amoureux, None; Denis Fortier, None; Diego Ponzin, None Program Number: 1115 Poster Board Number: D0017 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Keratoprosthesis decentration results in degradation in image quality Amanda Tang1, Xiaoyong Fu2, Rony Sayegh1. 1Ophthalmology, Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals, Cleveland, OH; 2 Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Purpose: Recent reports have focused on methods to improve centration of the Boston keratoprosthesis (KPro) during surgery. However, the optical effects of decentration and consequently tilting ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts of the device are unknown. We investigate these effects on image quality using a computer model. Methods: A model of the PMMA KPro was created in Zemax (Focus Software Inc, San Diego, Calif). Computerized ray-tracing technique was used to simulate the image projected on the retina in an eye with a perfectly centered KPro, and eyes with various degrees of KPro decentration and corresponding tilt. The degree of tilt was calculated based on the radius of curvature of KPro backplate of 8.0 mm. The spot diagrams for a wavelength of 587.6 nm and a pupil diameter of 3.0 mm were derived and the simulated images on the macula are presented. Results: The perfectly centered KPro (0 mm decentration) had a tight point spread function which resulted in the formation of a high quality image. Decentration of the KPro by 0.8, 1.5, and 2.3 mm (backplate abutting the angle) with a corresponding respective tilt of 5.6, 11.4, and 17.0 degrees was simulated. Spot diagrams demonstrating the change in image quality of a point object across the retina showed increased astigmatism and peripheral distortions of the retinal image with increasing decentration and tilt. This became significant with a decentration of 1.5 mm and beyond. Simulated images illustrate the resultant distortions. The addition of asphericity to the anterior lens surface of the KPro resulted in improved off-axis image quality while maintaining good potential visual acuity. Conclusions: Low amounts of decentration and tilt of the KPro are of little consequence on image quality projected on the retina, however, distortion of the projected image occurs with higher amounts of decentration. Our results illustrate the importance of attempting good centration of the device during surgery. Alternatively, aspherically optimizing the lens surface during manufacturing would result in dampening of the distortion effect. The model also confirms our previous observation that tilting of the KPro result in astigmatism on refraction. Commercial Relationships: Amanda Tang, None; Xiaoyong Fu, None; Rony Sayegh, None Program Number: 1116 Poster Board Number: D0018 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Anatomical and visual outcomes after Boston Keratoprosthesis type 1 in chemical burns: the Santo Domingo experience Borja Salvador Culla1, Linette Arzeno2, Paraskevi E. Kolovou1, Santiago Martínez2, Claes H. Dohlman1, Miguel Ángel López2. 1 Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2Hospital Elías Santana, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Purpose: To describe the visual outcomes, anatomical retention and postoperative complications of patients who underwent type 1 Boston Keratoprosthesis (B-Kpro) after ocular chemical burns in the Dominican Republic. Methods: A retrospective review of case series including 42 eyes of 36 patients with ocular chemical burn who underwent B-Kpro type 1 implantation at Hospital Elías Santana in Santo Domingo between September 2006 and October 2014 was conducted. Visual acuity, anatomical retention and the rate of postoperative complications were evaluated. Results: The mean age of patients was 40.86 years (25-62); 34 were male while 2 were female. The causative agent was ammonia in 21 cases, hydrochloric acid in 6 cases, hydraulic fluid in 1 case, and the agent was unknown in 14 cases. The mean follow-up time was 38.45 months (median 30; range 2-98). Best corrected mean visual acuity (LogMAR) was 2.12 (+/-0.9) at first visit, 2.44 (+/-0.64) immediately prior to B-Kpro implantation, 0.71 (+/-0.61) at 1 month, 0.69 (+/0.75) at 6 months, 0.95 (+/-0.98) at 1 year, 1.27 (+/-1.30) at 2 years, 1.53 (+/-1.43) at 3 years, 1.25 (+/-1.41) at 4 years, and 1.32 (+/-1.44) at 5 years. Anatomical retention of the first implanted B-Kpro was achieved in 90.5% of the eyes after 1 year and 78.6.3% at 2 years. The most frequent postoperative complication was the development of a posterior capsule opacification (26%), followed by glaucoma (19%) and corneal melting (17%). Other complications included hypotony (5%), extrusion (5%), retroprosthetic membrane (5%), epiretinal membrane (3%), retinal detachment (3%), hemovitreous (3%), endophthalmitis (1%), and Ahmed valve abscess (1%). Conclusions: Our study demonstrates an excellent retention rate of the B-Kpro type 1 in chemical burns after 2 years, with a maintained improvement of the best corrected visual acuity in the majority of patients. Because these eyes are severely damaged, it is important to follow up closely these patients after B-Kpro implantation to prevent and address promptly any vision-threatening complication. Commercial Relationships: Borja Salvador Culla, Boston Keratoprosthesis, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (F); Linette Arzeno, None; Paraskevi E. Kolovou, Boston Keratoprosthesis, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (F); Santiago Martínez, None; Claes H. Dohlman, Boston Keratoprosthesis, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (F); Miguel Ángel López, None Program Number: 1117 Poster Board Number: D0019 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Long Term Outcomes of Boston KPro Type I implantation in Aniridia Associated Keratopathy Jose De la Cruz, Maria S. Cortina, Samantha L. Williamson, Kimberly Hsu. Ophthalmology, University of Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago, IL. Purpose: To evaluate the long term outcomes of aniridic patients undergoing keratoprosthesis implantation in an Interdisciplinary artificial cornea center. Methods: Retrospective, Single Center, Case Series Results: Eighteen Aniridic KPRO Type I (17 patients, 1 bilateral). Age: Mean 44, (SD 18): Female: Male, 13:4. KLAL prior to KPRO: 11 eyes. Survival Rate (days): Mean: 1635 days, SD: 1132 days (Min 269 days, Max 3156 days). Type of Surgery: Aphakic KPRO 10 (55%), Pseudophakic KPRO 5 (28%). Combined KPRO/PPV/ Glaucoma Tube Shunt 3 (17%). Follow up: Mean 990 days, SD 692 days.Visual Acuity Pre OP (18 eyes): 20/400 (2) 11%, 20/800 (1) 5%, CF (7) 39%, HM (7) 39%, LP (1) 5%. Last Follow up BCVA: 20/60 (2) 12.5%, 20/100 (3) 18.7%, 20/250 (3) 18.7%, 20/300 (1) 6%, 20/400 (2) 12.5%, CF (1) 6%, HM (1) 6%, LP (1) 6%, NLP (2) 12.5%.•VA 20/250 or better 55%. VA 20/300 or better 61%. VA 20/400 or worse 39%. Worst than pre-op 16 % (3) (one due to trauma, one due to intraop complication choroidal heme, one due to hypotony). Complications: Retroprosthetic Membranes (RPM) (12 eyes) 67%,. Period of Time of Appearance of RPM: Mean: 293 days (SD: 511 days, Min 35 days, Max 1855 days. Sterile keratolysis/ extrusion (3 eyes) 25%. Time to sterile keratolysis/extrusion: Mean: 169 days, (SD: 30 days, Min: 150 days, Max: 204 days). Extrusion preserved baseline VA after replacement (20/100, 20/250, 20/100). Conclusions: Long term implantation of Boston KPRO provides for a viable alterrnative for visual rehabilitation in aniridia associated keratopathy. Even in cases of extrusions the eyes preserved adequate vision after re-implantation comparesd to pre-op. Commercial Relationships: Jose De la Cruz, None; Maria S. Cortina, None; Samantha L. Williamson, None; Kimberly Hsu, None ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts Program Number: 1118 Poster Board Number: D0020 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Pars Plana Vitrectomy and Silicone Oil insertion Protect Against Endophthalmitis in Patients with Boston Type 1 Keratoprosthesis Mohamed Abou Shousha, Zachary Schmitz, Joshua Abernathy, Ross Chod, Zachary Bodnar, Rocio Bentivegna, Sean Edelstein, Levent Akduman. Ophthalmology, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO. Purpose: To evaluate visual outcomes and postoperative complication rates in eyes with Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis combined with pars plana vitrectomy and silicone oil insertion (KPro+PPV+SOI) as compared to eyes receiving Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis (KPro) alone. Methods: Retrospective case control study of 24 eyes with Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis. Ten of these eyes had hypotony and/ or retinal detachment in addition to corneal pathology, and thus received KPro implantation combined with pars plana vitrectomy and silicone oil insertion. Outcome measures included best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and rates of post-operative complications including endophthalmitis, KPro extrusion, retinal detachment, newly developed glaucoma and retroprosthetic membrane (RPM) recorded at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months follow-up visits Results: In the KPro+PPV+SOI group, no eyes had developed endophthalmitis by the 12 month follow-up visit. On the other hand, 5 eyes in the uncombined KPro group developed endophthalmitis (P<0.05). Four of these 5 eyes had vitreous taps with positive bacterial cultures. Other complications included Kpro extrusion (1 in each group), retinal detachment (1 in each group), newly developed glaucoma (2 in the KPro group) and RPM (6 in KPro and 4 in KPro+PPV+SOI group). The KPro group had better average preoperative and 1st month postoperative BCVA as compared to those of the Kpro+PPV+SIO group (1/200 vs. HM; P=0.01 and 20/300 vs. 3/200; P=0.03, respectively). No statistically significant difference in BCVA was noted in subsequent follow-up visits. Conclusions: Boston type 1 Keratoprosthesis combined with pars plana vitrectomy and silicone oil insertion in eyes with corneal pathology as well as hypotony and/or retinal detachment is a safe and effective procedure for visual rehabilitation. Furthermore, pars plana vitrectomy and silicone oil insertion may have a protective effect against the development of postoperative endophthalmitis in eyes receiving the Boston Type 1 Keratoprosthesis. Commercial Relationships: Mohamed Abou Shousha, None; Zachary Schmitz, None; Joshua Abernathy, None; Ross Chod, None; Zachary Bodnar, None; Rocio Bentivegna, None; Sean Edelstein, None; Levent Akduman, None Program Number: 1119 Poster Board Number: D0021 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Boston type I Keratoprosthesis: surgical indications, outcomes, retention rate and complications in a single-(international)-center study Alejandro Navas1, Juan Carlos Serna-Ojeda1, Jasbeth Ledesma Gil2, Arturo J. Ramirez-Miranda1, Enrique O. Graue1. 1Cornea and Refractive Surgery, Institute of Ophtalmology “Conde de Valenciana”, Mexico City, Mexico; 2Glaucoma, Institute of Ophtalmology “Conde de Valenciana”, Mexico City, Mexico. Purpose: To evaluate the preoperative indications, postoperative complications, retention rate and surgical outcomes of patients with Boston Type I (formerly Dohlman type I) Keratoprosthesis in an international center. Methods: An observational and retrospective study was performed with review of the medical records of patients who underwent Boston Type 1 Keratoprosthesis (KPro) implantation at Instituto de Oftalmología Conde de Valenciana (an ophthalmologic reference center) in Mexico City, Mexico. The variables analyzed included surgical indication, initial and final visual acuity, previous keratoplasties, postoperative complications and retention rate. Results: 22 eyes of 21 patients with a median age of 49.5 years (range 24 - 90 years), median follow-up after keratoprostheses of 14 months (range 3 to 124 months). Preoperative visual acuity was worst than 20/100 in all cases. Indications for surgery included: corneal dystrophies in 4 patients (19.0%), ocular burns (2 patients, 9.5%), aniridia (2 patients, 9.5%), bullous keratopathy (3 patients, 14.2%), Stevens-Johnson syndrome (2 patients, 9.5%), severe ocular rosacea (1 patient, 4.7%), among others. One patient with binocular keratoprostheses had rheumatoid arthritis with severe ocular surface disease. In 16 eyes (76.1%), previous penetrating keratoplasties were attempted with failure. Four patients were treated with keratoprosthesis assisted with intraprosthetic amniotic membrane. Postoperative complications included retroprosthetic membranes in 4 patients (19.0%), retrolental membranes in 2 (9.5%), retinal detachments in 2 (9.5%) and endophthalmitis in 2 (9.5%). Of the 22 keratoprosthesis implanted, 4 have been removed, obtaining a retention rate of 81% during follow-up; in 2 cases keratoprostheses re-placement was performed and 2 cases presented endophthalmitis, one requiring evisceration. 14 eyes had a final visual acuity equal or better than 20/400 (with a median of 20/60). Conclusions: Indications for Boston Type I keratoprosthesis are varied, and usually reserved for very complex cases with previous failed penetrating keratoplasties as a common characteristic. Postoperative complication and retention rates remained similar to other series. Boston type I keratoprosthesis implantation is increasing abroad, it is important to report the outcomes from different venues around the world. Commercial Relationships: Alejandro Navas, None; Juan Carlos Serna-Ojeda, None; Jasbeth Ledesma Gil, None; Arturo J. Ramirez-Miranda, None; Enrique O. Graue, None Program Number: 1120 Poster Board Number: D0022 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Evaluation of anterior chamber angle by anterior segment optical coherence tomography in different back plate models of implanted Boston type 1 keratoprosthesis Kimberly Hsu1, Joann Kang1, Norma Allemann1, 2, Jose De la Cruz1, Maria S. Cortina1. 1University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; 2 Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Purpose: To compare the anterior chamber angle (ACA) and presence of peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) in patients with implanted Boston Type 1 keratoprosthesis including 7.0 mm and 8.5 mm PMMA and 8.5 mm titanium back plate models. Methods: A retrospective study of patients who received a Boston Type 1 keratoprosthesis from 2009 – 2014 was conducted. The type of implanted back plate was determined from the operative report. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography images taken at the last postoperative visit were reviewed and ACA measurements and number of clock hours of PAS were recorded. Results: 29 patients with a 7.0 mm PMMA back plate, 12 patients with an 8.5 mm PMMA back plate, and 7 patients with an 8.5 mm titanium back plate were included in the study with a mean follow up of 16.4, 27.5, and 2.1 months, respectively. Average ACA was 4.7 in the 7.0 PMMA group, 2.7 in the 8.0 mm PMMA group, and 17.2 in the titanium group. The difference in ACA between the titanium and the 7.0 mm PMMA group was statistically significant (p = 0.005), and there was a trend towards significance comparing the titanium to the 8.0 mm PMMA group (p = 0.01). There was no difference between the two PMMA back plate sizes. The average clock hours of PAS were 6.6, 6.0, and 6.0 for the 7.0 mm PMMA group, 8.5 ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts mm PMMA group, and titanium group, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in clock hours of PAS between groups. Conclusions: Our results suggest that patients with titanium back plates may be able to maintain their angle better than patients with PMMA back plates but PAS formation appeared to be similar to all groups. It has been suggested that Boston Type 1 keratoprosthesis titanium back plates incite less post-operative inflammatory response than PMMA back plates, which may in part explain our findings. However, longer follow up is needed to determine the clinical relevance of different back plate materials and sizes. Commercial Relationships: Kimberly Hsu, None; Joann Kang, None; Norma Allemann, None; Jose De la Cruz, None; Maria S. Cortina, None Program Number: 1121 Poster Board Number: D0023 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Glare Reduction Strategies for Keratoprosthesis Musa Abdelaziz2, Claes H. Dohlman1, Rony R. Sayegh2. 1 Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA; 2Ophthalmology, University Hospitals/Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Purpose: Significant glare is frequently reported by patients after Boston keratoprosthesis (KPro) surgery. An opaque contact lens is helpful but potential movement of the lens limits its usefulness in many patients. We explore the effect of various modifications to the KPro assembly on glare. Methods: A custom made optical bench setup was used. A point light source (LED) of adjustable intensity and a collimator lens system were used for illumination. A sand-blasted scattering Boston scleral lens was drilled to allow insertion of a type 1 KPro front plate. A CCD camera on a rotating arm captured the image of the point source and the surrounding scatter at different angles. The type 1 KPro used was designed for an aphakic eye (focal length, 14.8 mm in air). Pointspread function (PSF) curves with corresponding area under the curve (AUC) were derived using Matlab. Results: A tight PSF curve was obtained with the KPro surrounded by an opaque iris (control, AUC 3.3). A wider PSF curve (more glare) was noted with the use of a PMMA back plate (AUC 5.3) compared with the newer titanium back plate (AUC 4.4). The addition of a +2.00D acrylic intraocular lens placed behind the KPro with titanium back plate did not increase scatter (AUC 4.2). The use of a modified titanium locking-ring that is 6mm in diameter eliminated scatter and resulted in a PSF similar to the control (AUC 3.3). Maximal scatter was noted with KPro front plate inserted in the sand-blasted scleral lens (AUC 11.3). Conclusions: The newer titanium back plate provides better glare protection compared to its older PMMA counterpart. There is no difference in measured glare between pseudophakic and aphakic KPros. Modification of the locking ring design may be an effective strategy to reduce glare. Commercial Relationships: Musa Abdelaziz, None; Claes H. Dohlman, None; Rony R. Sayegh, None Program Number: 1122 Poster Board Number: D0024 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Hyperopic refractive error in eyes with Boston Type 1 keratoprosthesis and silicone oil Zachary M. Bodnar, Mohamed Abou Shousha, Ross Chod, Levent Akduman. Ophthalmology, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO. Purpose: To examine the refractive outcomes of Boston Type 1 keratoprosthesis in aphakic eyes with silicone oil. Methods: Five patients with a history of pars plana vitrectomy and Boston Type 1 keratoprosthesis (KPro) with clear media and reliable post-operative manifest and/or auto-refraction were identified. The spherical equivalent of the measured post-operative refractive errors were compared to predicted refractive errors as determined by a mathematical model based on known physical parameters of the KPro and media and the axial lengths of the operative eyes. Results: Aphakic patients with Boston Type1 keratoprostheses had a mean hyperopic refractive error of +12.45 diopters as compared to a predicted mean error of +4.19 diopters (p = 0.04). Conclusions: Silicone oil significantly affects the post-operative refractive error of patients with Boston Type 1 keratoprostheses. Power calculations may need to be adjusted for aphakic patients undergoing keratoprosthesis surgery with permanent silicone oil tamponade. Commercial Relationships: Zachary M. Bodnar, None; Mohamed Abou Shousha, None; Ross Chod, None; Levent Akduman, None Program Number: 1123 Poster Board Number: D0025 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Longitudinal Assessment of Boston Type 1 Keratoprosthesis/ Cornea Interface by Anterior Segment-OCT Allows Detection and Monitoring of Corneal Tissue Melts Rodrigo Müller, Elise Taniguchi, Andrea Cruzat, Bernardo M. Cavalcanti, Claes H. Dohlman, Pedram Hamrah. Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA. Purpose: To prospectively evaluate the presence and alterations of potential spaces and areas of tissue melting(gaps) in the donor cornea, under the Boston Type 1 Keratoprosthesis (K-Pro1) front plate, as well as corneal epithelial tissue lipping over the edge of the front plate(epi-lip), using anterior segment-optical coherence tomography(AS-OCT). Methods: AS-OCT (RTVue OCT, Optovue Inc., Fremont, CA) was performed at the device-donor corneal interface in all 4 quadrants(qds) around the K-Pro1 at two time points (mean followup time of 1.3±0.98years). Presence, alterations, and size of gaps between the front plate and the donor cornea, as well as epi-lips, were evaluated at baseline and follow-up. Results: Forty-two eyes of 36 patients were assessed(mean of 4.8±2.9years after surgery), and 25 eyes of 23 patients were analyzed at follow-up. From 154 OCT qds imaged at the first visit, 56(36.3%) revealed a gap under the front plate. The gap area was on average 12.7±33.3mm2. Among the qds with gaps, 19(34%) revealed no epilip, while among the qds without gaps, only 3(3.0%) had no epi-lip (p<0.0001). In addition, the epi-lip area was significantly smaller among the qds with gaps compared to qds without gaps(22.1±23.8 and 49.5±49.8mm2,p<0.0001). There was a significant correlation between the gap area and epi-lip area (r=-0.33,p<0.0001). On follow-up examination, 60% of the qds remained without gaps(from 20 eyes), 17% remained stable or regressed(from 12 eyes) and 23% progressed(from 12 eyes), with one eye advancing to extrusion and two eyes having had a prior history of extrusion in the previous K-Pro. Among those qds with gaps that progressed, 30% had no epi-lip during the first visit while, among those qds that remained stable or regressed, 18% had no epi-lip. Finally, among those qds that remained without gaps, only 3% had no epi-lip(p<0.0001). The relative risk for progression of gaps at the follow-up visits was 1.7(p=0.07); however, it was 3.2 in qds with no epi-lips during the first visit, compared to qds with epi-lip (p=0.0005). ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts Conclusions: Patients with K-Pro Type 1 may demonstrate gaps under the front plate. The epi-lip may confer protection against development of gaps. While corneas in patients without gaps remain stable, presentation of gaps can progress and could demonstrate a risk factors for corneal melting, requiring closer follow-up. Commercial Relationships: Rodrigo Müller, None; Elise Taniguchi, None; Andrea Cruzat, None; Bernardo M. Cavalcanti, None; Claes H. Dohlman, None; Pedram Hamrah, None Support: K-Pro Foundation, NIH K08-EY020575, Falk Medical Research Trust Program Number: 1124 Poster Board Number: D0026 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Biocompatibility of Graphene as Candidate Biomaterial for Synthetic Keratoprosthesis Skirt Jodhbir S. Mehta1, 2, Brianna Thompson2, Aris konstantopoulos1, Gwen Goh1, Melina Setiawan1, Donald Tan1, K Khor2. 1Cornea Refractive Tissue Engineering, SNEC / SERI, Singapore, Singapore; 2 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore. Purpose: Osteo-odonto keratoprosthesis (OOKP) is one of the most successful forms of keratoprosthesis surgery for end-stage corneal and ocular surface disease. However, in edentulous patients a synthetic OOKP maybe required. Titanium has been shown to be a possible candidate material for a skirt of a synOOKP. However, Titanium is brittle and a stronger material e.g graphene maybe more appropriate. The aim of this study was to assess the biocompatibility of graphene in the cornea. Methods: Test materials included pristine graphene film, graphene foam and titanium discs (TiO2). Human corneal stroma fibroblast attachment was analyzed by immunostaining of focal adhesion proteins. Cell proliferation rates were assessed by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5 diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and Click Edu Assay at various time points. Fibroblast attachment on the pores of the graphene foam was confirmed by scanning electronic microscopy whilst cytokine absorption was analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Graphene films were implanted into rabbit corneal stroma pockets and monitored by slit lamp, Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT) scanning and in vivo confocal microscopy for 3 weeks. Tissue inflammatory responses were further analyzed by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining. Results: Pristine graphene demonstrated good biointegration with human corneal stromal fibroblasts in terms of cell adhesion and proliferation. Graphene displayed better cell viability at the 7 days compared with Ti. The expression levels of IL-6 and IL-8 were significantly reduced when cells were seeded on graphene foam as compared to those seeded on Ti and graphene film. Rabbit cornea tissue showed no detectable inflammation clinically and minimal inflammatory response was observed by histological analysis. Conclusions: Graphene displays excellent biocompatibility with corneal stroma cells and corneal tissue. Hence, graphene has the potential to be developed as a tissue engineering material suitable for use as a synthetic OOKP skirt. Commercial Relationships: Jodhbir S. Mehta, None; Brianna Thompson, None; Aris konstantopoulos, None; Gwen Goh, None; Melina Setiawan, None; Donald Tan, None; K Khor, None Support: NMRC TCR EyeSite Program Number: 1125 Poster Board Number: D0027 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Surface quality assessment of explanted keratoprostheses using confocal and scanning electron microscopy Jean-Marie A. Parel1, 4, Heather A. Durkee1, Patricia L. Blackwelder6, Darlene Miller5, Antonio Bermudez2, Kavitha Sivaraman3, Florence Cabot3, Mariela C. Aguilar1, Victor L. Perez3, Guillermo Amescua3. 1 Ophthalmic Biophysics Center, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL; 2Ocular Pathology, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL; 3Ophthalmology, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL; 4Brien Holden Vision Institute, UNSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 5Ocular Microbiology Laboratory, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL; 6 University of Miami Center for Advanced Microscopy (UMCAM) and Marine Geosciences (RSMAS), University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL. Purpose: To evaluate the effects of the irregular surfaces of Boston Type I keratoprostheses after explanation using confocal and scanning electron microscopy. Methods: Failed Boston Type I Keratoprostheses (KPro) were collected from patients undergoing KPro explantation or exchange at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL, USA. In the operating room, the KPro samples were placed in a container with balanced salt solution immediately after removal. Fluorescent confocal microscopy was performed on the fresh, un-fixed KPro samples to visualize the microbial adherence and cellular growth. A live/dead green/red fluorescent stain was used along with a Leica 5PS confocal microscope. Images were taken across the entire anterior and posterior surfaces of the KPro samples to characterize the complete KPro surface. The optical surfaces of the KPro were imaged with bright field illumination of the confocal microscopy. After confocal microscopy, the KPro sample is fixed in 10% formalin, immersed in PBS buffer, dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, dried in HMDS, and sputter-coated with Palladium for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Images of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the KPro were obtained using SEM at multiple magnifications (30x–5000x). Results: Confocal microscopy and SEM images showed rough surfaces on all regions of the keratoprostheses. The confocal microcopy revealed cellular growth in areas of more irregularities. The high magnification SEM images showed many bacteria and biofilm colonies attached to the KPros. In one case, the patient also had an intraocular lens (IOL) which was analyzed as was the KPro to relate surface features to microbial adherence. The IOL had super polished surfaces with almost no microbial adherence. Conclusions: Dual imaging approaches in this ongoing study enabled an accurate evaluation of the failed keratoprostheses, and thus better elucidated the mechanisms that lead to their explantation. ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts Confocal microscopy images of external and internal KPro surfaces shows cellular activity and biofilm SEM images of external and internal KPro surfaces. The retroprosthetic membrane traverses through the holes extends to the anterior surface of the backplate. Commercial Relationships: Jean-Marie A. Parel, None; Heather A. Durkee, None; Patricia L. Blackwelder, None; Darlene Miller, None; Antonio Bermudez, None; Kavitha Sivaraman, None; Florence Cabot, None; Mariela C. Aguilar, None; Victor L. Perez, None; Guillermo Amescua, None Support: USAMRMC Department of Defense W81XWH-09-1-0674, Florida Lions Eye Bank, Drs. KR Olsen and ME Hildebrandt, NIH P30EY1481 (Center Grant), Research to Prevent Blindness, Henri and Flore Lesieur Foundation (JMP). Scientific support was provided by: Drs Eduardo Alfonso, Sander Dubovy, Yoh Sawatari, Jose de la Cruz, Nidhi Relhan Batra, Shawn P. Kelly and Gabe Gaidosh. Program Number: 1126 Poster Board Number: D0028 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Role of titanium surface topography in regulation of corneal cell growth, patterning, and matrix deposition Chengxin Zhou1, 2, James Chodosh3, 2, Claes H. Dohlman3, 2, Eleftherios I. Paschalis1, 2. 1Schepens Eye Research Institute – Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Boston, MA; 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 3Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Boston, MA. Purpose: Medigrade titanium (Ti) is used in Boston Keratorposthesis (BK-Pro) backplates. However, the interaction between corneal cells and different Ti surface topographies (ST) has never been studied. This study was undertaken to assess the effect of Ti-ST in human corneal cells. Methods: Equally hydrophilic Ti disks with different STs, ranging from Grade 0 (0.175 RMS; smoothest) to Grade 3 (4.413 RMS; roughest) were placed on the bottom of 24-wells and cultured with human corneal/limbal epithelial (HCLE), stromal fibroblasts (HCFs), endothelial cells and HeLa cells (n=3; for each cell line). Cell cytotoxicity and proliferation assays were performed at Day 2, 3, and 5. HCFs were also cultured for 6 weeks in serum media + ascorbic acid, w/wt TGFβ1, and tested for collagen deposition, cell morphology and α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA) expression. Results: None of the Ti Grades showed cell cytotoxicity (p>0.05, one-way ANOVA). However, Grade 2 and 3 caused significant inhibition of HCLE and HCF cell proliferation at Day 3 and 5 compared to Grade 0. At 6 weeks of HCF culture in serum media, all Ti Grades had equal cell densities and did not induce myofibroblast transformation. Yet Grade 3 had significantly less collagen deposition compared to Grade 0 (p<0.05). Grade 0 provided HCFs better cell adhesion, remarkable directionality in cell alignment and had parallel aligned, fibrillar collagen meshwork, while Grade 3 had randomly aligned cells and collagen deposits. Addition of TGFβ1 in HCF culture caused marked myofibroblast transformation and more collagen-V secretion in all Grades. Transformed HCFs on Grade 3 had higher αSMA expression, less collagen deposition and randomly oriented collagen fibrils as compared to those on Grade 0 which had parallel aligned collagen fibrils. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study suggesting that Ti-ST plays an important regulatory role in corneal cell phenotype. The effect is tissue-dependent, varying across different corneal stratums, with epithelium being more impacted. Contrary to the established paradigm in Orthopedics, smooth Ti surface better facilitates corneal cell proliferation, matrix deposition, and reduces αSMA expression under TGFβ1 stimulation as compared to rough Ti surface. These results suggest that BK-Pro Ti may benefit from tissue-targeted surface modification that promotes desired biological responses in the cornea. Commercial Relationships: Chengxin Zhou, None; James Chodosh, None; Claes H. Dohlman, None; Eleftherios I. Paschalis, None Support: Boston Keratoprosthesis Research Fund, Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Boston, MA Program Number: 1127 Poster Board Number: D0029 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Using replacement methods to live animal testing for evaluating the toxicity/fixation potential of candidate therapeutic tissue cross-linking agents Su-Young Kim1, Brendan Roach2, Natasha Babar1, Anna Takaoka1, Clark Hung2, Stephen Trokel1, David C. Paik1. 1Ophthalmology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY; 2Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY. Purpose: As the field of corneal cross-linking (CXL) and therapeutic tissue cross-linking (TXL) in other tissues (such as sclera) moves forward, understanding the relationship or balance between the ability to induce mechanical tissue changes and killing cells becomes relevant. This could be particularly important as we pursue refinements in either chemical or photochemical approaches. Thus, the present study was undertaken in order to develop a potential replacement method for live animal testing when evaluating such approaches. Methods: Organ cultured bovine cartilage explants and fresh cadaveric rabbit corneas in an ex vivo corneal crosslinking simulation set up was used. The tissue was exposed to the formaldehyde releasing agent (FAR) diazolidinyl urea (DAU) under continuous exposure (22, 220, 2200 uM) in low glucose explant growth medium at pH 7.2 for 3 to 7 days for cartilage; and for 30min (1.8mM epithelium-off and 8.9mM epithelium-on) at pH 8.5 for cornea. As a comparison, the same ex vivo system was used to conduct riboflavinmediated photochemical CXL of cornea. Post-exposure, the tissue ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts viability was assessed using a LIVE/DEAD Viability/Cytotoxicity Kit (Life Technologies) and imaged on an inverted confocal microscope. Thermal transition temperature (Tm) was determined by differential scanning calorimetry. Results: Concentration dependent effects in cell viability were noted. Lower concentrations and shorter exposure times were associated with lower cell toxicity. In the cartilage, DAU was cytotoxic at 2200uM, showed a time dependent effect at 220uM, and was well tolerated at 22uM. In corneal tissue that showed shifts in Tm by DSC, we were able to visualize both live and dead cells in both the endothelial and stromal regions. Conclusions: These methods could be very helpful in refining our current approaches to tissue cross-linking therapy and are a possible “replacement” method to live animal testing. These methods will be further developed for the purpose of evaluating the “toxicity/fixation balance” of therapeutic tissue cross-linking approaches. Commercial Relationships: Su-Young Kim, None; Brendan Roach, None; Natasha Babar, None; Anna Takaoka, None; Clark Hung, None; Stephen Trokel, None; David C. Paik, None Program Number: 1128 Poster Board Number: D0030 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM The role of Scheimpflug imaging derived parameters in the progression of keratoconus: a systematic review and retrospective study Wishal Ramdas1, Unal Mutlu3, Bart Van Dooren1, 2. 1Ophthalmology, ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, Netherlands; 2Ophthalmology, Amphia Hospital, Breda, Netherlands; 3Epidemiology, ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Purpose: To investigate corneal topographic differences between keratoconic and control eyes and the long-term changes of corneal topographic parameters in untreated keratoconic eyes, as assessed with the Pentacam. Methods: In this retrospective case-control study, we first performed an systematic review to find eligible topographic parameters and indices for keratoconus progression. The eligible parameters and indices were compared in untreated keratoconic eyes and control eyes. Next, the discriminative ability of the tested variables was analyzed. Furthermore, the difference between baseline and followup was assessed. All patients underwent at least one Pentacam scan. Results: A total of 310 untreated eyes with follow-up data were identified and compared with 361 control eyes. Most topographic parameters and indices differed significantly between both groups (p<0.001). Receiver operating curve analysis revealed the highest area under curve values for Kmax, Rmin, ISV, IVA, KI and IHD (0.876, 0.871, 0.870, 0.874, 0.885, 0.884 and 0.887, respectively). Parameters that significantly changed over a mean follow-up of 24.17 months were Kmax, Rmin, K2 B, Kmean B, Rm B, Rh B, chamber volume, ACD and corneal volume. Conclusions: Our data indicates that the maximum keratometry and the steepest radius of front and back corneal surface are the most eligible parameters to follow keratoconus progression on long-term. Index of surface variance (ISV) and index of height decentration (IHD) may be the most sensitive for diagnosis. Also standard notations of parameters should be considered in future research. Commercial Relationships: Wishal Ramdas, None; Unal Mutlu, None; Bart Van Dooren, None Program Number: 1129 Poster Board Number: D0031 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Novel in vitro model for human corneal diabetes Shrestha Priyadarsini1, Akhee Sarker-Nag1, Dimitrios Karamichos1, 2 1 . Ophthalmology, OUHSC, Dean McGee Eye Institute, Oklahoma City, OK; 2Cell Biology, OUHSC, Dean McGee Eye Institute, Oklahoma CIty, OK. Purpose: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that results due to hyperglycemic condition for a prolonged duration and often leads to various ophthalmic complications. Cornea is one of the most severely affected ocular structures with devastating results including vision impairments, corneal edema, delayed wound healing, and ulcers. In this study we have developed a novel 3-dimensional in vitro model using primary human corneal stroma diabetic cells from Type I and Type II donors. We have identified key signaling pathways involved in corneal DM defects using our 3D in vitro that mirror what is seen in vivo. Methods: Human corneas stromal cells were isolated and cultured from healthy/no ocular disease (HCF) donors and from Type I (T1DM) and Type 2 (T2DM) diabetic donors. All cells were cultured on polycarbonate membranes for 4 week and stimulated with a stable Vitamin C (VitC) derivative. All constructs were processed for immunofluorescence, real time PCR, and western blot analysis. Results: Our data shows significant morphological changes between HCF and T1DM. T2DM appear similar to HCF with long spindle shape morphology while T1DM appear bigger, with multiple processors, and large cytoskeleton. In terms of ECM, both T1DM and T2DM assembled significant larger amount of ECM when compared to HCF (~40%; p<0.05). Collagen I was down regulated by at least 2-fold in both T1DM and T2DM, while Collagen III and α-SMA were only up-regulated in T1DM (15 and 5-fold respectively). IGF-1 and IGF-1R, previously linked to diabetes, were both up regulated in T2DM. T1DM showed significant up regulation of IGF-1R but not IGF1. Conclusions: Overall, we have developed a novel 3D in vitro model that allows for the study of cellular and ECM interactions, which may help understand the root problem of the human corneal diabetes. Diabetes has significant effect on morphological, metabolic, physiological, and clinical aspects of the cornea. The benefits of developing an in vitro model are enormous and provide clues for novel therapeutics to treat diabetes defects in cornea. Commercial Relationships: Shrestha Priyadarsini, None; Akhee Sarker-Nag, None; Dimitrios Karamichos, None Program Number: 1130 Poster Board Number: D0032 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Analysis of corneal biomechanics using ultra high-speed Scheimpflug imaging to distinguish normal from keratoconic patients Riccardo Vinciguerra1, 2, Renato Ambròsio3, Ahmed Elsheikh4, Bernardo Lopes3, Emanuela Morenghi5, Simone Donati2, Claudio Azzolini2, Paolo Vinciguerra1. 1Opthalmology, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Milan, Italy; 2Department of Surgical and Morphological Sciences, University of Insubria, Circolo Hospital, Varese, Italy; 3Rio de Janeiro Corneal Tomography and Biomechanics Study Group, Federal University of São Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil; 4Ocular Biomechanics Group, School of Engineering, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom; 5Biostatistics Unit, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Milan, Italy. Purpose: To evaluate the ability of a high-speed Scheimpflug camera (Corvis ST,Oculus,Wetzlar,Germany) to distinguish between normal and keratoconic(kc)eyes,by comparing new corneal deformation parameters (CDP). ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts Methods: Retrospective comparative study including 792 eyes, a normal group comprised of 587 eyes and 205 keratoconic cases. Diagnosis was based on clinical examinations, including Placidodisk based corneal topography and rotating Scheimpflug corneal tomography. Data from the Corvis ST were extracted using research software including Intraocular pressure (IOP), central corneal thickness (CCT) and a total of 56 CDP. Additionally, a new IOP correction (IOPc) algorithm based on Ocular Biomechanics Group of the University of Liverpool (UK) that includes CDPs, CCT and age. Logistic regression technique was used to evaluate the discriminant faculty of each parameter and then receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated. The independent parameter with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) over 0.7 and a sensibility over 0.75 with a specificity non less than 0.5 were included in a multivariable logistic regression to combine parameters in order to provide best possible separation between normal patients and kc. Results: Statistically significant differences between kc and normal eyes were found in all CDPs (p<0.05) except for 10 non significant CDPs that were excluded. There were 3 CDP with AUC higher than 0.8. The best individual CDP was ratio between deformation amplitude and deformation amplitude at 2 mm (DA/DA2) with AUC of 0.8680. The CDPs included in the multivariable logistic regression were second applanation time, first applanation deflection amplitude, maximum deflection amplitude, slope of deflection amplitude, frame of second applanation, inverse concave radius, simulated time of second applanation and DA/DA2. The analysis was also adjusted for age and IOPc. The multivariate logistic regression revealed an AUC of 0.9938, providing a very high predictive accuracy. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that Corvis ST is able to provide data that is able to distinguish between normal and keratoconic patients with high predictive accuracy by combining deformation parameters. The integration of CDPs from Corvis ST and tomographic data is promising to further enhance the screening accuracy for ectatic diseases. Commercial Relationships: Riccardo Vinciguerra, None; Renato Ambròsio, Alcon-Wavelight (C), OCULUS (C); Ahmed Elsheikh, OCULUS (F); Bernardo Lopes, None; Emanuela Morenghi, None; Simone Donati, None; Claudio Azzolini, None; Paolo Vinciguerra, Oculus (C), Schwind (C), SOOFT (C) Program Number: 1131 Poster Board Number: D0033 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Finite element modeling of metabolic species transport in the cornea with a hydrogel intrastromal inlay Peter M. Pinsky1, Keith Holliday2. 1Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 2Research, Revision Optics, Inc, Lake Forest, CA. Purpose: Intrastromal inlays for refractive correction of presbyopia are being adopted into clinical practice. An important concern is the effect of the inlay on the long-term health of the cornea due to disturbances in the concentration profiles of metabolic species. A 3-D metabolic model for the cornea is employed to investigate oxygen, glucose and lactate ion transport in the cornea and to estimate changes in species concentrations induced by the introduction of a hydrogel inlay. Methods: A reaction-diffusion metabolic model, appropriate for highly oxygen-permeable hydrogel inlays, is used to describe cellular consumption of oxygen and glucose and production of lactic acid. A three-layer corneal geometry comprising epithelium, stroma, and endothelium, is employed with a hydrogel inlay placed under a lamellar flap. The model is solved numerically by the finite element method. The accuracy of the metabolic model is assessed by comparing predicted glucose consumption rates to experimental measurements for rabbit in vitro. The model is employed to predict concentration profiles in a cornea containing an inlay made from a commercially available hydrogel material. Results: Predicted glucose consumption rate versus glucose concentration in the normal cornea compared reasonably well with rabbit measurements and confirm the predictive accuracy of the model. For a cornea with a hydrogel inlay having a relative inlay diffusivity of 43.5%, predicted maximum glucose depletion and lactate ion accumulation occur anterior to the inlay and both are less than 3%. A sensitivity study on inlay diffusivity showed that glucose depletion and lactate ion accumulation are insensitive to reductions in inlay diffusivity until the limit of approximately 20% relative diffusivity; below this level, glucose and lactate ion concentrations increase exponentially. For fixed inlay diffusivity, glucose depletion increases slightly with increasing depth of inlay placement. Conclusions: The flux of metabolic species is modified by an inlay, depending on the inlay relative diffusivity. For commercially available hydrogel materials and a typical inlay design, predicted changes in species concentrations are small when compared to the variation of concentrations across the normal cornea. In general, glucose depletion and lactate ion accumulation are highly sensitive to inlay diffusivity and somewhat insensitive to inlay depth. Commercial Relationships: Peter M. Pinsky, Revision Optics, Inc (C); Keith Holliday, Revision Optics, Inc (E) Program Number: 1132 Poster Board Number: D0034 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Towards a New Keratoconus Screening Paradigm: Correlating Known Risk Factors with the Corneal Spatial Thickness Profile and Biomechanical Properties Obtained from the Ocular Response Analyzer Neema Nayeb-Hashemi, John Jesse. Ophthalmology, Loyola University, Chicago, IL. Purpose: Keratoconus (KCN) is a problem that affects millions of individuals worldwide. To this point, there has been no clear way of determining who is at risk of developing KCN until the changes in the cornea begin to manifest in the corneal topographic imaging. We performed a retrospective chart review looking at normal eyes versus eyes with KCN and compared corneal spatial thickness profiles (STP), and Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA) data to determine if ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts there was any correlation which may help predict who is at increased risk of KCN in the future. Methods: Pentacam data and ORA data collected from 100 normal and 32 KCN eyes was reviewed. Using the STP, a third order polynomial best fit was computed using Microsoft Excel. The coefficients of the best fit curve as well as the ORA` data were then analyzed using a multivariable and correlational analysis looking for differences between groups. Results: In comparing normal eyes to eyes with KCN, STP best fit coefficients were found to be as follows: the constant was 133.5 points lower for KCN vs normal eyes (p<0.001). Conversely, the first, second, and third order coefficient was 20.2, 10.3, and 2.53 points greater for the KCN group (p<0.003). Adjusting for corneal steepness however, the third order coefficient was found to be insignificant (p>0.07). Using ORA data, it was found that the corneal resistance factor (CRF) and corneal hysteresis factor (CHF) was 3.2 and 2.2 points lower for the KCN group respectively (p <0.001). Adjusting for corneal steepness, the differences remained significant. Correlational analysis determined that only the constant was significantly correlated with CRF in both KCN and normal eyes. Conclusions: While initial studies comparing STP between KCN and normal eyes validated its diagnostic value, little effort has been spent attempting to quantify the differences in order to determine whether a screening protocol can be derived from the coefficients of the best fit. The fact that all the coefficients and the constant were significantly different may be secondary to the severity of KCN in a significant portion of the cohort. Future comparisons of early KCN eyes to normal eyes with similar corneal thicknesses and curvature, will help elucidate whether the coefficients of the STP can be useful in predicting individuals at risk for KCN. Commercial Relationships: Neema Nayeb-Hashemi, None; John Jesse, None Program Number: 1133 Poster Board Number: D0035 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Optical Coherence Elastography of the Deep Corneal Stroma after Rose Bengal Green light Crosslinking in Rabbit Corneas Srilatha Vantipalli1, Jiasong Li3, Manmohan Singh3, Kirill Larin3, Michael D. Twa2. 1College of Optometry, University of Houston, Houston, TX; 2School of Optometry, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL; 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX. Purpose: There are structural and biochemical differences between the anterior and posterior corneal stroma. It is not advisable to use conventional UV-Riboflavin cross-linking in the deep corneal stroma due to potential UV-induced endothelial cell toxicity. Here we evaluate the biomechanical effect of Rose Bengal Green Light Cross- linking (RGX) treatment on the deep corneal stroma measured using a custom-built optical coherence elastography (OCE) system. Methods: OCE measurements (three conditions) were made at the corneal apex in vitro on 4 rabbit eyes: anterior surface after deepithelialization, deep stroma (after trephination to 2/3rd corneal thickness) and after RGX treatment in the deep stroma. RGX was performed using 0.1% rose bengal solution for 20 minutes (one drop every 5 min) and 10 min green light irradiation (565nm, 0.25W/ cm2). Dynamic tissue deformation responses were produced using a focal micro air pulse stimulator (150mm spot size, 1ms duration, and 4Pa; 0.03mmHg) and surface deformation was recorded using a phase-sensitive swept-source optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging system. Tissue deformation responses were quantified as the relaxation rate (recovery from deformation) and shear wavefront propagation speed. Intraocular pressure was stabilized throughout testing (10mmHg) using a closed–loop micro infusion syringe pump control system. Results: Mean relaxation rate was 1.65 ± 0.4ms-1 and group velocity at the anterior surface was 1.02 ± 0.21m/s with an average corneal thickness of 642 ± 19.7mm. Relaxation rate at a depth of 2/3rd corneal thickness (224 ± 59mm) was greater (18.6%) after RGX treatment (1.88 ± 0.24ms-1) than in untreated tissue (1.58 ± 0.1ms-1). Group velocity was also greater (13.2%) post-treatment (1.01 ± 0.1m/s) than in untreated tissue (0.89 ± 0.07m/s). Faster recovery (higher relaxation rate) and greater group velocity is consistent with stiffer material properties. Conclusions: Higher relaxation rate and faster group velocity demonstrate an increase in stiffness in the deep cornea with RGX treatment. This shows promise for future applications in lamellar keratoplasty and refractive surgery through modification of deep corneal biomechanical properties. Commercial Relationships: Srilatha Vantipalli, None; Jiasong Li, None; Manmohan Singh, None; Kirill Larin, None; Michael D. Twa, None Support: R01-EY022362-01 Program Number: 1134 Poster Board Number: D0036 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM An investigation into corneal enzymatic resistance following epithelium-removed, partial epithelium disruption and epithelium-intact riboflavin/UVA cross-linking procedures Nada H. Aldahlawi1, 2, Sally Hayes1, David O’Brart3, Keith Meek1. 1 School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom; 2Department of Optometry Sciences, College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 3Department of Ophthalmology, St Thomas Hospital, Keratoconus Research Institute, London, United Kingdom. Purpose: Riboflavin/UVA corneal collagen crosslinking therapy has been shown to successfully halt keratoconus progression by stiffening the corneal stroma and increasing its resistance to enzymatic digestion. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of epithelium-removed, partial epithelial disruption and transepithelial crosslinking protocols, in terms of their ability increase the resistance of the cornea to enzymatic digestion. Methods: Sixty enucleated porcine eyes were examined and randomly divided into ten groups. Groups 1 and 2 had the corneal epithelium removed and 0.1 % riboflavin phosphate/20% dextran eye drops applied for 30 minutes. Groups 3 and 4 had grid pattern partial epithelial disruption followed by 30 minutes of 0.1 % riboflavin phosphate eye drops. All other groups were treated with an intact epithelium. Groups 5 and 6 had 0.25% riboflavin Mediocross transepithelial (TE) eye drops applied for 30 minutes. Groups 7 and 8 underwent iontophoresis for 5 minutes with 0.1 % riboflavin ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts phosphate eye drops, and groups 9 and 10 underwent iontophoresis for 10 minutes with 0.25% riboflavin Mediocross TE. Following the application of riboflavin, groups 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 were irradiated for 10 minutes with 9 mW UVA light. Daily measurements of corneal diameter were recorded in order to monitor the rate of enzymatic digestion. Results: Resistance to enzymatic digestion was significantly greater in all cross-linked groups than non-cross-linked groups (p<0.0001). On average, complete digestion of the corneal buttons occurred by day 11 ± 0.5 in the non-irradiated groups and by day 25 ± 9.7 in the cross-linked groups. Epithelium-off cross-linking resulted in a greater increase in enzymatic resistance than partial epithelial disruption crosslinking or epithelium-on cross-linking (p<0.0001). The iontophoresis cross-linking protocol used in Group 10 resulted in a greater resistance to enzymatic digestion than any of the other partial epithelial disruption or trans-epithelial crosslinking protocols tested (Groups 4, 6, 8) (p<0.0001). Conclusions: Although currently not as effective as epithelium-off cross-linking, the outcome of trans-epithelial cross-linking may be significantly improved through the use of higher concentrations of riboflavin solution and a longer duration of iontophoresis. Commercial Relationships: Nada H. Aldahlawi, None; Sally Hayes, None; David O’Brart, None; Keith Meek, None Support: King Saud University Grant R1269 Program Number: 1135 Poster Board Number: D0037 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Corneal deformation imaging of Rose Bengal-green light cross-linked rabbit corneas: in vivo vs ex vivo treatments and measurements Nandor Bekesi1, Pablo Pérez-Merino1, Lucía Ibares-Frías2, Carmen Martinez-Garcia2, Irene E. Kochevar3, Susana Marcos1. 1Instituto de Optica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain; 2Grupo de Técnicas Ópticas de Diagnóstico, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain; 3Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Purpose: (1) To assess biomechanical changes induced in rabbit corneas by Rose Bengal green light collagen cross-linking (RB-GCXL), (2) To compare corneal deformation following ex vivo and in vivo treatments and measurements. Methods: The effects of RB-G-CXL on air puff corneal deformation were studied on a total of 20 rabbit eyes. New Zealand white female rabbits were monolaterally treated with RB-G-CXL in vivo, with the contralateral eyes as controls. Treatment consisted of deepithelization, application of Rose Bengal photosensitizer (0.1% w/v) for 2 min, 300 s of green light irradiation, 30 s staining and 300 s of irradiation. The light source was a solid-state laser (532 nm, 0.25 W/cm2, Gaussian beam profile FWHM=10 mm). The limbus was masked during the treatment. Corneal deformation was evaluated in vivo 28 days post-treatment in CXL and control eyes. Measurements were repeated ex vivo following euthanasia at constant intraocular pressure (IOP=15 mmHg). Three untreated (contralateral control) eyes and 14 additional virgin ex vivo eyes were treated ex vivo 24-hours post-mortem, following an identical protocol, and measured immediately after CXL. Corneal air-puff dynamic deformation was measured by a Scheimpflug-imaging Corvis ST (Oculus, Germany) device. Deformation amplitude was taken as a metric for corneal stiffness. Results: Average deformation amplitude was 1.55 ± 0.26 mm in control eyes and 1.56 ± 0.21 mm in CXL eyes in vivo (p=0.9); 1.31 ± 0.05 mm in control eyes and 1.13 ± 0.03 mm in vivo-treated CXL eyes (p=0.005) that were measured ex vivo with constant IOP; 1.40 ± 0.19 mm in control eyes before and 1.30 ± 0.25 mm after ex-vivo CXL (p=0.2), 24-hours post mortem. Statistical differences (p<0.03) were also found between deformation amplitude measured in vivo and ex vivo. Conclusions: Decreased corneal deformation amplitude following CXL is consistent with increased corneal stiffness, although statistical differences were only found for ex vivo measurements under constant IOP. The absence of significant differences measured in vivo, consistent with clinical findings in patients following other CXL protocols, suggests a major masking role of IOP. Rose Bengal green-light CXL appears to be a suitable method to increase corneal stiffness. However IOP should be incorporated in corneal biomechanical metrics based on air-puff corneal deformation. Commercial Relationships: Nandor Bekesi, None; Pablo PérezMerino, None; Lucía Ibares-Frías, None; Carmen MartinezGarcia, None; Irene E. Kochevar, Massachusetts General Hospital (P); Susana Marcos, None Support: EU+Madrid FP7/2007-2013 REA grant 291820; FIS201125637; ERC-2011-AdG-294099 and Oculus for access to Corvis Program Number: 1136 Poster Board Number: D0038 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM No additional biomechanical effect of CXL after repeated in vivo treatment in mice David Tabibian1, Sabine Kling1, Arthur Hammer1, Olivier Richoz1, Farhad Hafezi2, 1. 1Ophthalmology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; 2ELZA Institute, Zürich, Switzerland. Purpose: To analyze and compare corneal biomechanics of single and multiple corneal cross-linking in the mouse eye. Methods: The corneas of C57BL/6 mice were divided into in two groups. In the first group, corneas were cross-linked once (day 1), in the second group a second CXL was performed at 72 hours (day 4) after the initial procedure (n=3 each). Untreated corneas served as controls (n=3). Biomechanical measurements were performed at day 7. The CXL procedure was adapted to the anatomy of the mouse eye, using 0.27%-riboflavin for 20 minutes and UVA irradiation (365 nm, 9mW/cm2) for 2:50 minutes in an epi-off procedure. After irradiation, mice were sacrificed, corneas were excised and mounted on a customized 2D-flap-holder. The biomechanical measurement consisted of three parts: (i) pre-conditioning, (ii) stress relaxation during 120 s and (iii) stress-strain curve until break. Results: After a relaxation period of 120 seconds, highly significant (p<0.001) differences in the stress-strain curves were found between controls and single cross-linked corneas. No significant differences (p=0.70) were measured between 1x and 2x cross-linked corneas. The stress remaining after relaxation was 355 ± 25.2 kPa in riboflavin controls, 457 ± 34.1 kPa in 1x cross-linked corneas and 463 ± 22.2 kPa in 2x cross-linked corneas. Conclusions: Repeated cross-linking does not further increase corneal biomechanical stiffness in the mouse cornea in vivo. This might indicate that the stiffness of the cornea cannot be arbitrarily augmented over certain levels. Commercial Relationships: David Tabibian, None; Sabine Kling, None; Arthur Hammer, None; Olivier Richoz, None; Farhad Hafezi, None ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts Program Number: 1137 Poster Board Number: D0039 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Biomechanical Efficacy of UV Cross-Linking Protocols in Thin versus Thick Corneas: The Effect of Oxygen, UV Absorption and Osmotic Pressure Sabine Kling1, David Tabibian1, Olivier Richoz1, Arthur Hammer1, Amar Agarwal3, Soosan Jacob3, Farhad Hafezi4, 2. 1Laboratory for Ocular Cell Biology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; 2 Department of Ophthalmology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; 3Dr. Agarwal’s Eye Hospital and Eye Research Center, Chennai, India; 4ELZA Institute, Zurich, Switzerland. Purpose: To compare the current clinically used UV corneal crosslinking (CXL) treatment protocols for thin corneas with respect to oxygen, UV fluence and osmotic pressure. Methods: Freshly enucleated murine (N=25) and porcine (N=38) eyes were used to study the effect of corneal thickness in the CXL treatment. The dependency on oxygen and the amount of UV absorption were evaluated for various epithelium-off CXL protocols, including standard CXL, contact lens assisted CXL, CXL after corneal swelling, contact lens control and riboflavin control. Treatment parameters were adapted according to the corneal thickness of the species used. Immediately after CXL, corneas were subjected to biomechanical testing, including pre-conditioning, stress-relaxation at 0.6 MPa and stress-strain extensiometry. A twoelement Prony series was fitted to the relaxation curve for viscoelastic characterization. Results: Standard CXL was biomechanically most efficient; prior corneal swelling and CACXL reduced the long-term modulus by 6% and 15-20%, respectively. Oxygen reduction decreased the G∞ modulus by 14-15%, the G0 modulus by 2-5% and increased the G2 modulus by 22-31%. Reducing the amount of absorbed UV-energy decreased the G∞ modulus by 5-34%, the G0 modulus by 7-29% and the G2 modulus by 17-20%. The amount of absorbed UV-light was more important in porcine than in murine corneas. Conclusions: Thin corneas have a higher oxygen availability, which potentially increases the efficacy of CXL. Clinical protocols for thin corneas should be revised to take advantage of this finding. Commercial Relationships: Sabine Kling, None; David Tabibian, None; Olivier Richoz, None; Arthur Hammer, None; Amar Agarwal, None; Soosan Jacob, None; Farhad Hafezi, None Support: Castier foundation Program Number: 1138 Poster Board Number: D0040 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM 3D corneal elasticity mapping in normal and keratoconus patients Sebastien Besner2, 1, Giuliano Scarcelli2, 1, roberto pineda3, Seok H. Yun2, 1, Patricia Kalout3. 1Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; 2Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 3Department of Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA. Purpose: The balance between the cornea mechanical strength and the intraocular pressure is critical to maintain normal shape. When disrupted, the local stress can lead to a progressive compensatory thinning and bulging of the cornea or keratectasia. Although marked clinical advances have been made in cornea structural imaging, still no method is available to map elasticity in vivo. In this study, we present a non-contact method for in vivo mechanical mapping based on Brillouin scattering and evaluate its diagnostic potential for keratoconus. Methods: A 780-nm confocal Brillouin microscope (P=1.5 mW, rlateral=5 μm, raxial=35 μm) combined with real time eye registration system was used to acquire 6-mm central cornea elasticity maps in 11 normal and 5 advanced keratoconus patients. Axial scans were taken at various lateral positions with a depth scanning interval of 30 μm. The Brillouin anterior modulus was computed by averaging the Brillouin shift value over the anterior portion of the stroma and used to construct lateral elasticity maps. Correlations between pachymetry/ curvature (Pentacam, Oculus) and Brillouin map were established. Results: In normal patients, the cornea mechanical strength decreased with depth and increased toward its periphery. In average, the central Brillouin shift at 80% depth was ~80 MHz lower in comparison to the anterior region. Laterally, the Brillouin modulus increased by 30 MHz. It also increased with age in the range of 20-60 years old (0.7±0.2 MHz/year, p=0.005). When converted into shear modulus, those relative changes corresponded to a 2.4x decrease in depth, a 1.5x increase radially, and a 0.8%/year increase with age. In keratoconus patients, the Brillouin modulus in the cone region was about 100 MHz lower (2.9x drop in shear modulus) and the lateral gradient was 3.8x steeper than the normal control. Away from the cone, the Brillouin modulus was comparable to the normal ones. In all patients, Brillouin modulus was positively correlated with cornea thickness and negatively correlated with front sagittal curvature. Conclusions: Striking differences could be observed between the normal and keratoconic cornea biomechanics. While normal corneas presented a gradual increase of the elastic modulus from its center toward the periphery, strong mechanical focal weakening was observed in keratoconus cases. Cornea stiffness increased with age, and may explain the high prevalence of keratoconus in teenage years. Commercial Relationships: Sebastien Besner, None; Giuliano Scarcelli, MGH (P); roberto pineda, Amgen (C), Angiotech (C); Seok H. Yun, MGH (P); Patricia Kalout, None Support: NIH UL1-RR025758, NIH P41-EB015903, NIH R21EY023043, NIH K25-EB015885, American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, and Human Frontier Science Program Program Number: 1139 Poster Board Number: D0041 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Determing stromal riboflavin concentrations for epi-off and epi-on formulations using UPLC (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography) Arthur Hammer2, Serges Rudaz1, Sylvie Guinchard1, Olivier Richoz2, David Tabibian2, Sabine Kling2, Farhad Hafezi3, 2. 1School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Geneva (UNIGE), Geneva, Switzerland; 2Laboratory for Ocular Cell Biology, University of Geneva (UNIGE), Geneva, Switzerland; 3ELZA Institute, Zurich, Switzerland. Purpose: To investigate on the concentration of different riboflavin compounds in the corneal stroma after epi-off and epi-on instillation Methods: Various riboflavin solutions were tested using UPLC analysis to determine riboflavin and riboflavin phosphate isomers concentrations. Solutions were either tested as formulation, or after a 30 minutes in vivo instillation into the stroma of rabbits, followed by excision of the cornea using a manual trepan (7mm diameter) and extraction. Untreated corneas served as controls. Prior to in vivo riboflavin instillation, either an 8 mm abrasion was performed, or the epithelium was exposed to one drop of tetracaine 1% collyre per minute for five minutes. Results: The concentrations of riboflavin and riboflavin phosphate isomers did not show significant differences for the different formulations when tested as is. However, when comparing the concentrations of riboflavin and riboflavin phosphate isomers between the formulations and their respective corneal concentrations after 30 minutes of instillation, we observed a decrease of 2 to 3 log units. In particular, we observed an “inversion” between the riboflavin and riboflavin phosphate isomers concentrations, with ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected]. ARVO 2015 Annual Meeting Abstracts riboflavin 5’monophosphate being the compound with the highest concentration in the formulations, but the lowest in the cornea, and the non-phosphated riboflavin being the compound with the lowest concentration in the formulations, but the highest in the cornea. Conclusions: Statistical analysis showed no significant differences between the stromal concentrations of the various riboflavin compounds using different solutions and epi-on and epi-off protocols. This lack of significance could be due to the thinner epithelium in the rabbit cornea when compared to the human cornea, allowing the epion formulations to penetrate the stroma more efficiently. The observed and unexpected “inversion” of the compound concentrations from the formulations to the corneas could be explained by the higher electronegativity of the phosphated isoforms, hindering stromal penetration. Modification of the riboflavin vs phosphate isoforms ratio might influence the efficacy of current epioff protocols Commercial Relationships: Arthur Hammer, None; Serges Rudaz, None; Sylvie Guinchard, None; Olivier Richoz, Emagine (P); David Tabibian, None; Sabine Kling, None; Farhad Hafezi, Emagine (P) Support: MD PhD fellowship grant from the Swiss National Fund Program Number: 1140 Poster Board Number: D0042 Presentation Time: 3:15 PM–5:00 PM Development of a Porcine Eye Model to Assess Application of a Novel Corneal Shaping Device during Corneal Collagen CrossLinking (CXL) Angela Zhu1, 2, Eva-Maria Lackner2, Jennifer Elisseeff2, 3, Albert S. Jun2. 1Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland Heights, OH; 2Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD; 3Translational Tissue Engineering Center, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD. Purpose: Corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) has great potential in delaying progression of corneal ectactic disorders, but CXL alone cannot substantially improve corneal shape abnormalities. We designed a novel corneal shaping device to be physically applied during CXL and developed an ex vivo porcine eye model to show that our device prototype used in conjunction with CXL can alter corneal curvature to a greater extent than with CXL alone. Methods: A prototype of the corneal shaping device was made with flat, rigid, UV-transmissible material (Figure 1). Fresh enucleated porcine eyes were de-epithelialized mechanically and perfused at 20 mmHg. Pre-experimental corneal curvature (K) was measured using a portable auto-keratometer (Nidek KM-500), and Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT) imaging was performed. Following the conventional CXL protocol, all eyes were pre-treated with 0.01% riboflavin every 2 min. for 30 min. Each experiment consisted of 6 treatment groups in duplicate: A) no device + no CXL, B) 30 min. device + no CXL, C) no device + 10 min. CXL, D) 10 min. device + CXL, E) no device + 30 min. CXL, F) 30 min. device + CXL. Post-experimental K values and AS-OCT images were acquired. Corneal thickness and demarcation line measurements were obtained using Visante AS-OCT analysis software. The experiment was repeated six times (n = 12 in each group). Two-tailed Student’s t-test was used for statistical analysis. Results: There was a significant decrease in corneal curvature after 30 min. CXL between group F (ΔKm = -1.54 ±0.90 D) and group E (ΔKm = +0.34 ± 0.53 D, p < 0.001) or group B (ΔKm = +0.69 ± 1.02 D, p < 0.001). The demarcation line depth was greater in group F than group D (p < 0.05). There was also less change in corneal thickness in groups D & F than in the control groups (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Application of our novel corneal shaping device during the conventional CXL protocol can significantly decrease corneal curvature compared to controls. AS-OCT imaging showed comparable extent of UV cross-linking (demarcation line depth) in eyes treated ± device. This demonstrates that our novel device used during CXL may further benefit patients with corneal ectactic disorders by promoting corneal strengthening and refractive correction. Schematic design of corneal shaping device Experimental conditions and results for treatment groups Commercial Relationships: Angela Zhu, None; Eva-Maria Lackner, None; Jennifer Elisseeff, None; Albert S. Jun, None ©2015, Copyright by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc., all rights reserved. Go to iovs.org to access the version of record. For permission to reproduce any abstract, contact the ARVO Office at [email protected].