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11.08 HOLY BOOKS AND KEY IDEAS COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS ON FILE TM Hinduism: Major Scriptures There are many sacred writings in Hinduism, written in Sanskrit (the ancient language of India), which have evolved over more than 1,500 years. Veda means “knowledge” and is the preserve of the Brahmin priestly caste, whereas the Smriti represent a later popular oral tradition, above all in the SHRUTI Revealed scriptures Bhagavad Gita, meaning ‘Song of the Lord,’ which is part of the Mahabharata. These were believed to have come directly from the gods through rishis (holy people) VEDAS THE RIG VEDA 1028 royal songs praising gods S B A U THE SAMA VEDA THE YAJUR VEDA THE Hymns with Hymns with ATHARVA VEDA instructions for instructions for Collection of sayings chanting sacrifices S B A U S B A U S B A U S B A U SAMHITAS Priests’ commentaries BRAHMANAS Priestly writings on sacrifices ARANYAKAS Forest thoughts UPANISHADS Important spritual teachings SMRITI Traditional scriptures (20 in total) LAWS OF MANU These were remembered and passed on from generation to generation EPICS Religious stories and poems RAMAYANA The life of Rama and Sita MAHABHARATA The great Indian history PURANAS 36 collections about many gods and mythology BHAGAVAD GITA Most influential work © Diagram Visual Information Ltd. Published by Facts On File, Inc. All electronic storage, reproduction, or transmittal is copyright protected by the publisher. COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS ON FILE TM 11.09 HOLY BOOKS AND KEY IDEAS Hinduism: The Mahabharata With 125,000 verses and 3,000,000 words, the Mahabharata is the longest poem that has ever been written. It is part of a collection of traditional Hindu myths called the Smriti. The episodes recounted in the Mahabharata were composed in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit over hundreds of years and were finally collected and arranged together around 200 BCE. Important lessons ● Although it describes exciting episodes, the Mahabharata is very important to Hindus, because it also teaches important religious lessons ● The Mahabharata contains many different parables and allegories but mainly focuses on the details of a war between two dynastic families – the Kauravas and the Pandavas ● Perhaps the most important part of the Mahabharata is the Bhagavad Gita (The Song of the Lord) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Bhagavad Gita ● The Bhagavad Gita is a discussion about life and the right way to live it. This conversation takes place on a battlefield between the god Krishna (a representation of Vishnu, the preserver) and a Pandava prince and warrior called Arjuna ● This part of the Mahabharata is made up of 18 chapters, containing 700 verses Elements of the Bhagavad Gita Path of Devotion Bhakti and Parabhakti Avatars Path of Action Reincarnation Knowledge and Meditation Dispassion and Discrimination Renunciation Devotion to Krishna Many Views of Brahman Many Pathways to Brahman Bhagavad Gita 9.26, 27, 34: “Whatever one offers me with true devotion – even a leaf or a flower, a fruit or even a little water – this I accept from a yearning soul because with a pure heart it was offered with love. Whatever you do or eat or give or offer in sacrifice, let it be an offering to me; and whatever you suffer, suffer it for me. Give me your mind and give me your heart, give me your offerings and your adoration; thus with your soul in harmony, and making me your supreme goal, you will in truth come to me.” Arjuna and Krishna during the battle against the Kauravas © Diagram Visual Information Ltd. Published by Facts On File, Inc. All electronic storage, reproduction, or transmittal is copyright protected by the publisher. 11.10 HOLY BOOKS AND KEY IDEAS COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS ON FILE TM Hinduism: Sayings from the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads Bhagavad Gita The Bhagavad Gita (the Song of the Lord) is one of the Hindus’ favorite holy books. It teaches that the way to union with God (Moksha) is through © Diagram Visual Information Ltd. Published by Facts On File, Inc. All electronic storage, reproduction, or transmittal is copyright protected by the publisher.