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An Introduction to Environmental Science
I. Our Island, Earth
A. Our environment is:
1. It includes both ___________ factors and ______________ factors.
2. The fundamental insight of environmental science is :
B. Environmental science explores:
1. Environmental science is the study of:
C. Natural resources are vital to our ______________________.
1. Natural resources are:
2. Renewable natural resources:
3. Nonrenewable natural resources:
4. Some renewable resources may turn _______________________
if we deplete them too drastically.
D.Human population growth has shaped our relationship with natural
1. The agricultural revolution occurred around ________________
years ago as humans:
2. The industrial revolution began in the mid-1700s, shifting from
a rural, agricultural life to an:
3. Thomas Malthus and population growth
a. Malthus claimed that unless population growth was controlled:
b. He argued that a growing population would eventually be
checked by:
4. Paul Ehrlich and the "population bomb"
a. Ehrlich predicted that a rapidly increasing human population
b. He claimed that population control was the only way to avoid:
c. Although his predictions have not come true yet, many who
support his ideas predict:
E. Resource consumption exerts social and environmental impacts.
1. Garrett Hardin and
a. Hardin analyzed how people:
b. Resources that are open to unregulated exploitation:
c. He disputed the economic theory:
2. Wackernagel, Rees, and the ecological footprint
a. The ecological footprint:
b. The ecological footprint is the sum:
c. Using these calculations, it is clear that we are:
F. Environmental science can help us avoid:
II. The Nature of Environmental Science
A. People vary in their:
1. An environmental problem is any undesirable:
2. A person's ___________________________________________can
all affect whether he or she considers an environmental change a
3. In other cases, different ______________ of people may vary in
their awareness of problems.
B. Environmental science provides _____________________ solutions.
1. Environmental studies are especially broad because they
encompass the
_____________________________________ and also many
2. An interdisciplinary approach to addressing environmental
problems can produce:
C. Environmental science is not the same as ______________________.
1. Environmentalism is a social movement dedicated to:
2. Environmental science is the pursuit of knowledge:
III. The Nature of Science
1. Modern scientists describe science as a systematic process for:
2. Environmental science is a dynamic yet:
A. Scientists test ideas by weighing ___________________.
B. The scientific method is the key element of science.
1. It is a technique for testing:
2. The assumptions are
3. The steps of the scientific method are
a. Make _______________________.
b. Ask a ______________________.
c. Develop a hypothesis. A hypothesis is:
d. Make predictions. A prediction is:
e. Test the predictions:
f. Use controlled experiments by managing the variables. Have an
unmanipulated point of comparison, called a
____________________ and a manipulated treatment.
g. A correlation is:
h. Analyze and interpret results. Data are:
i. If repeated tests do not find a hypothesis to be untrue, then the
conclusion is that the idea is supported. However, alternative
C. There are different ways to test hypotheses.
1. A manipulative experiment is:
2. When variables cannot be manipulated, a
_____________________________ is performed.
3. In ecology, both manipulative and natural experiments are used.
Ecology deals with:
4. Observational studies and natural experiments can show:
D. The scientific process does not stop with the scientific method.
1. Peer review:
2. Scientists frequently present their work at:
3. Sound science is based on:
4. If a hypothesis survives repeated testing:
5. A theory is:
E. Science may go through "paradigm shifts."
1. A paradigm is:
2. Thomas Kuhn argued that:
IV. Sustainability and the Future of Our World
A. Population and _____________________ lie at the root of many
environmental changes.
1. The ways we modify the environment have been influenced by the
sudden rise in human ____________________________.
2. Our consumption of ___________________________ rises even
faster than our population growth.
B. We face challenges in agriculture, pollution, energy, and biodiversity.
1. Advancing technology has enabled us to grow more food per unit of
Massive use of __________________________________________
and the resulting runoff and pollution, along with the widespread
conversion of _____________________________, are some of the
environmental costs of ____________________________
2. Artificial chemicals pollute
3. Political will:
4. Overharvesting:
C. Fortunately, potential solutions abound.
1. Technological advances and new laws are:
2. Advances in conservation biology enable:
3. Recycling and:
D. Are things getting better or worse?
E. Sustainability is a goal for the future.
1. Sustainability means:
2. Sustainable development is:
V. Conclusion
A. .