Download 03 Short Quiz_Exit Slip Before WW I The USA and Imperialism

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Short Quiz / Exit Slip: Before WW I: The USA and Imperialism
Part A: Multiple Choice: Instructions: Choose the option that answers the question.
1. Which option below correctly defines imperialism?
a. When a civil war breaks out in a weak area of the world
b. When a large nation trades with a small nation
c. When a large nation controls another region
d. A and C
2. After the Spanish American War, the USA controlled all of the following areas EXCEPT:
a. Guam
b. Puerto Rico
c. The Philippines
d. Venezuela
3. Who created the Open Door Notes?
a. William Jennings Bryan
b. John Hay
c. King Edward the 7th
d. Carl Lundberg
4. What was the goal of the Open Door Notes?
a. To allow the USA to control Africa
b. To stop the Boxer Rebellion
c. To encourage cooperation between imperial nations
d. To unite the European imperial nations together as one nation
5. What event displayed that many Americans supported imperialism?
a. The signing of the Boxer Protocol
b. The issuing of the Open Door Notes
c. The election of William McKinley
d. The appointment of John Hay as Secretary of State
Part B: Short Answer: Instructions: Answer the question below.
1. What was the Boxer Rebellion? How did it end?
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Short Quiz / Exit Slip: Before WW I: The USA and Imperialism
Part A: Multiple Choice: Instructions: Choose the option that answers the question.
1. Which option below correctly defines imperialism?
a. When a civil war breaks out in a weak area of the world
b. When a large nation trades with a small nation
c. When a large nation controls another region
d. A and C
2. After the Spanish American War, the USA controlled all of the following areas EXCEPT:
a. Guam
b. Puerto Rico
c. The Philippines
d. Venezuela
3. Who created the Open Door Notes?
a. William Jennings Bryan
b. John Hay
c. King Edward the 7th
d. Carl Lundberg
4. What was the goal of the Open Door Notes?
a. To allow the USA to control Africa
b. To stop the Boxer Rebellion
c. To encourage cooperation between imperial nations
d. To unite the European imperial nations together as one nation
5. What event displayed that many Americans supported imperialism?
a. The signing of the Boxer Protocol
b. The issuing of the Open Door Notes
c. The election of William McKinley
d. The appointment of John Hay as Secretary of State
Part B: Short Answer: Instructions: Answer the question below.
1. What was the Boxer Rebellion? How did it end?
While John Hay achieved a peaceful policy between the European nations and the
USA with the Open Door Notes, this did not protect the imperial powers from local
rebellions. A group of martial artists called the Boxers rose up and determined to
remove foreign influence out of China. They targeted missionaries, Westerners, and
all affiliated with foreign influence. France, Germany, Japan, Britain, and the USA
united their forces to crush the Boxer Rebellion. In 1901, the Chinese government
signed the Boxer Protocol officially ending the rebellion.
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