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September 2016
By Dr. Icey L. Johnson
Lay Leader
Greetings my brothers and sisters in Christ! Happy New
Year and Happy New You!! God has been good to us and
we are eternally grateful for all He has done! This is just the
beginning and we all have something to look forward to
with much anticipation and hope. Hope for a better year,
hope for a better you!
These first few weeks of 2017 for some of us have been a
good thing, whereas for others of us, it has not been so
good. It seems that we are repeating some of the same failures and disappointments from last year, but take heart my
brothers and sisters, all is not lost. Do we not see new mercies each and every day? Are we so busy doing mundane
things that we overlook the majesty of God’s creation? Do
we have faith in God and approach Him confidently? How
is our prayer life?
Pray for the ministries here at Warren. Pray for each other
and know that God has already worked it out for us!
In the Book of James, we are told that we do not have because we do not ask.
How do we want to ask God to help us in 2017? Is it for
good health, finances, stronger faith in God? The list can go
on and on, but what do we really want for 2017? God
knows our heart and He hears our petitions as well as our
Let us first and foremost draw near to God and establish
that personal relationship with Him. Once we intentionally
hear, accept, and welcome the Word, it will take root within
our spirit and save our souls. 2017 has so much in store for
us and believe it or not, it is all good! The Word says it best
in Jeremiah 29:11-13 “For I know the plans I have for you,
When we come to God with an open and honest heart, we
says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster,
are empowered to go to the next level. Praying according to
to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you
His will puts everything in perspective. When our faith
pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you
comes under pressure, we should not be moved. Speak
will find me.” Well, I don’t know about you Warren, but
God’s word boldly and courageously.
that is the good news I need for 2017! So, let the church
say…. Amen!
Pastor’s Message……...………………………………………....3
Rev. GiGi A. Warren
Senior Pastor
The Lenten Journey……….……………………………………..4
Welcome New Member……………….……...…………...…….4
Black History…………………………………………...……….5
Sunday School
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Service
10:30 a.m.
UMW Book Review………………………………………..…..7
Aid To South Georgia ………………………………………….7
Church Office Hours
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (M-F)
Heart To Heart…………………………...……………………...8
Save The Date………………...……………………….…….......8
181 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd., SW
Atlanta, GA 30314
Contact Number
A newsletter of Warren Memorial
United Methodist Church, published quarterly
through the Communications Ministry.
Our Mission
Beacon Staff
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Through Fellowship, Worship and
Jacqueline Rose, Eloise Sykes, Patricia Kenly
Jacqueline Rose
Our Vision
A Beacon of Hope and Enlightenment Through Spiritual Growth and
Christian Values
Communications Committee
Jacqueline Rose, Chairperson
Deborah Anderson
Patricia Kenly
Bettye Boyd
Brenda Moss
Sandra Harrell
Eloise Sykes
Betty Johnson
Diana Walker
Celestine Jones
2017 Theme
Envisioning Our Future
We welcome your ideas and news items for the BEACON newsletter. You may contact Jacqueline Rose at [email protected] or
Patricia Kenly at [email protected]. The Communications Ministry reserves the right to edit news briefs for spacing, clarity, style,
and format.
From The Pastor’s Pen
Greetings Warren Memorial Church Family & Friends,
Let me begin by saying how blessed I am to be your pastor! I rejoice every time I
think about what God’s Word has accomplished in you. God is at work in this place
and we get to be a part of it. I believe 2017 to be a pivotal year for Warren. Over
the last year we have accomplished much by the power of the Holy Spirit:
Paid 100% Conference apportionment, conference benefits, and district work fund in 2016.
2016 budget year ended in the black.
Through Missions & Outreach provided supplies, food, and clothing to our sick & shut in and community.
I thank God for your faithfulness, but our work is far from over. As long as God gives us breath:
We must continue to witness to the lost
Prayerfully intercede for others
Grow in our personal relationship with Christ and
Serve God’s Kingdom
As we begin a new year, my hope for us as the family of God is that we will be like the Apostle Paul. Paul talked
about in Philippians the importance of remaining focused on heavenly priorities; that is to say “press on toward
the goal to win the prize for which God has called us in Christ Jesus.” May we never become stuck in the past or
take God’s past blessings for granted! May we never be content with the status quo, mediocre living, or become
distracted by what others are doing. Instead, I pray that each and every one of us will stay focused on that one
thing: living out the full Gospel of Jesus Christ without ceasing until we see Him face to face in heaven.
In 2017, my plans are to spend some time revitalizing and reprioritizing the vision God has given me both personally
and vocationally. I hope that you will do the same; both as individual Christians and as a part of this church
family. I prayerfully ask you to consider who and what God is calling you to be and do for yourself, your
family, your workplace, our church, and our community in 2017. May we continue to press forward in Jesus
Name! HAPPY 2017!!!
“Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and
reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ
Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14.)
You are loved & appreciated,
Pastor G
The Lenten journey
By Diana Walker
Worship Ministry Chairperson
When I think about seasons I ponder not just
the summer, winter and
fall, but the seasons of
our lives year round.
As we are already enjoying the miracles of
2017, I can't help but to
be grateful for every
season we have experienced in the past years. It's the past that sets us up
for a great future. Remembering the sacrifice that
Jesus made for forty days reminds us that the journey to the cross paved a way for greater things.
Now, as we approach the Lenten season let us set
our hearts and minds on sacrifice, expecting a season of rejoicing. Embarking upon this journey will
require us to slow down and meditate. There will
be companions along the way. When you need to
call on someone, welcome the Holy Spirit. When it
seems you can't make it, cast your cares on Jesus
and take it to the altar. When you feel like giving
New members
up, hang in there and remember you can do all
things through Christ who strengthens you. The
journey to the cross was not easy, but intentional.
Going on a journey means that at the end you are in
a different place than where you started. By now,
we all know that Jesus experienced trails, betrayal,
crucifixion and resurrection. I wonder what awaits
Warren Family, as we prepare for the Lenten journey, let us be intentional. We've already experienced ups and downs during the seasons of life
over the years, so now, as we stand in 2017, let's
intentionally walk into our resurrection.
I'm excited about what God has already done in
the life of our church! Now, I feel like dancing like
David, knowing that the blood still works and we
are in an awesome season to activate the powerful
spirit that lives within each of us.
Cheers to the journey....
“The local church as the body of Christ, is the place where
members grow in faith and extend the love of Jesus
Christ into the world.” The heart of our local church
ministry is continuing Jesus Christ’s ministry and outreaching love.
Minister Ray Allen
Ms. Bianca Marie Jones
Ms. Shanda Yvette Fields
...from The United Methodist Handbook,
Let’s Go Fishing
Celebrating Black History
By Rev. Araminta Lett
Black History is a celebration created by Dr.
Carter G. Woodson in the year 1926. Dr. Woodson understood completely what we have all learned from the book
of Proverbs, chapter 29, verse 18 – “where there is no vision, the people perish…”
Dr. Woodson lived during a time when our people
were on the cusp of higher ground and he offered a plan
that would continue to move us forward with hope. We
were always a great and a proud people, but we were also
a broken people in many ways. In February of 1926, Dr.
Woodson launched Negro History Week, which became a
pre-cursor of our current Black History Month. As we began to learn more and more of the great history that was so
often hidden as we struggled, we began to become more
and more proud of our many accomplishments and of the
great people that we are.
Black people have excelled in every field and endeavor in this country. Both men and women have done
remarkable things against the odds. Black history allows
us to continue to tell our children that indeed we stand
proudly on the shoulders of our ancestors and because of
that we cannot and we will not fail. While we have gone
high in every known area, we have also made our mark in
the history of the church. From that great orator Harry
Hoosier during slavery to the first elected African American female Bishop, Leontine Kelly, American Christianity
would not be the same without the Black presence. From
slave preachers all way to the iconic Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. our voice has been heard in the past and must
continue to be heard during these current chaotic times.
Amazingly, while we
think we know the story of our
people, sometimes we may stumble upon hidden gems (or figures)
that startle and surprise us as they
bring forward new achievements
that might not have been known.
Such is the story of Katherine
Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn and
Mary Jackson, three women who
worked for NASA during the
time that our country’s space program first began to soar. All three
women were mathematicians.
Mrs. Johnson was literally a human computer; Mrs. Vaughn became the first black female supervisor and Mrs. Jackson became the first black female engineer with NASA, where she continued to work for thirty –
four years. How many young girls might these women
have inspired if only their story had been known. Thusly
the movie ‘Hidden Figures’ provides for us yet another
glimpse into the great history that we share in this country.
During the month of February we have a responsibility to learn and then share all that we can so that those
who rise behind us might continue to reach for higher
Leave a Legacy to Warren
By Eloise Sykes and Ray McClendon
Stewardship Co-Chairpersons
The Warren Memorial Permanent Endowment and Planned Giving Ministry Committee of the
Church also known as the Legacy Ministry Committee was established with the responsibility and
authority for directing the administration of an Endowment Fund in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the Discipline and as further defined in a 2015 Charge Conference Resolution. The
Fund and its administration conforms to all applicable Georgia laws and regulations, any applicable
Federal laws and regulations including the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and the current
Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, particularly pertaining to Paragraph 2534.
Contributing to the endowment fund is a way to be a sound financial steward of God’s gifts because, in so doing, you
give a portion of what you have back to God and provide legacy by helping to ensure Warren’s future.
What is an Endowment? An Endowment Fund is a permanent fund or source of income for our church that contributes to the fulfillment of Warren’s vision. The funds that are contributed to the Endowment Fund are invested in perpetuity. The proceeds of the fund are used to fund ministry for the church.
Why have an Endowment Fund? An Endowment Fund says that Warren:
Believes in its future and is prepared to invest in the vision
Wishes to be guided in stewardship by the belief that all we have is from God
Wants to build a sense of permanence
Desires as a church family to be good stewards even as we expect each member to be a good steward
Wishes to go the extra mile in providing new services and programs
Wants to create a legacy for future generations
Where may I give? You may designate your legacy gift to the following funds:
General Endowment Fund
Music Ministry Endowment Fund
Capital Improvements and Unbudgeted Property Maintenance Endowment Fund
Youth Endowment Fund
Children’s Ministries
Named fund: This may be set up in memory or honor of someone and/or for a specific purpose with a minimum
contribution of $20,000.
How can you give to the Endowment Fund?
Gifts Given Today
Stocks and Bonds
Real Estate
Life Insurance
Savings Bonds
Gifts Given After Passing
Charitable Trusts and Annuities
Savings Bonds
Stocks and Bonds
Real Estate
Who Administers and Distributes the Funds? The Warren Memorial United Methodist Legacy Ministry Committee
administers these funds on an ongoing basis and distributions are made based on church endowment policies with the
approval of church leadership. A financial report is presented to the Charge Conference each year and is included in
the annual audit of church funds.
Who Manages the Investments? The investments are professionally managed through the Georgia United
Methodist Foundation in Peachtree Corners, Georgia (
For more information contact Raymond McClendon
United Methodist Women of Warren
Explore Mass Incarceration Issues
By Patricia A Kenly
President, Warren United Methodist Women
“The Jim Crow Laws were statutes enacted by Southern states,
beginning in the in the late 1870's and early 1880s,
that legalized segregation between African Americans and
whites. The Jim Crow laws restricted the rights of African
Americans to use public facilities, schools, to vote, to find decent employment, basically excluding African Americans from
exercising their rights as citizens of the United States.” By the
mid-1950’s the repeal of such laws ended Jim Crow as we
knew it; however…
Are there parallels between mass incarceration
and Jim Crow? Why is mass incarceration increasingly
referred to as the new Jim Crow? How important is it to
have a movement to end mass incarceration? What role
can individuals who serve as helpers, advocates, organizers and rebels contribute to putting an end to this social
issue? What immediate action opportunities exist to effect meaningful change? Our UMW February 2017 Book
Review thoroughly addressed these questions and other
troubling issues surrounding mass incarceration, culminating in an immediate call to action.
As a professional skilled facilitator, Pamela Perkins Carn (ICM Coordinator, Interfaith Children’s Movement) led the lively discussion of the book Building a
Movement to End the New Jim Crow by Daniel Hunter.
This book review was one of our largest and most diverse
discussion groups with approximately 41 individuals in
attendance. Joining the United Methodist Women of
Warren Memorial, other book review attendees included
the St. Timothy UMC Senior Pastor; Kings Memorial
UMC Assistant Pastor; church members from The
Church of the Incarnation (Episcopal Church) and Ousley
UMC; representative from the Atlanta Friends Meeting
(Religious Society of Friends Quaker Meeting); UMW
North Georgia Conference and Atlanta College Park District (ACPK) Officers; United Methodist Women from
several ACPK District churches as well as representation
from the Atlanta-Decatur-Oxford District; and a guest
(who is a member of First African Presbyterian Church)
from End “New Jim Crow” Action Group - an Atlanta
area group working with formerly incarcerated people to
advocate for administrative and legal changes.
Specific recommendations in the movement to
stop mass incarceration challenged the group to become
advocates by immediately getting involved with on-going
efforts. As an example, to support children and youth in
the juvenile justice system, our faith community was invited to attend and actively participate in the Interfaith
Children’s Movement February 15th Day at the Capitol
where Juvenile Justice Reform is on ICM’s 2017 Advocacy Platform. Networking opportunities are available
through “Healing Community Networks” (at Central
UMC) and End “New Jim Crow” Action Group meetings.
Making contacts with legislators has always been and
continues to be an effective strategy. Our Book Review
Facilitator, Pamela Perkins Carn, reminded us that our
unified advocacy voices make a difference!
Aid to South Georgia Tornado Victims
By Celestine Jones
Thanks to an appeal by Luci Harrington, Warren responded with a huge effort to
aid South Georgia tornado victims. Members donated over 23 boxes of personal care
items needed for immediate distribution.
The efforts were coordinated through churches in Tifton, Albany and Adel, GA.
Warren sent approximately 200 bath towels, 30 blankets, 75 sheet sets, 200 pairs of
socks, 27 ready made personal care boxes for men and 42 for women, 20 book bags filled
with school supplies, over 150 toothbrushes and toothpaste for children, bottled water,
baby bags and donations of women's clothing ready for pick-up.
continued on page 8
By Luci Harrington
Health and Welfare
From my heart to your heart we all want to experience
more of life's precious moments. So let's go heart
healthy. Our heart is one of our most precious jewel.
February is national heart month that's the heart of the
matter. Living a longer and fuller life by maintaining
and monitoring your health you can become heart
Know your risk of heart disease:
 smoking
 diabetes
 high blood pressure
 obesity
 physical inactivity
 stress
 alcohol
Eat an overall healthy dietary pattern that emphasizes:
 a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains
 low fat dairy products
 skinless poultry and fish
 nuts and legumes
 non-tropical vegetable oils
All of these factors play a important part in becoming
heart healthy. Now that you are in the know to a healthier heart let's get started keeping your precious jewel in
mint condition. Let's go Red for February straight to the
Upcoming Events . . .
11 Leadership Training
25 UMW Mission Study
26 Heritage Sunday
Ash Wednesday
World Day of Prayer
First Day of Lent
Community Dinner
Women of Warren – Doing Greater Works
Community Dinner
Palm Sunday
10-15 Holy Week
Easter Sunday
UMW Book Review
28-29 UMW Spiritual Growth/Social Action Activity
Be Connected . . .
19-25 Conference-Wide Week of Prayer
20 ACPK UMW Lenten Service
Aid To South Georgia continued
With assistance from Dorothy Knox, Bobbie
Wing, Glennie Sykes and Annie R. Amos these
items were sorted, packed and made ready for
In less than one week after the initial
request for help members of the South Georgia
congregations arrived to pick-up the much
needed supplies. Luci would like to extend an
heartwarming THANK YOU to everyone for
their donations of time, financial gifts and relief items.
NOTICE. Please take note of the
bulletin board on the right side of
the narthex as you enter the front
door of the church. The board often
contains information pertinent to
church life and activities. The beautiful and eye
catching displays are carefully crafted and created
by Communications Ministry member Deborah Anderson. We thank Deborah for her commitment to
keeping us informed and enlightened.