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UNIS Model United Nations | The Sixth Annual Session | 5th – 9th March 2014
General Assembly 1
Relationship between Disarmament and
Student Officer:
Jamie Trees
Chair of General Assembly 1
Over the recent decades there has been a push for both disarmament and
development. As globalization of the world continued more stress has been placed on
international affairs and relations. This has led to further cooperation between member states
to support and improve one another in various manners. Because of this change in the last few
decades global efforts of disarmament and development have occurred with more intensity
The focus on disarmament has come for many areas of conflict in the world, most
notably for weaponry such as nuclear weapons. During the early to mid-1900’s advancements
in technology of weapons resulted, especially due to World War I (WWI) and World War II.
After the use of chemical attacks in WWI many world leaders agreed to the 1925 Geneva
Convention that banned the use of weapons including biological and chemical weapons
(Britannica). Over the 1900’s various non – proliferation treaties on weapons, one significant
treaty being the Nuclear Non – Proliferation Treaty that opened for signature in 1968 (UN Nuclear). Since then the world has moved into disarmament and the reduction of the current
number of weapons present in the world.
The UN has led many projects to improve the quality of life and development through
several member states. The projects of development have been focused on allowing basic
necessities of live for people without these essentials. Some examples could be improving
health care and the prevention of disease, improving water safety, improving education, and
many other qualities of life. Of the development projects established by the UN and many other
organizations, many focused on the accomplishment of the Millennium Development Goals.
The goals were designed to improve the quality of life for those in need of these improvements.
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The relationship between disarmament and development can be closely related as
development may need disarmament to provide the environment to carry out these
development projects. With that said continuing these development projects may lead to
further disarmament as there is possibly less need for weaponry.
Definition of Key Terms
The reduction and or elimination of weapons, material and resources used to make
weapons, and modes of transportation for weapons. This act is generally for the promotion of
peace and safety (Reaching).
This term can be used in a variety of situations; however, in the case of the relationship
between development and disarmament it is more in relation to the improvement of the
quality of life. This can mean to areas such as the reduction of poverty, disease, or hunger and
the growth of economic, social, or environmental areas (Reaching).
Millennium Development Goals
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a set of eight development goals
established in 2000. The MDGs specific are set to achieve the following
To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
To achieve universal primary education
To promote gender equality and empowering women
To reduce child mortality rates
To improve maternal health
To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
To ensure environmental sustainability
To develop a global partnership for development
These goals were set to be achieved in 2015.
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Beginning in the 1900’s the world began to cooperate to not only halt the production of
certain weapons, particularly those of mass destruction, but also to disarm the weapons
currently manufactured, though gradually. Especially in the past few decades there has been a
push in disarmament. One of the earliest examples is the Washington Naval Treaty which not
only stopped the construction of naval ships, but limited the number of naval ships available for
countries agreeing to the treaty. This was one of the earliest examples of a disarmament
program that succeeded. This treaty occurred in the time of WWI due to the build-up of naval
arms in the member of the war.
Nuclear disarmament is a major example of global disarmament. In respects to nuclear
disarmament the best example of disarmament is the Nuclear Non – Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
signed in 1968. Nuclear disarmament has been a key example of the relationship between
disarmament and development as a key benefit for nuclear disarmament is that the resources
used for such weapons can be used for other purposes such as energy. This has been reflected
in more recent disarmament treaties since the signing of the NPT (UN).
Especially with the formation of the UN, the world has led many programs to promote
development in various areas. This is shown in various resolutions, treaties, and the
construction of organizations such as the United Nation Development Program (UNDP). This
focus in development has led to the development of programs such as the MDGs which has led
to increase in funding between member states for the purpose of development (Britannica).
Key Issues
Current Areas of Conflict
While the plan for disarmament may allow for a reasonable plan in theory, the practical
implementation of these plans causes issue in areas of conflict. Disarmament in these conflict
zones are known to be more difficult due to the use of these weapons as the main mean of
defense. The notion of decreasing fund in military to be further spent in other areas more
related to development is viable, however, due to the threat of hostile actions from other
countries this may be difficult to do. To be able to appropriately lower the military expenditure
to be redistributed, the country must feel secure in their defense and sovereignty. This issue
must be addressed to lead to disarmament which leads to development (Reaching).
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Incentive for Disarmament and Development
One issue that must be addressed is the incentive for member states to lower military
expenditure to be replaced with development programs, especially if these development
programs are to foreign nations. The main problem to this is idea that it is moving funding from
an internal sector, the military, to a program that leaks funding out of the country,
development. Some further incentives to compensate for this leakage of funds, especially when
it could be spent on other internal sectors, needs to be presented for these nations. With that
said this may be in varied forms such as further economic trade agreements, regional security,
and other possible areas (Britannica).
Resources Being Used for Weapons
The issues that come from the production of weapons are the resources that are used
for such weapons. While for many weapons the same resources used for the production of the
weapons can be diverted to other sectors. With that said there are some examples where this is
not as true. For example nuclear and chemical weapons have trouble recycling the materials
used to make it. Another factor that adds difficulty to this is that the materials are highly fragile
with catastrophic outcomes if mishandled. This disarmament of these weapons may possibly
lead to development, however, not in as a direct fashion as other weapons (Reaching).
Timeline of Relevant Resolutions, Treaties and Events
1921: Washington Naval Conference was held which actively led to non – proliferation of
weapons but also led to disarmament of the weapons through setting a limit.
1925: The Geneva Protocols laid a foundation for disarmament to occur and for the ban the use
of various weapons helping the disarmament efforts (Britannica).
1968: The creation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and its implementation following a
signing of many countries. The NPT led to the ban and gradual disarmament of various nuclear
weapon programs. It is a treaty still followed and used as foundation for various treaties to
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2000: The creation of the MDGs that have been the focal point of many organizations and
projects relating to development in the past. The MDGs are still goals that are worked on to be
accomplished for many countries (UN Millennium).
2013: Session of the Conference for Disarmament is held in UN headquarters. Various debates
occur on the issues of non-proliferation with an emphasis on nuclear weapons, international
security issues, and an number of humanitarian and environmental issues (NTI).
Previous Attempts to Resolve the Issue
In the previous UN sessions there have been several plans in attempt to improve
disarmament and development. The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) is
a major agency from the UN to continue the process of disarmament. From both disarmament
and development UNODA works for this such as the subset of UNODA for South America and
the Caribbean, the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament, and Development
in Latin American and the Caribbean.
Other than this the UN has worked and negotiated on the issue of disarmament and
development through other resolutions such as the recent resolutions A/RES/62/48 and
A/RES/62/49 which was to promote communication between states in disarmament and
development and increase access of information pertinent to the plans of disarmament and
development. Furthermore there are individual treaties as well such as the 1925 Geneva
Protocol and the NPT, though these two examples are more in relation to disarmament rather
than both disarmament and development (UNIDIR).
Possible Solutions
These are basic possible solution and aspects to look from, however, should be further
explored and developed for the respective resolution.
Due to the supposed need for weaponry and arms as a major form of protection,
negotiations between various conflicting factions need to begin. If both parties agree to the
disarmament and reduction in military resources the disarmament process can begin which can
lead to development in the area as there are more resources as well as less potential danger
from conflict as there are fewer weapons.
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Another possible solution is the reduction of military expenditure in general to be
replaced with funding into development and the accomplishment of the millennium
development goals. This is a clear solution, however, may come with reservations from various
nation states, especially if a clear guideline to how this is implemented is not included.
A key point to the resolution should be fostering cooperation between member states
to encourage the promotion of both disarmament and development. This cooperation is
essential to assure projects in relation to disarmament and development are achieved. On this
note there are several ways in which this may be improved such as joint efforts for further
conferences and other meetings to assure the needs of various states are addressed or the
creation of further offices on the subject of disarmament and development from organizations
such as UNODA.
Britannica. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2014. <
NTI. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. <
Reaching Critical Will. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2014.
Transcend. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2014. <
UN. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Feb. 2014. <
UN. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2014. <
UN. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2014. <>.
UNIDIR. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. <
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