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Download Greek Mythology The Twelve Olympians Lapbook
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Greek Mythology The Twelve Olympians Lapbook For 3rd to 6th grade L-GMTO Designed by Rachel Sarafin of Knowledge Box Central Greek Mythology—The Twelve Olympians Lapbook Grades 3rd—6th Copyright © 2014 Knowledge Box Central www.knowledgeboxcentral.com ISBNs: 978-1-62472-561-6 CD 978-1-62472-562-3 PRINTED 978-1-62472-563-0 EBOOK 978-1-62472-564-7 ASSEMBLED 978-1-62472-565-4 KIT Publisher: Knowledge Box Central Written by: Rachel Sarafin Edited by: Cyndi Kinney http://www.knowledgeboxcentral.com All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher, except as provided by USA copyright law. The purchaser of the eBook or CD is licensed to copy this information for use with the immediate family members only. If you are interested in copying for a larger group, please contact the publisher. Printed, Assembled, and Kit formats are not to be copied and are consumable. They are designed for one student only. All information and graphics within this product are originals or have been used with permission from its owners, and credit has been given when appropriate. These include, but are not limited to the following: www.iclipart.com. 2 Table of Contents How do I get started?............................................................ Student Instruction Guide……………………...…………………..... Lapbook Booklet Templates.…………………….…………….…….. Study Guide……………………………………………………...….….….. The Twelve Olympians……………………………………….....…….. Zeus……………………………………………………………...….…..……. Hera………………………………………………………...………….……... Poseidon………………………………………………….….………………. Demeter…………………………………………….....….…………………. Athena ……………………………………………..….…………...……….. Apollo……………………………………………..…………....….…………. Artemis………………………………………………...………….……….... Ares……………………………………………………..……….…….………. Aphrodite……………………………………………..……………….……. Hephaestus……………………………………………..…….………….…. Hermes……………………………………………..………………………... Hestia………………………………………………..……………………….. Dionysus…………………………………………..……………………...…. Hades…………………………………………………………….…..……….. Other Gods, Goddesses, Heroes & Greek Events……….…….. Persephone…………………………………………….………….………... Eros & The Graces………………………………………….……………. Hypnos & Iris………………………………………………….…………... Morpheus & Nemesis……………………………….…….…………….. Nike & Eris………………………………………………….………………. Perseus & Phobos…………………………………….………………….. The Muses & Narcissus……………………………….……………….. The Trojan War…………………………………………………………… The Olympics…………………………………………….……………..…. Vocabulary…………………………………………………….…………….. References………………………………………………………………….. Image References……………………………..……….………………… 3 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 4 6 20 54 54 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 86 87 88 How do I get started? First, you will want to gather your supplies. Depending on which format you purchased from us, you will need different supplies. So, take what applies, and skip over the rest. *** Printing: *Print instructions and study guide on white copy paper. *Print the booklet templates on 24# colored paper. *** Assembly: *Folders: We use colored file folders, which can be found at Wal-Mart, Sam’s, Office Depot, Costco, etc. You will need 3 file folders. You may use manila folders if you prefer, but we have found that children respond better with the brightly colored folders. Don’t worry about the tabs…. they aren’t important. If you prefer, you can purchase the assembled lapbook bases from our website. *Glue: For booklet assembly, we use glue sticks and sometimes hot glue, depending on the specific booklet. We have found that bottle glue stays wet for too long, so it’s not a great choice for lapbooking. *Other Supplies: Of course, you will need scissors. Many booklets require additional supplies. Some of these include metal brad fasteners, paper clips, ribbon, yarn, staples, hole puncher, etc. You may want to add decorations of your own, including stickers, buttons, coloring pages, cut-out clipart, etc. The most important thing is to use your imagination! Make it your own!! 4 Ok. I’ve gathered the supplies. Now how do I use this product? Inside, you will find several sections. They are as follows: 1. Student Booklet Instruction Guide: This section is written directly to the student, in language that he or she can understand. However, depending on the age of the child, there may be some parent/teacher assistance needed. These instructions will tell the student exactly how to assemble the lapbook base and how to cut out and assemble each booklet. Here, they will find a layout of where each booklet should be placed in the lapbook and pictures of a completed lapbook. They will also tell the student exactly what should be written inside each booklet as he or she comes to it during the study. 2. Booklet Templates: This section includes all of the templates for the booklets within this lapbook. 3. Study Guide: This section includes most of the information that you need to teach this subject. You may choose to teach directly from the Study Guide, or you may choose to allow your student to read the study guide himself. Either way, you will find all of the information here. 5 Greek Mythology—The Twelve Olympians Lapbook Student Instruction Guide Figure 1 Figure 2 Lapbook Base Assembly: First, you will need to assemble the “Lapbook Base” for your project. For this lapbook, you will need 3 file folders of any color. Take each one and fold both sides toward the original middle fold and make firm creases on these folds (Figure 1). Then glue (and staple if needed) the backs of the small flaps together (Figure 2). Repeat this step for folder 3. 6 Lapbook Layout: Below, you will see a layout for the lapbook. You may choose to glue the booklets into your Lapbook Base in any order that you like. However, you may have trouble fitting all of them in unless you follow the layout below. Some of the shapes aren’t exactly the same on the layout as the booklets themselves. Folder 1 Booklet 26 Booklet 4 Booklet 3 Booklet 1 Booklet 16 Booklet 14 Booklet 14 Booklet 2 Booklet 5 Booklet 6 Booklet 10 Folder 2 Booklet 29 Back of Folder 1 Booklet 19 Booklet 12 Booklet 23 Booklet 20 Booklet 22 Booklet 8 7 Booklet 21 Booklet 11 Booklet 18 Folder 3 Booklet 28 Booklet 7 Booklet 13 Booklet 25 Booklet 17 Booklet 15 Booklet 24 Booklet 27 Booklet 30 Booklet 9 Below you will find key to the titles of the booklets. Booklet 1 - The Twelve Olympians Booklet 2 - Drawing of Mount Olympus Booklet 3 - Zeus Booklet 4 - Hera Booklet 5 - Poseidon Booklet 6 - Fun Fact #1 Booklet 7 - Demeter Booklet 8 - Athena Booklet 9 - Apollo Booklet 10 - Word Scramble Booklet 11 - Artemis Booklet 12 - Ares Booklet 13 - Aphrodite Booklet 14 - Tic-tac-toe Booklet 15 - Hephaestus Booklet 16 - Hermes Booklet 17 - Hestia Booklet 18 - Fun Fact #2 Booklet 19 - Dionysus Booklet 20 - Hades Booklet 21 - Persephone Booklet 22 - Roman Name Match Booklet 23 - Minor Gods Booklet 24 - Favorite God Booklet 25 - The Trojan War Booklet 26 - The Olympics Booklet 27 - Vocabulary Booklet 28 - Fun Fact #3 Booklet 29 - Fun Fact #4 Booklet 30 - Fun Fact #5 8 Below, you will find pictures of how the lapbook should look when you have completely assembled it. Folder 1 Folder 2 Folder 3 Whole Lapbook 9 Greek Mythology The Twelve Olympians Lapbook (3rd-6th Grade) Booklet #1 *Booklet Title: The Twelve Olympians *Student Instructions: Who were the twelve Olympians? Match the name to the picture. Use your study guide for answers. *Completed booklet will be glued into Folder #1 (See Layout) **Assembly Instructions: You may use card stock or regular paper. Fold each in half and put together like a book. Make sure the book image is the first page. Use a hole puncher to make two holes in the “spine” of the book. Use metal brands, yarn, ribbon or item of your choice to put through the holes. Paste the name next to the image of the god in any order on the inside pages. You will fit three on one page and two on the rest to fit them all in! On the outside paste the image of the twelve Olympians on the front. Booklet #2 *Booklet Title: Mount Olympus Drawing *Student Instructions: What do you think Mount Olympus looked like? Draw it here. *Completed booklet will be glued into Folder #1 (See Layout) **Assembly Instructions: Cut out the booklet along the outer black line edges. Booklet #3 *Booklet Title: Zeus *Student Instructions: Who was the King of the gods? What weapon does he carry? What is he the god of? Write your answers in the booklet. Draw the weapon if you’d like! *Completed booklet will be glued into Folder #1 (See Layout) **Assembly Instructions: Cut out the booklet along the outer black line edges. Fold accordion style so the crown is facing out and paste in the folder. 10 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ I oversee the harvest. Who am I ? Booklet 7 Color suggestion: Print on green paper. 27 War Trojan Booklet 25 46 Booklet 25 Print on white paper if you’d like to color the Trojan 47 Greek Mythology The Twelve Olympians "Greek - Procession of Twelve Gods and Goddesses - Walters 2340" by Anonymous (Greece) Walters Art Museum – Wikipedia Zeus Hera Poseidon Athena Demeter Apollo Artemis Ares Aphrodite Hephaestus Hermes Hestia or Dionysus There are only twelve major deities. Dionysus or Hestia completes the twelve. Which god completes the twelve can change depending on who is telling the tale. Hades, although brother to five of the twelve major gods, was not part of the main twelve. Hades lived in the Underworld, not on Mount Olympus. Because of this he was not included in the twelve major gods. The twelve are the primary deities of the Pantheon. 54 Zeus King of the gods and god of the sky. Last born son and child of Titans Cronus and Rhea. Siblings: Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Poseidon, and Hades. Married to Hera. Children: Ares, Hebe, Athena, Hephaestus, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus. Perseus, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Minos, and the Muses. Weapon: Thunderbolt forged by the Cyclopes. Armor: Aegis, a sacred shield made by Hephaestus which he later lends to Athena. Sacred Animal: Eagle. Roman Name: Jupiter Zeus is the youngest of the siblings and the only one not swallowed by his father, Cronus, at birth. Rhea, right after Zeus was born, swaddled a stone and gave that to Cronus to swallow instead. There are a few varying stories on how Zeus was raised. He was raised by Gaia (Mother Earth). Raised by Adamanthea, who is a nymph. Raised by Cynosura, a nymph on Mount Ida. He was raised by a shepherd family. 55 Zeus needed the help of his siblings to defeat Cronus, so Zeus went up to Cronus's throne, disguised so he wouldn't recognize him, and tricked him into vomiting up Zeus's brothers and sisters. When they were regurgitated, they came out in the opposite order they were swallowed. Zeus also needed the help of the Titans which were Cronus's siblings. He released the brothers of Cronus from Tartarus, where they had been banished by their father. The brothers were Cyclopes, Gigantes, and Hecatonchires. The Cyclopes gave Zeus lightning and thunder as a gift to thank him for releasing them. Zeus, with his brothers, sisters and the released Titans, defeated Cronus and sent him to Tartarus. After Cronus was defeated, Zeus shared the world with his brothers Poseidon and Hades. They drew lots to decide which part of the world they would rule. Zeus drew the sky and air, Poseidon drew the sea and Hades the Underworld. 56 Hera Goddess of women and marriage. Queen of the gods. Third daughter and third born of Titans Cronus and Rhea. Sister to Hestia, Demeter, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Married to Zeus. Children are Hephaestus, Typhoan, Hebe, Ares, Ilithyia, Enyo, and Eris. Sacred items are her crown and veil. Roman Name: Juno Sacred Animal: Peacock Hera was the third child born of Cronus and Rhea. She was also swallowed at birth and was full grown when Zeus released all his siblings from Cronus. Hera was often jealous of Zeus's unfaithfulness, and was often vengeful to his other children. Hera was angry with Zeus when Athena was born. She produced Typhaon from the power of the Earth in retaliation. She also placed two serpents in Heracles' cradle and attempted to prevent the birth of Artemis and Apollo. 57