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Geography KS3 Long Term Plan
M1 Weather & Climate
M2 Asia
M3 Coasts
M4 Settlement
M5 Restless Earth
APP Skills
Think like a geographer
Study like a geographer
(Maps, graphs and
Applying geography
Think like a geographer
(Physical & human)
Study like a geographer
(Maps, graphs &
Know geographical
material (Case Studies)
Think like a geographer
Study like a geographer
(Maps, graphs &
Applying geography
Think like a geographer
(Physical & human)
Study like a geographer
(Maps, graphs &
Applying geography
Know geographical
material (Case Studies)
Think like a geographer
Study like a geographer
(Maps, graphs &
Completing graphs.
Completing graphs.
Completing graphs.
Completing graphs.
Completing graphs.
Taking information from
Taking information from
Taking information from
Taking information from
Taking information from
Identify patterns and trends
in graphical information,
suggest reasons for them.
Identify patterns and trends
in graphical information,
suggest reasons for them.
Identify patterns and trends
in graphical information,
suggest reasons for them.
Identify patterns and trends
in graphical information,
suggest reasons for them.
Key words (spelling, use in
written and verbal
Weather, climate, average,
extreme, arid, humid,
convectional, relief, frontal,
hurricane, tornado, cause,
effect, response,
measurement, equator,
environment, economic,
social, saffir-simpson scale,
tropic of cancer, tropic of
cancer, glacier.
Key words (spelling, use in
written and verbal
Urban, rural, urbanisation,
shanty towns, migration,
natural resources,
environment, pollution,
congestion, sustainable,
inequalities, crime,
redevelopment, push
factor, pull factor,
population density, sparsely
populated, densely
populated, monsoon, relief
Key words (spelling, use in
written and verbal
answers). Abrasion,
attrition, constructive wave,
destructive wave,
deposition, ecosystem,
effect, environment,
erosion, Happisburgh, hard
engineering, soft
engineering, hydraulic
action, longshore drift,
saltation, stakeholders,
suspension, spit, traction,
Identify patterns and
trends in graphical
information, suggest
reasons for them.
Key words (spelling, use in
written and verbal
Weather v Climate
What is China like?
What’s the impact of different
types of waves?
LO: To describe the
differences between
weather and climate.
LO: To be able to describe
the diverse landscapes of
Year 8
SPAG Focus
Week 1& 2
LO: To describe & compare
constructive and destructive
Congestion, park and ride,
congestion zones, impact,
urban sprawl, site,
function, settlement,
nucleated, dispersed,
linear, hoyt model, burgess
model, hierarchy, urban
regeneration, convenience
goods, comparison goods,
out of town shopping.
What are settlements?
LO: To be able to
evaluate the perfect site
for settlements and how
these have changed over
Key words (spelling, use in
written and verbal answers).
Crust, asthenosphere,
mantle, inner core, outer
core, Pangaea, continental
drift, destructive plate
boundary, constructive plate
boundary, conservative
plate boundary, collision
plate boundary, oceanic
crust, continental crust,
composite volcano, shield
volcano, earthquake,
epicentre, focus,
aftershocks, richter scale,
meralli scale, predict,
prepare, plan, evaluate
Journey to the centre of the
LO: To be able to describe
the structure of the earth
and the characteristics of
each layer
Geography KS3 Long Term Plan
Lesson 2
What factors determine
difference temperatures
around the world?
LO: To explain why
temperature is different
around the world.
Lesson 3
What affects temperature in
the UK?
LO: To be able to describe
the climate of the British
Week 3 & 4
Lesson 4
What are the different types
of rain?
LO: To describe the
different types of rain that
came across the UK.
Lesson 5
What is the distribution of
rainfall in the UK?
LO: To explain the
distribution of rainfall
across the UK and the
impact this has.
Lesson 6
What is a climate graph?
LO: To be able to construct
and analyse a climate
What is China like? (lesson
How have settlements
changed over time?
How have continents moved
in time?
LO: To be able to explain
how and why a settlement
changes over time.
LO: To be able to describe
why tectonic move and why
continents are where they
are today.
What affects the pattern of
How do tectonic plates
move and why?
LO: To be able to describe
the formation of caves,
arches, stacks & stumps,
spits & tombolo’s.
LO: To be able to explain
how the physical features
of the environment impacts
on the shape of
To be able to explain why
some parts of the world
have earthquakes and
Which country will emerge
as a world power in the
next 50 years?
LO: To be able to explain
how countries are
developing at different
How can the coastline be
What are the
characteristics & locations
of different urban areas?
What are the different types
of tectonic plate boundaries
and what happens there?
LO: To be able to explain
how land is used in urban
LO: To be able to explain
what happens when tectonic
plates move in different
What is life like in Sichuan
LO: To be able to explain
what life is like in
contrasting regions of
What’s happening in
What are the
characteristics and
locations of different urban
areas in Stevenage?
What are the different types
of volcanoes?
LO: To be able to describe
the diverse landscapes of
What are the main factors
theat influence the
distribution of the
population in China?
LO: To be able to explain
how China’s physical
characteristics impact on
population distribution.
Why is India the land of
LO: To be able to describe
the diversity of the Indian
How does erosion,
transportation & deposition
shape the coastline?
LO: To be able to describe
the processes of erosion,
transportation & deposition
along the coast.
What landforms occur
along a coastline?
LO: To be able to describe
the soft and hard
engineering options
available to protect the
LO: To be able to describe
the impact of coastal
erosion on Happisburgh &
its stakeholders – case
What’s happening in
Happisburgh? (Lesson 2)
LO: To be able to describe
the impact of coastal
erosion on Happisburgh &
its stakeholders – case
LO: To be able to explain
how land is used in
What is a settlement
LO: To be able to
describe the distribution of
services across different
size settlements.
LO: To be able to describe
the differences between
different types of volcano.
How can the damage from
volcanic eruption be
LO: To be able to explain
ways the impact volcanic
eruptions can have can be
Geography KS3 Long Term Plan
Week 5 & 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9 Assessment
Week 7 & 8
Lesson 10
What’s the difference
between a tornado and a
What’s the impact of sea
level rise?
LO: To be able to describe
the formation of a tornado
and a hurricane.
How does the climate vary
in India?
LO: To be able to describe
the physical characteristics
of India and explain the
impact it has on population
Why was hurricane Katrina
so devastating?
How did Kerala (India)
control population?
What’s a coastal habitat
LO: To explain the causes,
effects and responses to
hurricane Katrina – case
LO: To explain how birth
control programmes in
different countries can
follow different approaches.
LO: To be able to describe
the formation of coastal
habitat and explain the
benefits it brings.
Comparing and contrasting
Hurricane Katrina and
Cyclone Nargis.
LO: To be able to compare
and contrast the cause,
effect and management of
Hurricane Katrina and
Cyclone Nargis – case
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Close the
What is life like in
LO: To explain the causes
and effects of sea level rise
– case study.
LO: To explain issues
that face people living in
urban areas.
Glaciers: Why are they
called bulldozers?
How is Asia a continent
of contrasts?
LO: To be able to
describe how glaciers
used to shape the UK
Close the Gap
LO: To explain how
landscapes in Asia vary
and the impact this has
on human geography.
Close the Gap
What has been done to
regenerate inner city in
LO: To be able to discuss
the winners and losers in
urban regeneration
How have shopping habits
changed over time?
LO: To be able to assess
the impact internet
shopping is having.
What are the problems
and the possible
solutions to traffic in
urban areas?
LO: To be able to
explain how traffic
causes problems in
cities and possible
LO: To apply the
knowledge and
understanding of
settlements this module.
Close the Gap
Close the Gap
What are earthquakes?
LO: To be able to describe
the causes of earthquakes
and explain the damage
they can cause.
Why live close to
LO: To be able to explain
the positives of volcanic
Preparation for end of year
End of year exam
What were the causes,
effects and responses to the
boxing day tsunami, 2004.
LO: To be able to explain
the causes, effects and
responses to the boxing day
tsunami – case study.
Close the Gap
Geography KS3 Long Term Plan
Geography KS3 Long Term Plan