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Napoleon & the
Birth & Early Years
Born in 1769, on the Mediterranean island of Corsica
Sent to military school at age of 9, graduated at 16
Served as a lieutenant in the artillery
Early Fame
October 1795= Napoleon stopped rebels from attacking delegates of the
National Convention
1796= Appointed by the Directory to lead a French army against Austria
Won many battles in Italy
Led an expedition in Egypt against the British Empire
Coup d'état
1799= The Directory lost control & confidence of the French people; Napoleon
used his army & troops to surround the national legislature
Coup d'état= “Blow to the state”
Britain, Austria, & Russia joined forces to drive Napoleon from power
Austrians driven from Italy; Peace with Britain achieved in 1802
Napoleon Rules France
Efficient & decent ruler; Strengthened central government & believed in
some goals of the Revolution
Set up efficient method of tax collecting & established national banking system
Removed corrupt gov. officials; Set up lycees
Brought back the RCC to France; Established a separation of church & state
Created the Napoleonic Code; Sets of laws based on Justinian’s Code
Napoleonic Code
Comprehensive system of laws, based on Justinian’s Law Code
Uniform set of laws, eliminated many injustices
Divided laws into 4 categories:
1) Persons
2) Property
3) Acquisition of property
4) Civil procedure
Emperor Napoleon
December 2, 1804= Napoleon crowns himself as Emperor of France
Took place at Notre Dame Cathedral; Paris, France
Took crown from the Pope, & crowned himself
Napoleon Creates an Empire
Napoleon wanted to create a global French Empire
Western Empire= Louisiana, Florida, French Guiana, West Indies; Key possession was SaintDomingue (Haiti), sugar-producing colony
French Revolution created a civil war in Saint-Domingue b/t French planters & enslaved
Africans; Disease & rebel slaves stopped Napoleon from taking back the island
Sold Louisiana Territory to U.S. for $15 million
Conquering Europe
Due to loss of American territories, Napoleon focused on Europe
Annexed the Austrian Netherlands, parts of Italy; Set up a puppet gov. in Switzerland
Britain persuaded Russia, Austria, & Sweden to join them against France
Napoleon was extremely successful; Rulers of Austria, Prussia, & Russia forced to sign
peace treaties
Napoleon’s Empire
Battle of Trafalgar, 1805
One of Napoleon’s few defeats; Naval battle against the British Empire
Took place off the coast of Spain
Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
The Continental System= November, 1806
Blockade to prevent all trade/communication b/t England & rest of Europe
Goal= Make continental Europe more self-sufficient
Didn’t work, England was weakened but not destroyed
Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
The Peninsular War (1808-1814)= Invasion force sent through Spain to get
Portugal to accept the Continental System
Napoleon removed Spanish king and put his brother, Joseph, in charge
The Spanish, influenced by nationalism, were outraged & began to fight back
Spanish fighters called guerillas; British sent troops to aid the Spanish
Napoleon loses over 300,000 troops
Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
The Invasion of Russia (1812)= Former allies, Russia continued to ship grain to
June 1812= As French troops invaded Russia, Russian troops retreated; Practiced
scorched-earth policy
No victories for any side, October Napoleon begins his retreat with 100,000 French troops
Due to exhaustion, hunger, & cold, only 10,000 French troops survived retreat back to
Russian Campaign Map
The Downfall
Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria & Sweden wanted to take advantage of
France’s weak state, declared war
April 1814= Napoleon surrenders, gives up his throne; Exiled to Elba
The Downfall
Louis XVII, Louis XVI’s brother, takes the throne; New king was unpopular
Napoleon decides to leave Elba; lands in France on March 1, 1815
Thousands of volunteers join his army; Emperor again within days of arrival
European allies get armies together to take down Napoleon; June 18th, 1815
Battle of Waterloo
Prussia & Britain defeat the French military
British ship Napoleon to St. Helena, island in South Atlantic; Dies in 1821
The Congress of Vienna
After Napoleon’s defeat, European powers wanted peace; Held series of
meetings in Vienna
Lasted 8 months; 5 great powers= Russia, Prussia, Austria, England, France
Led by foreign minister of Austria, Prince Klemens von Metternich
The Congress of Vienna
3 goals of COV:
1) Prevent future French aggression; Surround France by strong nations
2) Restore a balance of power
3) Restore Europe’s royal families to the thrones they held before Napoleon’s wars;
Principle of legitimacy
Congress of Vienna Map
French Revolution, Failure?
French Revolution= France’s first experiment with democracy; Experiment
was a failure, but its impact was felt worldwide
Latin American revolutions of 19th century; Colonies of Spain began to declare
Nationalism began to spread, would create new revolutions that would form new nations
Changed social attitudes of Europe; Democracy seen as best way to ensure equality &
justice for ALL