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Short Answer Question #1
Answer a, b, and c.
a)Briefly explain ONE example of how contact between Native
Americans and Europeans brought changes to Native American
societies in the period 1492 to 1700.
b)Briefly explain a SECOND example of how contact between Native
Americans and Europeans brought changes to Native American
societies in the same period.
c)Briefly explain ONE example of how Native American societies
resisted change brought by contact with Europeans in the same
• One example of how contact between Native
Americans and Europeans brought changes to Native
American society was that Native Americans died in
huge numbers. About 90% of all Native Americans
died within 100 years of Columbus's arrival because
they had no immunity to European diseases like small
pox and the flu. A second example of how contact
between Native Americans and Europeans brought
changes to Native American society was the fact Native
Americans were forced to assimilate by the Spanish.
Native Americans in Spanish colonies were forced to
become Catholic, often times through the mission
system, and forced into slavery through encomienda.
Native Americans resisted by fighting back. One
example was Metacom’s War where Native Americans
in New England united against Puritans settlers and
destroyed over 50 villages forcing many settlers to flee
to Boston for safety.
Short Answer Question #2
a)Briefly explain why ONE of the following options most
marks the beginning of the sectional crisis that led to the
outbreak of the Civil War.
•Northwest Ordinance (1787)
•Missouri Compromise (1820)
•Acquisition of Mexican territory (1848)
b)Provide an example of an event or development to support
your explanation.
c)Briefly explain why one of the other options is not as useful
to mark the beginning of the sectional crisis
The event that most marks the beginning of the outbreak of
the Civil War was the establishment and repeal of the
Missouri Compromise. The Missouri Compromise was an
attempt to mollify both the Pro-Slavery forces and
antislavery forces by giving both a new state, Missouri as a
slave state and Maine as a free state maintaining a balance
between the 2 sides. The establishment 36*30’ as the
demarcation line between slave territory and free territory
allowing for now slavery in the Louisiana Territory north of
that line. The repeal of this line with the Kansas/Nebraska
act enraged northerners as an attempt by the South to
expand slavery and their power.
The event that least lead to the Civil War was the
establishment of the NW Ordinance which was the 1st
attempt by the federal government to ban slavery in the
territories, but the issue of slavery was not settled for almost
another 100 with the result of the Civil War.
Using the 1883 image above, answer a, b, and c.
a)Briefly explain the point of view about the economy expressed by
the artist.
b)Briefly explain ONE development in the period 1865 to 1910 that
could be used to support the point of view expressed by the artist.
c)Briefly explain ONE development in the period 1865 to 1910 that
could be used to challenge the point of view expressed by the artist.
Use the image above to
answer parts a, b, and c.
a) Briefly explain the point of
view expressed through the
image about ONE of the
• Emancipation
• Citizenship
• Political participation
b) Briefly explain ONE
outcome of the Civil War that
led to the historical change
depicted in the image.
c) Briefly explain ONE way in
which the historical change
you explained in part b was
challenged in the period
between 1866 and 1896
• The image best exemplifies the concept of
emancipation as the three voters in the picture are no
longer under the system of slavery that denied the
majority of Freedmen their civil rights. The 13th
Amendment abolished the system of slavery
throughout all of the United States and the re-election
of Lincoln in 1864 ensured President Lincoln that
ending slavery was the desire on most Americans. In
the south however, they devised Black Codes in an
attempt to return freedmen to a system as close to
slavery as possible. These codes established unfair
laws where in a freedman could be arrested for
homelessness, even though owning land or renting to a
freedman was illegal, and the freedman would be
loaned out to their former master to serve their
United States historians have proposed various events to mark the
beginning of an American identity.
A)Choose ONE of the events listed below, and explain why your
choice best represents the
beginning of an American identity. Provide at least ONE piece of
evidence to support your
•End of the Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War) in 1763
•Signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776
•Ratification of the United States Constitution in 1788
B)Contrast your choice against ONE of the other options,
demonstrating why that option is
not as good as your choice.
Use the image above and your knowledge of United States history to answer parts A, B, and C.
A)Explain the point of view reflected in the image regarding ONE of the following:
•American Indians
B)Explain how ONE element of the image expresses the point of view you identified in Part A.
C)Explain how the point of view you identified in Part A helped to shape ONE specific
United States government action between 1845 and 1900