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Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation improves hemodynamic responses
after coronary artery bypass surgery
Running title: Cardiac rehabilitation and hemodynamic response after
1.Fatemeh Esteki Ghashghaei, Former MSc Student of Exercise Physiology,
Department of Physical Educational and Sport sciences, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Isfahan, Iran.
2.Masoumeh Sadeghi*, Assosiated professor of Cardiology, Cardiac Rehabilitation
Research Center, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Institute, Isfahan University of Medical
Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
3.Seyed Mohammad Marandi, Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology, Department
of Physical Educational and Sport Sciences, university of Isfahan, Iran.
4.Samira Esteki Ghashghaei, MSc, Physical Education, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Mazandaran, Iran.
*Correspondence: Masoumeh Sadeghi
Cardiac Rehabilitation Research Center, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Institute, Khorram
Ave, Isfahan, Iran.
PO BOX: 81465-1148
Phone: +98 311 3359090
Fax: +98 311 3373435
Email: [email protected]
Background: Cardiovascular disorders are an important public health problem
worldwide and they are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity. So
American Heart Association proposed cardiac rehabilitation program as an
essential part of care for cardiac patients to improve functional capacity.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cardiac
rehabilitation program on functional status and some hemodynamic responses in
patients after coronary artery bypass surgery.
Method and Material: Thirty two patients were selected for this study. All
patients had cardiac surgery, two months before admission. These samples
allocated to two groups. Rehabilitation group (n =17, mean age: 62 ± 12 years)
completed the cardiac rehabilitation program for two months but, reference
group (n = 15, mean age: 58.5 ± 12.5 years) didn't have any supervised physical
activity during this period. At the beginning of study, functional capacity of
patients was evaluated by exercise test, 6-minute walking test and
echocardiography, after two months of cardiac rehabilitation, functional
capacity was evaluated for the second time in each group. cardiac rehabilitation
program consisted of exercise, nutritional and psychological consultation and
risk factor management. Data were analyzed with SPSS software version 15.
For comparing the mean of outcomes, mann-whitney test and wilcoxon signed
ranks test were used.
Result: As a result of cardiac rehabilitation, a Significant improvement was
observed in distance walked in the rehabilitation group (P=0.00) compared to
the reference group (P=0.33). Also it showed significant development in
hemodynamic responses to exercise such as systolic blood pressure (rest and
max), diastolic blood pressure (rest and max), heart rate (rest and max), ejection
fraction and rate pressure product.
Conclusion: Cardiac rehabilitation significantly improves functional capacity
and some hemodynamic responses post coronary artery bypass grafting.
Therefore we must refer our patients for this unit.
Key words: Cardiac Rehabilitation Program (CRP), Hemodynamic Responses,
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG)
Cardiovascular disorders are an important public health problem worldwide and
they are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the industrialized
world. It was reported the annual cardiovascular mortality was 0.8%.1 In the
united states alone, over 14 million persons suffer from heart disease.2 Also,
there is evidence of its quick increase in the Asian region and it is important to
note, in Iran, accounting for 46% of overall mortality is cardiovascular
According to the US Public Health Service (USPHS), cardiac rehabilitation
(CR) is defined as a program that involves medical evaluation, supervised
exercise, education and counseling of patients with cardiac disease.2 Therefore,
CR has been identified as an essential part of care for patients with coronary
artery disease which is useful and safe program.5
It should be noticed, regular physical activity which is a fundamental part of
cardiac rehabilitation program (CRP), can improve functional work capacity in
cardiac patients after coronary artery bypass surgery. Training profits in
particular, have been caused cardiovascular and peripheral adaptations,
including improved blood flow in exercising muscle, enhanced oxidative
capacity of the working skeletal muscle and energy use and correction of
endothelial dysfunction in the skeletal muscle vasculature. 6 Also habitual
physical activity prevents the development of coronary artery disease and
reduces symptoms in patients with recognized cardiovascular disease.7
Numerous studies signified the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation and exercise
training programs on exercise capacity; coronary risk factors, including
hypertension, arrhythmia, depression and obesity and in general, decreasing
cardiac morbidity and mortality by more than 40 percent in reduction in cardiac
patients. 4,5,6,7,8 Since there wasn’t adequate evidence about the effect of CRP on
patients after coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) so the purpose of this
study was to evaluate the effectiveness of CRP on functional status and some
hemodynamic responses such as systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate,
ejection fraction and rate pressure product.
Method and Material
This study was accomplished in cardiovascular rehabilitation research center.
From all patients that consecutively referred to the rehabilitation center, 32
patients were selected that two months before admission they had cardiac
surgery. This population was assigned to two groups. Rehabilitation group
entered and completed CRP for two months. About physical activity of
reference group, according to the hospitalization advice, they had to walk for
15-30 minute, two or three times a week, but they didn't have any supervised
exercise training during this period. In this study, medications which were
prescribed to all patients were as usual and same such as Aspirin, B-blocker,
and statins. It should be noted that medical treatment did not change during CR
period and all patients had suitable condition for participating in the study such
as ability to endure walking without depending to another person or device;
having no chest pain, shortness of breath, angin; having no muscle skeletal
disorders. At first before starting rehabilitation program, left ventricular ejection
fraction (LVEF) was evaluated by two dimensional and M-mode
echocardiography which was done by one cardiologist. Also exercise test with
the protocol of Naughton was performed on each patient. Exercise test provides
an opportunity to detect body reaction by monitoring heart rate and blood
pressure and observing the electrocardiogram. It can determine functional status
by indicating changes in the hemodynamic responses. In addition, risk
stratification of patients (low, intermediate, and high risk) was done by the
cardiologist on the basis of exercise test and left ventricular ejection fraction.
Another test which was used to assess the functional status of these patients was
6-minute walking (6-MWT) test. At the first day of beginning CRP, 6-MWT had
been instructed to each patients and it was performed along 21 meter straight in
the flat cardiovascular research institute corridor. Researcher was positioned in
the corridor and asked about their physical circumstances during the test. Before
and after the test, resting heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) of patients
were controlled. Then rehabilitation group began CRP for 2 months (24
sessions) and three times a week that included exercise training sessions,
nutritional and psychological consultation and risk factor management. Exercise
training consisted of combined aerobic and resistance training and it was
performed in cardiac rehabilitation center under supervision of physician,
exercise physiologist and a nurse by using treadmill, ergometer, stair climbing,
rowing, step, jogging and some resistance device. Each session lasted up to 90
minutes, beginning with a 20-minute warm-up followed by 60 minutes aerobic
and resistance training and finally 10 minutes cool-down. The intensity of
training was established according to the clinical condition and calculated
between 60-85% of maximum HR. During each session rest and maximum HR,
and rest and maximum systolic and diastolic blood pressure of patients were
controlled and recorded by nurse and no events occurred during the exercise
training for patients. As well, the demographic data of the patients were
available. After passing two months and finishing rehabilitation program,
echocardiography and exercise test and 6-MWT were done by each group again
and results were comprised. At the end of the program all data were collected
and analyzed with SPSS software version 15 and the effects of exercise training
were evaluated. We used independent t-test for showing mean difference of
variable in two groups and for comparing the mean of outcomes, The ManWhitney test and wilcoxon signed ranks test were used. The research was
undertaken under the medical ethics standards. The level of significance was set
at p<0.05.
Thirty two cardiac patients were studied. Rehabilitation group consisted of 17
patients (13 men and 4 women) with the age of 62 ± 12 years old, and reference
group included of 15 patients (13 men and 2 women) with the age of 58.5 ±
12.5 years old. The two independent sample t-test was used to investigate the
differences between the 2 groups at baseline. Since the size of our samples was
too small, we applied the man-whitney test which provided more significant
results and it showed no significant differences in demographic data and all
hemodynamic responses (Table 1). The values of each group that recorded at
baseline and at the end of the program were analyzed with wilcoxon signed
ranks test and it illustrated significant development in functional capacity and
all hemodynamic responses in rehabilitation group compared with reference
group (Table 2).
Also, for comparison the changes of functional capacity and hemodynamic
responses between two groups, wilcoxon signed ranks rest was used that it
suggested significant improvement in distance walked, SBP (rest and max),
DBP (max), EF and RPP. But no positive differences were observed in DBP
(rest), HR (rest and max) (table 3).
Table1: baseline hemodynamic responses of two groups
Hemodynamic responses
Rehabilitation Group
Reference Group
P Value
SBP(rest) (mmHg)
SBP(max) (mmHg)
DBP(rest) (mmHg)
DBP(max) (mmHg)
HR(rest) (beat/min)
HR(max) (beat/min)
Distance walked(meter)
EF (%)
Significant difference: p<0.05
SD= Standard Deviation
SBP= Systolic blood pressure
DBP= Diastolic blood pressure
HR= Heart rate
EF= Ejection fraction
RPP= Rate pressure product
Table2: Variation of hemodynamic responses from baseline to the end of the program
Hemodynamic Responses
Rehabilitation Group
Reference Group
SBP (rest) (mmHg)
SBP (max) (mmHg)
DBP (rest) (mmHg)
DBP (max) (mmHg)
HR (rest) (beat/min)
HR (max) (beat/min)
Distance walked (m)
EF (%)
8201.17±1544.93 0.001
Significant difference: p<0.05
SD= Standard Deviation
SBP= Systolic blood pressure
DBP= Diastolic blood pressure
HR= Heart rate
EF= Ejection fraction
RPP= Rate pressure product
9172.26±951.24 0.53
Table 3: comparison the changes of Hemodynamic responses between with and without rehabilitation groups
Hemodynamic responses
Rehabilitation Group
Reference Group
P Value
SBP(rest) (mmHg)
SBP(max) (mmHg)
DBP(rest) (mmHg)
DBP(max) (mmHg)
HR(rest) (beat/min)
HR(max) (beat/min)
Distance walked(meter)
EF (%)
Significant difference: p<0.05
SE= Standard Error
SBP= Systolic blood pressure
DBP= Diastolic blood pressure
HR= Heart rate
EF= Ejection fraction
RPP= Rate pressure product
Present study demonstrated participation in the CRP and exercise training
provides significant improvement on functional capacity and hemodynamic
responses after CABG. Results revealed an increase in functional capacity after
CRP by assessing 6-MWT. But this favorable difference wasn’t seen in the
reference group. As well, comparing two groups showed the same result.
There are many studies which are similar with our results. Study of Nilsson
showed walking distance improved significantly after 32 session high intensity
aerobic training in CHF patients and this development maintained at 1-year
follow-up.9 Another attributed results observed that resistance training improves
muscle strength and functional capacity which measured by 6-MWT.10
Also, Larsen demonstrated a significant improvement in submaximal exercise
capacity by using 6-MWT following 12 weeks of exercise training in patients
with heart failure.11 some studies suggested, combined aerobic and strength
training is useful on walking performance and exercise tolerance after CABG
and MI.12,13 According to these studies and our results, we concluded different
kinds of exercise training such as aerobic or resistance or combined aerobic and
resistance training have benefits on cardiac patients after CHF and CABG.
In addition, Sharma studied on CABG patients and found improvement in
functional tolerance which obtained by exercise test.14 All of the studies showed
functional status is lessened after Ischemic Heart Disease and exercise training
has effective role on its progress as measured by 6-MWT or exercise
test(METS). It should be noted, as a result of exercise the heart becomes
stronger so it can pump more blood through the body with every beat and helps
to keep blood vessels flexible and ensures blood flow and delivers oxygen to
cardiac and skeletal muscles, therefore it strengthens muscles and increases
work capacity. 15,16
As mentioned above, results showed CRP has significant effect on
hemodynamic responses such as, SBP (rest), SBP (max), DBP (rest), DBP
(max), HR (rest), HR (max), EF and RPP. But these positive changes weren’t
observed in reference group during this period. Also, the comparison between
two groups suggested significant improvement on some of these parameters
such as, SBP (rest and max), DBP (max), EF and RPP. Numerous studies
confirmed or rejected these results. The study of Hambrecht showed that after 6
month exercise training, resting heart rate decreased, maximal Heart rate and
left ventricular ejection fraction increased in the exercise training group. But no
changes were found in blood pressure at rest.6 Some of these outcomes are
similar with our results, and both studies illustrated that exercise training in
cardiac patients improves work capacity but its effects on central hemodynamic
function are not well known. On the other hand, some studies implied the effect
of exercise training on resting blood pressure and it showed reduction in SBP
and DBP. According to this article, there was no relationship between the
weekly training frequency, time per session, or intensity of exercise training and
the magnitude of the blood pressure reduction.7
Nevertheless, some studies revealed vigorous exercise reduces systolic blood
pressure, and this effect may continue more than 12 hours.17
Chicco found, low-intensity exercise training significantly improves survival in
female hypertensive heart failure rats without eliciting sustained improvements
in blood pressure and cardiac function.18
Also, O’Farrell found that SBP and DBP decreased in both sexes. 19 In contrast,
others did not find any changes in resting or maximal exercise SBP. 20,21
Therefore, according to many studies data, changes on hemodynamic responses
to exercise are sparse. It should be noted, changes in prescribed medication
during the exercise program or intensity of exercise or differences in patients
age or gender and even differences in number of samples may be the cause of
these variations.
Moreover, one study demonstrated that exercise training is benefit for patients
with angina pectoris and it showed significant reduction in the HR and SBP that
leads to lessening RPP and enhancing work capacity at submaximal exercise.22
This research is similar with our results but we observed these improvements on
CABG patients.
Conversely, pervious research demonstrated there were no changes in the values
of HR, SBP, DBP, and RPP on CHF patients, measured before and after the
At the end we concluded regular physical activity (aerobic and resistance
training) by lessening contractility with a reduction in cardiac work and
myocardial oxygen demand develops submaximal work tolerance7,24, and
hemodynamic responses such as SBP (rest and max) and DBP (rest and max),
HR (rest and max), EF, RPP. On the other hand, it should be attention, exercise
training by using large muscle groups produces cardiovascular adaptations and
improves myocardial perfusion by lessening endothelial dysfunction and hence
dilating coronary vessels that leads to increase exercise tolerance, endurance
and skeletal muscle strength7,15,16, which was evaluated by exercise test and 6MWT.
Finally, our findings confirm the value of rehabilitation program with
supervised exercise training on patients after coronary artery bypass surgery that
is possible to lead to a more active lifestyle.
We thank all physicians and nurses and staffs in the Isfahan cardiovascular
research Institute.
Conflict of Interests
Authors have no conflict of interests.
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