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European Heart Journal Supplements (2001) 3 (Supplement D), D26–D32
Alpha-linolenic acid in the prevention and treatment
of coronary heart disease
M. de Lorgeril1, P. Salen1, F. Laporte2 and J. de Leiris1
Laboratoire du Stress Cardiovasculaire et Pathologies Associées and 2Laboratoire de Biologie du Stress Oxydant,
UFR de Médecine et Pharmacie, Grenoble, France
Alpha-linolenic acid is one of the two essential fatty acids in
humans. Epidemiological studies and dietary trials strongly
suggest that this fatty acid is important in relation with the
pathogenesis (and prevention) of coronary heart disease.
Like other n-3 fatty acids from marine origin, it may
prevent cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death.
The optimal dietary intake of alpha-linolenic acid seems to
be about 2 g per day or 0·6–1% of total energy intake.
Obtaining an optimal ratio of the two essential fatty acids,
linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids — i.e. a ratio of about 4 to
1 in the diet — is a major issue. The main sources of
alpha-linolenic acid for the European population should be
canola oil (and canola-oil-based margarine if available),
nuts (English walnut), ground linseeds and green leafy
vegetables such as purslane.
(Eur Heart J Supplements 2001; 3 (Suppl D): D26–D32)
? 2001 The European Society of Cardiology
Introduction and basic biochemistry
dietary changes, 20:5n-3 competes with 20:4n-6 for
eicosanoid metabolism at the cyclooxygenase and
lipoxygenase levels in platelets and leukocytes. As a
result, the balance between metabolites stimulating
platelet and leukocyte (and also with vasoconstrictive
properties) and metabolites with opposing properties is
displaced toward those with antithrombotic, antiinflammatory and vasodilative properties. A major consequence of ALA deficiency is that its chief synthetic
end-products, especially 22:6n-3, are not adequately
produced. Because 22:6n-3 is a major component of the
phospholipid membranes of the brain and retina, its
deficiency in these organs leads to abnormal function[1,2]. The myocardium and the myocardial membrane phospholipids are also rich in 22:6n-3. This is very
important in the case of ischaemia, in particular for the
ability of the ischaemic or the post-ischaemic myocardium not to develop arrhythmias[3]. Deficiency in n-3
fatty acids is higher when the dietary supply of LA
(found in corn and sunflower oils, for instance) is high,
because of competition between ALA and LA for their
entry in the elongation and desaturation pathways leading to the synthesis of long-chain PUFAs and then of
eicosanoids. Thus, a high ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFAs in
the diet tends to accentuate a deficiency in ALA[4]. The
paradox of the competition between LA and ALA is
that there is a huge difference in their concentrations in
the blood. For instance, in people following a Western
type of diet, plasma concentration of ALA is about
0·30% of the total plasma fatty acids, whereas the
concentration of LA is about 30%. Thus, the ratio of LA
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA or 18:3n-3) is one of the two
essential fatty acids in humans. The other is linoleic acid
(LA or 18:2n-6). The term essential means that these
fatty acids must be supplied in the diet because the body
needs them but cannot synthesize them. Humans lack
the enzymes to introduce double bonds at carbon atoms
beyond the C-9 in the fatty acid chain. LA and ALA
obtained from foods furnished by the diet are the
starting point for the synthesis of a variety of other
unsaturated fatty acids. After ingestion, ALA is converted to very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFAs), i.e. readily to eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5n-3,
and more slowly to docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6n-3.
Using the same pathways (the same enzymes) and in
competition with ALA, LA is converted into arachidonic acid, 20:4n-6, which is, in competition (again) with
eicosapentaenoic acid, the starting point for the synthesis of eicosanoids and prostaglandins that are important mediators in many inflammatory diseases and in
particular in cardiovascular diseases. Briefly, the prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes derived from
20:5n-3 have different biological properties from those
derived from 20:4n-6, i.e. their global effects result in less
vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation and leukocyte
toxicity. When the n-6/n-3 ratios decrease as a result of
Correspondence: Dr M. de Lorgeril, Laboratoire du Stress Cardiovasculaire et des Pathologies Associées, UFR de Médecine et
Pharmacie, Domaine de la Merci, 38706 Grenoble, France.
1520-765X/01/0D0026+07 $35.00/0
Key Words: Diet, essential fatty acid, walnut, canola oil,
purslane, myocardial infarction.
? 2001 The European Society of Cardiology
20:4 (n-6)
Table 1 Antioxidant, LA and ALA content of purslane
and spinach leaves corresponding to 100 g (one serving) of
fresh food
Alpha-tocopherol (mg)
Beta-carotene (mg)
Ascorbic acid (mg)
ALA (mg)
LA (mg)
20:5 (n-3)
18:2 (n-6)
18:3 (n-3)
18:1 (n-9)
Alpha-linolenic acid and coronary heart disease D27
ALA, alpha-linolenic acid; LA, linoleic acid.
Modified from Reference 8.
Figure 1 Each peak in the plasma chromatogram
(obtained by capillary gas chromatography, with helium
as the carrier gas) represents one specific fatty acid with
a specific retention time on the column. The main unsaturated fatty acids are indicated. The peak corresponding to
ALA, marked 18:3 (n-3), is well demarcated. Note the
major difference with LA, marked 18:2 (n-6), in the size of
the peak. All fatty acids are then expressed as proportion
of total fatty acid peak area.
to ALA in the blood is about 100 to 1. Since the enzymes
involved in LA and ALA metabolism (elongases and
desaturases) prefer ALA to LA[5], a small change in
dietary intake results in highly significant changes in
the n-6 to n-3 ratios in both the plasma and cell
membranes[6]. Despite its low concentration, ALA is
easily assayed with capillary gas chromatography,
the corresponding peak being well identified on the
chromatogram (Fig. 1).
Nutrition background
Coming back to the question of the potential role of
ALA in pathology, symptoms of ALA deficiency have
not yet been specifically outlined in the cardiovascular
area. The potential effects of ALA on cardiovascular
diseases were discovered when it was reported that
populations whose plasma lipids are rich in ALA (the
Greek and Japanese cohorts of the Seven Countries
Study, for instance) are apparently protected from
cardiovascular diseases[7], and that these low-risk populations consume foods rich in ALA[8,9]. Simopoulos and
colleagues showed that purslane (largely consumed
around the Mediterranean basin) is the richest source of
ALA in any green leafy vegetables[8]. Purslane is also
rich in antioxidants (Table 1). This is a major point, as
ALA, because of its three double bonds, is highly
sensitive to oxidation and high intake of ALA must be
balanced with high intake of antioxidants to protect it
from oxidation. The same group also reported that eggs
from range-fed Greek hens (which make a feast of
purslane and other ALA-rich fresh green grass) are rich
in ALA and other n-3 fatty acids compared with eggs
bought in U.S. supermarkets which are, in turn, usually
rich in LA[9]. The large difference in the fatty acid
composition of the two types of eggs was also due to the
fatty acid composition of the industrial foods given to
U.S. hens. This suggested that egg yolk may have been a
non-negligible source of ALA and other n-3 fatty acids
for people living in the Mediterranean area, one of the
regions of the world where the incidence of (and
mortality from) coronary heart disease (CHD) is low.
Taking the numbers given by Simopoulos, two egg yolks
from range-fed Greek hens would provide about 0·5 g of
ALA, about ten times the amounts provided by two
supermarket eggs.
Another important point in favour of encouraging
ALA consumption and of reducing LA intake came
from the observation that the lowest ex vivo platelet
aggregation measured in humans in response to
adenosine diphosphate, a possible indicator of the risk
of acute CHD events, was recorded with a LA to ALA
ratio in the diet of about 4 to 1[10,11], i.e. much lower
than that of the present Western diet and also lower than
what many experts currently recommend. This pointed
out the potential importance of ALA in the prevention
of the thrombotic complications of CHD[12]. However,
only trials could bring definite information regarding
causal relationships. The next section will provide some
data regarding recent dietary trials.
Dietary trials
The Lyon Diet Heart Study is a secondary prevention trial designed to test the hypothesis that a
Mediterranean ALA-rich diet may improve the prognosis of patients having survived a first acute myocardial
infarction[13]. The design, methods and results of the
trial have been reported[13–15]. A striking protective
effect of the Mediterranean diet was found, with a
50–70% reduction in the recurrence risk after 4 years of
follow-up[16]. Briefly, in terms of lipids, the experimental
Mediterranean diet tested in the trial supplied under
Eur Heart J Supplements, Vol. 3 (Suppl D) June 2001
D28 M. de Lorgeril et al.
Hydrogenated fat or
coconut fat
Beef fat
Lamb fat
Pork fat
Chicken fat
Soybean oil
Olive oil
Sunflower oil
Walnut oil
Linseed oil
Canola oil
Saturated fat
18:1 (n-9)
18:2 (n-6)
18:3 (n-3)
Figure 2 Fatty acid content (expressed as percentage of total fatty acids) of important fats and oils used in
the Western diet. Hydrogenated fat, coconut fat, sometimes beef fat, which are resistant to oxidation and to
repeated heating, are currently used to make French fries in fast food and non-fast food restaurants. This is
obviously unhealthy, as high saturated fat intake has been associated with high risk of CHD in many
epidemiological studies. The vegetable oils (and derived margarines) currently marketed in the Western
countries are often too rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (of the omega-6 family) which are very sensitive
to oxidation. This is obviously unhealthy. The same goes for linseed oil, in which the amounts of both ALA
and LA are too high. As shown in the table, the best combination between saturated, polyunsaturated and
monounsaturated (essentially oleic acid) fatty acids is obtained in olive and canola oils. Canola oil and
canola-oil-based margarine should be used as a major source of ALA in secondary prevention of CHD.
30% of energy from fats, and under 8% of energy from
saturated fats. Regarding the essential fatty acids, the
intake of LA was restricted to 4% of energy and the
intake of ALA made up over 0·6% of energy. In
practical terms, the dietary instructions were detailed
and customized to each patient[13–15] and can be summarized as: more bread, more cereals, more legumes and
beans, more fresh vegetables and fruits, more fish, less
meat (beef, lamb, pork) and delicatessen foods, which
were to be replaced by poultry; no butter and cream, to
be replaced by an experimental, canola oil-based,
margarine. This margarine was chemically comparable
with olive oil but slightly enriched in LA and more so in
ALA, the two essential fatty acids. Finally, the oils
recommended for salad and food preparation were
exclusively olive and canola (erucid acid-free rapeseed
oil) oils. The scientific rationale for that ‘dietary fat
strategy’ is illustrated in Fig. 2. To meet the criteria of a
Mediterranean diet, patients had to reduce drastically
the consumption of foods rich in saturated (essentially
animal) fat, shown in the upper part of the figure.
Among the vegetable oils (the lower part of the figure),
only olive oil (despite its lack of ALA) and canola oil
(despite its quite high amounts of LA) have a fatty acid
composition in line with our strategy. Thus, the patients
were advised to use both oils. Because of their high
Eur Heart J Supplements, Vol. 3 (Suppl D) June 2001
content in LA, soybean, sunflower and walnut oils
should not be used daily for food preparation and salad
dressing. Peanut oil is too rich in saturated fatty acids
and LA and linseed oil is too rich in PUFAs. In theory,
the best option should be to vary the use of several oils.
However, when considering the difficult conditions
of daily life of many patients and of their families,
we decided to try and simplify our advice and to
recommend the exclusive use of olive and canola oils.
The exclusive use of olive and canola oils (and of
canola-oil-based margarine instead of butter to spread
on bread) to prepare meals and salad was a major issue
in that trial, as it resulted in significant differences in the
fatty acid composition of both circulating plasma lipids
(essentially, lipoproteins) and cell membrane phospholipids[6]. As shown in Table 2, the main differences
between groups in platelet phospholipid fatty acids were
not seen at the level of individual fatty acids (ALA is
almost not detectable in cell membranes) but for the
entire family of each group. Significant differences were
also seen for the ratio between n-6 and n-3 fatty acids[6].
When comparing the dietary fatty acids in the two
groups, control patients consumed about 0·7 g of ALA
per day compared with about 1·8 g in the experimental
group, with a ratio LA to ALA of about 10 to 1 in
controls against about 4 to 1 in the experimental group.
Alpha-linolenic acid and coronary heart disease D29
Table 2 Platelet phospholipid fatty acids in the two
groups of the Lyon trial
Saturated fatty acids
Unsaturated fatty acids
Omega-9 family
Omega-6 family
Omega-3 family
Results are mean&SEM.
ns=non significant.
Modified from Reference 6.
Since the Mediterranean diet tested in that trial was
different from the control diet in many other aspects
than the LA to ALA ratio (less saturated fat, more
antioxidants of various sources, more vitamins of the B
group including folic acid, probably more vegetable
proteins, etc.), the next question was to try and specify
the precise role of ALA in the cardioprotection observed
in the trial. Using multivariate analyses and adjustment
for several confounding variables, we found that ALA
plasma concentrations measured 2 months after randomization were significantly (and inversely) associated
with the risk of recurrence, and in particular with fatal
recurrences[16]. It could be said, however, that it is not
ALA per se that was protective but the long-chain
PUFAs derived from ALA, eicosapentaenoic and
docosahexaenoic acids, which were also increased in the
plasma of patients in the experimental group[11]. These
long-chain n-3 have been shown to prevent ventricular
fibrillation (VF) and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in
animal experiments[17,20] and in human trials[21,22]. However, in the Lyon trial, these fatty acids were not
significantly associated with a lower risk, suggesting that
ALA was the main protective factor. Also, a specific
antiarrhythmic effect of ALA itself was reported in
animal studies[19,20]. This does not mean, however, that
the benefits from ALA are not due, at least partly, to its
conversion to long-chain PUFAs, and further studies are
required to identify the individual effects of each n-3
fatty acid in the context of myocardial ischaemia and
ventricular arrhythmias.
Another randomized controlled trial in which the
consumption of ALA was encouraged (patients in the
experimental group were advised to eat more fruit,
vegetables and nuts) reported a significant reduction of
the risk of cardiac events in post-acute myocardial
infarction (AMI) patients[23]. In that trial, the main
source of ALA was nuts (Table 3). Earlier works on
Seventh Day Adventists[24] and American nurses[25] suggested that eating nuts was associated with a diminished
risk of CHD. Potentially protective constituents of nuts
include ALA, folates, magnesium, potassium, fibre,
vitamin E, arginine[26] and favourable lysine-to-arginine
and methionine-to-arginine ratios[27,28]. One noteworthy
point is that the fatty acid composition of the lipids in
the walnuts (also called English walnut or noix de
Grenoble or Californian nut) is apparently the same in
Table 3 Essential fatty acid, oleic acid, folates, arginine and methionone content of
various foods (per 100 g of edible portion)
Pecan nut
Pine nut
Data from the USDA Nutrient Database (Web site) and Répertoire Général des Aliments (JC
Favier et al., Lavoisier Editors).
Eur Heart J Supplements, Vol. 3 (Suppl D) June 2001
D30 M. de Lorgeril et al.
the U.S.A. and in Europe, as the concentrations of
ALA, LA and oleic acid measured in our laboratory
are respectively 13·4, 60·5 and 15·6% in the noix de
Grenoble and 12·9, 62·5 and 13% in the Californian nut.
In Table 3, the contents of two major amino acids,
arginine (the precursor of nitric oxide) and methionine
(the precursor of homocysteine), in various nuts are
detailed because of their importance in cardiovascular
physiology and pathophysiology. The contents are compared with those of meat (beef and pork) and fatty fish
(salmon and mackerel), which are the main sources of
proteins and indispensable amino acids in the Western
diet. Folic acid is also indicated because of its importance in these pathways: for retro-conversion of homocysteine to methionine on one hand, and for recycling
tetrahydrobiopterin (which is folic acid-dependent),
which may account for a dysfunction of nitric oxide
synthase when its availability is reduced, on the other
hand. It is clear from Table 3 that, beside their fatty acid
composition, certain nuts may be important because
they provide large amounts of arginine (even more than
meat) with the major advantage that they are quite poor
in methionine (the precursor of the vasculo-toxic homocysteine) compared with meat and fish. This is especially
true for walnut, almond and hazelnut which are commonly eaten in great amounts by the Mediterranean
populations. The last, but certainly not least, point
concerns the high folate content of most nuts. Low
serum folate levels[29] and high homocysteine levels[30]
have been clearly associated with an increased risk of
CHD. Results of a recent trial are consistent with a
decreased CHD risk following homocysteine-lowering
treatment with folic acid (plus vitamin B6) and suggest a
causal relationship between low folic acid with high
homocysteine levels and CHD[31]. Thus, although there
is no opportunity here to fully discuss each of these
points, nuts (which are both rich in ALA and important
in the Mediterranean diet) can obviously be included as
part of a healthy diet. In contrast, walnut oil, too rich in
LA, should not be advised. Finally, with its very high
content in ALA, linseed oil should also not be advised
owing to its excessive global content in PUFAs (LA plus
ALA). As outlined[11], despite their cardioprotective
properties when given in small amounts, n-3 PUFAs, as
well as PUFAs in general, should not be given in large
amounts: ‘small is beautiful’. Thus, when considering a
given food and its potentially protective constituents, we
must also look at the other, potentially harmful
(depending on the dose) components. Good examples
are fish and fish oil. When taken in moderation, for
example in DART and GISSI[21,22], they are cardioprotective. In contrast, when taken in large doses in low-risk
population, they do not appear to be protective[32].
Epidemiological studies
Although the association of ALA and cardiovascular
end-points has received much less attention than that
with long-chain n-3 PUFAs (usually from fish oil),
Eur Heart J Supplements, Vol. 3 (Suppl D) June 2001
several studies have been published reporting significant
inverse associations between ALA (measured in the diet,
plasma or adipose tissue) and the risk of CHD in quite
large populations[33–38]. In two of these studies, however,
this association was no longer significant after adjusting
for other variables[34,36]. In the Health Professional
Follow-up Study in the U.S.A. (43 757 health professionals aged 40–75 years followed-up for 6 years),
Ascherio and colleagues reported that ALA intake was
inversely associated with the risk of AMI and of cardiac
death; the association was strengthened after adjustments (in particular for traditional risk factors and total
fat intake) giving a relative risk of 0·41 for each 1%
increase in energy[37]. It is interesting that in the same
cohort the intake of (marine) long-chain n-3 PUFAs was
not associated with any risk increase or decrease[39],
suggesting again that the cardioprotective effects of
ALA itself may be different from those of these longer
chain n-3 fatty acids. In the Nurses’ Health Study
(76 283 women followed-up for 10 years), a higher
intake of ALA was associated with a lower relative risk
of fatal CHD[38]. The adjusted relative risk from the
lowest to the highest quintile was 0·55[38]. Further adjustments for intake of fish (n-3) fatty acids, oleic acid,
trans fatty acids, cholesterol, folate or fibres did not
materially alter the association. For non-fatal AMI, the
association was not significant. When the relationship
between ALA and fatal CHD was examined using
vitamin E supplements, the investigators observed a
stronger association among supplement users, the relative risk between the extreme quintiles becoming as low
as 0·36. Finally, in support of this association, Hu and
colleagues found that specific foods which are primary
dietary sources of ALA in the U.S. diet (oil and vinegar
salad dressings) were also associated with a risk reduction[38]. Thus, these epidemiological data suggest that
moderate amounts of ALA in the diet may be cardioprotective and, importantly, no harmful side-effects have
been detected.
From theory to practice
There are different ways to obtain 1·8–2 g of ALA per
day in the diet without using ALA-containing capsules
or fortified foods. The simplest (and easiest) way is to
use canola oil for food preparation and salad dressing.
As 100 g of canola oil provide about 8 g of ALA, two
small (U.S.) tablespoons may provide about 2 g of ALA.
The canola-oil-based margarine, which contains about
5 g of ALA per 100 g of margarine, may be useful. To
obtain 2 g of ALA, 35 g of margarine, or about six
teaspoonsful are needed. Alternatively, one can eat one
tablespoonful of canola oil (with salad, for instance) and
two teaspoonsful of canola margarine on a piece of
bread. Both canola oil and margarine can be used in
association with olive oil (which does not contain ALA)
for food preparation because of the large amounts in
oleic acid and flavonoids and also because of its particular taste. Regarding nuts, to obtain 2 g of ALA, four to
Alpha-linolenic acid and coronary heart disease D31
five English walnuts (or noix de Grenoble) are needed. If
English walnuts are liked enough to eat them every day
(as Mediterranean people often do), it is possible to use
exclusively olive oil for food preparation. A good (and
succulent) way is to add the nuts to the salad. One can
also use ground linseeds (not linseed oil) with the salad
or other green leafy vegetables knowing that 100 g of
ground linseeds provide about 23 g of ALA. Thus, only
one tablespoonful of ground linseeds provides about 2 g
of ALA.
Eating purslane (or other equivalent ALA-rich leafy
vegetables) to obtain large amounts of ALA is less easy,
in particular because in many areas purslane is not
available. In addition, one large portion (100 g of purslane) provides less than 0·4 g of ALA. Thus, for most
adults, purslane should be associated with either walnuts
or a canola-oil-containing salad dressing. One advantage of eating green leafy vegetables (and not only
purslane) is to increase the diversity of the diet which is
probably a major component of any healthy diet[40]. For
those who think that it is easier to take supplements
(capsules, for instance) of ALA rather than ALA-rich
foods, it is important to remember that nutrients are
not drugs. It means that when we eat foods, we eat a
combination of nutrients in proportions which are not
the result of chance but the product of a very long
natural evolution. For instance, the proportions of
certain PUFAs and many different antioxidants in a
given food are probably the best combination to protect
PUFAs against peroxidation.
Epidemiological studies as well as dietary trials including moderate amounts of ALA in the experimental diet
suggest that this essential fatty acid, despite its low
concentrations in blood and tissues, may be important in
relation with the pathogenesis (and prevention) of CHD.
It is still not known whether ALA is cardioprotective of
itself or also through its conversion in long-chain (n-3)
PUFAs and then in the corresponding eicosanoids and
prostaglandins. The definite demonstration of a specific
cardioprotective effect of ALA would require a trial
specifically designed for that purpose. Nevertheless, one
potential advantage of ALA, compared with the longchain n-3 PUFAs found in marine products, is that ALA
competes with LA at the first step of the elongationdesaturation pathway, whereas the long-chain n-3
PUFAs compete with the n-6 PUFAs only at the late
steps of eicosanoid metabolism. Thus, ALA (but not
long-chain n-3 PUFAs) is capable of preventing the
accumulation of long-chain n-6 PUFAs.
According to our current knowledge, dietary ALA
should represent about 0·6–1% of total daily energy or
about 2 g per day. With the exception of algae (or
seaweeds) and other rarely consumed marine products,
the main sources of ALA in our diet could be canola oil
and canola-oil-based margarines in moderation. Nuts
are also a good source of ALA (and also of folates and
arginine) but they are rich in LA and therefore they
should be eaten in moderate amounts, about three to
five walnuts per day. The consumption of green leafy
vegetables rich in ALA, for instance purslane, should be
encouraged not only because of their content in ALA
but also because of the antioxidant nutrients they
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