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Chapter 6 (1789-1816)
Washington heads the New Government
George Washington did not want to be president, but Americans wanted a strong leader with great authority. In April 1789 accepted
result of first presidential ballot. Took the oath of office in NYC. No prior experience
Judiciary Act of 1789 –creation of a judicial system - federal court system, headed by Supreme Court. Supreme Court – consists of
a Chief Justice and five associate justices Additional Courts – 3 federal courts and 13 federal district courts throughout the country.
Section 25 of the Judiciary Act – allowed state court decisions to be appealed to a federal court when constitutional issues raised as
stated in Article 6 of the Constitution that federal laws remained “the supreme Law of Lands”.
Executive Branch – 1789 consisted of 2 officials – president and vice-president. Created 3 executive departments: Department of
State- deal with foreign affairs; Department of War; Department of Treasure to manage finances.
Cabinet – president’s chief advisers: Thomas Jefferson –Secretary of state; Henry Knox – secretary of war; Alexander Hamilton –
secretary of treasury. Edmund Randolph – attorney general – the chief lawyer of federal government
Hamilton-Jefferson Debate. Hamilton – strong central government led by prosperous, educated elite of upper-class; economy
based on commerce and industry as keys to strong nations, shipping and manufacturing; loose interpretation of Constitution, National
bank is constitutional. Payment of national and state debts favoring creditors. Supported by North. Jefferson – strong state and local
government rooted in popular participation; limited national government; economy based on farming; strict interpretation of Constitution;
national bank is unconstitutional. Payment of only national debt favoring debtors. Supported by South.
Hamilton’s economic plan – plan to manage country’s debts after the R evolution and plan to establish a national banking system
● Debts– To pay off the foreign debt and issue new bonds to cover the old ones; also federal government assume the
debts of states. Southern states opposed it because they already paid off their debts and did not want to be taxed to pay
Northern states debts. This way creditors will continue to support government.
● National bank – funded by both federal government and wealthy private investors. He wanted to tie wealthy investors to
country. Opponents – bank will create unhealthy alliance between government and wealthy.
District of Columbia – to win support for his debt plan from Southern states, Hamilton proposed to move capital to the South to new
site on the Potomac, between Maryland and Virginia.
Two-Party system – first political parties, based on arguments between Hamilton-Federalists and Jefferson-republicans. ( no relation to
today’s Republicans) Jefferson’s republicans or later Democratic Republicans were ancestors of today’s Democratic Party.
Republicans stand for limited central government, agrarian economy, strong state government, democratic system based on popular
participants. Washington saw parties as a danger to national unity
Protective tariff – import tax on goods produced in Europe – brought great revenue.
Excise tax – tax on manufacturing, sale and distribution of whiskey. 1794 farmers refused to pay taxes. The Whiskey Rebellion was a
milestone in consolidation of federal power in domestic affairs.
2 – Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation
● French Revolution – Americans initially supported French Revolution based on common ideal of republican rule. However
after radical group Jacobins seized power in France, beheaded Louis XVI and launched Reign of Terror Americans reevaluate
their position Treaty of 1778 – the alliance between France and United States.- bond between two nations. France expected
Americans to help. Republicans wanted to honor the 1778 treaty, federalists wanted to back the British. Washington took
middle position – declaration of neutrality in April 1793. Edmond Genet – French diplomat was sent to win American support.
Instead he started to recruit Americans for the war. Jefferson resigned from cabinet because ongoing confrontation with
Hamilton in 1793
● Treaty with Spain 1795 – US wanted to expand west of Appalachian Mountains and gain shipping rights to Mississippi River.
Spain was worried that of British-American action against the Louisiana. Thomas Pinckney –US ambassador pushed the
treaty. Americans also allowed trade in New Orleans.
● Native Americans of Northwest – Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin- never accepted Treaty of Paris 1783 –
Great Britain gave right to land west of Appalachians to settlers.
○ General Josiah Harmar 1790 – fought against Miami chieftain Little Turtle. Native Americans won. Next year they
won against General Arthur St. Clair.
○ 1792 General Anthony Wayne – defeated Miami Confederacy at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Miami Confederacy
signed Treaty of Greenville – gave up land in Ohio for $10000 yearly.
John Jay’s Treaty 1794 – was sent to London to negotiate treaty with Britain who will control west of Appalachian Mountains.
○ After Battle of Fallen Timbers Britain agreed to evacuate their Northwest post because they did not want to fight against US
and Napoleon’s France at the same time
○ Allowed the British to continue fur trade on the American side of US-Canadian border – angered western settlers
○ Was not able to negotiate neutral shipping rights for American vessels trading in Caribbean
John Adams –1796 election won by Federalists John Adams /Thomas Pinckney-VP against Republicans Thomas Jefferson-President/
Aaron Burr VP. Per Constitution Federalist John Adams become President and runner-up republican Thomas Jefferson becomes VP.
Problems: 1) Constitution was written at the time when country did not have political parties; 2)sectionalism – South voted for republican
Jefferson, North voted for federalist Adams.
Adams - France disagreed with Jay Treaty, refused receive American ambassador, seized American ships to Britain. 3 negotiators
included future Chief Justice John Marshall to meat with French foreign minister, Talleyrand. Instead French sent lower officials who Adams
called “X,Y and Z” and demanded $250000 payment to see Talleyrand. This XYZ Affair pushed Congress create navy department in 1798
and allowed US to seize French vessels in 2-year undeclared war. Federalists called for war, but Adams through diplomacy kept US out of
Alien and Sedition Acts -1798. Federalist were afraid of immigrants in Republican party who rose against government’s foreign policies.
Alien Act raised resident’s requirements for citizenship from 5 to 14 years, allowed president to deport or jail any undesirable alien
Sedition Act set fines and jail for anyone expressing opinions damaging to government. Under protection of this Act government jailed many
republican editors, publishers and politicians. Republicans called the laws a violation of freedom of speech
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions –set of resolutions by republicans Jefferson in Kentucky and Madison in Virginia -opposed Alien
and Sedition Acts that violated freedom of speech. Nullification states had the right to nullify or void any act of Congress that was
unconstitutional. Resolutions were not adopted by other states, but showed balance of power between states and federal government.
3-Jefferson Alters The Nation’s Course
Lewis and Clark expedition – 1804, expedition from St. Louis, Missouri to the Pacific Ocean helped lay the foundation for western
expansion. Patrick Gass kept a journal about people and places he saw.
Thomas Jefferson, a Republican wins presidential elections of 1800 against Federalist, President John Adams. by 8 electoral votes.
● Aaron Burr, Jefferson’s running mate received the same #of votes as Jefferson, so House of Representatives had to choose
between them. The deadlock revealed a flaw in electoral process, so Congress passed 12th Amendment – electors to cast separate
ballots for president and vice-president.
● Peaceful transfer of power from one party to another showed that American republic could withstand political change.
● First President in Washington D.C. showed increased importance of South in politics and declining influence New England and
● Jefferson tried to shrink the government and cut costs, reduced size of army, halted expansion of navy, eliminated all Hamilton’s
internal taxes, reduced influence of Bank of the United States. Favored free trade rather than government-controlled trade and
Federalists Lose Power – Jefferson replaced Federalist officials with Republicans.
● Judiciary Act of 1801 –signed by President Adams increases the # of federal judges by 16. Adams filled most of positions with
Federalists in attempted to control future judicial decisions. These judges called midnight judges because Adams them on the last
day of his administrations. Adams also appointed federalist John Marshal as Chief Justice, who served for more than 30 Years.
● William Marbury, federalist, was appointed by Adams but never received official papers. James Madison, secretary of states,
republican, refused to deliver papers. Chief Justice John Marshall declared Congress’s Judiciary Act of 1769 unconstitutional and
Madison is not obligated to deliver papers. The decision was victory for Republicans, but showed the ability of Supreme Court to
declare an act of Congress unconstitutional –federalist’s principle of judicial review.
● Burr shot and killed Alexander Hamilton on a duel. In 1800 elections Hamilton backed Jefferson rather that Burr, in 1804
Hamilton backed Burr’s opponent in election of New York governor. Great political loss.
Unites states expands west during Jefferson’s presidency. Most settlers came through the Cumberland Gap-passage through
Appalachians. Daniel Boone 1775 built Wilderness Road through Cumberland Gap.
● The Louisiana Purchase 1803 – 1800 Napoleon persuaded Spain to return the Louisiana Territory that they received from France
in 1762. Jefferson feared strong French presence in the midcontinent and attempted to buy New Orleans and western Florida. 1803
Napoleon could not handle slave’s revolt in Haiti, their most important colony, and decided to sell entire Louisiana to US. James
Monroe and Robert Livingston closed the deal in Paris for $15 millions. The size of US more than doubled that led to expansion of
central government. Jefferson popularity after Louisiana Purchase helped him to win reelection 1804
● The Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806 – From St. Louis to the Pacific coast. Meriwether Lewis – lead, William Clark –
second in commend. Scientific studies and native cultures were documented in journals. Sacajawea – Native American woman
served as interpreter and guide. Showed that transcontinental travel was possible, opened way for settlement of the West, claim to
the Oregon Territory in northwest coast.
4-The War of 1812 Erupts
● Prewar - Fighting between Britain and France, 1806 Napoleon exclude British goods from Europe
● Britain blockade its ports and prevented ships from entering or leaving.
● 1807 Impressments - Britain seized more than 1000 American ships at sea and drafted them to British navy.
● British commander demanded right to board and search US naval frigate Chesapeake for British deserters. US refused, British
opened fire
● Congress declare embargo – ban on exporting products to other countries. Embargo Act 1807 stifled American business and
Congress listed it in 1809.
War hawks – group of young South and West congressmen pushed Congress to war against Native Americans in Indiana Territory. 1809Leaders-John C. Calhoun (South Carolina), Henry Clay -Speaker of House of Representatives (Kentucky), General William Henry Harrison,
governor of Indiana Territory, invited Native American chiefs to Fort Wayne to convince them to sign away 3 mil acres of tribal land. 1811Confederacy of Native Americans led by chief Tecumseh fight against white settler. Harrison won Battle of Tippecanoe. Shawnee used
arms from British Canada. Hawks called for war against Canada
● Virginia Republican James Madison won election 1808; 1812-decided to go to war against Britain; his reasons-threat to American
trade and economy
● War started as a disaster because of republicans funding cuts, military ill-prepared
● US fleet commander Oliver Hazard Perry defeated British fleet on Lake Erie Sep 1813, soldiers retook Detroit
● Tecumseh was killed at Battle of Thames Oct 5 1813, confederacy collapsed, – British lost support of Native Americans.
● Superior number of British navy bottled up American ships in port. 1813
● 1814. British burned Capitol, White House in Washington DC; Madison and other flee from the capital
● 1815 General Andrew Jackson-Battle of New Orleans- British had more loses then US
● Treaty of Ghent declared armistice (end of fighting), was signed on Christmas Eve 1814, but did not reach Andrew Jackson before
the New Orleans Battle. Americans wanted peace and welcomed treaty,
● 1815 commercial treaty reopened British-American trade.
● 1817 Rush-Bagot agreement limited number of warships on Great Lakes.
● 1818 Set of boundary of Louisiana Territory at 49th parallel and Rocky Mountains, 10 years joint occupation of Oregon Territory
● War confirmed American independence, strengthened nationalism
Achievements of the United States 1789-1812
1. President Washington and other national leaders created an effective executive and judicial branch of government
2. The Federalist and Republican political parties expressed their political differences through democratic means
3. The federal government took effective action to govern domestic affairs
The Louisiana Purchase more that doubled the area of the United States
The United States established itself on the world stage.
Peaceful unification of different regions to form a single nation; beginning national identity