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Newton Vs Einstein
Einstein's Scientific Achievements
All his life Albert Einstein was interested in trying to understand the laws of the Universe. He was a theoretical
physicist, asking probing questions and carrying out experiments in his mind.
In his Special Theory of Relativity, Einstein revolutionised the thinking about space and time. This theory
provided the basis for the development of the famous equation E = mc2 which illustrates that matter and energy
are interchangeable, and that a small amount of mass is made up of a large amount of energy.
The year 1905 is sometimes called Einstein's annus mirabilis (miracle year). In that year he published four
outstanding scientific papers:
 An explanation of the photoelectric effect indicating that light energy came in chunks or quanta. This
changed thinking on the nature of light.
 A discussion of Brownian motion demonstrating the existence of molecules.
 The nature of space and time.
 The dynamics of individual moving bodies.
These last two formed the basis of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity and led to that famous equation,
E = mc2.
In 1921, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics 'for his services to theoretical physics and in
particular for his discovery of the law of the 'photoelectric effect'. When he made his delayed acceptance speech
in 1923, he ignored the citation and spoke on his theory of relativity.
Einstein was a great intellect. He came up with explanations which at the time could not be verified
experimentally and many of his theories took a long time to be accepted even within the scientific world.
Greater credence was attached to his theories as science and technology advanced sufficiently to allow
experimentation involving high speed travel and nuclear reactions.
It is still difficult for many people to accept or understand his theories since they require thinking beyond
normal experiences.
NEWTON Scientific Achievements
saac Newton's most famous achievement is his Law of Universal Gravitation. The IDEA that
there is a force of gravity that operates through out the Universe. The idea, that the falling of an
apple from a tree, reflects the motion of the moon and the orbits of all bodies in the universe.
While Gravity is the most famous achievement, Newton is the Father of Modern (Mathematical)
Physics, a very important achievement. Finally, Newton was a general Physicist, not a specialist
as most are today. Newton is famous for many things but the most famous is the Gravity
achievement. ==
he founded the 3 laws of motion and he founded the theory of gravity.
He is most famous for his laws of motion, but he also invented a reflecting telescope and conducted many
dangerous experiments on light. He was an amazing physicist, mathematician, theologian natural philosopher
and alchemist and was buried at Westminster abbey. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential people
in human history.
It's hard to say, but probably the "discovery" of gravity and his theory of Universal Gravitation. Newton's First,
Second and Third laws are also very famous. Newton's First Law states that an object moving at a constant
velocity or at rest will remain as it is unless acted on by a force. Newton's Second Law states that the
acceleration of an object depends on its mass and the force acting on it (F = ma). Newton's Third Law states that
for every force, there is an equal and opposite force exerted.
Newton is also famous for the invention of calculus.
Isaac Newton was famous for the laws of Gravitation and motion. He invented a new branch of mathematics
celled calculus, and reveal the secrets of light and color all in an eighteen month period.
Newton is famous for a number of things.
In physics he is famous for his notions of gravity and motion.
He is said to be the one who originated the idea of gravity. He created some equations to explain gravity and
motion. And he also created the famous Laws of Motion which explains how and why moving bodies act the
way they do.
In mathematics, Newton and Gregory Leibniz are both jointly credited for inventing calculus