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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
BIO 1109 – Principles of Biology
Final examination
Worth 50% of your final grade
Friday, December 6, 2002
a) Place your name and student number in the space provided below. Be sure that your
name is on the top of each page because the exam may be separated to facilitate
b) Check to be sure that your exam is complete with a total of 21 pages including this
c) Answer all questions in the space provided on the exam. Do not transfer answers to
the back of the page
d) This is not an open book examination.
Name: ..........................................................................................................
Student No:..................................................................................................
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
24 pts Part 1. Briefly explain what each of the following biological terms means. Where
possible include an example to which the term applies.
Water vascular system
Compound eye
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
Lobe finned fish
Proterozoic eon (era)
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
53 pts Part 2 Answer each of the following multiple choice questions by placing and X
in the space to the left of the correct choice. There is only one correct answer for each
question and questions have either 4, 5 or 6 answers to choose from. Be sure your X
doesn’t cross over two answers – if it does the question will be scored as 0.
2.1 One bacterial cell passes DNA to a second cell in the process of
________ a. transformation.
________ b. transduction.
________ c. conjugation.
________ d. infection.
________ e. replication.
2.2 Which of the following statements is NOT correct about cnidaria?
________ a. The adult body is bilaterally symmetrical.
________ b. Most are found in shallow coastal marine environments.
________ c. There are two tissue layers, an outer epidermis and inner gastrodermis.
________ d. Stinging cells contain a threadlike nematocyst released to capture prey.
________ e. A jellylike mesoglea contains cells that form a nerve net throughout the
2.3 Which statement is true about bacteria?
________ a. They contain a nucleus.
________ b. They lack ribosomes.
________ c. They usually lack a cell wall.
________ d. They do not divide by mitosis.
________ e. They contain a single circular DNA molecule as the genetic material.
2.4 Malpighian tubules are the excretory system attached to the gut in
________ a. earthworms.
________ b. insects.
________ c. humans.
________ d. planarians.
2.5 Prokaryotae are now divided into the
________ a. archaea and cyanobacteria.
________ b. bacteria and cyanobacteria.
________ c. photosynthetic bacteria and chemosynthetic bacteria.
________ d. archaea and bacteria.
________ e. autotrophs and heterotrophs.
2.6 In the fern life cycle, the ______ generation is dominant.
________ a. haploid gametophyte
________ b. diploid gametophyte
________ c. haploid sporophyte
________ d. diploid sporophyte
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
2.7 The insect organ most equivalent to the human lung in function is the
________ a. tracheae.
________ b. midgut.
________ c. crop.
________ d. gizzard.
________ e. Malpighian tubule.
2.8 The main function of the contractile vacuole is
________ a. chlorophyll production.
________ b. synthesis of carbohydrate.
________ c. eliminating excess water.
________ d. to be a photoreceptor to detect light.
________ e. resistance for survival during winter and times of drought.
2.9 The kind of life cycle shared by animals and some forms of algae is the _____, which
has _____.
________ a. haplontic cycle; a haploid adult form
________ b. haplontic cycle; a diploid adult form
________ c. diplontic cycle; a haploid adult form
________ d. diplontic cycle; a diploid adult form
________ e. alternation of generations cycle, alternating haploid and diploid adult forms
2.10 Although adult tunicates are stuck to the ocean bottom, they are considered early
relatives of vertebrates because
________ a. tunicate gill slits are like ribs.
________ b. tunicate adults have a notochord.
________ c. tunicate larvae have a notochord.
________ d. all vertebrate embryos go through a stage that resembles adult tunicates.
2.11 The relationship between soil fungi and the roots of plants
________ a. is restricted to just a few species of conifer trees.
________ b. is parasitic or harmful to plants about half of the time.
________ c. provides nutrients to the fungus but is a neutral or commensal relationship
for the plant.
________ d. dates to the earliest fossil plants and was likely a factor in their ability to
live on land.
________ e. All of the above are true.
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
2.12 Plant life cycle(s) include
________ a. the diplontic cycle only.
________ b. alternation of generations cycle only.
________ c. diplontic and alternation of generations cycles.
________ d. haplontic and alternation of generations cycles.
________ e. haplontic, diplontic, and alternation of generations cycles.
2.13 Which of the following tissue types in the plant gives rise to the other three types?
________ a. epidermal tissue
________ b. ground tissue
________ c. meristem
________ d. vascular tissue
2.14 The plants that first became dominant in the Mesozoic era after the mass extinctions
of the Permian were the
________ a. ferns.
________ b. bryophytes.
________ c. horsetails.
________ d. flowering plants.
________ e. gymnosperms.
2.15 A microspore develops into
________ a. a seed.
________ b. a sporophyte.
________ c. a microgametophyte.
________ d. a megagametophyte.
________ e. an ovule.
2.16 Animals that have three layers of embryonic tissue and have one solid mass of tissue
rather than tissues and organs nestled inside a body cavity are
________ a. acoelomate.
________ b. eucoelomate.
________ c. pseudocoelomate.
________ d. quasicoelomate.
________ e. coelomate.
2.17 In flame cells,
________ a. light is detected.
________ b. ciliated sperm are stored.
________ c. undigested food is expelled.
________ d. slow fires actually burn food for energy.
________ e. cilia drive fluids through tubules for excretion.
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
2.18 A closed circulatory system is found in
________ a. insects.
________ b. snails.
________ c. clams.
________ d. earthworms.
________ e. scorpions.
2.19 Most animal species are in which phylum?
________ a. Mollusca
________ b. Arthropoda
________ c. Chordata
________ d. Echinodermata
________ e. Annelida
2.20 Amphibians were the dominant animal life during the ________ period.
________ a. Jurassic
________ b. Carboniferous
________ c. Devonian
________ d. Silurian
________ e. Cambrian
2.21Variation in a strain of bacteria
________ a. does not occur, since bacteria are asexual.
________ b. is mainly provided by endospores.
________ c. is produced by genetic recombination, primarily through crossing-over.
________ d. mainly occurs from mutations, which are rapidly replicated and selected in
a haploid system.
________ e. is hidden within the many recessive genes and polygenic traits that reside in
the diploid genome.
2.22 Which statement is NOT true about woody stems?
________ a. Woody stems contain secondary growth.
________ b. Secondary phloem accumulates to form the wood.
________ c. The stem is organized into a central pith, wood, and outer bark.
________ d. Cork cambium produces waterproof cork cells that become bark.
________ e. The vascular cambium is located between the xylem and phloem of the
vascular bundles in a woody stem.
2.23 The major insect body parts, tagama, are
________ a. head, cephalothorax, and abdomen.
________ b. cephalothorax, midsection, and abdomen.
________ c. head, thorax, and abdomen.
________ d. head, prothorax, and metathorax.
________ e. head, cephalothorax, and genitalia.
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
2.24 Which phylum contains the vertebrates?
________ a. Arthropoda
________ b. Chordata
________ c. Annelida
________ d. Mollusca
________ e. Porifera
2.25 The three defining characteristics of chordates are
________ a. segmentation/dorsal hollow nerve cord/gill arches or pharyngeal pouches
________ b. dorsal hollow nerve cord/notochord/bilateral symmetry
________ c. bilateral symmetry/segmentation/well-developed coelom
________ d. well-developed coelom/gill arches or pharyngeal pouches/notochord
________ e. gill arches or pharyngeal pouches/dorsal hollow nerve cord/notochord
2.26 In vertebrates, the _______ is/are usually replaced by ________.
________ a. pharyngeal pouches; gill arches
________ b. dorsal hollow nerve cord; a ventral solid nerve cord
________ c. gill arches; pharyngeal pouches
________ d. notochord; a dorsal hollow nerve cord
________ e. notochord; a vertebral column
2.27 Which of these characteristics is NOT found in the amphibians?
________ a. thin moist skin
________ b. internal fertilization
________ c. small inefficient lungs
________ d. aquatic larvae
________ e. eggs with gelatinous covering
2.28 Which statement is NOT true about echinoderms?
________ a. The exoskeleton is made up of spiny plates.
________ b. Gas exchange occurs through gills on the skin.
________ c. Larvae are free-swimming and bilaterally symmetrical.
________ d. A water vascular system allows the tube feet to produce suction.
________ e. Symmetry is radial in the adult, usually with parts in fives or multiples of
2.29 Which of these characteristics first developed in reptiles?
________ a. amniotic egg
________ b. scales on skin
________ c. four-legged body
________ d. skull and vertebral column
________ e. animals living completely on land
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
2.30 Mammals are different from birds in all these characteristics EXCEPT
________ a. hair.
________ b. mammary glands.
________ c. constant body temperature.
________ d. young born alive.
2.31 Structures in plants that produce the gametes are called
________ a. sporangia.
________ b. fruit.
________ c. gametangia.
________ d. homospores.
________ e. strobili.
2.32 Which is NOT part of the correct description of a protozoan?
________ a. heterotrophic
________ b. multicellular
________ c. usually motile
________ d. about 2-1,000 micrometers in size
2.33 Which of the following tissues forms the outer protective covering of the plant?
________ a. epidermal tissue
________ b. ground tissue
________ c. meristem
________ d. vascular tissue
2.34 Which of these plant tissue types is composed of hollow nonliving tracheids and
vessel elements that transport water from the roots to the leaves?
________ a. xylem
________ b. phloem
________ c. collenchyma
________ d. sclerenchyma
________ e. parenchyma
2.35 An individual filament of a fungus, with an elongated mass of cytoplasm, is called
________ a. a mycelium.
________ b. a conidium.
________ c. an ascospore.
________ d. a basidiospore.
________ e. a hypha.
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
2.36 Dikaryotic cells of fungi
________ a. are just another form of haploid cells.
________ b. are just another name for diploid cells.
________ c. contain two haploid nuclei but fail to fuse them for an extended time period.
________ d. are nonseptate plasmodial masses with many nuclei and no cell partitioning.
________ e. are potential symbionts that can join with algae to form lichens.
2.37 Which force is responsible for moving water up to the tops of the tallest trees?
________ a. water stress
________ b. atmospheric pressure
________ c. root pressure
________ d. guttation
________ e. transpiration
2.38 Which of these may occur in both angiosperms and gymnosperms?
________ a. Seeds develop within a cone.
________ b. Seeds develop within a flower.
________ c. Seeds are surrounded by a fruit at maturity.
________ d. Pollen is carried by the wind for pollination.
________ e. Pollen is carried by animal pollinators.
2.39 When you step on a cockroach or smash a fly, there is no red blood because
________ a. the blood is enclosed in a closed circulatory system.
________ b. it is too small to have circulatory organs at all.
________ c. it is too small to require oxygen for respiration.
________ d. the blood is a colorless hemolymph that does not carry oxygen.
________ e. the blood is actually a colorless hemolymph that carries oxygen on
molecules other than reddish hemoglobin.
2.40 Mollusks such as clams and oysters deliver nutrients, exchange gases, and remove
wastes from tissues by way of their
________ a. open circulatory systems.
________ b. closed circulatory systems.
________ c. gastrovascular cavities.
________ d. moist skin surfaces.
________ e. respiratory and excretory systems.
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
2.41 Which of these characteristics is NOT associated with flight requirements in birds?
________ a. feet with claws
________ b. light hollow bones
________ c. a light horny beak with no teeth
________ d. respiratory air spaces within tissues, including bones
________ e. an enlarged breastbone with strong muscles attached
2.42 An animal with an incomplete gut system is the
________ a. squid.
________ b. earthworm.
________ c. flatworm.
________ d. tapeworm.
________ e. grasshopper.
2.43 In small aquatic animals such as hydra and planarians, the most common structure
used for gas exchange is
________ a. lungs.
________ b. body surface.
________ c. gills.
________ d. cardiovascular system.
2.44 Excretion is a process in which ____ is (are) removed from the body.
________ a. water
________ b salt
________ c feces
________ d metabolic wastes
________ e hormones
2.45 Nitrogenous wastes are produced by
________ a. production of nucleic acids.
________ b. breakdown of amino acids.
________ c. breakdown of fats.
________ d. breakdown of carbohydrates.
________ e. production of proteins.
2.46 Oxygen rich water flowing in the opposite direction to oxygen poor blood in order to
maximize the diffusion across the surfaces of a gill is a concept called
________ a. reverse expiration.
________ b. pneumonectomy.
________ c. countercurrent flow.
________ d. partial pressure saturation.
________ e. hemoglobin saturation shift.
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
27 pts Part 3: Indicate whether the following statements are true of false by placing a T
(true) or F (false) in the space provided at the beginning of the statement.
________ 3.1 In insects, the circulatory system picks up oxygen from the tiny air sacs at
the end of the tracheoles and carries the oxygen through the blood to all
________ 3.2 The body surface of an earthworm is kept moist by mucus and excretory
fluid so that gas exchange can occur across it.
________ 3.3 The sperm of mosses, liverworts, ferns, and pine trees contain flagella for
movement toward the egg cell.
________ 3.4 Conduction in the phloem occurs in hollow tubes composed of dead cells.
________ 3.5 A grain such as corn does not have a fruit surrounding it.
________ 3.6 Vascular tissue extends throughout the plant, in both the root system and
the shoot system.
________ 3.7 The loop of nephron (Henle) is a site of counter-current exchange within
the human kidney.
________ 3.8 Most mollusks have a closed circulatory system.
________ 3.9 Flatworms contain both male and female reproductive structures in each
________ 3.10 Seaweeds include all the algae.
________ 3.11 Flatworms are radially symmetrical.
________ 3.12 Reptiles are thought to be the ancestral group from which both birds and
mammals arose.
________ 3.13 As we learn more about fungi, we might expect the numbers in the
imperfect fungii to decrease.
________ 3.15 The most successful mammals belong to the group of marsupials.
________ 3.16 A stomate allows carbon dioxide into the leaf and water out of the leaf.
________ 3.17 Some plants are not photosynthetic and must depend upon bacteria in
their root nodules for nutrients.
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
________ 3.18 Earthworms are hermaphrodites, with each able to fertilize its own eggs.
________ 3.19 In flowering plants, there is a requirement for outside water to allow
fertilization to occur.
________ 3.20 A seed contains an embryo, stored food, and a protective seed coat.
________ 3.21 Pollination is carried out by wind or animals in the flowering plants.
________ 3.22 The gymnosperms produce seeds that are enclosed within a fruit.
________ 3.23The most toxic form of nitrogenous waste excreted by animals is urea.
________ 3.24 The cell wall of the bacteria contains a molecule found nowhere else
called peptidoglycan.
________ 3.25 Any fungus that has no known sexual reproductive cycle is known as an
imperfect fungus.
________ 3.26 Sponges have only a cellular level of organization, not tissue level.
________ 3.27 Mycorrhizae are parasites on the roots of most plants and reduce the
nutrition available to the plant.
41 pts Part 4: Complete the following sentences using the appropriate terms
4.1 In some fish a duct connects the swim bladder to this structure. _____________
4.2 A mass of photosynthetic plant cells. ______________
4.3 Wings are found only in this stage of the insect life cycle. __________
4.4 A male insect's sperm package. ________________
4.5 An adult tunicate has this type of existence. _____________
4.6 You'll find more of the ancestral chordate characters in this stage of a urochordate's
life cycle. ____________
4.7 The swim bladder ultimately becomes these in terrestrial vertebrates. ____________
4.8 A sharks teeth are highly modified versions of these surface structures. __________
4.9 The anus of a tunicate and a clam is located next to this siphon. ______________
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
4.10 Because of torsion, you'll find this on top of a snail's head. ___________
4.11 How a fern's sperm gets to the egg.________________
4.12 In addition to chlorophylls these pigments are often found in algal chloroplasts.
4.13 In the life cycle of plants are their spores diploid of haploid? ___________
4.14 Metameres in a worm are also called these. _______________
4.15 Mosses are an example of this type of plant architecture. _____________
4.16 One of a skeleton’s functions is to do this to contracted muscles. _____________
4.17 Plants with a way to move water internally are of this type. ____________
4.18 The ancestral echinoderms tube feet were originally used for this.___________
4.19 The biopolymer of the plant cell wall. ________________
4.20 The fusion of egg and spem. __________
4.21 The sperm of land plants are produced inside these. ___________
4.22 The unique molluscan feeding structure. ____________
4.23 This cavity is missing in an acoelomate animal. ___________
4.24 A cnidarian gastrovascular cavity is an incomplete gut because it lacks this.
4.25 Algae occupy this trophic level in aquatic environments. __________
4.26 Large brown algae have this common name. _________
4.27 Molluscs have this type of a circulatory system. _____________
4.28 Sponges are called this type of feeder because they do this to the water that they
pump. ____________
4.29 The number of tissue layers in a diploblast. _________
4.30 The part of a closed circulatory system missing in an open system are these.
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
4.31 This is the sessile stage in the cnidarian life cycle. ____________
4.32 This unique cell gives the Cnidaria, which include jellyfish, its
4.33 On a feather the barbs interlock with ______ .
4.34 This type of symmetry is found in the phylum flatworms. _______________
4.35 Birds and mammals have to maintain their body temperature at a fixed point with
little or no variation. ____________
4.36 Most of the reptiles have this number of chambers in their heart. _________
4.37 To warm up reptiles often bask in the sun because they are ______ and can't
generate their own body heat. _____________
4.38 Insects have this many pairs of legs. __________
4.39 We don't see this part of the spectrum that insects see ____________
4.40 The main nitrogenous waste produced by insects, birds and reptiles. ___________
4.41 This moveable flap covering a fish's gills helps to pump water over the gills. ___________
4.42 Two different taxa have similar looking structures that function in similar ways. It’s an
example of this type of evolution. ___________
4.43 The eukaryote organisms are all grouped into this taxon._______________
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
25 pts Part 5: Answer 5 of the following 7 sections, 5.1 – 5.7, in the space provided,
each is worth 5 points and there are choices within each section, only answer 1
5. 1 There are two major groups of seed plants. What are they and how are they
distinguished from each other? Explain the life cycle of one.
Vascular plants have tissues that transport materials in a plant. What are the different
types of tissue and explain in detail how one of them functions.
Compare the life cycle of a fern and a moss.
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
5.2 What is the endosymbiont theory, what does it explain and how does it explain it?
Why is it referred to as the Cambrian explosion, when was it and what happened?
How do prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes?
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
5.3 Fungi aren’t plants give four reasons and explain two of them in detail.
Fungal reproduction has some distinct similarities and differences between the different
phyla. What are the similarities and differences ?
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
5.4 How do two of the following feed: an amoeba, sponge, cnidarian, mollusc or a
A skeleton has two functions what are they, and how do the different types of skeleton
accomplish these two roles?
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
5.6 Insects, plants and vertebrates all faced similar problems as they moved up and into
land. What were these problems and explain how one of the groups solved them.
The amniote egg was a major vertebrate innovation. Why and what major groups have
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BIO 1109 Final Exam – December 6, 2002
Name: _____________________________ Student Number:____________________
5.7 From one of the following explain its structure and how it functions: bacterial
flagellum, protozoan flagellum, flame cell (protonephridium, compound eye, mamallian
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