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Talking Points
We are not a disposable products company trying to act green.
We’re a green company who happens to operate in disposables.
Green disposables.
Many foodservice disposables are made from plastic, which ultimately comes from oil. Oil is a non-renewable
Because oil is a non-renewable resource, we have a limited supply. Once we run out we cannot produce more.
We rely on oil for many of our everyday needs, including transportation, heating, and of course products made
from plastic.
Traditional foodservice items are neither compostable nor recyclable and create waste
Typical plastic foodservice products take valuable resources to make, but then are sent to landfills after only ONE
Landfills contaminate local water supplies and contribute to climate change by releasing methane, a harmful
greenhouse gas (GHG).
Eco-Products® is different: It simply doesn’t make sense to us to make products from virgin
petroleum resources and then landfill them after only one use.
Our products.
All of our GreenStripe® products are made from renewable resources, not oil
We use corn and sugarcane as substitutes for plastic and paper, both of which are renewable and can be grown
again and again.
Most of our GreenStripe® products are compostable, meaning that in a commercial composting facility they will
break down into valuable soil nutrients.
Composting also diverts this valuable waste from landfills.
Our BlueStripe™ products are made from post-consumer recycled content materials.
This is a better alternative to using virgin resources because it keeps materials out of landfills by providing them a
second life.
Post-consumer recycled products slow the rate we are using virgin, non-renewable resources to make new products
These products perform just like traditional plastics, so switching to our greener products is very simple.
We are not the only people who think green can be a solution.
Consumer Demand is Growing
American consumers are beginning to demand and pay for more sustainable products from the companies they
Over 90% of consumers say sustainability performance is an important factor in their purchasing decisions.
Single use products may not be going away anytime soon, be we know that choosing more
sustainable products that have more end of life options can change our industry and reduce waste.